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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

	select meaning
 	from gmd_qc_status_tl
	where status_code = target_status
	and entity_type = 'STABILITY'
	and language = USERENV('LANG') ;
Line: 52

 SELECT cr.resource_desc
      from cr_rsrc_mst cr,
         gmp_resource_instances ri,
        cr_rsrc_dtl rd,
        gmd_sampling_events samples
 WHERE samples.sampling_event_id = p_se_id
         and ri.inactive_ind = 0
         and rd.resource_id = ri.resource_id
         and rd.orgn_code = Samples.orgn_code
         and cr.resources = samples.resources
         and rd.resources = samples.resources
         and ri.instance_id = samples.instance_id
         and cr.delete_mark = 0 ;