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2 /* $Header: wmapcmps.pls 120.2.12010000.1 2008/07/24 05:28:06 appldev ship $ */
4   /**
5    * Contains the set of parameters that will be passed from the Mobile Apps
6    * Completion and Return forms to the process procedure for processing the
7    * transaction. The list contains all displayed fields as well as hidden
8    * fields (derived from LOVs on the form). It also contains the transaction
9    * IDs that are used to associate the transaction''s parent record in
10    * MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP to its child records in other tables (an
11    * example is the lot and serial information for the item.)
12    * All fields are initialized to FND_API initialization values. Boolean
13    * values are initailized to false. Strings lengths are derived from
14    * those defined in WIP_CONSTANTS package.
15    * HISTORY:
16    * 02-MAR-2006  spondalu  ER 4163405: Added two new parameters to CmpParams
17    *                        and CmpTxnRec.
18    *
19    */
20   TYPE CmpParams IS RECORD
21   (
22     environment           wma_common.environment,
23     transactionType       NUMBER,
24     transactionHeaderID   NUMBER,
25     transactionIntID      NUMBER,
26     cmpTransactionID      NUMBER,
27     movTransactionID      NUMBER,
28     wipEntityID           NUMBER,
29     wipEntityName         VARCHAR2(241),
30     itemID                NUMBER,
31     itemName              VARCHAR2(241),
32     overcomplete          BOOLEAN,
33     transactionQty        NUMBER,
34     transactionUOM        VARCHAR2(4),
35     subinv                VARCHAR2(11),
36     locatorID             NUMBER,
37     locatorName           VARCHAR2(241),
38     kanbanCardID          NUMBER,
39     qualityID             NUMBER,
40     projectID             NUMBER,
41     taskID                NUMBER,
42     lpnID                 NUMBER,
43     isFromSerializedPage  NUMBER,
44     demandSourceHeaderID  NUMBER, /* ER 4163405 */
45     demandSourceLineID    NUMBER
46   );
48   TYPE LpnCmpParams IS RECORD
49   (
50     environment           wma_common.environment,
51     transactionTypeID     NUMBER,
52     headerID              NUMBER,
53     wipEntityID           NUMBER,
54     wipEntityName         VARCHAR2(241),
55     itemID                NUMBER,
56     itemName              VARCHAR2(241),
57     overcomplete          BOOLEAN,
58     transactionQty        NUMBER,
59     transactionUOM        VARCHAR2(4),
60     subinv                VARCHAR2(11),
61     locatorID             NUMBER,
62     locatorName           VARCHAR2(241),
63     kanbanCardID          NUMBER,
64     qualityID             NUMBER,
65     lpnID                 NUMBER,
66     completionTxnID       NUMBER
67   );
69   /**
70    * This is the record type for the record to be populated and inserted into
72    */
73   TYPE CmpTxnRec IS RECORD(transaction_interface_id NUMBER,
74                            transaction_header_id NUMBER,
75                            item_lot_control_code NUMBER,
76                            operation_seq_num NUMBER,
77                            revision VARCHAR2(3),
78                            transaction_type_id NUMBER,
79                            transaction_action_id NUMBER,
80                            primary_quantity NUMBER,
81                            transaction_quantity NUMBER,
82                            overcompletion_transaction_id NUMBER,
83                            overcompletion_transaction_qty NUMBER,
84                            overcompletion_primary_qty NUMBER,
85                            transaction_source_id NUMBER,
86                            transaction_source_type_id NUMBER,
87                            completion_transaction_id NUMBER,
88                            move_transaction_id NUMBER,
89                            transaction_mode NUMBER,
90                            created_by NUMBER,
91                            creation_date DATE,
92                            last_updated_by NUMBER,
93                            last_update_date DATE,
94                            source_code VARCHAR2(30),
95                            source_line_id NUMBER,
96                            source_header_id NUMBER,
97                            inventory_item_id NUMBER,
98                            subinventory_code VARCHAR2(10),
99                            locator_id NUMBER,
100                            transaction_uom VARCHAR2(3),
101                            transaction_date DATE,
102                            organization_id NUMBER,
103                            acct_period_id NUMBER,
104                            wip_entity_type NUMBER,
105                            process_flag NUMBER,
106                            final_completion_flag VARCHAR2(1),
107                            project_id NUMBER,
108                            task_id NUMBER,
109                            source_project_id NUMBER,
110                            source_task_id NUMBER,
111                            qa_collection_id NUMBER,
112                            kanban_card_id NUMBER,
113                            lpn_id NUMBER,
114                            demand_source_header_id NUMBER, /* ER 4163405 */
115                            demand_source_line_id NUMBER);
118   TYPE LpnCmpTxnRec IS RECORD (row wip_lpn_completions%ROWTYPE);
120   /**
121    * This procedure is the entry point into the Completion and Return
122    * Processing code for background processing.
123    */
124   PROCEDURE process(parameters IN CmpParams,
125                     processInv IN  VARCHAR2,
126                     txnMode    IN NUMBER := NULL, --override wip parammeter setting
127                     status     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
128                     errMessage OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
130   PROCEDURE process(parameters IN     LpnCmpParams,
131                     status     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
132                     errMessage OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
133                     cmpl_txnTmpId OUT NOCOPY NUMBER); -- Added for Bug 6013398.
134   /**
135    * This function derives and validates the values necessary for executing a
136    * completion or return transaction. Given the form parameters, it populates
137    * cmpRecord preparing it to be inserted into the interface table.
138    */
139   FUNCTION derive(cmpRecord  IN OUT NOCOPY CmpTxnRec,
140                   overCplRec IN OUT NOCOPY wip_cplProc_priv.completion_rec_t,
141                   parameters IN            CmpParams,
142                   txnMode    IN            NUMBER,
143                   errMessage IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return boolean;
145   FUNCTION derive(LpnCmpRecord IN OUT NOCOPY LpnCmpTxnRec,
146                   parameters IN LpnCmpParams,
147                   errMessage IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return boolean;
149   /**
150    * Inserts a populated CmpTxnRec into MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS_TEMP
151    */
152   FUNCTION put(cmpRecord IN CmpTxnRec,
153                errMessage IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return boolean;
155   /**
156    * Inserts a populated CmpTxnRec into wip_lpn_completions
157    */
158   FUNCTION put(lpnCmpRecord IN LpnCmpTxnRec,
159                errMessage IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return boolean;
161   /**
162    * checks the transaction quantity entered by the user.
163    * In the case of completion, the quantity should not exceed the quantity
164    * available to complete for the job. If overcompleting, however, the
165    * transaction quantity should be greater than the available quantity
166    * and should not exceed the overcompletion tolerance.
167    * In the case of return, the quantity should not exceed the completed
168    * quantity.
169    * If the structures passed to this procedure are not available, use the
170    * overloaded version.
171    */
172   FUNCTION checkQuantity (parameters IN CmpParams,
173                           job IN wma_common.Job,
174                           errMessage IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return boolean;
177   /**
178    * checks the transaction quantity entered by the user.
179    * In the case of completion, the quantity should not exceed the quantity
180    * available to complete for the job. If overcompleting, however, the
181    * transaction quantity should be greater than the available quantity,
182    * and should not exceed the overcompletion tolerance.
183    * In the case of return, the quantity should not exceed the completed
184    * quantity.
185    */
186   FUNCTION checkQuantity (orgID IN NUMBER,
187                           wipEntityID IN NUMBER,
188                           overcomplete IN BOOLEAN,
189                           transactionType IN NUMBER,
190                           transactionQty IN NUMBER,
191                           availableQty IN NUMBER,
192                           completedQty IN NUMBER,
193                           errMessage IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return boolean;
195   /**
196    * Check whether exceeds overcompletion tolerance or not.
197    */
198   procedure checkOverCpl(p_orgID        in number,
199                          p_wipEntityID  in number,
200                          p_overCplQty   in number,
201                          x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2,
202                          x_errMessage   out nocopy varchar2);
205   /**
206    * given a Job, getLastOpSeq() gets the last operation sequence
207    * associated with the job if the job has a routing. If the job
208    * does not have a routing, -1 is returned.
209    */
210   FUNCTION getLastOpSeq (job IN wma_common.Job) return number;
213   /**
214    * given a wipEntityID and an orgID, getLastOpSeq() gets the last
215    * operation sequence associated with the job if the job has a
216    * routing. If the job does not have a routing, -1 is returned.
217    */
218   FUNCTION getLastOpSeq (wipEntityID IN NUMBER,
219                          orgID IN NUMBER) return number;
222   /**
223    * given a job, getAvilableQty() returns the quantity in the
224    * To Move step of the final operation if the job has a routing.
225    * If the job, does not have a routing, getAvailableQty() computes
226    * the available quantity to complete from the job quantities.
227    */
228   FUNCTION getAvailableQty (job IN wma_common.Job) return number;
230   /**
231    * Collects backflush components for the job into the x_compInfo object
232    */
233   procedure backflush(p_jobID IN NUMBER,
234                       p_orgID IN NUMBER,
235                       p_cplQty IN NUMBER,
236                       p_overCplQty IN NUMBER,
237                       p_cplTxnID IN NUMBER,
238                       p_movTxnID IN NUMBER,
239                       p_txnDate IN DATE,
240                       p_txnHdrID IN NUMBER,
241                       p_txnMode in number := null,
242                       p_objectID in number,
243                       x_lotEntryType OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
244                       x_compInfo OUT NOCOPY system.wip_lot_serial_obj_t,
245                       x_returnStatus OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
246                       x_errMessage OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
248   /**
249    * given a wipEntityID, orgID and itemID, getRevision() will validate
250    * whether bom_revision exists as an item_revision or not. If not
251    * return false. Otherwise return true. If bom_revision is null, derive
252    * it based on the transaction_date specified. In mobile it is sysdate.
253    * Parameters:
254    *   wipEntityID  the wip_entity_id of the job
255    *   orgID        the organization job belongs to.
256    *   itemID       the assembly item ID
257    *   revision     bom_revision if bom_revision exists as an item_revision
258    *                if bom_revision is null, derive it based on txn_date
259    * Returns:
260    *   true if bom_revision exist as an item_revision. Otherwise return false
261    */
262   FUNCTION getRevision (wipEntityID IN NUMBER,
263                         orgID       IN NUMBER,
264                         itemID      IN NUMBER,
265                         revision   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return boolean;
267 END wma_completion;