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Line 1: package body pa_billing_extensions_pkg as

1: package body pa_billing_extensions_pkg as
2: /* $Header: PAXIBEXB.pls 120.3 2005/08/19 17:13:49 mwasowic noship $ */
3: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
4: -- this procedure will check for unique existence of name
5: -- ( billing extension name )

Line 20: from pa_billing_extensions

16: into x_dummy
17: from sys.dual
18: where not exists
19: (select 1
20: from pa_billing_extensions
21: where name = x_name
22: and ((x_rowid is NULL) or (rowid <> x_rowid)));
23: --
24: x_return_status := 0;

Line 48: from pa_billing_extensions

44: into x_dummy
45: from sys.dual
46: where not exists
47: (select 1
48: from pa_billing_extensions
49: where processing_order = x_order
50: and ((x_rowid is NULL) or (rowid <> x_rowid)));
51: --
52: x_return_status := 0;

Line 131: select pa_billing_extensions_s.nextval into x_nextval

127: is
128: --
129: begin
130: --
131: select pa_billing_extensions_s.nextval into x_nextval
132: from sys.dual;
133: --
134: x_return_status := 0;
135: --

Line 144: END pa_billing_extensions_pkg;

140: x_return_status := SQLCODE;
141: --
142: end get_nextval;
143: --
144: END pa_billing_extensions_pkg;