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Line 3787: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh

3783: IF p_accounting_batch_id IS NOT NULL
3784: THEN
3785: p_entry_locking_dyn_stmt :=
3786: ' SELECT /*+ PARALLEL (AEL) leading(aeh) use_nl(ael) */ 1
3787: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
3788: ,xla_ae_lines ael
3789: WHERE ael.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
3790: AND ael.application_id = aeh.application_id
3791: AND aeh.accounting_entry_status_code = ''F''

Line 3796: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh

3792: ';
3793: ELSE
3794: p_entry_locking_dyn_stmt :=
3795: ' SELECT 1
3796: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
3797: ,xla_ae_lines ael
3798: WHERE ael.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
3799: AND ael.application_id = aeh.application_id
3800: AND aeh.accounting_entry_status_code = ''F''

Line 4045: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh

4041: ,ael.party_id
4042: ,NVL(ael.party_site_id,-999) party_site_id
4043: ,ael.accounted_dr
4044: ,ael.accounted_cr
4045: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
4046: ,xla_ae_lines ael
4047: ,gl_period_statuses gps
4048: WHERE ael.ae_header_id = aeh.ae_header_id
4049: AND ael.application_id = aeh.application_id

Line 4309: ,xla_ae_headers aeh

4305: ,ael.accounted_dr
4306: ,ael.accounted_cr
4307: FROM xla_events xev
4308: ,xla_events_gt xeg
4309: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
4310: ,xla_ae_lines ael
4311: ,gl_period_statuses gps
4312: WHERE xev.application_id = p_application_id
4313: AND xeg.event_id = xev.event_id

Line 4353: ,xla_ae_headers aeh

4349: ,ael.party_site_id
4350: ,ael.accounted_dr
4351: ,ael.accounted_cr
4352: FROM xla_events xev
4353: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
4354: ,xla_ae_lines ael
4355: ,gl_period_statuses gps
4356: WHERE xev.request_id = p_request_id
4357: AND xev.application_id = p_application_id

Line 4395: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh

4391: ,ael.party_id
4392: ,ael.party_site_id
4393: ,ael.accounted_dr
4394: ,ael.accounted_cr
4395: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
4396: ,xla_ae_lines ael
4397: ,gl_period_statuses gps
4398: WHERE aeh.application_id = p_application_id
4399: AND aeh.entity_id = p_entity_id

Line 4536: ,xla_ae_headers aeh

4532: ,ael.accounted_dr
4533: ,ael.accounted_cr
4534: FROM xla_events_gt xeg
4535: ,xla_events xe
4536: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
4537: ,xla_ae_lines ael
4538: ,gl_period_statuses gps
4539: WHERE xeg.application_id = p_application_id
4540: AND aeh.application_id = xeg.application_id

Line 4664: ,xla_ae_headers aeh

4660: ,NVL(ael.party_site_id,-999) party_site_id
4661: ,ael.accounted_dr
4662: ,ael.accounted_cr
4663: FROM xla_events xev
4664: ,xla_ae_headers aeh
4665: ,xla_ae_lines ael
4666: ,gl_period_statuses gps
4667: WHERE xev.request_id = p_request_id
4668: AND xev.application_id = p_application_id

Line 4788: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh

4784: ,ael.party_id
4785: ,NVL(ael.party_site_id,-999) party_site_id
4786: ,ael.accounted_dr
4787: ,ael.accounted_cr
4788: FROM xla_ae_headers aeh
4789: ,xla_ae_lines ael
4790: ,gl_period_statuses gps
4791: WHERE aeh.application_id = p_application_id
4792: AND aeh.entity_id = p_entity_id

Line 6968: -- parallel and remove xla_ae_headers join

6964: IF p_update_mode <> 'F'
6965: THEN
6966: g_date := SYSDATE;
6968: -- parallel and remove xla_ae_headers join
6969: -- perf changes.
6971: UPDATE /*+ PARALLEL (AEL) */ xla_ae_lines ael
6972: SET ael.analytical_balance_flag = l_balance_flag_post_update

Line 8177: ,xla_ae_headers xah

8173: )
8174: WHERE ael.ROWID IN
8175: (SELECT xal.ROWID
8176: FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
8177: ,xla_ae_headers xah
8178: ,xla_ae_lines xal
8179: ,gl_period_statuses gps
8180: WHERE xbs.balance_status_code = 'R'
8181: AND xbs.balance_source_code = 'C'

Line 8236: ,xla_ae_headers xah

8232: )
8233: WHERE ael.ROWID IN
8234: (SELECT xal.ROWID
8235: FROM xla_balance_statuses xbs
8236: ,xla_ae_headers xah
8237: ,xla_ae_lines xal
8238: ,gl_period_statuses gps
8239: WHERE xbs.balance_status_code = 'R'
8240: AND xbs.balance_source_code = 'A'

Line 8723: FROM xla_ae_headers xah

8719: IF p_party_type_code IS NOT NULL
8720: THEN
8721: l_party_clause :=
8723: FROM xla_ae_headers xah
8724: ,xla_ae_lines xal
8725: WHERE xah.application_id = xbs.application_id
8726: AND xah.ledger_id = xbs.ledger_id
8727: AND xal.code_combination_id = xbs.code_combination_id

Line 9866: ,xla_ae_headers xah

9862: WHERE xal.ROWID IN
9863: ( SELECT xal.ROWID
9864: FROM xla_bal_synchronize_gt xbt
9865: ,xla_ae_lines xal
9866: ,xla_ae_headers xah
9867: ,xla_subledgers xsl
9868: WHERE xbt.chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts_id
9869: AND xal.code_combination_id = xbt.code_combination_id
9870: AND xah.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id

Line 10188: INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers

10184: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE);
10185: END IF;
10187: IF p_mode = 'A' THEN
10188: INSERT INTO xla_ae_headers
10189: (
10192: ,LEDGER_ID

Line 10286: FROM xla_ae_headers xah

10282: FROM xla_ae_lines xal
10283: WHERE xal.ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id;
10285: DELETE
10286: FROM xla_ae_headers xah
10287: WHERE xah.ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id;
10289: ELSE
10290: IF (C_LEVEL_EXCEPTION >= g_log_level) THEN

Line 10483: ,xla_ae_headers xah

10480: SELECT MIN(gps.effective_period_num)
10481: INTO l_first_entry_eff_period_num
10482: FROM gl_period_statuses gps
10483: ,xla_ae_headers xah
10484: ,xla_ae_lines xal
10485: WHERE gps.ledger_id = p_ledger_id
10486: AND gps.application_id = 101
10487: AND gps.period_name = xah.period_name

Line 10584: SELECT xla_ae_headers_s.nextval

10580: END IF;
10582: END IF;
10584: SELECT xla_ae_headers_s.nextval
10585: INTO l_ae_header_id
10586: FROM DUAL;
10588: --Create fake entries