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Line 4203: from ar_adjustments_all adj

4199: -- xla team instructions (noela, ayse)
4200: cursor C_ERS_LOAN_CLEARING(p_loan_id number) is
4201: select sum(ael.entered_dr)
4202: ,ael.code_combination_id
4203: from ar_adjustments_all adj
4204: ,xla_transaction_entities ent
4205: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
4206: ,xla_ae_lines ael
4207: where ent.application_id = 222

Line 4250: from ar_adjustments adj

4246: -- use this to get all adjustments to be processed for the loan
4247: cursor c_adj_ids (p_loan_id number) is
4248: select adj.adjustment_id
4249: ,adj.adjustment_number
4250: from ar_adjustments adj
4251: ,lns_loan_lines lines
4252: where lines.rec_adjustment_number = adj.adjustment_number
4253: and lines.end_date is null
4254: and lines.reference_type = 'RECEIVABLE'

Line 6593: from ar_adjustments_all adj

6589: -- cursor to establish the loan clearing accounts
6590: cursor C_ERS_LOAN_CLEARING(p_loan_line_id number) is
6591: select sum(ael.entered_dr)
6592: ,ael.code_combination_id
6593: from ar_adjustments_all adj
6594: ,xla_transaction_entities ent
6595: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
6596: ,xla_ae_lines ael
6597: where ent.application_id = 222

Line 6686: from lns_loan_lines lines, ar_adjustments_all adj

6682: and trunc(am.due_date) <= trunc(p_adj_date);
6684: cursor c_adj_date(p_loan_line_id number) is
6685: select ADJUSTMENT_DATE, adj.gl_date
6686: from lns_loan_lines lines, ar_adjustments_all adj
6687: where lines.LOAN_LINE_ID = p_loan_line_id
6688: and lines.REC_ADJUSTMENT_ID = adj.ADJUSTMENT_ID;
6690: CURSOR c_get_prin_distr(C_LOAN_ID number, C_ADJ_DATE date, C_LOAN_LINE_ID number) IS