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APPS.PVX_MISC_PVT dependencies on FND_USER

Line 1576: FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUser

1572: END IF;
1576: FND_USER_PKG.UpdateUser
1577: (
1578: X_USER_NAME => l_fnd_rec.user_name
1579: ,X_OWNER => l_owner
1580: ,X_END_DATE => l_fnd_rec.end_date

Line 1688: FROM fnd_user FNDU, fnd_responsibility FNDR, fnd_user_resp_groups FNDURG, fnd_security_groups FNDSG

1684: ,cv_resp_app_id IN NUMBER) IS
1685: SELECT FNDU.user_name
1686: ,FNDR.responsibility_key
1687: ,FNDSG.security_group_key
1688: FROM fnd_user FNDU, fnd_responsibility FNDR, fnd_user_resp_groups FNDURG, fnd_security_groups FNDSG
1689: WHERE FNDU.user_id = cv_user_id
1690: AND FNDR.responsibility_id = cv_resp_id
1691: AND FNDR.application_id = cv_resp_app_id
1692: AND FNDU.user_id = FNDURG.user_id

Line 1745: FND_USER_PKG.DelResp(

1741: -- resp_app: Application Short Name
1742: -- resp_key: Responsibility Key
1743: -- security_group: Security Group Key
1745: FND_USER_PKG.DelResp(
1746: username => l_crec_user_resp_detail.user_name
1747: ,resp_app => l_fnd_rec.resp_app_short_name -- Application_Short_name from POL (Partners On-Line)
1748: ,resp_key => l_crec_user_resp_detail.responsibility_key
1749: ,security_group => l_crec_user_resp_detail.security_group_key