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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

|    20-May-04 W. Shen        Delete insert_accounting_source and       |
|                             delete_accounting_source since they are no|
|                             longer used. add new function             |
|                             event_source_details_exist                |
|                                                                       |

|                                                                       |
| Public Procedure                                                      |
|                                                                       |
| insert_accounting_source                                              |
|                                                                       |
| Inserts accounting source into line types for the event class         |
|                                                                       |
PROCEDURE insert_accounting_source
  (p_application_id                   IN NUMBER
  ,p_entity_code                      IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_event_class_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_accounting_source_code           IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_acctg_source_default_flag        IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_source_application_id            IN NUMBER
  ,p_source_code                      IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_source_type_code                 IN VARCHAR2)

   -- Private variables
   l_exist  varchar2(1);
Line: 51

   l_last_update_date                DATE := sysdate;
Line: 53

   l_last_update_login               INTEGER := xla_environment_pkg.g_login_id;
Line: 54

   l_last_updated_by                 INTEGER := xla_environment_pkg.g_usr_id;
Line: 62

   SELECT application_id, amb_context_code, entity_code, event_class_code,
          accounting_line_type_code, accounting_line_code
     FROM xla_acct_line_types_b
    WHERE application_id   = p_application_id
      AND entity_code      = p_entity_code
      AND event_class_code = p_event_class_code;
Line: 72

   xla_utility_pkg.trace('> xla_event_sources_pkg.insert_accounting_source'                       , 10);
Line: 88

         INSERT INTO xla_jlt_acct_attrs
Line: 134

         INSERT INTO xla_jlt_acct_attrs
Line: 168

   xla_utility_pkg.trace('< xla_event_sources_pkg.insert_accounting_source'                       , 10);
Line: 175

      (p_location   => 'xla_event_sources_pkg.insert_accounting_source');
Line: 177

END insert_accounting_source;
Line: 184

| delete_accounting_source                                              |
|                                                                       |
| Deletes accounting source from the line types                         |
|                                                                       |

PROCEDURE delete_accounting_source
  (p_application_id                   IN NUMBER
  ,p_entity_code                      IN VARCHAR2)

   l_exist   varchar2(30):= null;
Line: 204

   SELECT accounting_source_code
     FROM xla_acctg_sources_b
    WHERE restrict_source_lov_flag = 'Y'
      OR restrict_source_lov_flag is null;
Line: 213

   xla_utility_pkg.trace('> xla_event_sources_pkg.delete_accounting_source'                    , 10);
Line: 222

        FROM xla_jlt_acct_attrs a
       WHERE a.application_id = p_application_id
         AND a.accounting_attribute_code = l_acct_source.accounting_source_code
         AND not exists (SELECT 'x'
                           FROM xla_event_sources e
                          WHERE e.application_id = a.application_id
                            AND e.event_class_code = a.event_class_code
                           AND e.accounting_source_code = a.accounting_source_code);
Line: 235

   xla_utility_pkg.trace('< xla_event_sources_pkg.delete_accounting_source'                    , 10);
Line: 242

        (p_location   => 'xla_event_sources_pkg.delete_accounting_source');
Line: 244

END delete_accounting_source;
Line: 248

   p_event: UPDATE or DELETE. If it is UPDATE, which means the form is
            calling this function for updating, no out parameter need
            to be populated since the field will be disabled. If the
            function is called in DELETE mode, then the out parameters
            are needed for the error messege
   p_assignment_level: whether the source is assigned at CLASS level or
            JLT level or AAD level. error message will be different
            for different level
   p_name: the name of the AAD(if the p_assignment_level is AAD) or JLT
            (if the p_assignment_level is JLT), used in the error msg
   p_type: the type of the AAD(if the p_assignment_level is AAD) or JLT
            (if the p_assignment_level is JLT), used in the error msg

FUNCTION event_source_details_exist
  (p_application_id                   IN NUMBER
  ,p_entity_code                      IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_event_class_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_source_application_id            IN NUMBER
  ,p_source_code                      IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_source_type_code                 IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_event                            IN VARCHAR2
  ,p_assignment_level                 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,p_name                             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ,p_type                             OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)

  return boolean is

   -- Cursor declarations

   CURSOR c_class_assignment
     FROM xla_evt_class_acct_attrs
    WHERE application_id        = p_application_id
      AND event_class_code      = p_event_class_code
      AND source_application_id = p_source_application_id
      AND source_code           = p_source_code
      AND source_type_code      = p_source_type_code;
Line: 294

   SELECT amb_context_code, accounting_line_type_code, accounting_line_code
     FROM xla_jlt_acct_attrs
    WHERE application_id        = p_application_id
      AND event_class_code      = p_event_class_code
      AND source_application_id = p_source_application_id
      AND source_code           = p_source_code
      AND source_type_code      = p_source_type_code;
Line: 304

     FROM xla_aad_hdr_acct_attrs
    WHERE application_id        = p_application_id
      AND event_class_code      = p_event_class_code
      AND source_application_id = p_source_application_id
      AND source_code           = p_source_code
      AND source_type_code      = p_source_type_code;
Line: 337

       IF(p_event = 'DELETE') THEN
         p_assignment_level := 'JLT';
Line: 359

         IF(p_event = 'DELETE') THEN
           p_assignment_level := 'AAD';