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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 25

select iby_tangible_s.nextval
from dual;
Line: 41

**  insert tangible information in iby_bill table.
    insert into iby_tangible( mtangibleId, tangibleid, amount,
                              currencyNameCode, acctno, refinfo, memo,issuedate,
                              Order_Medium, Eft_Auth_Method,
			      last_update_date, last_updated_by,
                              creation_date, created_by,
			      last_update_login, object_version_number)
    values ( io_Mtangibleid, i_billId, i_billAmount, i_billCurDef,
             i_billAcct, i_billRefInfo, i_billMemo, sysdate,
             i_billOrderMedium, i_billEftAuthMethod,
             sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
	     sysdate, fnd_global.user_id,
	     fnd_global.login_id, 1);
Line: 76

    update iby_tangible
    set amount                = i_billAmount,
        currencyNameCode      = i_billCurDef,
        acctno                = i_billAcct,
        refinfo               = i_billRefInfo,
        memo                  = i_billMemo,
        Order_Medium          = i_billOrderMedium,
        Eft_Auth_Method       = i_billEftAuthMethod,
	last_update_date      = sysdate,
	last_updated_by       = fnd_global.user_id,
	last_update_login     = fnd_global.login_id,
	object_version_number = 1
    where mtangibleId = i_mtangibleid
    and tangibleId = i_billId;