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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 116

 FROM  pay_payroll_actions
 WHERE payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 159

 SELECT org_information6 message
 FROM   hr_organization_information
 WHERE  organization_id = p_bus_grp_id
 AND    org_information_context = 'Business Group:Payslip Info'
 AND    org_information1 = 'MESG';
Line: 171

 SELECT org_information4 balance_type_id
       ,org_information5 balance_dim_id
       ,org_information7 narrative
 FROM   hr_organization_information
 WHERE  organization_id = p_bus_grp_id
 AND    org_information_context = 'Business Group:Payslip Info'
 AND    org_information1 = 'BALANCE';
Line: 181

 SELECT defined_balance_id
 FROM   pay_defined_balances
 WHERE  balance_type_id = bal_type_id
 AND    balance_dimension_id = bal_dim_id;
Line: 192

 SELECT ptp.end_date              end_date,
        ptp.start_date            start_date,
        ptp.period_name           period_name,
        ppf.payroll_name          payroll_name
 FROM   per_time_periods	ptp
       ,pay_payroll_actions	ppa
       ,pay_payrolls_f		ppf
 WHERE  ptp.payroll_id           = ppa.payroll_id
 AND    ppa.payroll_action_id    = p_run_payact_id
 AND    ppa.payroll_id           = ppf.payroll_id
 AND    ppf.payroll_id           = NVL(p_payroll_id , ppf.payroll_id)
 AND    ppa.date_earned BETWEEN ptp.start_date AND ptp.end_date
 AND    ppa.date_earned BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 212

 SELECT hoi.org_information2 element_type_id
       ,hoi.org_information3 input_value_id
       ,code.org_information2||','||hoi.org_information7 element_narrative --changes to payslip w.r.t bug - 7229247
 FROM   hr_organization_information hoi
       ,hr_organization_information code
       ,pay_element_classifications pec
       ,pay_element_types_f  pet
       ,pay_input_values_f piv
 WHERE  hoi.organization_id = p_bus_grp_id
 AND    hoi.org_information_context = 'Business Group:Payslip Info'
 AND    hoi.org_information1 = 'ELEMENT'
 AND    hoi.org_information2 = pet.element_type_id
 AND    pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
 AND    piv.input_value_id = hoi.org_information3
 AND    p_date_earned BETWEEN piv.effective_start_date AND piv.effective_end_date
 AND 	code.organization_id (+)= p_bus_grp_id   --changes to payslip w.r.t bug - 7229247
 AND   	code.org_information_context (+)='DK_SOE_ELEMENT_ADD_DETAILS' --changes to payslip w.r.t bug - 7229247
AND   	pet.element_type_id = code.org_information1(+);   --changes to payslip w.r.t bug - 7229247
Line: 324

			 SELECT 1 INTO l_flag
			 FROM   pay_action_information
			 WHERE  action_information_category = 'EMEA BALANCE DEFINITION'
			 AND    action_context_id           = p_payroll_action_id
			 AND    action_information2         = l_defined_balance_id
			 AND    action_information6         = 'OBAL'
			 AND    action_information4         = rec_get_balance.narrative;
Line: 381

			SELECT 1 INTO l_flag
			FROM   pay_action_information
			WHERE  action_context_id = p_payroll_action_id
			AND    action_information_category = 'EMEA ELEMENT DEFINITION'
			AND    action_information2 = rec_get_element.element_type_id
			AND    action_information3 = rec_get_element.input_value_id
			AND    action_information5 = l_element_context;
Line: 416

	 p_sql := 'SELECT DISTINCT person_id
		FROM  per_people_f ppf
		     ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
		WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
		AND   ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id
		ORDER BY ppf.person_id';
Line: 431

	 -- Return cursor that selects no rows
	 p_sql := 'select 1 from dual where to_char(:payroll_action_id) = dummy';
Line: 456

 SELECT act.assignment_id            assignment_id,
        act.assignment_action_id     run_action_id,
        act1.assignment_action_id    prepaid_action_id
 FROM   pay_payroll_actions          ppa,
        pay_payroll_actions          appa,
        pay_payroll_actions          appa2,
        pay_assignment_actions       act,
        pay_assignment_actions       act1,
        pay_action_interlocks        pai,
        per_all_assignments_f        as1
 WHERE  ppa.payroll_action_id        = p_payroll_action_id
 AND    appa.consolidation_set_id    = p_consolidation_id
 AND    appa.effective_date          BETWEEN l_canonical_start_date  AND     l_canonical_end_date
 AND    as1.person_id                BETWEEN p_start_person  AND     p_end_person
 AND    appa.action_type             IN ('R','Q')  -- Payroll Run or Quickpay Run
 AND    act.payroll_action_id        = appa.payroll_action_id
 AND    act.source_action_id         IS NULL -- Master Action
 AND    as1.assignment_id            = act.assignment_id
 AND    ppa.effective_date           BETWEEN as1.effective_start_date   AND     as1.effective_end_date
 AND    act.action_status            IN ('C','S')  -- 10229494
 AND    act.assignment_action_id     = pai.locked_action_id
 AND    act1.assignment_action_id    = pai.locking_action_id
 AND    act1.action_status           IN ('C','S') -- 10229494
 AND    act1.payroll_action_id       = appa2.payroll_action_id
 AND    appa2.action_type            IN ('P','U') -- Prepayments or Quickpay Prepayments
 AND    appa2.effective_date          BETWEEN l_canonical_start_date   AND l_canonical_end_date
 AND    (as1.payroll_id = p_payroll_id OR p_payroll_id IS NULL)

 		   FROM   pay_action_interlocks      pai1,
			  pay_assignment_actions     act2,
			  pay_payroll_actions        appa3
 		   WHERE  pai1.locked_action_id    = act.assignment_action_id
 		   AND    act2.assignment_action_id= pai1.locking_action_id
 		   AND    act2.payroll_action_id   = appa3.payroll_action_id
 		   AND    appa3.action_type        = 'X'
 		   AND    appa3.action_status      = 'C'
 		   AND    appa3.report_type        = 'PYDKARCHIVE')

 		   FROM   pay_action_interlocks      pai1,
			  pay_assignment_actions     act2,
			  pay_payroll_actions        appa3
 		      WHERE  pai1.locked_action_id    = act.assignment_action_id
 		      AND    act2.assignment_action_id= pai1.locking_action_id
 		      AND    act2.payroll_action_id   = appa3.payroll_action_id
 		      AND    appa3.action_type        = 'V'
 		      AND    appa3.action_status      = 'C')

 ORDER BY act.assignment_id;
Line: 560

	SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL
 	INTO   l_actid
 	FROM   dual;
Line: 601

 SELECT distinct prepay_payact.payroll_action_id    prepay_payact_id
       ,run_payact.date_earned date_earned
 FROM   pay_action_interlocks  archive_intlck
       ,pay_assignment_actions prepay_assact
       ,pay_payroll_actions    prepay_payact
       ,pay_action_interlocks  prepay_intlck
       ,pay_assignment_actions run_assact
       ,pay_payroll_actions    run_payact
       ,pay_assignment_actions archive_assact
 WHERE  archive_intlck.locking_action_id = archive_assact.assignment_action_id
 and    archive_assact.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
 AND    prepay_assact.assignment_action_id = archive_intlck.locked_action_id
 AND    prepay_payact.payroll_action_id = prepay_assact.payroll_action_id
 AND    prepay_payact.action_type IN ('U','P')
 AND    prepay_intlck.locking_action_id = prepay_assact.assignment_action_id
 AND    run_assact.assignment_action_id = prepay_intlck.locked_action_id
 AND    run_payact.payroll_action_id = run_assact.payroll_action_id
 AND    run_payact.action_type IN ('Q', 'R')
 ORDER BY prepay_payact.payroll_action_id;
Line: 625

 SELECT distinct prepay_payact.payroll_action_id    prepay_payact_id
       ,run_payact.date_earned date_earned
       ,run_payact.payroll_action_id run_payact_id
 FROM   pay_action_interlocks  archive_intlck
       ,pay_assignment_actions prepay_assact
       ,pay_payroll_actions    prepay_payact
       ,pay_action_interlocks  prepay_intlck
       ,pay_assignment_actions run_assact
       ,pay_payroll_actions    run_payact
       ,pay_assignment_actions archive_assact
 WHERE  archive_intlck.locking_action_id = archive_assact.assignment_action_id
 and    archive_assact.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
 AND    prepay_assact.assignment_action_id = archive_intlck.locked_action_id
 AND    prepay_payact.payroll_action_id = prepay_assact.payroll_action_id
 AND    prepay_payact.action_type IN ('U','P')
 AND    prepay_intlck.locking_action_id = prepay_assact.assignment_action_id
 AND    run_assact.assignment_action_id = prepay_intlck.locked_action_id
 AND    run_payact.payroll_action_id = run_assact.payroll_action_id
 AND    run_payact.action_type IN ('Q', 'R')
 ORDER BY prepay_payact.payroll_action_id;
Line: 809

 SELECT territory_short_name
 FROM   fnd_territories_vl
 WHERE  territory_code = p_territory_code;
Line: 849

 SELECT ppf.person_id person_id,
        ppf.full_name full_name,
        ppf.national_identifier ni_number,
        ppf.nationality nationality,
        pps.date_start start_date,
        ppf.employee_number emp_num,
        ppf.first_name first_name,
        ppf.last_name last_name,
        ppf.title title,
        paf.location_id loc_id,
        paf.organization_id org_id,  -- HR Org at Asg level
        paf.job_id job_id,
        paf.position_id pos_id,
        paf.grade_id grade_id,
        paf.business_group_id bus_grp_id
 FROM   per_assignments_f paf,
        per_all_people_f ppf,
        per_periods_of_service pps
 WHERE  paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
 AND    paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
 AND    pps.person_id = ppf.person_id
 AND    p_date_earned BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date AND paf.effective_end_date
 AND    p_date_earned BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date AND ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 876

 SELECT pa.person_id person_id,
        pa.style style,
        pa.address_type ad_type,
        pa.country country,
        pa.region_1 R1,
        pa.region_2 R2,
        pa.region_3 R3,
        pa.town_or_city city,
        pa.address_line1 AL1,
        pa.address_line2 AL2,
        pa.address_line3 AL3,
        pa.postal_code postal_code
 FROM   per_addresses pa
 WHERE  pa.primary_flag = 'Y'
 AND    pa.person_id = p_person_id
 AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN pa.date_from  AND NVL(pa.date_to,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'));
Line: 896

 SELECT hla.style style
        ,hla.country country
        ,hla.address_line_1 AL1
        ,hla.address_line_2 AL2
        ,hla.address_line_3 AL3
        ,hla.postal_code postal_code
 FROM    hr_locations_all hla
     	,hr_organization_units hou
 WHERE	hou.organization_id = p_organization_id
 AND	hou.location_id = hla.location_id;
Line: 908

 SELECT hla.style style
       ,hla.address_line_1 AL1
       ,hla.address_line_2 AL2
       ,hla.address_line_3 AL3
       ,hla.country        country
       ,hla.postal_code    postal_code
 FROM   hr_locations_all hla,
        hr_organization_units hoa
 WHERE  hla.location_id = hoa.location_id
 AND    hoa.organization_id = p_organization_id
 AND    p_effective_date BETWEEN hoa.date_from  AND    NVL(hoa.date_to,to_date('31-12-4712','DD-MM-YYYY'));
Line: 923

 SELECT business_group_id
 FROM   hr_organization_units
 WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 929

 SELECT org_information10
 FROM   hr_organization_information
 WHERE  organization_id = p_bg_id
 AND    org_information_context = 'Business Group Information';
Line: 940

 SELECT	hoi3.organization_id
 WHERE  o1.business_group_id =l_bg_id
 AND	hoi1.organization_id = o1.organization_id
 AND	hoi1.organization_id = p_organization_id
 AND	hoi1.org_information1 = 'DK_LOCAL_UNIT'
 AND	hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
 AND	o1.organization_id = hoi2.org_information1
 AND	hoi2.organization_id =  hoi3.organization_id
 AND	hoi3.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER';
Line: 960

 SELECT pg.name
 FROM   per_grades pg
 WHERE  pg.grade_id = p_grade_id;
Line: 966

 SELECT pap.name
 FROM   per_all_positions pap
 WHERE  pap.position_id = p_position_id;
Line: 971

 SELECT name
 FROM per_jobs
 WHERE job_id = p_job_id;
Line: 977

 SELECT concatenated_segments
 FROM   pay_cost_allocations_v
 WHERE  assignment_id=p_assignment_id
 AND    p_date_earned BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 984

 SELECT location_code location
 FROM hr_locations_all
 WHERE location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 990

 SELECT date_start
 FROM 	per_periods_of_service pps,
	per_all_assignments_f paa
 WHERE pps.period_of_service_id = paa.period_of_service_id
 AND p_date_earned between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
 AND paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 1000

 SELECT segment2
 from per_all_assignments_f paaf
 where paaf.assignment_id= p_assignment_id
 and p_date_earned BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
Line: 1011

 SELECT segment1
 from per_all_assignments_f paaf
 where paaf.assignment_id= p_assignment_id
 and p_date_earned BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
Line: 1023

SELECT org_information3 le_phone_num
FROM hr_organization_information hoi
WHERE organization_id = l_legal_employer_id
AND org_information_context = 'ORG_CONTACT_DETAILS'
AND org_information1 = 'PHONE' ;
Line: 1034

FROM hr_organization_information hoi
WHERE organization_id = l_legal_employer_id
AND org_information_context = 'DK_LEGAL_ENTITY_DETAILS' ;
Line: 1044

FROM hr_organization_units
WHERE organization_id = org_id ;
Line: 1206

	SELECT name INTO l_organization
        FROM hr_organization_units
        WHERE organization_id = rec_person_details.org_id;
Line: 1211

	SELECT name INTO l_employer_name
        FROM hr_organization_units
        WHERE organization_id = l_legal_employer_id;
Line: 1276


	pay_action_information_api.create_action_information (
 		  p_action_information_id        => l_action_info_id
 		 ,p_action_context_id            => p_archive_assact_id
 		 ,p_action_context_type          => 'AAP'
 		 ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn
 		 ,p_effective_date               => p_effective_date
 		 ,p_source_id                    => NULL
 		 ,p_source_text                  => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information_category  => 'EMPLOYEE DETAILS'
 		 ,p_action_information1          => rec_person_details.full_name
 		 ,p_action_information2          => l_legal_employer_id -- rec_person_details.org_id    -- org_id of HR Org at asg level
 		 ,p_action_information4          => rec_person_details.ni_number
 		 ,p_action_information7          => l_grade
 		 ,p_action_information10         => rec_person_details.emp_num
 		 ,p_action_information12	 => fnd_date.date_to_displaydate(l_hire_date) -- fnd_date.date_to_canonical(l_hire_date)
 		 ,p_action_information15         => l_organization	-- name of HR Org at asg level
 		 ,p_action_information16         => p_time_period_id
 		 ,p_action_information17         => l_job
 		 ,p_action_information18         => l_employer_name	-- Legal Employer Name
 		 ,p_action_information19         => l_position
 		 ,p_action_information25         => le_phone_num_str
 		 ,p_action_information30         => l_pay_location
 		 ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id);
Line: 1303

        pay_action_information_api.create_action_information (
 		  p_action_information_id        => l_action_info_id
 		 ,p_action_context_id            => p_archive_assact_id
 		 ,p_action_context_type          => 'AAP'
 		 ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn
 		 ,p_effective_date               => p_effective_date
 		 ,p_source_id                    => NULL
 		 ,p_source_text                  => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information_category  => 'ADDRESS DETAILS'
 		 ,p_action_information1          => rec_primary_address.person_id
 		 ,p_action_information5          => rec_primary_address.AL1
 		 ,p_action_information6          => rec_primary_address.AL2
 		 ,p_action_information7          => rec_primary_address.AL3
		 ,p_action_information8          => rec_primary_address.city -- 10327065
 		 ,p_action_information12         => l_postal_code
 		 ,p_action_information13         => l_country
 		 ,p_action_information14         => 'Employee Address'
 		 ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id);
Line: 1324

        pay_action_information_api.create_action_information (
 		  p_action_information_id        => l_action_info_id
 		 ,p_action_context_id            => p_archive_assact_id
 		 ,p_action_context_type          => 'AAP'
 		 ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn
 		 ,p_effective_date               => p_effective_date
 		 ,p_source_id                    => NULL
 		 ,p_source_text                  => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information_category  => 'ADDRESS DETAILS'
 		 ,p_action_information1          => rec_primary_address.person_id
 		 ,p_action_information5          => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information6          => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information7          => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information8          => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information9          => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information10         => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information11         => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information12         => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information13         => NULL
 		 ,p_action_information14         => 'Employee Address'
 		 ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id);
Line: 1350


       l_org_exists := 0;
Line: 1355

        INTO l_org_exists
        FROM   pay_action_information
        WHERE  action_context_id = p_payroll_action_id
        AND    action_information1 = l_legal_employer_id -- rec_person_details.org_id
        AND    effective_date      = p_effective_date
        AND    action_information_category = 'ADDRESS DETAILS';
Line: 1421

 SELECT code.org_information2||','||nvl(pettl.reporting_name,pettl.element_name)  rep_name
       ,et.element_type_id element_type_id
       ,iv.input_value_id input_value_id
       ,iv.uom uom
 FROM   pay_element_types_f         et
 ,      pay_element_types_f_tl      pettl
 ,      pay_input_values_f          iv
 ,      pay_element_classifications classification
      ,hr_organization_information code
 WHERE  et.element_type_id              = iv.element_type_id
 AND    et.element_type_id              = pettl.element_type_id
 AND    pettl.language                  = USERENV('LANG')
 AND    iv.name                         = 'Pay Value'
 AND    classification.classification_id   = et.classification_id
 AND    classification.classification_name
	IN ('Direct Payments','Income','Special Pay','B Income') /* 8849449 */
 AND    p_date_earned       BETWEEN et.effective_start_date  AND et.effective_end_date
 AND    p_date_earned       BETWEEN iv.effective_start_date  AND iv.effective_end_date
 AND ((et.business_group_id IS NULL AND et.legislation_code = 'DK')
	OR (et.business_group_id = g_business_group_id AND et.legislation_code IS NULL))
-- Adding the Conditions below for Payslip Format Changes - w.r.t bug - 7229247
-- Start
and 	code.organization_id(+) = g_business_group_id
and   	code.org_information_context (+)='DK_SOE_ELEMENT_ADD_DETAILS'
and   	et.element_type_id = code.org_information1 (+);
Line: 1452

 SELECT code.org_information2||','||nvl(pettl.reporting_name,pettl.element_name) rep_name
       ,et.element_type_id element_type_id
       ,iv.input_value_id input_value_id
       ,iv.uom uom
 FROM   pay_element_types_f         et
 ,      pay_element_types_f_tl      pettl
 ,      pay_input_values_f          iv
 ,      pay_element_classifications classification
,hr_organization_information code
 WHERE  et.element_type_id              = iv.element_type_id
 AND    et.element_type_id              = pettl.element_type_id
 AND    pettl.language                  = USERENV('LANG')
 AND    iv.name                         = 'Pay Value'
 AND    classification.classification_id   = et.classification_id
 AND    classification.classification_name
		IN ('Involuntary Deductions','Pre-Tax Deductions','Statutory Deductions','Voluntary Deductions')
 AND    p_date_earned       BETWEEN et.effective_start_date  AND et.effective_end_date
 AND    p_date_earned       BETWEEN iv.effective_start_date  AND iv.effective_end_date
 AND ((et.business_group_id IS NULL AND et.legislation_code = 'DK')
	 OR  (et.business_group_id = g_business_group_id AND et.legislation_code IS NULL))
 -- Adding the Conditions below for Payslip Format Changes - w.r.t bug - 7229247
 -- Start
 AND 	code.organization_id(+) = g_business_group_id
 AND   	code.org_information_context (+)='DK_SOE_ELEMENT_ADD_DETAILS'
 AND   	et.element_type_id = code.org_information1 (+);
Line: 1499

		  SELECT 1 INTO l_flag
		  FROM   pay_action_information
		  WHERE  action_context_id = p_payroll_action_id
		  AND    action_information_category = 'EMEA ELEMENT DEFINITION'
		  AND    action_information2 = rec_earnings.element_type_id
		  AND    action_information3 = rec_earnings.input_value_id
		  AND    action_information5 = 'E';
Line: 1540

		 SELECT 1 INTO l_flag
		 FROM   pay_action_information
		 WHERE  action_context_id = p_payroll_action_id
		 AND    action_information_category = 'EMEA ELEMENT DEFINITION'
		 AND    action_information2 = rec_deduction.element_type_id
		 AND    action_information3 = rec_deduction.input_value_id
		 AND    action_information5 = 'D';
Line: 1598

 SELECT  u.creator_id
 FROM    ff_user_entities  u,
 	ff_database_items d
 WHERE   d.user_name = p_user_name
 AND     u.user_entity_id = d.user_entity_id
 AND     (u.legislation_code = 'DK' )
 AND     (u.business_group_id IS NULL )
 AND     u.creator_type = 'B';
Line: 1636

 SELECT personal_payment_method_id ppm_id,
        org_payment_method_id opm_id
 FROM   pay_pre_payments
 WHERE  assignment_action_id = p_prepay_assact_id;
Line: 1644

 SELECT ppm.external_account_id
 FROM   pay_personal_payment_methods_f ppm
 WHERE  ppm.personal_payment_method_id = p_ppm_id
 AND    p_date_earned BETWEEN ppm.effective_start_date  AND ppm.effective_end_date;
Line: 1651

 SELECT pop.org_payment_method_id opm_id,
        pop.org_payment_method_name  opm_name,
        ppttl.payment_type_name pay_type,
        ppp.value value
 FROM   pay_org_payment_methods_f pop,
        pay_assignment_actions paa,
        pay_payment_types ppt,
        pay_payment_types_tl ppttl,
        pay_pre_payments ppp
 WHERE  paa.assignment_action_id = p_prepay_assact_id
 AND    ppt.payment_type_id = pop.payment_type_id
 AND    ppt.payment_type_id = ppttl.payment_type_id
 AND    ppttl.language      = userenv('LANG')
 AND    ppp.org_payment_method_id = pop.org_payment_method_id
 AND    pop.org_payment_method_id = opm_id
 AND    ppp.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
 AND    p_date_earned BETWEEN pop.effective_start_date  AND pop.effective_end_date;
Line: 1671

 SELECT pea.segment1 bank_reg_num,
        pea.segment2 branch,
        pea.segment3 acct_num,
        ppm.org_payment_method_id opm_id,
        pop.org_payment_method_name opm_name,
        ppm.personal_payment_method_id ppm_id,
        ppttl.payment_type_name pay_type,
        ppp.value value
 FROM   pay_external_accounts pea,
        pay_org_payment_methods_f pop,
        pay_personal_payment_methods_f ppm,
        pay_assignment_actions paa,
        pay_payment_types ppt,
        pay_payment_types_tl ppttl,
        pay_pre_payments ppp
 -- pea.id_flex_num=20  AND
	pea.external_account_id = NVL(ppm.external_account_id,pop.external_account_id)
 AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_prepay_assact_id
 AND    paa.assignment_id = ppm.assignment_id
 AND    ppm.org_payment_method_id = pop.org_payment_method_id
 AND    ppm.personal_payment_method_id = ppm_id
 AND    ppt.payment_type_id = pop.payment_type_id
 AND    ppt.payment_type_id = ppttl.payment_type_id
 AND    ppttl.language      = userenv('LANG')
 AND    ppp.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
 AND    ppp.personal_payment_method_id = ppm.personal_payment_method_id
 AND    p_date_earned BETWEEN pop.effective_start_date  AND pop.effective_end_date
 AND    p_date_earned BETWEEN ppm.effective_start_date  AND ppm.effective_end_date;
Line: 1877

       SELECT  pap.accrual_plan_name
       FROM    pay_accrual_plans             pap
 	     ,pay_element_types_f           pet
 	     ,pay_element_links_f           pel
 	     ,pay_element_entries_f         pee
 	     ,pay_assignment_actions        paa
 	     ,pay_payroll_actions           ppa
       WHERE   pet.element_type_id         = pap.accrual_plan_element_type_id
       AND     pel.element_type_id         = pet.element_type_id
       AND     pee.element_link_id         = pel.element_link_id
       AND     paa.assignment_id           = pee.assignment_id
       AND     ppa.payroll_action_id       = paa.payroll_action_id
       AND     ppa.action_type            IN ('R','Q')
       AND     ppa.action_status           = 'C'
       AND     ppa.date_earned       BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
  	    AND     pet.effective_end_date
       AND     ppa.date_earned       BETWEEN pel.effective_start_date
  	    AND     pel.effective_end_date
       AND     ppa.date_earned       BETWEEN pee.effective_start_date
  	    AND     pee.effective_end_date
       AND     paa.assignment_id           = p_assignment_id
       AND     paa.assignment_action_id    = p_run_assignment_action_id;
Line: 2023

 SELECT hoi.org_information2 element_type_id
       ,hoi.org_information3 input_value_id
       ,hoi.org_information7 element_narrative
 FROM   hr_organization_information hoi
       ,pay_element_classifications pec
       ,pay_element_types_f  pet
       ,pay_input_values_f piv
 WHERE  hoi.organization_id = p_bus_grp_id
 AND    hoi.org_information_context = 'Business Group:Payslip Info'
 AND    hoi.org_information1 = 'ELEMENT'
 AND    hoi.org_information2 = pet.element_type_id
 AND    pec.classification_id = pet.classification_id
 AND    piv.input_value_id = hoi.org_information3
 AND    p_date_earned BETWEEN piv.effective_start_date AND piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 2045

 SELECT rrv.result_value,rr.element_entry_id
 FROM   pay_run_result_values rrv
       ,pay_run_results rr
       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 WHERE  rrv.input_value_id = p_iv_id
 AND    rr.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 AND    rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
 AND    rr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
 AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
 AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
 AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
 AND    rrv.result_value IS NOT NULL;
Line: 2066

 SELECT rrv.result_value
 FROM   pay_run_result_values rrv
       ,pay_run_results rr
       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 WHERE  rrv.input_value_id = p_iv_id
 AND    rr.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 AND    rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
 AND    rr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
 AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
 AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
 AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
 AND    rrv.result_value IS NOT NULL
 AND	rr.element_entry_id = p_EE_ID;
Line: 2084

   from hr_organization_information code
	where  	code.organization_id =  g_business_group_id
	and   	code.org_information_context ='DK_SOE_ELEMENT_ADD_DETAILS'
	and   	code.org_information1 = fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_ele_type_id);
Line: 2098

 SELECT	 sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(rrv.result_value)) result_value
 		,count(rrv.RUN_RESULT_ID) record_count
 		,rrv.result_value UNIT_PRICE
 FROM  pay_run_result_values rrv
 		,pay_run_results rr
 		,pay_assignment_actions paa
 		,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 WHERE  rrv.input_value_id = p_iv_id
 AND    rr.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 AND    rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
 AND    rr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
 AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
 AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
 AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
 AND    rrv.result_value IS NOT NULL
 group by rrv.result_value;
Line: 2125

 		        SELECT   rrv3.result_value UNIT_PRICE ,
			sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(rrv1.result_value)) UNIT,
			sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(rrv2.result_value)) AMOUNT
 		        FROM   pay_run_result_values rrv1
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr1
 		                       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
 		                       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 		                       ,pay_run_result_values rrv2
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr2
 		                       ,pay_run_result_values rrv3
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr3
 		        WHERE      rrv1.input_value_id = p_iv_id_UNIT
 		            AND    rr1.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 		            AND    rr1.run_result_id = rrv1.run_result_id
					AND    rr1.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
					AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
					AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
					AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
					and    rrv2.input_value_id = p_iv_id_AMOUNT
					AND    rr2.run_result_id = rrv2.run_result_id
					AND    NVL(rr2.element_entry_id,-1) = NVL(rr1.element_entry_id,-1) -- Bug#9289267 fix
					AND    rr2.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id -- Code added for Recurring Elements Cumulation
					and    rrv3.input_value_id = p_iv_id_UNIT_PRICE
					AND    rr3.run_result_id = rrv3.run_result_id
					AND    NVL(rr3.element_entry_id,-1) = NVL(rr1.element_entry_id,-1) -- Bug#9289267 fix
					AND    rr3.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id -- Code added for Recurring Elements Cumulation
			                group by rrv3.result_value;
Line: 2162

 		        SELECT   rrv3.result_value UNIT_PRICE ,  rrv1.result_value UNIT,  rrv2.result_value AMOUNT
 		        FROM   pay_run_result_values rrv1
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr1
 		                       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
 		                       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 		                       ,pay_run_result_values rrv2
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr2
 		                       ,pay_run_result_values rrv3
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr3
 		        WHERE      rrv1.input_value_id = p_iv_id_UNIT
 		            AND    rr1.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 		            AND    rr1.run_result_id = rrv1.run_result_id
					AND    rr1.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
					AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
					AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
					AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
					and    rrv2.input_value_id = p_iv_id_AMOUNT
					AND    rr2.run_result_id = rrv2.run_result_id
					AND    NVL(rr2.element_entry_id,-1) = NVL(rr1.element_entry_id,-1) -- Bug#9289267 fix
					AND    rr2.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id -- Code added for Recurring Elements Cumulation
					and    rrv3.input_value_id = p_iv_id_UNIT_PRICE
					AND    rr3.run_result_id = rrv3.run_result_id
					AND    NVL(rr3.element_entry_id,-1) = NVL(rr1.element_entry_id,-1) -- Bug#9289267 fix
					AND    rr3.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id; -- Code added for Recurring Elements Cumulation
Line: 2403

							   ,p_action_information4          => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(csr_result_rec.result_value) /* l_formatted_value 9316928 select query has canonical to num */
							   ,p_action_information8          =>  csr_result_rec.record_count
							   ,p_action_information9          => 'Additional Element unit per price:'||csr_result_rec.UNIT_PRICE
							   ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id);
Line: 2424

	   -- All three are selected, we can group by three in single query

	   			IF rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION10 = 'Y'
	   				FOR csr_result_rec IN csr_all_sum_result_values(rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION7,rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION9
	   	   		 													,p_assignment_action_id	)
	    				    IF  csr_result_rec.AMOUNT is not null THEN
			    				pay_action_information_api.create_action_information (
			    				p_action_information_id        => l_action_info_id
								,p_action_context_id            => p_archive_assact_id
							   ,p_action_context_type          => 'AAP'
							   ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn
							   ,p_effective_date               => p_effective_date
							   ,p_source_id                    => NULL
							   ,p_source_text                  => NULL
							   ,p_action_information_category  => 'EMEA ELEMENT INFO'
							   ,p_action_information1          => g_element_table(l_index).element_type_id
							   ,p_action_information2          => g_element_table(l_index).input_value_id
							   ,p_action_information3          => g_element_table(l_index).element_type
							   ,p_action_information4          => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(csr_result_rec.AMOUNT) /* l_formatted_value 9316928 select query applied caninical to num */
							   ,p_action_information8          => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(csr_result_rec.UNIT) /* l_formatted_value 9316928 select query applied caninical to num */
							   ,p_action_information9          => 'Additional Element unit per price:'||csr_result_rec.UNIT_PRICE
							   ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id);
Line: 2480

	   ELSE -- Three inputs are not selected.
	   -- have to get the each input value id and find value for each
	   -- and archive it if the amount is not null

	   -- Case for UNIT,PRICE,AMOUNT
	   -- Segment 7,8,9 is allowed
	   -- Segemnt 6 is not allowed here, as it doesn't makes sense.
	   -- segment 7 = > Input ID UNIT
	   -- segment 8 = > Input ID UNIT PRICE
	   -- segment 9 = > Input ID Amount
	   			IF rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION9 IS NOT NULL
	   			-- amount should not be null
	   			-- find the amount value and element entry id of this element
	   			-- for this element entry find the the other selected columns like UNIT , UNIT PRICE if selected
	   				   FOR csr_result_rec IN csr_result_value(rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION9 ,g_element_table(l_index).element_type_id  ,p_assignment_action_id)

	   				   -- we have EE id
	   				   l_amount := fnd_number.canonical_to_number(csr_result_rec.result_value);
Line: 2582

 SELECT org_information4 balance_type_id
       ,org_information5 balance_dim_id
       ,org_information7 narrative
 FROM   hr_organization_information
 WHERE  organization_id = p_bus_grp_id
 AND    org_information_context = 'Business Group:Payslip Info'
 AND    org_information1 = 'BALANCE';
Line: 2593

 SELECT paa.tax_unit_id
 FROM   pay_assignment_actions paa
 WHERE  paa.assignment_action_id = p_run_assact_id;
Line: 2599

 SELECT defined_balance_id
 FROM   pay_defined_balances
 WHERE  balance_type_id = bal_type_id
 AND    balance_dimension_id = bal_dim_id;
Line: 2831

 SELECT prepay_assact.assignment_action_id prepay_assact_id
       ,prepay_assact.assignment_id        prepay_assgt_id
       ,prepay_payact.payroll_action_id    prepay_payact_id
       ,prepay_payact.effective_date       prepay_effective_date
       ,run_assact.assignment_id           run_assgt_id
       ,run_assact.assignment_action_id    run_assact_id
       ,run_payact.payroll_action_id       run_payact_id
       ,run_payact.payroll_id              payroll_id
 FROM   pay_action_interlocks  archive_intlck
       ,pay_assignment_actions prepay_assact
       ,pay_payroll_actions    prepay_payact
       ,pay_action_interlocks  prepay_intlck
       ,pay_assignment_actions run_assact
       ,pay_payroll_actions    run_payact
 WHERE  archive_intlck.locking_action_id = p_locking_action_id
 AND    prepay_assact.assignment_action_id = archive_intlck.locked_action_id
 AND    prepay_payact.payroll_action_id = prepay_assact.payroll_action_id
 AND    prepay_payact.action_type IN ('U','P')
 AND    prepay_intlck.locking_action_id = prepay_assact.assignment_action_id
 AND    run_assact.assignment_action_id = prepay_intlck.locked_action_id
 AND    run_payact.payroll_action_id = run_assact.payroll_action_id
 AND    run_payact.action_type IN ('Q', 'R')
 ORDER BY prepay_intlck.locking_action_id,prepay_intlck.locked_action_id desc;
Line: 2857

 SELECT ptp.end_date              end_date,
        ptp.regular_payment_date  regular_payment_date,
        ptp.time_period_id        time_period_id,
        ppa.date_earned           date_earned,
        ppa.effective_date        effective_date,
        ptp.start_date		 start_date
 FROM   per_time_periods    ptp
       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
 WHERE  ptp.payroll_id             =ppa.payroll_id
   AND  ppa.payroll_action_id      =paa.payroll_action_id
   AND paa.assignment_action_id    =p_assact_id
   AND ppa.payroll_action_id       =p_pay_act_id
   AND ppa.date_earned BETWEEN ptp.start_date  AND ptp.end_date;
Line: 2874

 SELECT payroll_action_id
 FROM   pay_assignment_actions
 WHERE  assignment_Action_id = p_assignment_action_id;
Line: 3087

 SELECT actual_termination_date
 FROM 	per_periods_of_service pps,
	per_all_assignments_f paa
 WHERE pps.period_of_service_id = paa.period_of_service_id
 AND p_date_earned between paa.effective_start_date and paa.effective_end_date
 AND paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 3096

   SELECT ee.effective_start_date  effective_start_date
         ,eev1.screen_entry_value  screen_entry_value
   FROM   per_all_assignments_f      asg1
         ,per_all_assignments_f      asg2
         ,per_all_people_f           per
         ,pay_element_links_f        el
         ,pay_element_types_f        et
         ,pay_input_values_f         iv1
         ,pay_element_entries_f      ee
         ,pay_element_entry_values_f eev1
   WHERE  asg1.assignment_id    = p_assignment_id
     AND p_date_earned BETWEEN asg1.effective_start_date AND asg1.effective_end_date
     AND p_date_earned BETWEEN asg2.effective_start_date AND asg2.effective_end_date
     AND  per.person_id         = asg1.person_id
     AND  asg2.person_id        = per.person_id
     AND  asg2.primary_flag     = 'Y'
     AND  et.element_name       = 'Tax Card'
     AND  et.legislation_code   = 'DK'
     AND  iv1.element_type_id   = et.element_type_id
     AND  iv1.name              = p_input_value
     AND  el.business_group_id  = per.business_group_id
     AND  el.element_type_id    = et.element_type_id
     AND  ee.assignment_id      = asg2.assignment_id
     AND  ee.element_link_id    = el.element_link_id
     AND  eev1.element_entry_id = ee.element_entry_id
     AND  eev1.input_value_id   = iv1.input_value_id
     AND  p_date_earned BETWEEN ee.effective_start_date AND ee.effective_end_date
     AND  p_date_earned BETWEEN eev1.effective_start_date AND eev1.effective_end_date;
Line: 3126

     SELECT ee.effective_start_date
         ,eev1.screen_entry_value  screen_entry_value
   FROM   per_all_assignments_f      asg1
         ,pay_element_links_f        el
         ,pay_element_types_f        et
         ,pay_input_values_f         iv1
         ,pay_element_entries_f      ee
         ,pay_element_entry_values_f eev1
   WHERE  asg1.assignment_id    = p_assignment_id
     AND p_date_earned BETWEEN asg1.effective_start_date AND asg1.effective_end_date
     AND  et.element_name       = 'Tax'
     AND  et.legislation_code   = 'DK'
     AND  iv1.element_type_id   = et.element_type_id
     AND  iv1.name              = p_input_value
     AND  el.element_type_id    = et.element_type_id
     AND  ee.assignment_id      = asg1.assignment_id
     AND  ee.element_link_id    = el.element_link_id
     AND  eev1.element_entry_id = ee.element_entry_id
     AND  eev1.input_value_id   = iv1.input_value_id
     AND  p_date_earned BETWEEN ee.effective_start_date AND ee.effective_end_date
     AND  p_date_earned BETWEEN eev1.effective_start_date AND eev1.effective_end_date;
Line: 3149

    SELECT segment13
    FROM   per_all_assignments_f paa,
           hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc
    WHERE  paa.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsc.soft_coding_keyflex_id
    AND p_date_earned BETWEEN paa.effective_start_date  AND paa.effective_end_date
    AND paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 3157

	SELECT global_value
	FROM ff_globals_f
	WHERE global_name = p_global_name
	AND p_date_earned BETWEEN effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
Line: 3164

 FROM  pay_payroll_actions
 WHERE payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id ;
Line: 3171

 SELECT payroll_name , period_type
 FROM  pay_all_payrolls_f
 WHERE payroll_id = l_payroll_id ;
Line: 3503

/*SELECT decode (l_period_type, 'Calendar Month', l_income_from_hol_Pay_sal, l_income_from_hol_Pay_hr)
INTO l_income_from_hol_Pay
FROM dual ;*/
Line: 3517

SELECT decode (l_hourly_salaried, 'S', l_income_from_hol_Pay_sal, l_income_from_hol_Pay_hr)
INTO l_income_from_hol_Pay
FROM dual ;
Line: 3556

SELECT decode (l_period_type
              ,'Calendar Month',g_tax_card_tab(5).screen_entry_val
	      ,'Lunar Month',fnd_number.number_to_canonical(round(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(g_tax_card_tab(5).screen_entry_val)*12/13))) /*10262139 fix*/
INTO l_tax_deduction
FROM dual ;
Line: 3571

/*SELECT decode (l_period_type ,
	       'Calendar Month',
	       g_bal_val(9).bal_val ,
INTO l_calc_holiday_pay_asg_ytd
FROM dual ;*/
Line: 3578

SELECT decode (l_hourly_salaried, 'S',
	       g_bal_val(9).bal_val ,
INTO l_calc_holiday_pay_asg_ytd
FROM dual ;
Line: 3585

SELECT decode (l_period_type ,
	       'Calendar Month',
	       707 ,
	       808 )
INTO l_calc_holiday_pay_asg_ytd
FROM dual ;
Line: 3654

 SELECT nvl(pettl.reporting_name,pettl.element_name) rep_name
       ,et.element_type_id element_type_id
       ,iv.input_value_id input_value_id
       ,iv.uom uom
       ,et.processing_priority  processing_priority
 FROM   pay_element_types_f         et
 ,      pay_element_types_f_tl      pettl
 ,      pay_input_values_f          iv
 ,      pay_element_classifications classification
 WHERE  et.element_type_id              = iv.element_type_id
 AND    et.element_type_id              = pettl.element_type_id
 AND    pettl.language                  = USERENV('LANG')
 AND    iv.name                         = 'Pay Value'
 AND    classification.classification_id   = et.classification_id
 AND    classification.classification_name
	IN ('Direct Payments','Income','Special Pay','B Income') /* 8849449 */
 AND    p_date_earned       BETWEEN et.effective_start_date  AND et.effective_end_date
 AND    p_date_earned       BETWEEN iv.effective_start_date  AND iv.effective_end_date
 AND ((et.business_group_id IS NULL AND et.legislation_code = 'DK')
	OR (et.business_group_id = g_business_group_id AND et.legislation_code IS NULL));
Line: 3679

 SELECT nvl(pettl.reporting_name,pettl.element_name) rep_name
       ,et.element_type_id element_type_id
       ,iv.input_value_id input_value_id
       ,iv.uom uom
       ,et.processing_priority  processing_priority
 FROM   pay_element_types_f         et
 ,      pay_element_types_f_tl      pettl
 ,      pay_input_values_f          iv
 ,      pay_element_classifications classification
 WHERE  et.element_type_id              = iv.element_type_id
 AND    et.element_type_id              = pettl.element_type_id
 AND    pettl.language                  = USERENV('LANG')
 AND    iv.name                         = 'Pay Value'
 AND    classification.classification_id   = et.classification_id
 AND    classification.classification_name
		IN ('Involuntary Deductions','Pre-Tax Deductions','Statutory Deductions','Voluntary Deductions')
 AND    p_date_earned       BETWEEN et.effective_start_date  AND et.effective_end_date
 AND    p_date_earned       BETWEEN iv.effective_start_date  AND iv.effective_end_date
 AND ((et.business_group_id IS NULL AND et.legislation_code = 'DK')
	 OR  (et.business_group_id = g_business_group_id AND et.legislation_code IS NULL));
Line: 3707

 SELECT rrv.result_value result_value,
	rr.element_entry_id element_entry_id
        /* Added for Pension changes */
      , rr.run_result_id run_result_id
 FROM   pay_run_result_values rrv
       ,pay_run_results rr
       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 WHERE  rrv.input_value_id = p_iv_id
 AND    rr.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 AND    rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
 AND    rr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
 AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
 AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
 AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
 AND    rrv.result_value IS NOT NULL;
Line: 3729

 SELECT pai.action_information_id
 FROM pay_action_information pai
 WHERE pai.action_context_type = 'PA'
 AND pai.effective_date                 = p_effective_date
 AND pai.action_information_category = 'EMEA ELEMENT DEFINITION'
 AND pai.action_information2          = to_char(p_element_type_id)
 AND pai.action_information3          = to_char(p_input_value_id)
 AND pai.action_information5 = 'D'
 AND pai.action_information7 = 'D';
Line: 3742

 SELECT piv.input_value_id
 FROM pay_input_values_f piv
 WHERE piv.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
 AND piv.name= 'Third Party Payee'
 AND p_effective_date between piv.effective_start_date and piv.effective_end_date;
Line: 3750

 SELECT hou.name
      pay_run_result_values rrv
 ,    pay_input_values_f iv
 ,    hr_organization_units hou
 WHERE rrv.run_result_id = p_run_result_id
 AND   rrv.input_value_id = iv.input_value_id
 AND   iv.name = 'Third Party Payee'
 AND   p_effective_date between
       iv.effective_start_date and iv.effective_end_date
  AND   fnd_number.number_to_canonical(hou.organization_id) = rrv.result_value  -- Bug 7656164
 --AND   hou.organization_id = fnd_number.canonical_to_number(rrv.result_value)
 AND   p_effective_date between hou.date_from and nvl(hou.date_to, p_effective_date);
Line: 3771

   from hr_organization_information code
	where  	code.organization_id =  g_business_group_id
	and   	code.org_information_context ='DK_SOE_ELEMENT_ADD_DETAILS'
	and   	code.org_information1 =fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_ele_type_id);
Line: 3784

 SELECT rrv.result_value
 FROM   pay_run_result_values rrv
       ,pay_run_results rr
       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 WHERE  rrv.input_value_id = p_iv_id
 AND    rr.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 AND    rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
 AND    rr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
 AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
 AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
 AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
 AND    rrv.result_value IS NOT NULL
 AND	rr.element_entry_id = p_EE_ID;
Line: 3805

 SELECT	 sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(rrv.result_value)) result_value
 		,count(rrv.RUN_RESULT_ID) record_count
 		,rrv.result_value UNIT_PRICE
 FROM  pay_run_result_values rrv
 		,pay_run_results rr
 		,pay_assignment_actions paa
 		,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 WHERE  rrv.input_value_id = p_iv_id
 AND    rr.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 AND    rr.run_result_id = rrv.run_result_id
 AND    rr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
 AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
 AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
 AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
 AND    rrv.result_value IS NOT NULL
 group by rrv.result_value;
Line: 3832

 		        SELECT   rrv3.result_value UNIT_PRICE ,
				sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(rrv1.result_value)) UNIT,
				sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(rrv2.result_value)) AMOUNT
		     FROM   pay_run_result_values rrv1
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr1
 		                       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
 		                       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 		                       ,pay_run_result_values rrv2
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr2
 		                       ,pay_run_result_values rrv3
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr3
 		        WHERE      rrv1.input_value_id = p_iv_id_UNIT
 		            AND    rr1.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 		            AND    rr1.run_result_id = rrv1.run_result_id
					AND    rr1.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
					AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
					AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
					AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
					and    rrv2.input_value_id = p_iv_id_AMOUNT
					AND    rr2.run_result_id = rrv2.run_result_id
					AND    NVL(rr2.element_entry_id,-1) = NVL(rr1.element_entry_id,-1) -- Bug#9289267 fix
					AND    rr2.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id -- Code added for Recurring Elements Cumulation
					and    rrv3.input_value_id = p_iv_id_UNIT_PRICE
					AND    rr3.run_result_id = rrv3.run_result_id
					AND    NVL(rr3.element_entry_id,-1) = NVL(rr1.element_entry_id,-1) -- Bug#9289267 fix
					AND    rr3.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id -- Code added for Recurring Elements Cumulation
					group by rrv3.result_value;
Line: 3868

 		        SELECT   rrv3.result_value UNIT_PRICE ,
			         rrv1.result_value UNIT,
				 rrv2.result_value AMOUNT
		        FROM   pay_run_result_values rrv1
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr1
 		                       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
 		                       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
 		                       ,pay_run_result_values rrv2
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr2
 		                       ,pay_run_result_values rrv3
 		                       ,pay_run_results rr3
 		        WHERE      rrv1.input_value_id = p_iv_id_UNIT
 		            AND    rr1.element_type_id = p_ele_type_id
 		            AND    rr1.run_result_id = rrv1.run_result_id
					AND    rr1.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
					AND    paa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
					AND    ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
					AND    ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
					and    rrv2.input_value_id = p_iv_id_AMOUNT
					AND    rr2.run_result_id = rrv2.run_result_id
					AND    NVL(rr2.element_entry_id,-1) = NVL(rr1.element_entry_id,-1) -- Bug#9289267 fix
					AND    rr2.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id -- Code added for Recurring Elements Cumulation
					and    rrv3.input_value_id = p_iv_id_UNIT_PRICE
					AND    rr3.run_result_id = rrv3.run_result_id
					AND    NVL(rr3.element_entry_id,-1) = NVL(rr1.element_entry_id,-1) -- Bug#9289267 fix
					AND    rr3.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id;  -- Code added for Recurring Elements Cumulation
Line: 4048

				     p_action_information_id        => l_action_info_id_pen
				    ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn_pen
				    ,p_action_information4          => l_new_rep_name); */
Line: 4202

							   ,p_action_information4          => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(csr_result_rec.result_value) /* l_formatted_value 9316928 select query aplied cannonical to num */
							   ,p_action_information8          =>  csr_result_rec.record_count
							   ,p_action_information9          => 'Earning Element unit per price:'||csr_result_rec.UNIT_PRICE
							   ,p_action_information10          => csr_rec.processing_priority /* 9358829 */
							   ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id);
Line: 4226

	   -- All three are selected, we can group by three in single query

	   			IF rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION10 = 'Y'
	   				FOR csr_result_rec IN csr_all_sum_result_values(rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION7,rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION9,rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION8,csr_rec.element_type_id,p_assignment_action_id)

	    				    IF  csr_result_rec.AMOUNT is not null THEN
 fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,' 3 csr_result_rec.AMOUNT '||csr_result_rec.AMOUNT);
Line: 4247

							   ,p_action_information4          => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(csr_result_rec.AMOUNT)  /* l_formatted_value 9316928 not removing canonical because select query does a canonical to number */
							   ,p_action_information8          =>  fnd_number.number_to_canonical(csr_result_rec.UNIT) /* l_formatted_value 9316928 not removing canonical because select query does a canonical to number  */
							   ,p_action_information9          => 'Earning Element unit per price:'||csr_result_rec.UNIT_PRICE
							   ,p_action_information10          => csr_rec.processing_priority /* 9358829 */
							   ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id);
Line: 4285

	   ELSE -- Three inputs are not selected.
	   -- have to get the each input value id and find value for each
	   -- and archive it if the amount is not null

	   -- Case for UNIT,PRICE,AMOUNT
	   -- Segment 7,8,9 is allowed
	   -- Segemnt 6 is not allowed here, as it doesn't makes sense.
	   -- segment 7 = > Input ID UNIT
	   -- segment 8 = > Input ID UNIT PRICE
	   -- segment 9 = > Input ID Amount

	   			IF rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION9 IS NOT NULL
	   			-- amount should not be null
	   			-- find the amount value and element entry id of this element
	   			-- for this element entry find the the other selected columns like UNIT , UNIT PRICE if selected
	   				   FOR csr_result_rec IN csr_result_value(rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION9 ,csr_rec.element_type_id  ,p_assignment_action_id)

	   				   -- we have EE id
	   				   l_amount := fnd_number.canonical_to_number( csr_result_rec.result_value); /* 9316928 */
Line: 4451

				     p_action_information_id        => l_action_info_id_pen
				    ,p_object_version_number        => l_ovn_pen
				    ,p_action_information4          => l_new_rep_name); */
Line: 4556

						   ,p_action_information4          => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(l_result_value) /* l_formatted_value 9316928 select query applies canonical to number */
						   ,p_action_information9          => l_ele_pen_context_desc||':'||csr_result_rec.UNIT_PRICE -- Added for Pension Changes
						   ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id
						   ,p_action_information8          => csr_result_rec.record_count
						   ,p_action_information10          => csr_rec.processing_priority /* 9358829 */
Line: 4578

	   -- All three are selected, we can group by three in single query
	   			IF rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION10 = 'Y'
	   			     FOR csr_result_rec IN csr_all_sum_result_values(rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION7,rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION9,rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION8,csr_rec.element_type_id,p_assignment_action_id	)

					    IF( csr_rec.rep_name IN ('Pension','Employer Pension','Retro Pension','Retro Employer Pension')) THEN

					     rec_result_val := NULL;
Line: 4634

							   ,p_action_information4          => fnd_number.number_to_canonical(csr_result_rec.AMOUNT) /* l_formatted_value select query applies canonical to number */
							   ,p_action_information8          =>  csr_result_rec.UNIT
							   ,p_action_information9          => l_ele_pen_context_desc||':'||csr_result_rec.UNIT_PRICE
							   ,p_action_information10          => csr_rec.processing_priority /* 9358829 */
							   ,p_assignment_id                => p_assignment_id);
Line: 4708

  		ELSE -- Three inputs are not selected.
	   -- have to get the each input value id and find value for each
	   -- and archive it if the amount is not null
	   	   -- Case for UNIT,PRICE,AMOUNT
	   -- Segment 7,8,9 is allowed
	   -- Segemnt 6 is not allowed here, as it doesn't makes sense.
	   -- segment 7 = > Input ID UNIT
	   -- segment 8 = > Input ID UNIT PRICE
	   -- segment 9 = > Input ID Amount
	   			IF rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION9 IS NOT NULL
	   			-- amount should not be null
	   			-- find the amount value and element entry id of this element
	   			-- for this element entry find the the other selected columns like UNIT , UNIT PRICE if selected
	   				   FOR csr_result_rec IN csr_result_value(rec_group_by.ORG_INFORMATION9 ,csr_rec.element_type_id  ,p_assignment_action_id)

	   				   -- we have EE id
	   				   l_amount := fnd_number.canonical_to_number(csr_result_rec.result_value);