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2 /* $Header: apipascb.pls 120.7.12010000.7 2009/10/06 05:41:54 rseeta ship $ */
4   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
5   -- PROCEDURE adjust_pay_schedule adjusts the payment schedule of
6   -- a paid or partially paid invoice
7   --
8   -- PRECONDITION: Called from the invoice block in PRE-UPDATE via
9   --               stored procedure call ap_invoices_pkg.invoice_pre_update()
10   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
11   PROCEDURE adjust_pay_schedule (X_invoice_id          IN number,
12                                  X_invoice_amount      IN number,
13                                  X_payment_status_flag IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
14                                  X_invoice_type_lookup_code IN varchar2,
15                                  X_last_updated_by     IN number,
16                                  X_message1            IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
17                                  X_message2            IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
18                                  X_reset_match_status  IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
19                                  X_liability_adjusted_flag IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
20                                  X_calling_sequence    IN varchar2,
21 				 X_calling_mode        IN varchar2,
22                                  X_revalidate_ps       IN OUT NOCOPY varchar2)
23   IS
24     current_calling_sequence VARCHAR2(2000);
25     debug_info               VARCHAR2(100);
26     l_current_payment_num  number;
27     l_current_amount_to_adjust number;
28     l_original_invoice_amount number;
29     l_net_amount_to_adjust   number;
30     l_payment_num_to_add     number;
31     l_amount_remaining     number;
32     l_payment_status_flag     ap_payment_schedules.payment_status_flag%TYPE;
33     l_allow_paid_invoice_adjust
34                         ap_system_parameters.allow_paid_invoice_adjust%TYPE;
35     l_add_new_payment_schedule varchar2(1) := 'Y';
36     l_sum_ps_amount_remaining	number;
37     l_payment_currency_code   ap_invoices.payment_currency_code%TYPE;
38     l_invoice_currency_code   ap_invoices.invoice_currency_code%TYPE;
39     l_payment_cross_rate      ap_invoices.payment_cross_rate%TYPE;
40     l_pay_curr_invoice_amount ap_invoices.pay_curr_invoice_amount%TYPE;
41     l_pay_curr_orig_inv_amt   ap_invoices.pay_curr_invoice_amount%TYPE;
42     l_pay_curr_net_amt_to_adj number;
43     l_inv_curr_sched_total    number;
45     --8891266
46     l_recouped_amount        number;
47     l_amount_paid            NUMBER;
49     cursor message1_cursor is
51         FROM   ap_payment_schedules
52         WHERE  invoice_id = X_invoice_id
53         AND    payment_num = l_current_payment_num
54         AND    (NVL(discount_amount_available, 0) <> 0
55                 OR NVL(second_disc_amt_available, 0) <> 0
56                 OR NVL(third_disc_amt_available, 0) <> 0);
58     cursor invoice_cursor is
59         select AI.invoice_amount,
60                SP.allow_paid_invoice_adjust,
61                AI.invoice_currency_code,
62                AI.payment_currency_code,
63                AI.payment_cross_rate,
64 	       nvl(AI.amount_paid,0),    --bug 8891266
65                nvl(AI.pay_curr_invoice_amount, AI.invoice_amount)
66         from   ap_invoices AI,
67                ap_system_parameters SP
68         where  invoice_id = X_invoice_id;
70     -- If we're adding a new payment schedule and not adjusting
71     -- an existing one, then the payment_status_flag of the
72     -- payment schedule we're copying from is irrelevant.
73     --
74     -- NOTE: The reason l_add_new_payment_schedule is declared as a
75     -- 	     varchar2 and not a boolean is that a boolean can not
76     --       be evaluated in a cursor select statement.
77     --
78     cursor pay_sched_adjust_cursor is
79         SELECT payment_num,
80 	       amount_remaining,
81 	       payment_status_flag
82         FROM   ap_payment_schedules
83         WHERE  invoice_id = X_invoice_id
84         AND    (l_add_new_payment_schedule='Y' OR
85 		payment_status_flag <> 'Y')
86 	ORDER BY due_date desc, payment_num desc;
88     cursor payment_num_to_add_cursor is
89         SELECT nvl((MAX(payment_num)+1),1)
90         FROM   ap_payment_schedules
91         WHERE  invoice_id = X_invoice_id;
93     cursor c_inv_curr_sched_total IS
94         SELECT SUM(nvl(inv_curr_gross_amount, gross_amount))
95         FROM   ap_payment_schedules
96         WHERE  invoice_id = X_Invoice_Id;
98   BEGIN
99     current_calling_sequence :=
101 				X_calling_sequence;
103     -- Determine the original invoice_amount
104     -- The precondition of this procedure is that it is being called
105     -- in PRE-UPDATE mode; thus the new amount has not been saved
106     -- to the database.
108     debug_info := 'Determining proper payment schedule to adjust';
110     open invoice_cursor;
111     debug_info := 'Fetch cursor invoice_cursor';
112     fetch invoice_cursor into l_original_invoice_amount,
113                               l_allow_paid_invoice_adjust,
114                               l_invoice_currency_code,
115                               l_payment_currency_code,
116                               l_payment_cross_rate,
117 			      l_amount_paid,  --bug 8891266
118                               l_pay_curr_orig_inv_amt;
119     debug_info := 'Close cursor invoice_cursor';
120     close invoice_cursor;
122     l_pay_curr_invoice_amount := ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(
123                                  X_invoice_amount * l_payment_cross_rate,
124                                  l_payment_currency_code);
125     l_net_amount_to_adjust := X_invoice_amount - l_original_invoice_amount;
126     l_pay_curr_net_amt_to_adj := l_pay_curr_invoice_amount -
127                                     l_pay_curr_orig_inv_amt;
129     if (l_net_amount_to_adjust = 0) then
130       -- No need to alter payment schedules if we're not
131       -- adjusting the liability
132       --
133       X_liability_adjusted_flag := 'N';
134       return;
135     else
136       -- Make note of the fact that a liability adjustment will
137       -- be made.  In the Invoice Workbench, we will requery the
138       -- payment schedules block if the liability_adjusted_flag = 'Y'.
139       --
140       X_liability_adjusted_flag := 'Y';
141     end if;
143     -- Although the Invoice Workbench enforces rules which prevent
144     -- updates to the invoice (liability) amount in certain cases,
145     -- we want to ensure that these rules are enforced server-side
146     -- as well.
148      --bug 8891266 fetching recouped amount
149      l_recouped_amount := AP_MATCHING_UTILS_PKG.Get_Inv_Line_Recouped_Amount
150 					(P_Invoice_Id          => X_invoice_id,
151                                  	 P_Invoice_Line_Number => Null);
153     if (ap_invoices_pkg.get_encumbered_flag(X_invoice_id) = 'Y') then
154       -- Cannot change the invoice_amount as it is encumbered
155       fnd_message.set_name('SQLAP','AP_INV_ALL_DISTS_ENCUMB');
156       app_exception.raise_exception;
157     elsif (ap_invoices_pkg.get_posting_status(X_invoice_id) = 'Y') then
158       -- Cannot change the invoice_amount as it is posted
159       fnd_message.set_name('SQLAP','AP_INV_ALL_DIST_POSTED');
160       app_exception.raise_exception;
161     elsif (ap_invoices_pkg.selected_for_payment_flag(
162                         X_invoice_id) = 'Y') then
163           -- Cannot change the amount as it is selected for payment
164       fnd_message.set_name('SQLAP','AP_INV_SELECTED_INVOICE');
165       app_exception.raise_exception;
166     elsif (l_allow_paid_invoice_adjust  <> 'Y'
167 	   and nvl(x_calling_mode, 'X') <> 'APXIIMPT'
168 	   --bug 8891266 added the below condition
169 	   and l_amount_paid <> (-1 *  l_recouped_amount )) then
170       fnd_message.set_name('SQLAP','AP_DIST_NO_UPDATE_PAID');
171       app_exception.raise_exception;
172     end if;
174     -- Look at the sign of the adjustment and determine whether
175     -- an existing payment should be adjusted or a payment schedule
176     -- should be added.
177     --
178     if (X_payment_status_flag <> 'N' and
179         ((X_invoice_type_lookup_code in ('CREDIT','DEBIT') and
180            l_net_amount_to_adjust <= 0) or
181          (X_invoice_type_lookup_code not in ('CREDIT','DEBIT') and
182            l_net_amount_to_adjust >= 0))) then
183       --
184       -- Invoice is either paid or partially paid and the
185       -- the amount of the adjustment is greater than the
186       -- scheduled payment is absolute terms.  In this case,
187       -- we can add a payment schedule
188       --
189       l_add_new_payment_schedule := 'Y';
190     else
191       --
192       -- We will be adjusting a payment schedule in this case
193       --
194       l_add_new_payment_schedule := 'N';
195     end if;
197     --
198     -- New for 10SC
199     --
200     -- Instead of restricting liability adjustment to a single
201     -- payment schedule, we will iteratively apply adjustment to all unpaid
202     -- and partially paid payment schedules in descending order
203     -- of due date until the adjustment is fully applied.
204     --
205     -- We will delete any unpaid payment schedules where an adjustment
206     -- will cause the gross amount to be reduced to zero.
207     --
208     -- If an adjustment to existing payment schedule is not planned,
209     -- ie, we will be adding a new one, then the first fetch from
210     -- pay_sched_adjust_cursor will yield the payment_num of the
211     -- payment schedule that we wish to base our new record on.
212     --
213     debug_info := 'Open pay_sched_adjust_cursor';
214     open pay_sched_adjust_cursor;
216     loop
218       debug_info := 'Fetch pay_sched_adjust_cursor';
219       fetch pay_sched_adjust_cursor into l_current_payment_num,
220 					 l_amount_remaining,
221 					 l_payment_status_flag;
223       -- Leave the cursor if we intend to create a new payment schedule
224       -- or if we've run out NOCOPY of payment schedules to process.
225       --
226       exit when (l_add_new_payment_schedule='Y' or
227                  pay_sched_adjust_cursor%NOTFOUND);
229       -- For the current payment schedule, reduce the gross_amount
230       -- by the adjustment amount or its amount_remaining,
231       -- whichever is less.
232       --
233       if (ABS(l_amount_remaining) - ABS(l_pay_curr_net_amt_to_adj) >= 0) then
234         l_current_amount_to_adjust := l_pay_curr_net_amt_to_adj;
235       else
236         l_current_amount_to_adjust := (0 - l_amount_remaining);
237       end if;
239       -- If the adjustment is being made for the entire gross amount
240       -- of the payment schedule and the payment schedule is unpaid,
241       -- then delete the record, otherwise update it.
242       --
243       if ((l_amount_remaining + l_current_amount_to_adjust = 0) and
244 	  l_payment_status_flag not in ('Y','P')) then
246         debug_info := 'Delete AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES payment_num '||
247                       l_current_payment_num;
249         delete from ap_payment_schedules
250         where  invoice_id = X_invoice_id
251         and    payment_num = l_current_payment_num;
253       else
254         --
255         -- Update the payment schedule.
256         --
257         -- NOTE: This is non-standard to have an update to another table
258         -- called from the pre_update trigger.  We anticipate no problems
259         -- in this case because the table ap_invoices was marked already
260         -- when the commit was invoked.  (See the update_liability trigger.)
261         -- Usual locking order is invoices then pay lines,
262         -- so this is consistent.
263         --
264         debug_info := 'Update AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES payment_num '||
265                       l_current_payment_num;
267         UPDATE ap_payment_schedules
268         SET    gross_amount = NVL(gross_amount, 0)+l_current_amount_to_adjust,
269                inv_curr_gross_amount = (
270                    SELECT   DECODE(F.minimum_accountable_unit,NULL,
271     	                       ROUND( ((NVL(gross_amount, 0)+
272                                        l_current_amount_to_adjust)/
273                                        l_payment_cross_rate)
274                                       , F.precision),
275                                ROUND( ((NVL(gross_amount, 0)+
276                                        l_current_amount_to_adjust)/
277                                        l_payment_cross_rate)
278                                       / F.minimum_accountable_unit)
279 	                              * F.minimum_accountable_unit)
280                    FROM   fnd_currencies_vl F
281                    WHERE  F.currency_code = l_invoice_currency_code),
282                amount_remaining = NVL(amount_remaining, 0)
283                                 + l_current_amount_to_adjust,
284                payment_status_flag =
285                 DECODE(NVL(amount_remaining, 0) +
286                        l_current_amount_to_adjust,
287                            NVL(gross_amount, 0) +
288                            l_current_amount_to_adjust, 'N',
289                        0, DECODE(X_invoice_amount,
290                                 0,'N',
291                                   'Y'),
292                           'P')
293         WHERE  invoice_id = X_invoice_id
294         AND    payment_num = l_current_payment_num;
297         -- If message name is returned in to X_Message1 then
298         -- we know that the payment schedule line has a non-zero
299         -- discount which may need adjustment
300         -- Message to display is AP_PAY_WARN_DISC_UPDATE
301         --
302         if (X_Message1 is null) then
303           debug_info := 'Select from AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES';
305           open message1_cursor;
306           debug_info := 'Fetch message1_cursor';
307           fetch message1_cursor into X_Message1;
308           debug_info := 'Close message1_cursor';
309           close message1_cursor;
310         end if;
311       end if;
313       -- Reduce the Net Adjustment amount by the amount we're
314       -- applying in this adjustment.
315       --
316       l_pay_curr_net_amt_to_adj := l_pay_curr_net_amt_to_adj -
317 				    l_current_amount_to_adjust;
319       -- If the adjustment has been fully applied then exit the loop
320       exit when (l_pay_curr_net_amt_to_adj = 0);
322     end loop;
324     debug_info := 'Close pay_sched_adjust_cursor';
325     close pay_sched_adjust_cursor;
327     -- If the previous cursor retrieved no payment schedules,
328     -- fail the procedure and tell the user.
329     --
330     if (l_current_payment_num is null) then
331       -- Cannot find a payment schedule to adjust
334       APP_EXCEPTION.Raise_Exception;
335     end if;
337     -- Adjust for any rounding errors that might have been introduced
338     -- for inv_curr_gross_amount
340     if (l_add_new_payment_schedule = 'N') then
341       debug_info := 'Open cursor c_inv_curr_sched_total';
342       OPEN  c_inv_curr_sched_total;
343       debug_info := 'Fetch cursor c_inv_curr_sched_total';
344       FETCH c_inv_curr_sched_total INTO l_inv_curr_sched_total;
345       debug_info := 'Close cursor c_inv_curr_sched_total';
346       CLOSE c_inv_curr_sched_total;
348       -- Adjust inv_curr_gross_amount for rounding errors
349                                                                          --
350       IF (l_inv_curr_sched_total <> X_invoice_amount) THEN
351                                                                          --
352         debug_info:= 'Update ap_payment_schedules - set inv_curr_gross_amount';
354         SET inv_curr_gross_amount = inv_curr_gross_amount
355                                     + X_Invoice_Amount
356                                     - l_inv_curr_sched_total
357         WHERE invoice_id = X_Invoice_Id
358         AND payment_num = (SELECT MAX(payment_num)
359                            FROM   ap_payment_schedules
360                            WHERE  invoice_id = X_Invoice_Id);
361                                                                          --
362       END IF;
363     end if;
364                                                                          --
365     -- Add the new payment schedule
366     --
367     if (l_add_new_payment_schedule = 'Y') then
369       -- Determine payment num of new payment schedule
370       debug_info := 'Open payment_num_to_add_cursor';
371       open payment_num_to_add_cursor;
372       debug_info := 'Fetch payment_num_to_add_cursor';
373       fetch payment_num_to_add_cursor into l_payment_num_to_add;
374       debug_info := 'Close payment_num_to_add_cursor';
375       close payment_num_to_add_cursor;
377       debug_info := 'Insert into AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES';
379       -- Insert the new payment schedule
380       INSERT INTO ap_payment_schedules(
381       invoice_id, payment_num, due_date,
382       last_update_date, last_updated_by,
383       last_update_login, creation_date, created_by,
384       payment_cross_rate,
385       gross_amount,inv_curr_gross_amount,amount_remaining,
386       payment_priority, hold_flag,
387       payment_status_flag, batch_id, payment_method_code,
388       external_bank_account_id,
389       org_id, --MOAC project
390       remittance_message1,
391       remittance_message2,
392       remittance_message3,
393       --third party payments
394       remit_to_supplier_name,
395       remit_to_supplier_id,
396       remit_to_supplier_site,
397       remit_to_supplier_site_id,
398       relationship_id
399       )
400       SELECT X_invoice_id, l_payment_num_to_add, P.due_date,
401              SYSDATE, X_last_updated_by,
402              null, SYSDATE, X_last_updated_by,
403              P.payment_cross_rate,
404              l_pay_curr_net_amt_to_adj,
405              l_net_amount_to_adjust,
406              l_pay_curr_net_amt_to_adj,
407              P.payment_priority, P.hold_flag, 'N', P.batch_id,
408              P.payment_method_code,
409              P.external_bank_account_id,
410              P.org_id, --MOAC project
411              p.remittance_message1,
412              p.remittance_message2,
413              p.remittance_message3,
414 	     --third party payments
415 	     p.remit_to_supplier_name,
416 	     p.remit_to_supplier_id,
417 	     p.remit_to_supplier_site,
418 	     p.remit_to_supplier_site_id,
419 	     p.relationship_id
420       FROM   ap_payment_schedules P
421       WHERE  P.invoice_id           = X_invoice_id
422       AND    P.payment_num          = l_current_payment_num;
424       x_revalidate_ps := 'Y';
428       -- If encumbrance is on, then this invoice will already have dist
429       -- lines that need reapproval, so we can skip this.  Plus, we don't
430       -- want to flip any 'A' flags to 'N' if encumbrance is on.
431       X_reset_match_status := 'Y';
433     else
434       --
435       -- Existing payment schedules were adjusted.  Inform user.
436       --
437       X_Message2 := 'AP_PAY_WARN_SCHED_UPDATE';
438     end if;
440     --
441     -- Check if we need to change the payment_status_flag
442     --
443      SELECT sum(amount_remaining)
444        INTO l_sum_ps_amount_remaining
445        FROM ap_payment_schedules
446       WHERE invoice_id = X_invoice_id;
448     if (l_sum_ps_amount_remaining <> 0) then
449   	X_payment_status_flag := 'P';
450     else
451         X_payment_status_flag := 'Y';
452     end if;
455      EXCEPTION
457          IF (SQLCODE <> -20001) THEN
461                      current_calling_sequence);
463                'X_invoice_id = '        ||X_invoice_id
464            ||', X_invoice_amount = '    ||X_invoice_amount
465            ||', X_payment_status_flag= '||X_payment_status_flag
466            ||', X_invoice_type_lookup_code = '||X_invoice_type_lookup_code
467            ||', X_last_updated_by = '   ||X_last_updated_by
468            ||', X_message1 = '          ||X_message1
469            ||', X_message2 = '          ||X_message2
470            ||', X_reset_match_status = '||X_reset_match_status
471            ||', X_liability_adjusted_flag = '||X_liability_adjusted_flag
472                                     );
473            FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('DEBUG_INFO',debug_info);
474          END IF;
477   END adjust_pay_schedule;
479   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
480   -- FUNCTION get_amt_withheld_per_sched, returns prorated withheld
481   -- per payment schedule of an invoice.
482   -- Function added for bug 3484292
483   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
485   FUNCTION get_amt_withheld_per_sched(X_invoice_id           IN NUMBER,
486                                       X_gross_amount         IN NUMBER,
487                                       X_currency_code        IN VARCHAR2)
489   IS
490   l_wt_amt_to_subtract number :=0;
491   BEGIN
492         select  nvl(ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(
493                 ap_invoices_pkg.get_amount_withheld(ai.invoice_id)*
494        		ai.payment_cross_rate,X_currency_code),0)*
495                 X_gross_amount/decode(ai.pay_curr_invoice_amount, 0, 1,
496 				      nvl(ai.pay_curr_invoice_amount, 1))
497 	into    l_wt_amt_to_subtract
498         from    ap_invoices ai
499         where   ai.invoice_id=X_invoice_id;
500   return l_wt_amt_to_subtract;
501   END get_amt_withheld_per_sched;
503   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
504   -- FUNCTION get_discount_available computes the discount available
505   -- based on X_check_date
506   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
507   FUNCTION get_discount_available(X_invoice_id	       IN NUMBER,
508 				  X_payment_num	       IN NUMBER,
509 				  X_check_date	       IN DATE,
510 				  X_currency_code      IN VARCHAR2)
512   IS
513     l_discount_available	NUMBER;
514     l_wt_amt_to_subtract        NUMBER := 0; --Bug 3484292
515     l_gross_amount              NUMBER;      -- BUG 3741934
516   BEGIN
518     -- bug 3484292 Added the select stmt below.
519     select  nvl(ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(
520      ap_invoices_pkg.get_amount_withheld(ai.invoice_id)*
521        ai.payment_cross_rate,X_currency_code),0)*
522                  aps.gross_amount/decode(ai.pay_curr_invoice_amount, 0, 1,
523 					 nvl(ai.pay_curr_invoice_amount, 1)),
524          aps.gross_amount                                -- BUG 3741934
525     into l_wt_amt_to_subtract, l_gross_amount
526     from ap_invoices ai,ap_payment_schedules aps
527     where ai.invoice_id=aps.invoice_id
528     and   aps.payment_num=X_payment_num
529     and    ai.invoice_id=X_invoice_id;
531 /*
532      BUG 3741934: Branch around the SQL that calculates the discount if the
533                   Gross Amount of the payment schedule is equal to the withheld
534                   amount.
535 */
537    IF l_wt_amt_to_subtract <> l_gross_amount
538    THEN
539     SELECT NVL(ap_utilities_pkg.ap_round_currency(
540 	     DECODE(gross_amount, 0, 0,
541 	       DECODE(air.always_take_disc_flag, 'Y', discount_amount_available,  --Bug7717053, added the table alias
542 		 GREATEST(
543                   DECODE(SIGN(X_check_date -
544 	                 NVL(discount_date, sysdate-9000)),
545 			    1, 0, NVL(ABS(discount_amount_available), 0)),
546 	          DECODE(SIGN(X_check_date -
547 		         NVL(second_discount_date, sysdate-9000)),
548 		            1, 0, NVL(ABS(second_disc_amt_available), 0)),
549 	          DECODE(SIGN(X_check_date -
550 		         NVL(third_discount_date, sysdate-9000)),
551 		            1, 0, NVL(ABS(third_disc_amt_available),0))) * DECODE(SIGN(gross_amount),-1,-1,1) )
552 	       * (amount_remaining/DECODE(gross_amount, 0, 1, gross_amount-decode(asp.create_awt_dists_type,
553                                      'APPROVAL',
554                                      l_wt_amt_to_subtract,
555                                      0)))),
556                  X_currency_code),0)                              --Bug7717053, added the decode
557     INTO   l_discount_available
558     FROM   ap_invoices_ready_to_pay_v air, ap_system_parameters_all asp
559     WHERE  invoice_id = X_invoice_id
560     AND    payment_num = X_payment_num
561     AND    air.org_id = asp.org_id;  --Added for bug #8506044;
562    ELSE l_discount_available := 0;
563    END IF;
565     RETURN l_discount_available;
567   END get_discount_available;
569   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
570   -- FUNCTION get_discount_date computes the discount date based on
571   -- X_check_date
572   -----------------------------------------------------------------------
573   FUNCTION get_discount_date(X_invoice_id	IN NUMBER,
574 			     X_payment_num	IN NUMBER,
575 			     X_check_date	IN DATE)
577   IS
578     l_discount_date		DATE;
579   BEGIN
581     SELECT DECODE(always_take_disc_flag, 'Y', due_date,
582 	     DECODE(SIGN(X_check_date - NVL(discount_date,sysdate-9000)-1),
583 	            -1, discount_date,
584 	       DECODE(SIGN(X_check_date - NVL(second_discount_date,sysdate-9000)-1),
585 	              -1, second_discount_date,
586 	         DECODE(SIGN(X_check_date - NVL(third_discount_date,sysdate-9000)-1),
587 			-1, third_discount_date, due_date))))
588     INTO   l_discount_date
589     FROM   ap_invoices_ready_to_pay_v
590     WHERE  invoice_id = X_invoice_id
591     AND    payment_num = X_payment_num;
593     RETURN l_discount_date;
595   END get_discount_date;
596 PROCEDURE Lock_Row(	X_Invoice_Id                               NUMBER,
597 			X_Last_Updated_By                          NUMBER,
598 			X_Last_Update_Date                         DATE,
599 			X_Payment_Cross_Rate                       NUMBER,
600 			X_Payment_Num                              NUMBER,
601 			X_Amount_Remaining                         NUMBER,
602 			X_Created_By                               NUMBER,
603 			X_Creation_Date                            DATE,
604 			X_Discount_Date                            DATE,
605 			X_Due_Date                                 DATE,
606 			X_Future_Pay_Due_Date                      DATE,
607 			X_Gross_Amount                             NUMBER,
608 			X_Hold_Flag                                VARCHAR2,
609 			X_iby_hold_reason                          VARCHAR2, /*bug 8893354 */
610 			X_Last_Update_Login                        NUMBER,
611 			X_Payment_Method_Lookup_Code               VARCHAR2 default null,
612                         X_payment_method_code                      varchar2,
613 			X_Payment_Priority                         NUMBER,
614 			X_Payment_Status_Flag                      VARCHAR2,
615 			X_Second_Discount_Date                     DATE,
616 			X_Third_Discount_Date                      DATE,
617 			X_Batch_Id                                 NUMBER,
618 			X_Discount_Amount_Available                NUMBER,
619 			X_Second_Disc_Amt_Available                NUMBER,
620 			X_Third_Disc_Amt_Available                 NUMBER,
621 			X_Attribute1                               VARCHAR2,
622 			X_Attribute10                              VARCHAR2,
623 			X_Attribute11                              VARCHAR2,
624 			X_Attribute12                              VARCHAR2,
625 			X_Attribute13                              VARCHAR2,
626 			X_Attribute14                              VARCHAR2,
627 			X_Attribute15                              VARCHAR2,
628 			X_Attribute2                               VARCHAR2,
629 			X_Attribute3                               VARCHAR2,
630 			X_Attribute4                               VARCHAR2,
631 			X_Attribute5                               VARCHAR2,
632 			X_Attribute6                               VARCHAR2,
633 			X_Attribute7                               VARCHAR2,
634 			X_Attribute8                               VARCHAR2,
635 			X_Attribute9                               VARCHAR2,
636 			X_Attribute_Category                       VARCHAR2,
637 			X_Discount_Amount_Remaining                NUMBER,
638 			X_Global_Attribute_Category                VARCHAR2,
639 			X_Global_Attribute1                        VARCHAR2,
640 			X_Global_Attribute2                        VARCHAR2,
641 			X_Global_Attribute3                        VARCHAR2,
642 			X_Global_Attribute4                        VARCHAR2,
643 			X_Global_Attribute5                        VARCHAR2,
644 			X_Global_Attribute6                        VARCHAR2,
645 			X_Global_Attribute7                        VARCHAR2,
646 			X_Global_Attribute8                        VARCHAR2,
647 			X_Global_Attribute9                        VARCHAR2,
648 			X_Global_Attribute10                       VARCHAR2,
649 			X_Global_Attribute11                       VARCHAR2,
650 			X_Global_Attribute12                       VARCHAR2,
651 			X_Global_Attribute13                       VARCHAR2,
652 			X_Global_Attribute14                       VARCHAR2,
653 			X_Global_Attribute15                       VARCHAR2,
654 			X_Global_Attribute16                       VARCHAR2,
655 			X_Global_Attribute17                       VARCHAR2,
656 			X_Global_Attribute18                       VARCHAR2,
657 			X_Global_Attribute19                       VARCHAR2,
658 			X_Global_Attribute20                       VARCHAR2,
659 			X_External_Bank_Account_Id                 NUMBER,
660 			X_Inv_Curr_Gross_Amount                    NUMBER,
661                         X_Org_Id                                   NUMBER,
662 			X_Calling_Sequence                     IN  VARCHAR2,
663 			--Third Party Payments
664 			X_Remit_To_Supplier_Name		VARCHAR2,
665 			X_Remit_To_Supplier_Id		NUMBER,
666 			X_Remit_To_Supplier_Site		VARCHAR2,
667 			X_Remit_To_Supplier_Site_Id		NUMBER,
668 			X_Relationship_Id				NUMBER
669 ) IS
671       SELECT *
672       FROM   ap_payment_schedules
673       WHERE  invoice_id = X_Invoice_Id
674       AND    payment_num = X_Payment_Num
675       FOR UPDATE of invoice_id NOWAIT;
676   Recinfo C%ROWTYPE;
678   first_conditions BOOLEAN := TRUE;
679   current_calling_sequence      VARCHAR2(2000);
680   debug_info                    VARCHAR2(100);
682   BEGIN
683   -- Update the calling sequence
684   --
685     current_calling_sequence :=
686                'AP_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES_PKG.LOCK_ROW<-'||X_calling_sequence;
688     debug_info := 'Open cursor C';
689     OPEN C;
690     debug_info := 'Fetch cursor C';
691     FETCH C INTO Recinfo;
692     if (C%NOTFOUND) then
693       debug_info := 'Close cursor C - ROW NOTFOUND';
694       CLOSE C;
696     end if;
697     debug_info := 'Close cursor C';
698     CLOSE C;
700     first_conditions :=
701 	    ((Recinfo.Invoice_Id = X_Invoice_Id) OR
702 	     ((Recinfo.Invoice_Id IS NULL)
703 	      AND (X_Invoice_Id IS NULL)))
704 	AND ((Recinfo.Last_Updated_By = X_Last_Updated_By) OR
705 	     ((Recinfo.Last_Updated_By IS NULL)
706 	      AND (X_Last_Updated_By IS NULL)))
707       -- Bug 2909797 AND ((Recinfo.Last_Update_Date = X_Last_Update_Date) OR
708       --     ((Recinfo.Last_Update_Date IS NULL)
709       --      AND (X_Last_Update_Date IS NULL)))
710 	AND ((Recinfo.Payment_Cross_Rate = X_Payment_Cross_Rate) OR
711 	     ((Recinfo.Payment_Cross_Rate IS NULL)
712 	      AND (X_Payment_Cross_Rate IS NULL)))
713 	AND ((Recinfo.Payment_Num = X_Payment_Num) OR
714 	     ((Recinfo.Payment_Num IS NULL)
715 	      AND (X_Payment_Num IS NULL)))
716 	AND ((Recinfo.Amount_Remaining = X_Amount_Remaining) OR
717 	     ((Recinfo.Amount_Remaining IS NULL)
718 	      AND (X_Amount_Remaining IS NULL)))
719 	AND ((Recinfo.Created_By = X_Created_By) OR
720 	     ((Recinfo.Created_By IS NULL)
721 	      AND (X_Created_By IS NULL)))
722       -- Bug 2909797 AND ((Recinfo.Creation_Date = X_Creation_Date) OR
723       --     ((Recinfo.Creation_Date IS NULL)
724       --      AND (X_Creation_Date IS NULL)))
725 	AND ((Recinfo.Discount_Date = X_Discount_Date) OR
726 	     ((Recinfo.Discount_Date IS NULL)
727 	      AND (X_Discount_Date IS NULL)))
728 	/* AND ((Recinfo.Due_Date = X_Due_Date) OR Commented for bug#8487514 */
729 	AND ((trunc(Recinfo.Due_Date) = trunc(X_Due_Date)) OR /* Added for bug#8487514 */
730 	     ((Recinfo.Due_Date IS NULL)
731 	      AND (X_Due_Date IS NULL)))
732 	AND ((Recinfo.Future_Pay_Due_Date = X_Future_Pay_Due_Date) OR
733 	     ((Recinfo.Future_Pay_Due_Date IS NULL)
734 	      AND (X_Future_Pay_Due_Date IS NULL)))
735 	AND ((Recinfo.Gross_Amount = X_Gross_Amount) OR
736 	     ((Recinfo.Gross_Amount IS NULL)
737 	      AND (X_Gross_Amount IS NULL)))
738 	AND ((Recinfo.Hold_Flag = X_Hold_Flag) OR
739 	     ((Recinfo.Hold_Flag IS NULL)
740 	      AND (X_Hold_Flag IS NULL)))
741 	AND ((Recinfo.iby_hold_reason = X_iby_hold_reason) OR
742 	     ((Recinfo.iby_hold_reason IS NULL)
743 	      AND (X_iby_hold_reason IS NULL))) /*bug 8893354*/
744 	AND ((Recinfo.Last_Update_Login = X_Last_Update_Login) OR
745 	     ((Recinfo.Last_Update_Login IS NULL)
746 	      AND (X_Last_Update_Login IS NULL)))
747 	AND ((Recinfo.Payment_Method_Code = X_Payment_Method_Code) OR
748 	     ((Recinfo.Payment_Method_Code IS NULL)
749 	      AND (X_Payment_Method_Code IS NULL)))
750 	AND ((Recinfo.Payment_Priority = X_Payment_Priority) OR
751 	     ((Recinfo.Payment_Priority IS NULL)
752 	      AND (X_Payment_Priority IS NULL)))
753 	AND ((Recinfo.Payment_Status_Flag = X_Payment_Status_Flag) OR
754 	     ((Recinfo.Payment_Status_Flag IS NULL)
755 	      AND (X_Payment_Status_Flag IS NULL)))
756 	AND ((Recinfo.Second_Discount_Date = X_Second_Discount_Date) OR
757 	     ((Recinfo.Second_Discount_Date IS NULL)
758 	      AND (X_Second_Discount_Date IS NULL)))
759 	AND ((Recinfo.Third_Discount_Date = X_Third_Discount_Date) OR
760 	     ((Recinfo.Third_Discount_Date IS NULL)
761 	      AND (X_Third_Discount_Date IS NULL)))
762 	AND ((Recinfo.Batch_Id = X_Batch_Id) OR
763 	     ((Recinfo.Batch_Id IS NULL)
764 	      AND (X_Batch_Id IS NULL)))
765 	AND ((Recinfo.Discount_Amount_Available = X_Discount_Amount_Available) OR
766 	     ((Recinfo.Discount_Amount_Available IS NULL)
767 	      AND (X_Discount_Amount_Available IS NULL)))
768 	AND ((Recinfo.Second_Disc_Amt_Available = X_Second_Disc_Amt_Available) OR
769 	     ((Recinfo.Second_Disc_Amt_Available IS NULL)
770 	      AND (X_Second_Disc_Amt_Available IS NULL)))
771 	AND ((Recinfo.Third_Disc_Amt_Available = X_Third_Disc_Amt_Available) OR
772 	     ((Recinfo.Third_Disc_Amt_Available IS NULL)
773 	      AND (X_Third_Disc_Amt_Available IS NULL)))
774 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute1 = X_Attribute1) OR
775 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute1 IS NULL)
776 	      AND (X_Attribute1 IS NULL)))
777 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute10 = X_Attribute10) OR
778 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute10 IS NULL)
779 	      AND (X_Attribute10 IS NULL)))
780 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute11 = X_Attribute11) OR
781 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute11 IS NULL)
782 	      AND (X_Attribute11 IS NULL)))
783 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute12 = X_Attribute12) OR
784 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute12 IS NULL)
785 	      AND (X_Attribute12 IS NULL)))
786 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute13 = X_Attribute13) OR
787 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute13 IS NULL)
788 	      AND (X_Attribute13 IS NULL)))
789 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute14 = X_Attribute14) OR
790 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute14 IS NULL)
791 	      AND (X_Attribute14 IS NULL)))
792 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute15 = X_Attribute15) OR
793 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute15 IS NULL)
794 	      AND (X_Attribute15 IS NULL)))
795 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute2 = X_Attribute2) OR
796 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute2 IS NULL)
797 	      AND (X_Attribute2 IS NULL)))
798 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute3 = X_Attribute3) OR
799 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute3 IS NULL)
800 	      AND (X_Attribute3 IS NULL)))
801 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute4 = X_Attribute4) OR
802 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute4 IS NULL)
803 	      AND (X_Attribute4 IS NULL)))
804 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute5 = X_Attribute5) OR
805 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute5 IS NULL)
806 	      AND (X_Attribute5 IS NULL)))
807 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute6 = X_Attribute6) OR
808 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute6 IS NULL)
809 	      AND (X_Attribute6 IS NULL)))
810 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute7 = X_Attribute7) OR
811 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute7 IS NULL)
812 	      AND (X_Attribute7 IS NULL)))
813 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute8 = X_Attribute8) OR
814 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute8 IS NULL)
815 	      AND (X_Attribute8 IS NULL)))
816 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute9 = X_Attribute9) OR
817 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute9 IS NULL)
818 	      AND (X_Attribute9 IS NULL)))
819 	AND ((Recinfo.Attribute_Category = X_Attribute_Category) OR
820 	     ((Recinfo.Attribute_Category IS NULL)
821 	      AND (X_Attribute_Category IS NULL)))
822 	AND ((Recinfo.Discount_Amount_Remaining = X_Discount_Amount_Remaining) OR
823 	     ((Recinfo.Discount_Amount_Remaining IS NULL)
824 	      AND (X_Discount_Amount_Remaining IS NULL)))
825 	-- Third party payments
826 	AND ((Recinfo.Remit_To_Supplier_Name = X_Remit_To_Supplier_Name) OR
827              ((Recinfo.Remit_To_Supplier_Name IS NULL)
828               AND (X_Remit_To_Supplier_Name IS NULL)))
829         AND ((Recinfo.Remit_To_Supplier_Id = X_Remit_To_Supplier_Id) OR
830              ((Recinfo.Remit_To_Supplier_Id IS NULL)
831               AND (X_Remit_To_Supplier_Id IS NULL)))
832         AND ((Recinfo.Remit_To_Supplier_Site = X_Remit_To_Supplier_Site) OR
833              ((Recinfo.Remit_To_Supplier_Site IS NULL)
834               AND (X_Remit_To_Supplier_Site IS NULL)))
835         AND ((Recinfo.Remit_To_Supplier_Site_Id = X_Remit_To_Supplier_Site_Id) OR
836              ((Recinfo.Remit_To_Supplier_Site_Id IS NULL)
837               AND (X_Remit_To_Supplier_Site_Id IS NULL)))
838         AND ((Recinfo.Relationship_Id = X_Relationship_Id) OR
839              ((Recinfo.Relationship_Id IS NULL)
840               AND (X_Relationship_Id IS NULL)));
842     if (first_conditions
843 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute_Category = X_Global_Attribute_Category) OR
844 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute_Category IS NULL)
845 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute_Category IS NULL)))
846 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute1 = X_Global_Attribute1) OR
847 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute1 IS NULL)
848 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute1 IS NULL)))
849 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute2 = X_Global_Attribute2) OR
850 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute2 IS NULL)
851 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute2 IS NULL)))
852 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute3 = X_Global_Attribute3) OR
853 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute3 IS NULL)
854 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute3 IS NULL)))
855 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute4 = X_Global_Attribute4) OR
856 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute4 IS NULL)
857 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute4 IS NULL)))
858 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute5 = X_Global_Attribute5) OR
859 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute5 IS NULL)
860 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute5 IS NULL)))
861 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute6 = X_Global_Attribute6) OR
862 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute6 IS NULL)
863 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute6 IS NULL)))
864 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute7 = X_Global_Attribute7) OR
865 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute7 IS NULL)
866 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute7 IS NULL)))
867 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute8 = X_Global_Attribute8) OR
868 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute8 IS NULL)
869 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute8 IS NULL)))
870 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute9 = X_Global_Attribute9) OR
871 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute9 IS NULL)
872 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute9 IS NULL)))
873 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute10 = X_Global_Attribute10) OR
874 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute10 IS NULL)
875 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute10 IS NULL)))
876 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute11 = X_Global_Attribute11) OR
877 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute11 IS NULL)
878 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute11 IS NULL)))
879 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute12 = X_Global_Attribute12) OR
880 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute12 IS NULL)
881 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute12 IS NULL)))
882 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute13 = X_Global_Attribute13) OR
883 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute13 IS NULL)
884 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute13 IS NULL)))
885 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute14 = X_Global_Attribute14) OR
886 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute14 IS NULL)
887 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute14 IS NULL)))
888 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute15 = X_Global_Attribute15) OR
889 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute15 IS NULL)
890 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute15 IS NULL)))
891 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute16 = X_Global_Attribute16) OR
892 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute16 IS NULL)
893 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute16 IS NULL)))
894 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute17 = X_Global_Attribute17) OR
895 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute17 IS NULL)
896 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute17 IS NULL)))
897 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute18 = X_Global_Attribute18) OR
898 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute18 IS NULL)
899 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute18 IS NULL)))
900 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute19 = X_Global_Attribute19) OR
901 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute19 IS NULL)
902 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute19 IS NULL)))
903 	AND ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute20 = X_Global_Attribute20) OR
904 	     ((Recinfo.Global_Attribute20 IS NULL)
905 	      AND (X_Global_Attribute20 IS NULL)))
906 	AND ((Recinfo.External_Bank_Account_Id = X_External_Bank_Account_Id) OR
907 	     ((Recinfo.External_Bank_Account_Id IS NULL)
908 	      AND (X_External_Bank_Account_Id IS NULL)))
909 	AND ((Recinfo.Inv_Curr_Gross_Amount = X_Inv_Curr_Gross_Amount) OR
910 	     ((Recinfo.Inv_Curr_Gross_Amount IS NULL)
911 	      AND (X_Inv_Curr_Gross_Amount IS NULL)))
912         AND ((Recinfo.Org_Id = X_Org_Id) OR
913              ((Recinfo.Org_Id IS NULL)
914               AND (X_Org_Id IS NULL)))
915 ) then
916       return;
917     else
920     end if;
924          IF (SQLCODE <> -20001) THEN
925            IF (SQLCODE = -54) THEN
927            ELSE
928              FND_MESSAGE.SET_NAME('SQLAP','AP_DEBUG');
931                        current_calling_sequence);
933                  'X_Invoice_Id = '||X_Invoice_Id
934              ||', X_Payment_Num = '||X_Payment_Num
935                                   );
936              FND_MESSAGE.SET_TOKEN('DEBUG_INFO',debug_info);
937            END IF;
938          END IF;
941   END Lock_Row;