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2 /* $Header: WSHCOPBS.pls 120.0 2005/05/26 18:12:54 appldev noship $ */
3 /*#
4  * This package provides the APIs for  execution of various container functions,
5  * including creation, updation of containers and other actions.
6  * @rep:scope public
7  * @rep:product WSH
8  * @rep:displayname Container
9  * @rep:lifecycle active
12  */
15 	(delivery_detail_id		NUMBER,
16 	source_code			VARCHAR2(30),
17 	source_header_id		NUMBER,
18 	source_line_id			NUMBER,
19 	customer_id			NUMBER,
20 	sold_to_contact_id		NUMBER,
21 	inventory_item_id		NUMBER,
22 	item_description		VARCHAR2(250),
23 	hazard_class_id			NUMBER,
24 	country_of_origin		VARCHAR2(150),
25 	classification			VARCHAR2(30),
26 	ship_from_location_id		NUMBER,
27 	ship_to_location_id		NUMBER,
28 	ship_to_contact_id		NUMBER,
29 	deliver_to_location_id		NUMBER,
30 	deliver_to_contact_id		NUMBER,
31 	intmed_ship_to_location_id	NUMBER,
32 	intmed_ship_to_contact_id	NUMBER,
33 	hold_code			VARCHAR2(1),
34 	ship_tolerance_above		NUMBER,
35 	ship_tolerance_below		NUMBER,
36 	requested_quantity		NUMBER,
37 	shipped_quantity		NUMBER,
38 	delivered_quantity		NUMBER,
39 	requested_quantity_uom		VARCHAR2(3),
40 	subinventory			VARCHAR2(10),
41 	revision			VARCHAR2(3),
42 -- HW OPMCONV. Need to expand length of lot_number to 80
43 	lot_number			VARCHAR2(80),
44 	customer_requested_lot_flag	VARCHAR2(1),
45 	serial_number			VARCHAR2(30),
46 	locator_id			NUMBER,
47 	date_requested			DATE,
48 	date_scheduled			DATE,
49 	master_container_item_id	NUMBER,
50 	detail_container_item_id	NUMBER,
51 	load_seq_number			NUMBER,
52 	ship_method_code		VARCHAR2(30),
53 	carrier_id			NUMBER,
54 	freight_terms_code		VARCHAR2(30),
55 	shipment_priority_code		VARCHAR2(30),
56 	fob_code			VARCHAR2(30),
57 	customer_item_id		NUMBER,
58 	dep_plan_required_flag		VARCHAR2(1),
59 	customer_prod_seq		VARCHAR2(50),
60 	customer_dock_code		VARCHAR2(30),
61 	net_weight			NUMBER,
62 	weight_uom_code			VARCHAR2(3),
63 	volume				NUMBER,
64 	volume_uom_code			VARCHAR2(3),
65 	tp_attribute_category		VARCHAR2(240),
66 	tp_attribute1			VARCHAR2(240),
67 	tp_attribute2			VARCHAR2(240),
68 	tp_attribute3			VARCHAR2(240),
69 	tp_attribute4			VARCHAR2(240),
70 	tp_attribute5			VARCHAR2(240),
71 	tp_attribute6			VARCHAR2(240),
72 	tp_attribute7			VARCHAR2(240),
73 	tp_attribute8			VARCHAR2(240),
74 	tp_attribute9			VARCHAR2(240),
75 	tp_attribute10			VARCHAR2(240),
76 	tp_attribute11			VARCHAR2(240),
77 	tp_attribute12			VARCHAR2(240),
78 	tp_attribute13			VARCHAR2(240),
79 	tp_attribute14			VARCHAR2(240),
80 	tp_attribute15			VARCHAR2(240),
81 	attribute_category		VARCHAR2(150),
82 	attribute1			VARCHAR2(150),
83 	attribute2			VARCHAR2(150),
84 	attribute3			VARCHAR2(150),
85 	attribute4			VARCHAR2(150),
86 	attribute5			VARCHAR2(150),
87 	attribute6			VARCHAR2(150),
88 	attribute7			VARCHAR2(150),
89 	attribute8			VARCHAR2(150),
90 	attribute9			VARCHAR2(150),
91 	attribute10			VARCHAR2(150),
92 	attribute11			VARCHAR2(150),
93 	attribute12			VARCHAR2(150),
94 	attribute13			VARCHAR2(150),
95 	attribute14			VARCHAR2(150),
96 	attribute15			VARCHAR2(150),
97 	created_by			NUMBER,
98 	creation_date			DATE,
99 	last_update_date		DATE,
100 	last_update_login		NUMBER,
101 	last_updated_by			NUMBER,
102 	program_application_id		NUMBER,
103 	program_id			NUMBER,
104 	program_update_date		DATE,
105 	request_id			NUMBER,
106 	mvt_stat_status			VARCHAR2(30),
107 	released_flag			VARCHAR2(1),
108 	organization_id			NUMBER,
109 	transaction_temp_id		NUMBER,
110 	ship_set_id			NUMBER,
111 	arrival_set_id			NUMBER,
112 	ship_model_complete_flag      	VARCHAR2(1),
113 	top_model_line_id		NUMBER,
114 	source_header_number		VARCHAR2(150),
115 	source_header_type_id		NUMBER,
116 	source_header_type_name		VARCHAR2(240),
117 	cust_po_number			VARCHAR2(50),
118 	ato_line_id			NUMBER,
119 	src_requested_quantity		NUMBER,
120 	src_requested_quantity_uom	VARCHAR2(3),
121 	move_order_line_id		NUMBER,
122 	cancelled_quantity		NUMBER,
123 	quality_control_quantity	NUMBER,
124 	cycle_count_quantity		NUMBER,
125 	tracking_number			NUMBER,
126 	movement_id			NUMBER,
127 	shipping_instructions		VARCHAR2(2000),
128 	packing_instructions		VARCHAR2(2000),
129 	project_id			NUMBER,
130 	task_id				NUMBER,
131 	org_id				NUMBER,
132 	oe_interfaced_flag		VARCHAR2(1),
133 	split_from_detail_id		NUMBER,
134 	inv_interfaced_flag		VARCHAR2(1),
135 	source_line_number		VARCHAR2(150),
136 	released_status			VARCHAR2(1),
137 	container_flag			VARCHAR2(1),
138 	container_type_code 		VARCHAR2(30),
139 	container_name			VARCHAR2(30),
140 	fill_percent			NUMBER,
141 	gross_weight			NUMBER,
142 	master_serial_number		VARCHAR2(30),
143 	maximum_load_weight		NUMBER,
144 	maximum_volume			NUMBER,
145 	minimum_fill_percent		NUMBER,
146 	seal_code			VARCHAR2(30),
147 	unit_number  			VARCHAR2(30),
148 	unit_price			NUMBER,
149 	currency_code			VARCHAR2(15),
150 	freight_class_cat_id          	NUMBER,
151 	commodity_code_cat_id         	NUMBER ,
152 	inspection_flag          VARCHAR2(1)
153     );
156 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
157 -- Procedure:	Create_Containers
158 --
159 -- Parameters:	1) container_item_id (key flex id)
160 --		2) container_item_name (concatinated name for container item)
161 --		3) container_item_seg (flex field seg array for item name)
162 --		4) organization_id - organization id for container
163 --		5) organization_code - organization code for container
164 --		6) name_prefix - container name prefix
165 --		7) name_suffix - container name suffix
166 --		8) base_number - starting number for numeric portion of name
167 --		9) num_digits - precision for number of digits
168 --		10) quantity - number of containers
169 --		11) container_name - container name if creating 1 container
170 --		12) table of container ids - out table of ids
171 --		13) other standard parameters
172 --
173 -- Description: This procedure takes in a container item id or container item
174 -- name and other necessary parameters to create one or more containers and
175 -- creates the required containers. It returns a table of container instance
176 -- ids (delivery detail ids) along with the standard out parameters.
177 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
179 /*#
180  * This procedure is used to create containers. More than one container can be created
181  * with a single procedure call by passing in the required parameters.
183  * @param p_api_version         version number of the API
184  * @param p_init_msg_list       messages will be initialized, if set as true
185  * @param p_commit              commits the transaction, if set as true
189  * @param x_msg_data            message text, if any
186  * @param p_validation_level    validation level will be set as none if set as 0
187  * @param x_return_status       return status of the API
188  * @param x_msg_count           number of messages, if any
190  * @param p_container_item_id   container inventory item id (key flex id)
191  * @param p_container_item_name container item name
192  * @param p_container_item_seg  flex field seg array for item name
193  * @param p_organization_id     organization id for container
194  * @param p_organization_code   organization code for container
195  * @param p_name_prefix         container name prefix
196  * @param p_name_suffix         container name suffix
197  * @param p_base_number         starting number for numeric portion of name
198  * @param p_num_digits          precision for number of digits
199  * @param p_quantity            number of containers
200  * @param p_container_name      container name if creating 1 container
201  * @param x_container_ids       output table of container ids (delivery detail ids) created
202  * @rep:scope public
203  * @rep:lifecycle active
204  * @rep:displayname Create Containers
205  */
206 PROCEDURE Create_Containers (
207 	-- Standard parameters
208 	p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
209 	p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
211 	p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER    DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
212 	x_return_status    	OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
213 	x_msg_count 		OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
214 	x_msg_data 		OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
216 	-- program specific parameters
217 	p_container_item_id	IN	NUMBER,
218 	p_container_item_name 	IN	VARCHAR2,
219 	p_container_item_seg 	IN 	FND_FLEX_EXT.SegmentArray,
220 	p_organization_id	IN 	NUMBER,
221 	p_organization_code	IN 	VARCHAR2,
222 	p_name_prefix		IN	VARCHAR2,
223 	p_name_suffix		IN 	VARCHAR2,
224 	p_base_number		IN 	NUMBER,
225 	p_num_digits		IN 	NUMBER,
226 	p_quantity		IN 	NUMBER,
227 	p_container_name	IN 	VARCHAR2,
229 	-- program specific out parameters
230 	x_container_ids		OUT NOCOPY 	WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE,
231         p_ucc_128_suffix_flag   IN NUMBER DEFAULT 2
232 );
235 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
236 -- Procedure:	Update_Container
237 --
238 -- Parameters:	1) container_rec - container record of type
239 --		wsh_delivery_details_pub.changedattributerectype
240 --		2) other standard parameters
241 --
242 -- Description: This procedure takes in a record of container attributes that
243 -- contains the name and delivery detail id of container to update the
244 -- container record in WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS with the attributes input in the
245 -- container rec type. The API validates the container name and detail id and
246 -- calls the wsh_delivery_details_pub.update_shipping_attributes public API.
247 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
248 /*#
249  * This procedure is used to update a container. A record of container
250  * attributes can be passed in to update the container record.
251  * @param p_api_version         version number of the API
252  * @param p_init_msg_list       messages will be initialized, if set as true
253  * @param p_commit              commits the transaction, if set as true
254  * @param p_validation_level    validation level will be set as none if set as 0
255  * @param x_return_status       return status of the API
256  * @param x_msg_count           number of messages, if any
257  * @param x_msg_data            message text, if any
258  * @param p_container_rec       record of container attributes to be updated
259  * @rep:scope public
260  * @rep:lifecycle active
261  * @rep:displayname Update Container
262  */
263 PROCEDURE Update_Container (
264 	-- Standard parameters
265 	p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
266 	p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
268 	p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER    DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
269 	x_return_status    	OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
270 	x_msg_count 		OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
271 	x_msg_data 		OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
273 	-- program specific parameters
276 );
279 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
280 -- Procedure:	Auto_Pack
281 --
282 -- Parameters:	1) entity_tab - table of ids of either lines or containers or
283 --			deliveries that need to be autopacked
284 --		2) entity_type - type of entity id contained in the entity_tab
285 --			that needs to be autopacked ('L' - lines,
286 --			'C' - containers OR 'D' - deliveries)
287 --		3) group_id_tab - table of ids (numbers that determine
288 --			the grouping of lines for packing into containers)
289 --		4) container_instance_tab - table of delivery detail ids of
290 --			containers that are created during the autopacking
291 --		5) pack cont flag - a 'Y' or 'N' value to determine whether to
292 --			to autopack the detail containers that are created into
293 --			parent containers.
294 --		6) other standard parameters
295 --
296 -- Description: This procedure takes in a table of ids of either delivery lines
297 -- or container or deliveries and autopacks the lines/containers/deliveries
298 -- into detail containers. The grouping id table is used only if the input
299 -- table of entities are lines or containers only. The packing of lines and
300 -- containers into parent containers is determined by the grouping id for each
301 -- line/container. If the grouping id table is not input, the API determines
302 -- the grouping ids for the lines/containers based on the grouping attributes
303 -- of the lines/containers. The lines/containers are then autopacked into
304 -- detail containers and the detail containers are packed into parent/master
305 -- containers based on whether the pack cont flag is set to 'Y' or 'N'. The
306 -- API returns a table of container instance ids created during the autopacking
307 -- operation. If the detail containers are packed into parent containers, the
308 -- output table of ids will contain both the detail and parent containers'
309 -- delivery detail ids.
310 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
311 /*#
312  * This procedure takes in a table of ids of either delivery lines
313  * or container or deliveries and autopacks the lines/containers/deliveries
314  * into detail containers. The grouping id table is used only if the input
315  * table of entities are lines or containers. The packing of lines and
316  * containers into parent containers is determined by the grouping id for each
317  * line/container. If the grouping id table is not input, the API determines
318  * the grouping ids for the lines/containers based on the grouping attributes
319  * of the lines/containers. The lines/containers are then autopacked into
320  * detail containers and the detail containers are packed into parent/master
321  * containers based on whether the pack cont flag is set to 'Y' or 'N'. The
322  * API returns a table of container instance ids created during the autopacking
323  * operation. If the detail containers are packed into parent containers, the
324  * output table of ids will contain both the detail and parent containers'
325  * delivery detail ids.
326  * @param p_api_version         version number of the API
327  * @param p_init_msg_list       messages will be initialized, if set as true
328  * @param p_commit              commits the transaction, if set as true
329  * @param p_validation_level    validation level will be set as none if set as 0
330  * @param x_return_status       return status of the API
331  * @param x_msg_count           number of messages, if any
332  * @param x_msg_data            message text, if any
333  * @param p_entity_tab		table of ids of either lines or containers or deliveries that need to be autopacked
334  * @param p_entity_type         type of entity - 'L' for lines, 'C' for containers OR 'D' for deliveries
335  * @param p_group_id_tab        table of ids that determine the grouping of lines
336  * @param p_pack_cont_flag      'Y' or 'N' value whether to autopack the detail containers that are created
337  * @param x_cont_inst_tab       output table of ids that contains both detail and parent containers delivery detail ids.
338  * @rep:scope public
339  * @rep:lifecycle active
340  * @rep:displayname Autopack Lines/Containers/Deliveries
341  */
342 PROCEDURE Auto_Pack (
343 	-- Standard parameters
344 	p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
345 	p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
347 	p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER    DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
348 	x_return_status    	OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
349 	x_msg_count 		OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
350 	x_msg_data 		OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
352 	-- program specific parameters
353 	p_entity_tab		IN 	WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE,
354 	p_entity_type		IN	VARCHAR2,
355 	p_group_id_tab		IN 	WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE,
356 	p_pack_cont_flag	IN	VARCHAR2,
358 	-- program specific out parameters
359 	x_cont_inst_tab		OUT NOCOPY  	WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE
361 );
365 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
366 -- Procedure:	Container_Actions
367 --
368 -- Parameters:	1) detail_tab - input table of delivery detail ids
369 --		2) container_instance_id - delivery detail id of parent
370 --			container that is being packed.
371 --		3) container_name - container name if id is not known
372 --		4) container_flag - 'Y' or 'N' depending on whether to unpack
373 --			or not. ('Y' is unpack)
374 --		5) delivery_flag - 'Y' or 'N' if container needs to be
375 --			unassigned from delivery. ('Y' if unassign from del)
376 --		6) delivery_id - delivery id to assign container to.
377 --		7) delivery_name - name of delivery that container is being
378 --			assigned to.
379 --		8) action_code - action code 'Pack', 'Assign', 'Unpack' or
380 --			'Unassign' to specify what action to perform.
381 --		9) other standard parameters
382 --
383 -- Description: This procedure takes in a table of delivery detail ids and
384 -- name and/or delivery detail id of container to pack. If the action code is
385 -- is assign then delivery id and delivery name must be specified. The API
386 -- determines what action to perform based on the action code and then calls
387 -- appropriate private pack/assign/unpack/unassign API.
388 -- The input table of ids could be lines or containers. The delivery lines and
389 -- containers are separated from the input table and validated before the
390 -- appropriate private APIs are called
391 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
392 /*#
393  * Procedure for performing the container actions such as Pack, Assign,
394  * Unpack, Unassign based on the action code passed in. The input table
395  * of ids could be lines or containers.
396  * @param p_api_version         version number of the API
397  * @param p_init_msg_list       messages will be initialized, if set as true
398  * @param p_commit              commits the transaction, if set as true
399  * @param p_validation_level    validation level will be set as none if set as 0
400  * @param x_return_status       return status of the API
401  * @param x_msg_count           number of messages, if any
402  * @param x_msg_data            message text, if any
403  * @param p_detail_tab		input table of delivery detail ids
404  * @param p_container_name	container name if id is not known
405  * @param p_cont_instance_id 	delivery detail id of parent container to pack the details/containers in
406  * @param p_container_flag	value should be 'Y' if unpack also needs to be performed
407  * @param p_delivery_flag	value should be 'Y' if container needs to be unassigned from delivery else should be 'N'
408  * @param p_delivery_id		delivery id to which the container is to be assigned
409  * @param p_delivery_name	delivery name to which the container is to be assigned
410  * @param p_action_code		action code to specify what action to perform.
411  * @rep:scope public
412  * @rep:lifecycle active
413  * @rep:displayname Container Actions
414  */
415 PROCEDURE Container_Actions (
416 	-- Standard parameters
417 	p_api_version		IN	NUMBER,
418 	p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2  DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
420 	p_validation_level	IN	NUMBER    DEFAULT FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
421 	x_return_status    	OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
422 	x_msg_count 		OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
423 	x_msg_data 		OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
425 	-- program specific parameters
426 	p_detail_tab		IN	WSH_UTIL_CORE.ID_TAB_TYPE,
427 	p_container_name	IN 	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
428 	p_cont_instance_id 	IN	NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
429 	p_container_flag	IN	VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'N',
430 	p_delivery_flag		IN	VARCHAR2  DEFAULT 'N',
431 	p_delivery_id		IN 	NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
432 	p_delivery_name		IN 	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
433 	p_action_code		IN	VARCHAR2
435 );