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Line 712: l_per_rec per_all_people_f%rowtype;

708: l_threads number(15);
709: l_effective_date date;
710: l_ocrd_date date;
711: l_commit number;
712: l_per_rec per_all_people_f%rowtype;
713: l_dummy2 number;
714: -- l_per_dummy_rec per_all_people_f%rowtype;
716: -- Cursors declaration

Line 714: -- l_per_dummy_rec per_all_people_f%rowtype;

710: l_ocrd_date date;
711: l_commit number;
712: l_per_rec per_all_people_f%rowtype;
713: l_dummy2 number;
714: -- l_per_dummy_rec per_all_people_f%rowtype;
716: -- Cursors declaration
717: --
718: Cursor c_range_thread is

Line 788: from per_all_people_f ppf

784: l_latest_ler_cwb c_latest_ler_cwb%rowtype;
785: --
786: cursor c_person is
787: select ppf.*
788: from per_all_people_f ppf
789: where ppf.person_id = l_person_id
790: and nvl(l_effective_date,trunc(sysdate))
791: between ppf.effective_start_date
792: and ppf.effective_end_date;

Line 796: from per_all_people_f ppf

792: and ppf.effective_end_date;
793: --
794: cursor c_person_last is
795: select ppf.*
796: from per_all_people_f ppf
797: where ppf.person_id = l_person_id
798: order by effective_start_date desc;
799: --
800: Begin

Line 1204: from per_all_people_f ppf

1202: cursor c_person is
1203: select distinct ppf.person_id, ppf.business_group_id
1204: from per_all_people_f ppf
1205: where -- l_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date and
1206: exists (select null
1207: from ben_per_in_ler pil
1208: , ben_ler_f ler

Line 1418: -- from per_all_people_f where person_id = l_person_id

1414: -- BEN_91698_NO_ASSIGNMENT_FND then try running the formula again
1415: -- with different effective date.
1416: -- get the effective date from person record and use it.
1417: -- select effective_start_date, effective_end_date
1418: -- from per_all_people_f where person_id = l_person_id
1419: -- order by effective_start_date desc;
1420: --
1421: Ben_batch_utils.write(p_text =>
1422: '<< Person id : '||to_char(l_person_id)||' failed.'||