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1 PACKAGE inv_replenish_detail_pub AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2   /* $Header: INVTOTXS.pls 120.2.12020000.5 2013/04/18 06:41:16 vipratap ship $ */
4   --  variables representing missing records and tables
8   --G_MISS_SERIAL_REC        INV_AUTODETAIL.serial_row;
9   --G_MISS_SERIAL_REC_TBL    INV_AUTODETAIL.serial_row_table;
11   --  procedure
13   PROCEDURE line_details_pub(
14     p_line_id               IN            NUMBER := fnd_api.g_miss_num
15   , x_number_of_rows        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
16   , x_detailed_qty          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
17   , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
18   , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
19   , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
20   , x_revision              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
21   , x_locator_id            OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
22   , x_transfer_to_location  OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
23   , x_lot_number            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
24   , x_expiration_date       OUT NOCOPY    DATE
25   , x_transaction_temp_id   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
26   , p_transaction_header_id IN            NUMBER
27   , p_transaction_mode      IN            NUMBER
28   , p_move_order_type       IN            NUMBER
29   , p_serial_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
30   , p_plan_tasks            IN            BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
31   , p_auto_pick_confirm     IN            BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL
32   , p_commit                IN            BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
33   , p_transaction_date      IN            DATE DEFAULT NULL
34   , p_period_id             IN            NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
36   );
38 -- HW INVCONV - overleoaded procedure
39  PROCEDURE line_details_pub(
40     p_line_id               IN            NUMBER := fnd_api.g_miss_num
41   , x_number_of_rows        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
42   , x_detailed_qty          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
43   , x_detailed_qty2         OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
44   , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
45   , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
46   , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
47   , x_revision              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
48   , x_locator_id            OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
49   , x_transfer_to_location  OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
50   , x_lot_number            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
51   , x_expiration_date       OUT NOCOPY    DATE
52   , x_transaction_temp_id   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
53   , p_transaction_header_id IN            NUMBER
54   , p_transaction_mode      IN            NUMBER
55   , p_move_order_type       IN            NUMBER
56   , p_serial_flag           IN            VARCHAR2
57   , p_plan_tasks            IN            BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
58   , p_auto_pick_confirm     IN            BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL
59   , p_commit                IN            BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE
60   , p_transaction_date      IN            DATE DEFAULT NULL
61   , p_period_id             IN            NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
62   );
64 /* p_transaction_date,p_period_id parameters are added for the Bug#14371307. with out this fix,  Transaction Date is showing as sysdate in Material Transaction Form even though Transaction Date in Transact Move Order Form is changed to past date. */
66   PROCEDURE assign_expenditure_org(p_transaction_temp_id NUMBER);
68 -- HW INVCONV Added Qty2
69   PROCEDURE delete_details(
70     p_transaction_temp_id   IN            NUMBER
71   , p_move_order_line_id    IN            NUMBER
72   , p_reservation_id        IN            NUMBER
73   , p_transaction_quantity  IN            NUMBER
74   , p_transaction_quantity2 IN            NUMBER default FND_API.G_MISS_NUM
75   , p_primary_trx_qty       IN            NUMBER
76   , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
77   , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
78   , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
79   , p_delete_temp_records   IN            BOOLEAN default TRUE /*Bug#5505709*/
80   );
82   PROCEDURE clear_block_cancel(p_trx_header_id IN NUMBER, p_success IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN);
86   PROCEDURE split_line_details(
87     p_transaction_temp_id  IN            NUMBER
88   , p_missing_quantity     IN            NUMBER
89   , p_detailed_quantity    IN            NUMBER
90   , p_transaction_quantity IN            NUMBER
91   , x_return_status        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
92   , x_msg_count            OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
93   , x_msg_data             OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
94   );
96   PROCEDURE auto_pick_confirm(
97     p_line_id         IN            NUMBER
98   , p_move_order_type IN            NUMBER
99   , x_return_status   OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
100   , x_msg_count       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
101   , x_msg_data        OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
102   );
104   PROCEDURE changed_from_subinventory(
105     p_reservation_id      IN            NUMBER
106   , p_transaction_temp_id IN            NUMBER
107   , p_old_subinventory    IN            VARCHAR2
108   , p_new_subinventory    IN            VARCHAR2
109   , p_new_locator_id      IN            NUMBER
110   , x_to_reservation_id   OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
111   , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
112   , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
113   , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
114   );
116   PROCEDURE reserve_unconfirm_qty(
117     p_reservation_id   IN            NUMBER
118   , p_missing_quantity IN            NUMBER
119   , x_return_status    OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
120   , x_msg_count        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
121   , x_msg_data         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
122   );
124   --Check_Shipping_Tolerances
125   --
126   -- This API checks to make sure that transacting the current allocation
127   -- does not exceed shipping tolerances.
128   -- p_line_id : the move order line id.
129   -- p_quantity: the quantity to be transacted
130   -- x_allowed: 'Y' if txn is allowed, 'N' otherwise
133   PROCEDURE check_shipping_tolerances(
134     x_return_status OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
135   , x_msg_count     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
136   , x_msg_data      OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
137   , x_allowed       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
138   , x_max_quantity  OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
139   , x_max_quantity2  OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER   --MUOM Fulfillment Project
140   , p_line_id       IN            NUMBER
141   , p_quantity      IN            NUMBER
142   , p_quantity2     IN            NUMBER DEFAULT NULL   --MUOM Fulfillment Project
143   );
145   -- OVPK
146   -- Get_Overpick_Qty
147   --
148   -- This API will take 2 input parameters
149   -- 1. p_transaction_temp_id
150   -- 2. p_overpicked_qty
151   -- This API will return
152   -- 1. x_ovpk_allowed
153   -- 2. x_max_qty_allowed
154   -- x_ovpk_allowed will be 0 if overpicking is not allowed
155   -- x_ovpk_allowed will be 1 if overpicking is allowed
156   -- x_max_qty_allowed will return the max qty that can be picked for that task
158   -- For Manufacturing Component Pick - Move Order type 5,
159   --     Replenishment                - Move Order type 2,
160   --     Requisition                  - Move Order type 1
161   -- where there is no tolerance set on the quantity that can be picked,
162   -- this procedure will return x_max_qty_allowed as -1
164   PROCEDURE get_overpick_qty(
165     p_transaction_temp_id IN            NUMBER
166   , p_overpicked_qty      IN            NUMBER
167   , p_overpicked_qty2      IN           NUMBER DEFAULT NULL --MUOM Fulfillment Project
168   , x_ovpk_allowed        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
169   , x_max_qty_allowed     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
170   , x_max_qty_allowed2    OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER --MUOM Fulfillment Project
171   , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
172   , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
173   , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
174   );
176   -- OVPK
177   -- Check_Overpick
178   --
179   -- This API will take 10 input parameters
180   --   1. p_transaction_temp_id
181   --   2. p_overpicked_qty
182   --   3. p_item_id
183   --   4. p_rev
184   --   5. p_lot_num
185   --   6. p_lot_exp_date
186   --   7. p_sub
187   --   8. p_locator_id
188   --   9. p_lpn_id
189   --   10. p_overpicked_qty2
190   -- The procedure check_overpick will be called from the client java file
191   -- This API check_overpick will in turn call Get_Overpick_Qty to find
192   --    a) Is overpicking allowed for given Org, MO type and transaction_temp_id ?
193   --    b) What is the max quantity that can be overpicked ?
194   -- It will then log the appropriate error message if the user encounters such a state,
195   -- such as 'Overpicking not allowed' or 'Insufficient stock' or 'Shipping Tolerance exceeded'
196   -- Otherwise it will update QUANTITY_DETAILED in MTRL (if it is not a bulk picked task)
197   -- and return control to the calling routine, with x_check_overpick_passed set to 'Y'
198   -- thereby allowing him to overpick.
199   -- This API will also return x_ovpk_error_code
200   -- This OUT param will return 1 for error INV_OVERPICK_NOT_ALLOWED
201   --                            2 for error INV_LACK_MTRL_TO_OVERPICK
202   --                            3 for error INV_OVERSHIP_TOLERANCE
204   PROCEDURE check_overpick(
205     p_transaction_temp_id   IN            NUMBER
206   , p_overpicked_qty        IN            NUMBER
207   , p_overpicked_qty2       IN            NUMBER  --MUOM Fulfillment Project
208   , p_item_id               IN            NUMBER
209   , p_rev                   IN            VARCHAR2
210   , p_lot_num               IN            VARCHAR2
211   , p_lot_exp_date          IN            DATE
212   , p_sub                   IN            VARCHAR2
213   , p_locator_id            IN            NUMBER
214   , p_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
215   , x_check_overpick_passed OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR
216   , x_ovpk_error_code       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
217   , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
218   , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
219   , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
220   );
223   -- OVPK
224   -- Check_Overpick(Overloaded procedure)
225   --
226   -- This API will take 10 input parameters
227   --   1. p_transaction_temp_id
228   --   2. p_overpicked_qty
229   --   3. p_item_id
230   --   4. p_rev
231   --   5. p_lot_num
232   --   6. p_lot_exp_date
233   --   7. p_sub
234   --   8. p_locator_id
235   --   9. p_lpn_id
236   --   10 p_att
237   -- The procedure check_overpick will be called from the client java file
238   -- This API check_overpick will in turn call Get_Overpick_Qty to find
239   --    a) Is overpicking allowed for given Org, MO type and transaction_temp_id ?
240   --    b) What is the max quantity that can be overpicked ?
241   -- It will then log the appropriate error message if the user encounters such a state,
242   -- such as 'Overpicking not allowed' or 'Insufficient stock' or 'Shipping Tolerance exceeded'
243   -- Otherwise it will update QUANTITY_DETAILED in MTRL (if it is not a bulk picked task)
244   -- and return control to the calling routine, with x_check_overpick_passed set to 'Y'
245   -- thereby allowing him to overpick.
246   -- This API will also return x_ovpk_error_code
247   -- This OUT param will return 1 for error INV_OVERPICK_NOT_ALLOWED
248   --                            2 for error INV_LACK_MTRL_TO_OVERPICK
249   --                            3 for error INV_OVERSHIP_TOLERANCE
251   PROCEDURE check_overpick(
252     p_transaction_temp_id   IN            NUMBER
253   , p_overpicked_qty        IN            NUMBER
254   , p_item_id               IN            NUMBER
255   , p_rev                   IN            VARCHAR2
256   , p_lot_num               IN            VARCHAR2
257   , p_lot_exp_date          IN            DATE
258   , p_sub                   IN            VARCHAR2
259   , p_locator_id            IN            NUMBER
260   , p_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
261   , p_att                   IN            NUMBER
262   , x_check_overpick_passed OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR
263   , x_ovpk_error_code       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
264   , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
265   , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
266   , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
267   );
269   -- OVPK
270   -- Check_Overpick
271   --
272   -- This API will take 9 input parameters
273   --   1. p_transaction_temp_id
274   --   2. p_overpicked_qty
275   --   3. p_item_id
276   --   4. p_rev
277   --   5. p_lot_num
278   --   6. p_lot_exp_date
279   --   7. p_sub
280   --   8. p_locator_id
281   --   9. p_lpn_id
282   -- The procedure check_overpick will be called from the client java file
283   -- This API check_overpick will in turn call Get_Overpick_Qty to find
284   --    a) Is overpicking allowed for given Org, MO type and transaction_temp_id ?
285   --    b) What is the max quantity that can be overpicked ?
286   -- It will then log the appropriate error message if the user encounters such a state,
287   -- such as 'Overpicking not allowed' or 'Insufficient stock' or 'Shipping Tolerance exceeded'
288   -- Otherwise it will update QUANTITY_DETAILED in MTRL (if it is not a bulk picked task)
289   -- and return control to the calling routine, with x_check_overpick_passed set to 'Y'
290   -- thereby allowing him to overpick.
291   -- This API will also return x_ovpk_error_code
292   -- This OUT param will return 1 for error INV_OVERPICK_NOT_ALLOWED
293   --                            2 for error INV_LACK_MTRL_TO_OVERPICK
294   --                            3 for error INV_OVERSHIP_TOLERANCE
295   -- Overloaded for MUOM Fulfillment Project
297   PROCEDURE check_overpick(
298     p_transaction_temp_id   IN            NUMBER
299   , p_overpicked_qty        IN            NUMBER
300   , p_item_id               IN            NUMBER
301   , p_rev                   IN            VARCHAR2
302   , p_lot_num               IN            VARCHAR2
303   , p_lot_exp_date          IN            DATE
304   , p_sub                   IN            VARCHAR2
305   , p_locator_id            IN            NUMBER
309   , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
306   , p_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
307   , x_check_overpick_passed OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR
308   , x_ovpk_error_code       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
310   , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
311   , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
312   );
315 -- OVPK - APL
316 -- This API is similar to get_overpick_qty
317 -- But this API will also do the MTLT level check for overpicking
318 -- which is not there in get_overpick_qty
319 -- The additional IN parameter needed here is p_lot_num
320   PROCEDURE get_overpick_qty_lot(
321     p_transaction_temp_id IN            NUMBER
322   , p_overpicked_qty      IN            NUMBER
323   , p_overpicked_qty2      IN            NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL --MUOM Fulfillment Project
324   , p_lot_num             IN            VARCHAR2
325   , x_ovpk_allowed        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
326   , x_max_qty_allowed     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
327   , x_max_qty_allowed2     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER --MUOM Fulfillment Project
328   , x_other_mtlt          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
329   , x_other_mtlt2          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER --MUOM Fulfillment Project
330   , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
331   , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
332   , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
333   );
335   -- MUOM Fulfillment Project overloaded the procedure
336   PROCEDURE get_overpick_qty_lot(
337     p_transaction_temp_id IN            NUMBER
338   , p_overpicked_qty      IN            NUMBER
339   , p_lot_num             IN            VARCHAR2
340   , x_ovpk_allowed        OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
341   , x_max_qty_allowed     OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
342   , x_other_mtlt          OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
343   , x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
344   , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
345   , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
346   );
349 -- OVPK - APL
350 -- This API is simliar to check_overpick except that it calls
351 -- get_overpick_qty_lot instead of get_overpick_qty
352 -- This API must be called when doing the MTLT level
353 -- check for overpicking.
355   PROCEDURE check_overpick_lot(
356     p_transaction_temp_id   IN            NUMBER
357   , p_overpicked_qty        IN            NUMBER
358   , p_overpicked_qty2       IN            NUMBER --MUOM Fulfillment Project
359   , p_item_id               IN            NUMBER
360   , p_rev                   IN            VARCHAR2
361   , p_lot_num               IN            VARCHAR2
362   , p_lot_exp_date          IN            DATE
363   , p_sub                   IN            VARCHAR2
364   , p_locator_id            IN            NUMBER
365   , p_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
366   , x_check_overpick_passed OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR
367   , x_ovpk_error_code       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
368   , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
369   , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
370   , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
371   );
373 -- OVPK - APL
374 -- This API is simliar to check_overpick except that it calls
375 -- get_overpick_qty_lot instead of get_overpick_qty
376 -- This API must be called when doing the MTLT level
377 -- check for overpicking.
378 -- Overloaded for MUOM Fulfillment Project
379     PROCEDURE check_overpick_lot(
380     p_transaction_temp_id   IN            NUMBER
381   , p_overpicked_qty        IN            NUMBER
382   , p_item_id               IN            NUMBER
383   , p_rev                   IN            VARCHAR2
384   , p_lot_num               IN            VARCHAR2
385   , p_lot_exp_date          IN            DATE
386   , p_sub                   IN            VARCHAR2
387   , p_locator_id            IN            NUMBER
388   , p_lpn_id                IN            NUMBER
389   , x_check_overpick_passed OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR
390   , x_ovpk_error_code       OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
391   , x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
392   , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
393   , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
394   );
397 END inv_replenish_detail_pub;