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Line 1414: ben_ler_f ler

1410: -- iRec : Added mode iRecruitmnent (I)
1411: cursor c_ptnl_le(v_wait_end_dt date) is
1412: select 's'
1413: from ben_ptnl_ler_for_per ptl,
1414: ben_ler_f ler
1415: where ptl.person_id = p_person_id
1416: and ptl.ler_id <> p_ler_id
1417: and ler.ler_id = ptl.ler_id
1418: and ler.typ_cd not in ('COMP', 'ABS', 'SCHEDDU', 'GSP', 'IREC') -- iRec

Line 1472: ben_ler_f ler

1468: /* Cursor to get the previous per_in_ler_id*/
1469: cursor c_prev_pil(c_per_in_ler_id number ) is
1470: select pil.per_in_ler_id
1471: from ben_per_in_ler pil,
1472: ben_ler_f ler
1473: where pil.per_in_ler_id not in (c_per_in_ler_id)
1474: and pil.person_id = p_person_id
1475: and pil.ler_id = ler.ler_id
1476: and p_effective_date between