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Line 59: (payroll_name pay_payrolls_f.payroll_name%TYPE

55: g_extract_payroll_names t_srs_payroll_type ;
56: --
57: --
58: Type g_payroll_details Is Record
59: (payroll_name pay_payrolls_f.payroll_name%TYPE
60: ,period_type pay_payrolls_f.period_type%TYPE
61: ,payroll_start_date date
62: ,payroll_end_date date
63: ,actual_pay_date date

Line 60: ,period_type pay_payrolls_f.period_type%TYPE

56: --
57: --
58: Type g_payroll_details Is Record
59: (payroll_name pay_payrolls_f.payroll_name%TYPE
60: ,period_type pay_payrolls_f.period_type%TYPE
61: ,payroll_start_date date
62: ,payroll_end_date date
63: ,actual_pay_date date
64: );

Line 132: from pay_payrolls_f

128: --
129: Cursor csr_payroll_name (c_payroll_id In per_all_assignments_f.payroll_id%TYPE
130: ,c_effective_date In date ) Is
131: Select payroll_name, period_type
132: from pay_payrolls_f
133: Where c_effective_date Between effective_start_date
134: and effective_end_date
135: and payroll_id = c_payroll_id;

Line 152: Cursor csr_time_period ( c_payroll_id In pay_payrolls_f.payroll_id%TYPE

149: -- Based on the Payroll id and the effective date of the extract get the start
150: -- and end date of the period. Used only in case of the PTD as each assign. may have
151: -- different payroll frequency i.e. Monthly, Semi-Month, Weekly etc..
152: Cursor csr_time_period ( c_payroll_id In pay_payrolls_f.payroll_id%TYPE
153: ,c_effective_date In date) Is
154: Select start_date, end_date
155: from per_time_periods
156: where payroll_id = c_payroll_id