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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 134

    IF  p_SEG_rec.last_updated_by IS NOT NULL AND
        (   p_SEG_rec.last_updated_by <>
            p_old_SEG_rec.last_updated_by OR
            p_old_SEG_rec.last_updated_by IS NULL )
        IF NOT QP_Validate.Last_Updated_By(p_SEG_rec.last_updated_by) THEN
            x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 144

    IF  p_SEG_rec.last_update_date IS NOT NULL AND
        (   p_SEG_rec.last_update_date <>
            p_old_SEG_rec.last_update_date OR
            p_old_SEG_rec.last_update_date IS NULL )
        IF NOT QP_Validate.Last_Update_Date(p_SEG_rec.last_update_date) THEN
            x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 154

    IF  p_SEG_rec.last_update_login IS NOT NULL AND
        (   p_SEG_rec.last_update_login <>
            p_old_SEG_rec.last_update_login OR
            p_old_SEG_rec.last_update_login IS NULL )
        IF NOT QP_Validate.Last_Update_Login(p_SEG_rec.last_update_login) THEN
            x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 194

    IF  p_SEG_rec.program_update_date IS NOT NULL AND
        (   p_SEG_rec.program_update_date <>
            p_old_SEG_rec.program_update_date OR
            p_old_SEG_rec.program_update_date IS NULL )
        IF NOT QP_Validate.Program_Update_Date(p_SEG_rec.program_update_date) THEN
            x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
Line: 546

PROCEDURE Entity_Delete
(   x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY /* file.sql.39 change */ VARCHAR2
,   p_SEG_rec                       IN  QP_Attributes_PUB.Seg_Rec_Type
l_context_code      varchar2(30);
Line: 557

    select prc_context_code
    into l_context_code
    from qp_prc_contexts_b
    where prc_context_id = p_SEG_rec.prc_context_id;
Line: 570

        SELECT 'Y' into is_attribute_used
      from qp_pricing_attributes
      where product_attribute_context = l_context_code and
            product_attribute = p_SEG_rec.segment_mapping_column and
            product_attribute_context is not null and
            product_attribute is not null and
            rownum =1
         SELECT 'Y'
        from qp_pricing_attributes
        where  pricing_attribute_context = l_context_code and
               pricing_attribute = p_SEG_rec.segment_mapping_column and
               pricing_attribute_context is not null and
               pricing_attribute is not null and
               rownum = 1;
Line: 594

      select 'Y'
      into is_attribute_used
      from qp_qualifiers
      where qualifier_context = l_context_code and
            qualifier_attribute = p_SEG_rec.segment_mapping_column and
            rownum = 1;
Line: 608

      select 'Y'
      into is_attribute_used
      from qp_limits
      where (nvl(multival_attr1_context,'x') = nvl(l_context_code,'y') and
             nvl(multival_attribute1,'x') = nvl(p_SEG_rec.segment_mapping_column,'y')) or
            (nvl(multival_attr2_context,'x') = nvl(l_context_code,'y') and
            nvl(multival_attribute2,'x') = nvl(p_SEG_rec.segment_mapping_column,'y')) and
            rownum = 1;
Line: 624

      select 'Y'
      into is_attribute_used
      from qp_limit_attributes
      where limit_attribute_context = l_context_code and
            limit_attribute = p_SEG_rec.segment_mapping_column and
            rownum = 1;
Line: 638

Line: 663

            ,   'Entity_Delete'
Line: 667

END Entity_Delete;