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1 package fnd_gsm_util AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: AFCPGUTS.pls 120.2 2005/08/19 17:38:53 vvengala ship $ */
5 --
6 -- procedure
7 --   Append_ctx_fragment
8 --
9 -- Purpose
10 --   Used to upload a context file into a clob for parsing.
11 --   A temporary clob is created on the first call.  This clob
12 --   will be freed when the upload_context_file procedure is called.
13 --
14 -- In Arguments:
15 --   buffer - Context file, or fragment of a context file.
16 --
17 -- Out Arguments:
18 --   retcode - 0 on success, >0 on error.
19 --   message - Error message, up to 2000 bytes.
20 --
21 procedure append_ctx_fragment(buffer  in  varchar2,
22                               retcode out nocopy number,
23                               message out nocopy varchar2);
26 --
27 -- Procedure
28 --   upload_context_file
29 --
30 -- Purpose
31 --   Parse the context file stored in the temporary clob and create
32 --   the appropriate service instance definitions for GSM.  The clob is
33 --   created by the append_ctx_fragment
34 --
35 -- In Arguments:
36 --   filepath - Full path to the context file.  Used for bookkeeping.
37 --   context_type - 'APPS' Application middle tier,
38 --                  'DATABASE' Database context
39 --   file_type  - 'CONTEXT' - Instantiated Context file
40 --                'TEMPLATE' - Template file for Context file.
41 --
42 -- Out Arguments:
43 --   retcode - 0 on success, >0 on error.
44 --   message - Error message, up to 2000 bytes.
45 --
46 procedure upload_context_file(filepath in varchar2,
47                               retcode out nocopy number,
48                               message out nocopy varchar2,
49 			      context_type in varchar2 default 'APPS',
50                               file_type in varchar2 default 'CONTEXT');
52 --
53 -- Function
54 --   version_check
55 --
56 -- Purpose
57 --   This function compares two different versions of a file it will return a positive number
58 --   if version1 is higher than version2, '0' if both the versions are same,negative number
59 --   if version1 is lesser than version1
60 --
61 -- In Arguments:
62 --   version1 - version1 of the file.
63 --   version2 - version2 of the file
64 --
65 function version_check(version1 varchar,version2 varchar) return number;
67 end fnd_gsm_util;