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APPS.SO_ATT SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

  p_operation   VARCHAR2,-- 'INSERT' | 'UPDATE'
  p_version     VARCHAR2 -- 'SO_10SC' | 'SO_R10'
) IS
  x_document_id NUMBER;
Line: 29

  INSERT INTO so_note_replication (
  ) VALUES (
Line: 48

  p_operation   VARCHAR2,-- 'INSERT' | 'UPDATE'
  p_version     VARCHAR2 -- 'SO_10SC' | 'SO_R10'
) IS


  DELETE FROM so_note_replication
  WHERE datatype_id = decode(p_short_long,'S',1,'L',2)
  AND   source_code     = p_source
  AND   operation_code  = p_operation
  AND   version    = p_version;
Line: 70

	SELECT SUBSTR(description,1,30)
	  FROM fnd_documents_tl
	 WHERE document_id = p_document_id
	   AND language = x_language;
Line: 75

	  FROM sys.dual
			 FROM so_notes
			WHERE name = x_doc_desc);
Line: 116

  IF (p_msg_name = 'OE_NOT_UPDATE_NOTE') THEN
	fnd_message.set_name('OE', p_msg_name);
Line: 147

  INTO x_note_type_code, x_override_flag
  FROM so_notes
  WHERE note_id = p_note_id;
Line: 172

    SELECT order_category
      FROM so_headers
     WHERE header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 206

  SELECT snu.category_id
  INTO   p_category_id
  FROM   so_note_usages snu
  WHERE  snu.usage_id = p_usage_id;
Line: 224

  SELECT snu.usage_id
  INTO   p_usage_id
  FROM   fnd_document_categories fdc,
         so_note_usages snu
  WHERE  fdc.category_id = snu.category_id
  AND    fdc.category_id = p_category_id;
Line: 240

  SELECT fd.datatype_id, fdt.media_id
  INTO   p_datatype_id, p_media_id
  FROM   fnd_documents_tl fdt,
         fnd_documents fd
  WHERE  fdt.language = fnd_global.current_language
  AND    fdt.document_id = fd.document_id
  AND    fd.document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 254

  SELECT fdc.application_id
    FROM fnd_document_categories fdc,
         fnd_documents fd
   WHERE fd.category_id = fdc.category_id
     AND fd.document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 277

    SELECT application_id
      FROM fnd_document_categories
     WHERE category_id = p_category_id;
Line: 305

  SELECT fd.document_id, fd.category_id,
         fd.usage_type,  fdc.application_id
  FROM   fnd_document_categories fdc,
         fnd_documents_tl fdt,
         fnd_documents fd
  WHERE  fdt.media_id = p_media_id
  AND    fdt.document_id = fd.document_id
  AND    fd.datatype_id = decode (p_short_long, 'S', 1, 2) --short/long
  AND    fd.category_id = fdc.category_id;
Line: 366

PROCEDURE insert_document (
    p_document_id        NUMBER,
    p_app_source_version VARCHAR2
) IS

  x_category_id             NUMBER;
Line: 374

  x_last_update_date        DATE;
Line: 375

  x_last_updated_by         NUMBER;
Line: 376

  x_last_update_login       NUMBER;
Line: 408

    note_id,              last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,      last_update_login,
    creation_date,        created_by,
    name,                 usage_id,
    start_date_active,    end_date_active,
    context,              attribute1,
    attribute2,           attribute3,
    attribute4,           attribute5,
    attribute6,           attribute7,
    attribute8,           attribute9,
    attribute10,          attribute11,
    attribute12,          attribute13,
    attribute14,          attribute15
    x_note_id,            x_last_update_date,
    x_last_updated_by,    x_last_update_login,
    x_creation_date,      x_created_by,
    x_name,               x_usage_id,
    x_start_date_active,  x_end_date_active,
    x_context,            x_attribute1,
    x_attribute2,         x_attribute3,
    x_attribute4,         x_attribute5,
    x_attribute6,         x_attribute7,
    x_attribute8,         x_attribute9,
    x_attribute10,        x_attribute11,
    x_attribute12,        x_attribute13,
    x_attribute14,        x_attribute15
  FROM so_notes
  WHERE document_id     = p_document_id;
Line: 442

    SELECT note
    INTO   x_note
    FROM   so_notes
    WHERE  document_id  = p_document_id;
Line: 450

      x_note := so_att.get_note_error('OE_NOT_UPDATE_NOTE');
Line: 466

  INSERT INTO fnd_documents (
    document_id,       creation_date,
    created_by,        last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,   last_update_login,
    datatype_id,       category_id,
    security_type,     security_id,
    publish_flag,      storage_type,
    usage_type,        app_source_version,
    start_date_active, end_date_active )
    p_document_id,        x_creation_date,
    x_created_by,         sysdate,
    1,                    1,
    x_datatype_id,        x_category_id,
    4,                    NULL,
    'N',                  NULL,
    x_document_usage_type, p_app_source_version,
    x_start_date_active,  x_end_date_active
  FROM dual;
Line: 487

    SELECT fnd_documents_short_text_s.nextval
    INTO   x_media_id
    FROM   dual;
Line: 491

    SELECT fnd_documents_long_text_s.nextval
    INTO   x_media_id
    FROM   dual;
Line: 496

  INSERT INTO fnd_documents_tl (
    document_id,        creation_date,
    created_by,         last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,    last_update_login,
    language,           description,
    file_name,          media_id,
    doc_attribute_category, doc_attribute1,
    doc_attribute2,         doc_attribute3,
    doc_attribute4,         doc_attribute5,
    doc_attribute6,         doc_attribute7,
    doc_attribute8,         doc_attribute9,
    doc_attribute10,        doc_attribute11,
    doc_attribute12,        doc_attribute13,
    doc_attribute14,        doc_attribute15,
    app_source_version,	source_lang )
    p_document_id,      x_creation_date,
    x_created_by,       sysdate,
    1,                  1,
    fnd_global.current_language, x_name,
    NULL,               x_media_id,
    x_context,          x_attribute1,
    x_attribute2,       x_attribute3,
    x_attribute4,       x_attribute5,
    x_attribute6,       x_attribute7,
    x_attribute8,       x_attribute9,
    x_attribute10,      x_attribute11,
    x_attribute12,      x_attribute13,
    x_attribute14,      x_attribute15,
    p_app_source_version, fnd_global.current_language
  FROM dual;
Line: 529

    INSERT INTO fnd_documents_short_text (
      media_id, short_text, app_source_version )
      x_media_id, x_note, p_app_source_version
    FROM dual;
Line: 535

    INSERT INTO fnd_documents_long_text (
      media_id, long_text, app_source_version )
    VALUES (
      x_media_id, x_note, p_app_source_version);
Line: 544

PROCEDURE update_document (
  p_document_id        NUMBER,
  p_app_source_version VARCHAR2
) IS

  x_category_id             NUMBER;
Line: 552

  x_last_update_date        DATE;
Line: 553

  x_last_updated_by         NUMBER;
Line: 554

  x_last_update_login       NUMBER;
Line: 585

    note_id,              last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,      last_update_login,
    creation_date,        created_by,
    name,                 usage_id,     note_type_code,
    start_date_active,    end_date_active,
    context,              attribute1,
    attribute2,           attribute3,
    attribute4,           attribute5,
    attribute6,           attribute7,
    attribute8,           attribute9,
    attribute10,          attribute11,
    attribute12,          attribute13,
    attribute14,          attribute15,
    x_note_id,            x_last_update_date,
    x_last_updated_by,    x_last_update_login,
    x_creation_date,      x_created_by,
    x_name,               x_usage_id,   x_note_type_code,
    x_start_date_active,  x_end_date_active,
    x_context,            x_attribute1,
    x_attribute2,         x_attribute3,
    x_attribute4,         x_attribute5,
    x_attribute6,         x_attribute7,
    x_attribute8,         x_attribute9,
    x_attribute10,        x_attribute11,
    x_attribute12,        x_attribute13,
    x_attribute14,        x_attribute15,
  FROM so_notes
    document_id         = p_document_id;
Line: 622

    SELECT note
    INTO   x_note
    FROM   so_notes
    WHERE  document_id  = p_document_id;
Line: 636

  UPDATE fnd_documents
  SET    app_source_version = 'SO_R10',
         category_id = x_category_id,
         usage_type = DECODE(x_note_type_code,'OT','O',
	 start_date_active = x_start_date_active,
         end_date_active = x_end_date_active
  WHERE  document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 646

  UPDATE fnd_documents_tl
  SET app_source_version = 'SO_R10',
      description = x_name,
      doc_attribute_category = x_context,
      doc_attribute1 = x_attribute1,
      doc_attribute2 = x_attribute2,
      doc_attribute3 = x_attribute3,
      doc_attribute4 = x_attribute4,
      doc_attribute5 = x_attribute5,
      doc_attribute6 = x_attribute6,
      doc_attribute7 = x_attribute7,
      doc_attribute8 = x_attribute8,
      doc_attribute9 = x_attribute9,
      doc_attribute10 = x_attribute10,
      doc_attribute11 = x_attribute11,
      doc_attribute12 = x_attribute12,
      doc_attribute13 = x_attribute13,
      doc_attribute14 = x_attribute14,
      doc_attribute15 = x_attribute15
  WHERE document_id = p_document_id
  AND   language = fnd_global.current_language;
Line: 674

    UPDATE fnd_documents_short_text
    SET    app_source_version = 'SO_R10',
           short_text = substr (x_note, 1, 1998)
    WHERE  media_id = x_media_id;
Line: 679

    UPDATE fnd_documents_long_text
    SET    app_source_version = 'SO_R10',
           long_text = x_note
    WHERE  media_id = x_media_id;
Line: 688

PROCEDURE delete_document (
  p_document_id  NUMBER
) IS

  x_media_id      NUMBER;
Line: 699

  DELETE FROM fnd_documents
  WHERE document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 702

  DELETE FROM fnd_documents_tl
  WHERE document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 706

    DELETE FROM fnd_documents_short_text
    WHERE media_id = x_media_id;
Line: 709

    DELETE FROM fnd_documents_long_text
    WHERE media_id = x_media_id;
Line: 716

PROCEDURE insert_attached_document (
  p_creation_date           DATE,
  p_created_by              NUMBER,
  p_note_id                 NUMBER,
  p_usage_id                NUMBER,
  p_automatically_added_flag VARCHAR2,
  p_header_id               NUMBER,
  p_line_id                 NUMBER,
  p_program_application_id  NUMBER,
  p_program_id              NUMBER,
  p_program_update_date     DATE,
  p_request_id              NUMBER,
  p_sequence_number         NUMBER,
  p_context                 VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute1              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute2              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute3              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute4              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute5              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute6              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute7              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute8              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute9              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute10             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute11             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute12             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute13             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute14             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute15             VARCHAR2,
  p_app_source_version      VARCHAR2,
  p_attached_document_id    IN OUT NUMBER
) IS

  x_document_id NUMBER;
Line: 754

  SELECT document_id
  INTO   x_document_id
  FROM   so_notes
  WHERE  note_id = p_note_id;
Line: 761

  SELECT fnd_attached_documents_s.nextval
  INTO   p_attached_document_id
  FROM   dual;
Line: 765

  INSERT INTO fnd_attached_documents (
    attached_document_id,     document_id,
    creation_date,            created_by,
    last_update_date,         last_updated_by,
    last_update_login,        seq_num,
    entity_name,              pk1_value,
    program_application_id,   program_id,
    program_update_date,      request_id,
    automatically_added_flag, attribute_category,
    attribute1,               attribute2,
    attribute3,               attribute4,
    attribute5,               attribute6,
    attribute7,               attribute8,
    attribute9,               attribute10,
    attribute11,              attribute12,
    attribute13,              attribute14,
    attribute15,              app_source_version )
    p_attached_document_id,   x_document_id,
    p_creation_date,          p_created_by,
    sysdate,                  1,
    1,                        p_sequence_number,
    x_entity_name,            to_char(p_header_id),
    p_program_application_id, p_program_id,
    p_program_update_date,    p_request_id,
    p_automatically_added_flag, p_context,
    p_attribute1,             p_attribute2,
    p_attribute3,             p_attribute4,
    p_attribute5,             p_attribute6,
    p_attribute7,             p_attribute8,
    p_attribute9,             p_attribute10,
    p_attribute11,            p_attribute12,
    p_attribute13,            p_attribute14,
    p_attribute15,            p_app_source_version
  FROM dual;
Line: 805

PROCEDURE update_attached_document (
  p_attached_document_id    NUMBER,
  p_creation_date           DATE,
  p_created_by              NUMBER,
  p_note_id                 NUMBER,
  p_usage_id                NUMBER,
  p_automatically_added_flag VARCHAR2,
  p_header_id               NUMBER,
  p_line_id                 NUMBER,
  p_program_application_id  NUMBER,
  p_program_id              NUMBER,
  p_program_update_date     DATE,
  p_request_id              NUMBER,
  p_sequence_number         NUMBER,
  p_context                 VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute1              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute2              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute3              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute4              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute5              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute6              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute7              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute8              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute9              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute10             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute11             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute12             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute13             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute14             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute15             VARCHAR2,
  p_app_source_version      VARCHAR2
) IS

  x_document_id NUMBER;
Line: 842

  SELECT document_id
  INTO   x_document_id
  FROM   so_notes
  WHERE  note_id = p_note_id;
Line: 848

  UPDATE fnd_attached_documents
  SET    last_update_date = SYSDATE,
         seq_num     = p_sequence_number,
         document_id = x_document_id,
         attribute_category = p_context,
         attribute1  = p_attribute1,
         attribute2  = p_attribute2,
         attribute3  = p_attribute3,
         attribute4  = p_attribute4,
         attribute5  = p_attribute5,
         attribute6  = p_attribute6,
         attribute7  = p_attribute7,
         attribute8  = p_attribute8,
         attribute9  = p_attribute9,
         attribute10 = p_attribute10,
         attribute11 = p_attribute11,
         attribute12 = p_attribute12,
         attribute13 = p_attribute13,
         attribute14 = p_attribute14,
         attribute15 = p_attribute15,
         app_source_version = 'SO_R10'
  WHERE  attached_document_id = p_attached_document_id;
Line: 873

PROCEDURE delete_attached_document (
  p_attached_document_id         NUMBER
) IS


  DELETE FROM fnd_attached_documents
  WHERE attached_document_id = p_attached_document_id;
Line: 885

PROCEDURE insert_category (
  p_creation_date           DATE,
  p_created_by              NUMBER,
  p_last_update_date        DATE,
  p_last_updated_by         NUMBER,
  p_last_update_login       NUMBER,
  p_name                    VARCHAR2,
  p_description             VARCHAR2,
  p_start_date_active       DATE,
  p_end_date_active         DATE,
  p_context                 VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute1              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute2              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute3              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute4              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute5              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute6              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute7              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute8              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute9              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute10             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute11             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute12             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute13             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute14             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute15             VARCHAR2,
  p_app_source_version      VARCHAR2,
  p_category_id             IN OUT NUMBER
) IS
 attach_function_id NUMBER;
Line: 917

  SELECT fnd_document_categories_s.nextval
  INTO   p_category_id
  FROM   dual;
Line: 921

  INSERT INTO fnd_document_categories (
    application_id,           creation_date,
    created_by,               last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,          last_update_login,
    start_date_active,        end_date_active,
    attribute1,               attribute2,
    attribute3,               attribute4,
    attribute5,               attribute6,
    attribute7,               attribute8,
    attribute9,               attribute10,
    attribute11,              attribute12,
    attribute13,              attribute14,
    300,                      p_creation_date,
    p_created_by,             p_last_update_date,
    p_last_updated_by,        p_last_update_login,
    p_start_date_active,      p_end_date_active,
    p_attribute1,             p_attribute2,
    p_attribute3,             p_attribute4,
    p_attribute5,             p_attribute6,
    p_attribute7,             p_attribute8,
    p_attribute9,             p_attribute10,
    p_attribute11,            p_attribute12,
    p_attribute13,            p_attribute14,
  FROM dual;
Line: 957

  INSERT INTO fnd_document_categories_tl (
    category_id,              language,
    name,                     user_name,
    created_by,               last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,          last_update_login,
    app_source_version,       source_lang )
    p_category_id,            fnd_global.current_language,
    p_name,                   p_name,
    p_created_by,             p_last_update_date,
    p_last_updated_by,        p_last_update_login,
    p_app_source_version,     fnd_global.current_language
  FROM dual;
Line: 974

  SELECT attachment_function_id
    INTO attach_function_id
    FROM fnd_attachment_functions
   WHERE function_name = 'OEXOEMOE'
     AND function_type = 'O';
Line: 983

  INSERT INTO fnd_doc_category_usages (
	attachment_function_id,	enabled_flag,
  	creation_date, created_by,
	last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login)
	attach_function_id, 'Y',
	SYSDATE, 1, 1);
Line: 998

PROCEDURE update_category (
  p_category_id             NUMBER,
  p_creation_date           DATE,
  p_created_by              NUMBER,
  p_last_update_date        DATE,
  p_last_updated_by         NUMBER,
  p_last_update_login       NUMBER,
  p_name                    VARCHAR2,
  p_description             VARCHAR2,
  p_start_date_active       DATE,
  p_end_date_active         DATE,
  p_context                 VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute1              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute2              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute3              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute4              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute5              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute6              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute7              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute8              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute9              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute10             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute11             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute12             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute13             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute14             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute15             VARCHAR2,
  p_app_source_version      VARCHAR2
) IS


  UPDATE fnd_document_categories
  SET    last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
         last_updated_by  = p_last_updated_by,
         last_update_login = p_last_update_login,
         name             = p_name,
         start_date_active = p_start_date_active,
         end_date_active = p_end_date_active,
         attribute_category = p_context,
         attribute1  = p_attribute1,
         attribute2  = p_attribute2,
         attribute3  = p_attribute3,
         attribute4  = p_attribute4,
         attribute5  = p_attribute5,
         attribute6  = p_attribute6,
         attribute7  = p_attribute7,
         attribute8  = p_attribute8,
         attribute9  = p_attribute9,
         attribute10 = p_attribute10,
         attribute11 = p_attribute11,
         attribute12 = p_attribute12,
         attribute13 = p_attribute13,
         attribute14 = p_attribute14,
         attribute15 = p_attribute15
  WHERE  category_id = p_category_id;
Line: 1055

  UPDATE fnd_document_categories_tl
  SET    last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
         last_updated_by  = p_last_updated_by,
         last_update_login = p_last_update_login,
         name             = p_name,
         user_name        = p_name,
         app_source_version = 'SO_R10'
  WHERE  category_id = p_category_id;
Line: 1066

PROCEDURE insert_usage (
  p_creation_date           DATE,
  p_created_by              NUMBER,
  p_last_update_date        DATE,
  p_last_updated_by         NUMBER,
  p_last_update_login       NUMBER,
  p_name                    VARCHAR2,
  p_user_name               VARCHAR2,
  p_category_id             NUMBER,
  p_app_source_version      VARCHAR2,
  p_usage_id                IN OUT NUMBER
) IS
     FROM so_note_usages
    WHERE name = substr(p_user_name,1,15);
Line: 1096

  SELECT so_note_usages_s.nextval
  INTO   p_usage_id
  FROM   dual;
Line: 1102

  INSERT INTO so_note_usages (
    usage_id,                 creation_date,
    created_by,               last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,          last_update_login,
    name,                     description,
    start_date_active,        end_date_active,
    attribute1,               attribute2,
    attribute3,               attribute4,
    attribute5,               attribute6,
    attribute7,               attribute8,
    attribute9,               attribute10,
    attribute11,              attribute12,
    attribute13,              attribute14,
    category_id,              app_source_version )
    p_usage_id,               p_creation_date,
    p_created_by,             p_last_update_date,
    p_last_updated_by,        p_last_update_login,
    SUBSTR(p_user_name,1,15), SUBSTR(p_user_name,1,80),
    fdc.start_date_active,    fdc.end_date_active,
    fdc.attribute1,           fdc.attribute2,
    fdc.attribute3,           fdc.attribute4,
    fdc.attribute5,           fdc.attribute6,
    fdc.attribute7,           fdc.attribute8,
    fdc.attribute9,           fdc.attribute10,
    fdc.attribute11,          fdc.attribute12,
    fdc.attribute13,          fdc.attribute14,
    p_category_id,            p_app_source_version
  FROM fnd_document_categories fdc
  WHERE category_id = p_category_id;
Line: 1140

PROCEDURE update_usage (
  p_category_id             NUMBER,
  p_creation_date           DATE,
  p_created_by              NUMBER,
  p_last_update_date        DATE,
  p_last_updated_by         NUMBER,
  p_last_update_login       NUMBER,
  p_name                    VARCHAR2,
  p_user_name               VARCHAR2,
  p_app_source_version      VARCHAR2
) IS
  x_start_date_active       DATE;
Line: 1170

    SELECT 1
      FROM so_note_usages
     WHERE name = substr(p_user_name,1,15)
       AND category_id <> p_category_id;
Line: 1189

  SELECT     start_date_active,        end_date_active,
             attribute1,               attribute2,
             attribute3,               attribute4,
             attribute5,               attribute6,
             attribute7,               attribute8,
             attribute9,               attribute10,
             attribute11,              attribute12,
             attribute13,              attribute14,
             x_start_date_active,      x_end_date_active,
             x_attribute1,             x_attribute2,
             x_attribute3,             x_attribute4,
             x_attribute5,             x_attribute6,
             x_attribute7,             x_attribute8,
             x_attribute9,             x_attribute10,
             x_attribute11,            x_attribute12,
             x_attribute13,            x_attribute14,
  FROM fnd_document_categories
  WHERE category_id = p_category_id;
Line: 1213

  UPDATE so_note_usages
  SET    last_update_date = p_last_update_date,
         last_updated_by  = p_last_updated_by,
         last_update_login = p_last_update_login,
         name             = SUBSTR(p_user_name,1,15),
         start_date_active = x_start_date_active,
         end_date_active = x_end_date_active,
         context = x_attribute_category,
         attribute1  = x_attribute1,
         attribute2  = x_attribute2,
         attribute3  = x_attribute3,
         attribute4  = x_attribute4,
         attribute5  = x_attribute5,
         attribute6  = x_attribute6,
         attribute7  = x_attribute7,
         attribute8  = x_attribute8,
         attribute9  = x_attribute9,
         attribute10 = x_attribute10,
         attribute11 = x_attribute11,
         attribute12 = x_attribute12,
         attribute13 = x_attribute13,
         attribute14 = x_attribute14,
         attribute15 = x_attribute15,
         app_source_version = 'SO_R10'
  WHERE  category_id = p_category_id;