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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

    pgh.name, pgv.version_number, pgn.entity_id, pgn.hierarchy_node_id
    c_hierarchy_name, c_hierarchy_version_num, c_parent_org_id, c_parent_node_id
    per_gen_hierarchy pgh,
    per_gen_hierarchy_versions pgv,
    per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pgn
    pgh.hierarchy_id         = p_hierarchy_id
and pgh.hierarchy_id         = pgv.hierarchy_id
and pgv.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
and pgn.hierarchy_version_id = pgv.hierarchy_version_id
and pgn.node_type = 'PAR';
Line: 49

  select null
  into   l_dummy
  from   hr_all_organization_units
  where  organization_id = c_parent_org_id
  and    location_id is not null;
Line: 62

  select null
  into   l_dummy
  from   hr_organization_information
  where  organization_id = c_parent_org_id
  and    org_information_context = 'EEO_Spec';
Line: 75

  select null
  into   l_dummy
  from   hr_location_extra_info hlei1,
         hr_location_extra_info hlei2,
         per_gen_hierarchy_nodes pgn,
         hr_locations_all eloc
  where  pgn.hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
  and    pgn.node_type = 'EST'
  and    eloc.location_id = pgn.entity_id
  and    hlei1.location_id = eloc.location_id
  and    hlei1.information_type = 'EEO-1 Specific Information'
  and    hlei1.lei_information_category= 'EEO-1 Specific Information'
  and    hlei2.location_id = eloc.location_id
  and    hlei2.information_type = 'Establishment Information'
  and    hlei2.lei_information_category= 'Establishment Information';
Line: 158

select 'Y'
per_all_assignments_f ass
    ass.person_id = person_id1
and report_date_end between ass.effective_start_date
and ass.effective_end_date
and ass.assignment_type = 'E'
and ass.primary_flag = 'Y'
and (ass.location_id is null
    or ass.location_id not in
       (select entity_id
        from   per_gen_hierarchy_nodes
        where  hierarchy_version_id = p_hierarchy_version_id
        and   node_type <> 'PAR'))
Line: 176

 select 'Y'
      per_all_assignments_f ass
      ass.person_id = person_id1
  and ass.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
      and report_date_end between ass.effective_start_date and ass.effective_end_date

  and ass.assignment_type  = 'E'
  and ass.primary_flag     = 'Y'
  and exists (select 'x'
      from hr_organization_information hoi1
     where to_char(ass.assignment_status_type_id) = hoi1.org_information1
       and hoi1.org_information_context = 'Reporting Statuses'
       and hoi1.organization_id         = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID);
Line: 194

  select 'Y'
  from per_all_people_f peo
   (peo.per_information1 is not null
     and exists
     (select null
      from   hr_lookups
      where  peo.per_information1 = lookup_code
      and    lookup_type = 'US_ETHNIC_GROUP'
  and peo.person_id = person_id1
  and peo.per_information_category = 'US'
  and peo.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
  and report_date_end between peo.effective_start_date
  and peo.effective_end_date
Line: 216

 select 'Y'
    per_all_assignments_f ass
      ass.person_id = person_id1
  and ass.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
  and report_date_end between ass.effective_start_date
  and ass.effective_end_date

  and ass.assignment_type          = 'E'
  and ass.primary_flag             = 'Y'
  and ass.employment_category is not null
  and exists (select 'x'
      from hr_organization_information hoi2
     where ass.employment_category      = hoi2.org_information1
       and hoi2.org_information_context  = 'Reporting Categories'
       and hoi2.organization_id          = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID);
Line: 235

  select 'Y'
     per_all_assignments_f ass
    ,per_jobs         job
      ass.person_id = person_id1
  and ass.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
  and job.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
  and report_date_end between ass.effective_start_date
  and ass.effective_end_date

  and ass.assignment_type            = 'E'
  and ass.primary_flag               = 'Y'
  and ass.job_id is not null
  and ass.job_id = job.job_id
  and job.job_information_category   = 'US'
  and report_date_end between job.date_from
  and nvl(job.date_to, report_date_end)
      and job.job_information1 in
    (select lookup_code
     from   hr_lookups
     where  lookup_type = 'US_EEO1_JOB_CATEGORIES')
Line: 260

  select substr(peo.full_name,1,150)        emp_name,
         peo.employee_number  emp_num,
         peo.sex              sex
  from per_all_people_f peo
  where peo.person_id = person_id1
    and peo.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    and report_date_end between peo.effective_start_date
    and peo.effective_end_date
Line: 271

select  nvl(jbt.name, 'Not Specified')||' '||nvl(lup.meaning,'') job_cat
  from  hr_lookups            lup
       ,per_all_assignments_f ass
       ,per_jobs_vl           job
       ,per_jobs_tl           jbt
 where  ass.person_id = person_id1

   and report_date_end between ass.effective_start_date
   and ass.effective_end_date
   and report_date_end between job.date_from
   and nvl(job.date_to, report_date_end)
   and  ass.assignment_type  = 'E'
   and  ass.primary_flag     = 'Y'
   and  ass.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
   and  job.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
      and  ass.job_id = jbt.job_id (+)
   and  jbt.language(+) = userenv('LANG')
   and  ass.job_id = job.job_id (+)
   and  job.job_information1 = lup.lookup_code(+)
   and  lup.lookup_type(+) = 'US_EEO1_JOB_CATEGORIES'
   and  job.job_information_category(+) = 'US' ;
Line: 295

  select  nvl(lup.meaning, 'Not Specified')   ethnic
    from  hr_lookups            lup
         ,per_all_people_f  peo
   where  peo.person_id = person_id1
     and  peo.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
     and  peo.per_information_category(+) = 'US'
     and  peo.per_information1 = lup.lookup_code(+)
     and  lup.lookup_type(+) = 'US_ETHNIC_GROUP'
     and report_date_end between peo.effective_start_date
     and peo.effective_end_date

Line: 310

  select nvl(lup.meaning, 'Not Specified')    emp_cat
    from hr_lookups              lup
        ,per_all_assignments_f   ass
   where ass.person_id = person_id1
    and  ass.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    and  ass.employment_category = lup.lookup_code(+)
    and  lup.lookup_type(+) = 'EMP_CAT'

and report_date_end between ass.effective_start_date
and ass.effective_end_date
and  ass.assignment_type  = 'E'
and  ass.primary_flag    = 'Y';
Line: 324

  select past.user_status   ustat
    from per_all_assignments_f  ass
        ,per_assignment_status_types past
   where ass.person_id = person_id1
     and  ass.business_group_id = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID

     and report_date_end between ass.effective_start_date
     and ass.effective_end_date
     and ass.assignment_type  = 'E'
     and ass.primary_flag    = 'Y'
     and ass.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
     and past.active_flag = 'Y'
     and past.primary_flag = 'P'
Line: 340

    select 'Y'
     per_all_assignments_f ass
    ,hr_location_extra_info          hlei1
    ,hr_location_extra_info          hlei2
         ass.person_id = person_id1
    and report_date_end between ass.effective_start_date
    and ass.effective_end_date
    and ass.assignment_type = 'E'
    and ass.primary_flag = 'Y'
    and to_char(hlei1.location_id) = ass.location_id
    and to_char(hlei2.location_id) = ass.location_id
    and hlei1.location_id = hlei2.location_id
    and hlei1.information_type = 'EEO-1 Specific Information'
    and hlei1.lei_information_category= 'EEO-1 Specific Information'
    and hlei2.information_type = 'Establishment Information'
    and hlei2.lei_information_category= 'Establishment Information';
Line: 456

      SELECT 'Y'
      INTO   l_two_or_more
      FROM   per_people_extra_info
      WHERE  person_id = person_id1
      AND    information_type = 'US_ETHNIC_ORIGIN'
      AND    pei_information7 = 'Y'
      AND   (DECODE(pei_information1, 'Y', 1, 0)
             + DECODE(pei_information2, 'Y', 1, 0)
             + DECODE(pei_information3, 'Y', 1, 0)
             + DECODE(pei_information4, 'Y', 1, 0)
             + DECODE(pei_information5, 'Y', 1, 0)
             + DECODE(pei_information6, 'Y', 1, 0)
            ) <= 1;