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2 /* $Header: WMSXDCKS.pls 120.4.12020000.1 2012/06/26 09:05:40 appldev ship $ */
4 -- Record to store a valid supply or demand line for planned or opportunistic crossdocking.
5 -- This corresponds to the ROWTYPE of the  global temp table, wms_xdock_pegging_gtmp
6 -- but also includes the ROWID column so the record can be updated easily later on
7 -- once retrieved.
8 TYPE shopping_basket_rec IS RECORD
9   (ROWID                       urowid,
10    inventory_item_id           NUMBER,
11    xdock_source_code           NUMBER,
12    source_type_id              NUMBER,
13    source_header_id            NUMBER,
14    source_line_id              NUMBER,
15    source_line_detail_id       NUMBER,
16    dock_start_time             DATE,
17    dock_mean_time              DATE,
18    dock_end_time               DATE,
19    expected_time               DATE,
20    quantity                    NUMBER,
21    reservable_quantity         NUMBER,
22    uom_code                    VARCHAR2(3),
23    primary_quantity            NUMBER,
24    secondary_quantity          NUMBER,
25    secondary_uom_code          VARCHAR2(3),
26    project_id                  NUMBER,
27    task_id                     NUMBER,
28    lpn_id                      NUMBER,
29    wip_supply_type             NUMBER
30    );
32 -- Table to store the valid supply or demand lines for planned or opportunistic crossdocking.
33 -- This type is defined in the specs so the custom logic package can reference it.
34 TYPE shopping_basket_tb IS TABLE OF shopping_basket_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
36 -- Table type used to store the sorted order of supply line records in the shopping basket
37 -- table when using custom logic.
41 -- For Wave Planning -- > Crossdocking Simulation
42 l_split_flag varchar2(1) := 'N';
44 -- The following 4 functions are used to cache crossdock criteria records.  The caller can
45 -- Set, Get, Delete, or Clear the crossdock criteria cache.
47 -- This function will store the crossdock criteria record inputted into the cache
48 FUNCTION set_crossdock_criteria
49   (p_criterion_id IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
51 -- This function will retrieve the crossdock criteria record inputted from the cache
52 FUNCTION get_crossdock_criteria
53   (p_criterion_id IN NUMBER) RETURN wms_crossdock_criteria%ROWTYPE;
55 -- This function will delete the crossdock criteria record inputted from the cache
56 FUNCTION delete_crossdock_criteria
57   (p_criterion_id IN NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
59 -- This function will clear all of the crossdock criteria records stored in the cache
60 FUNCTION clear_crossdock_cache RETURN BOOLEAN;
63 -- This is a function used to retrieve the default routing ID given an item, org,
64 -- and vendor as inputs.  This function will use the same logic as the get_defaul_routing_id
65 -- in the INV_RCV_COMMON_APIS package.  However we will cache all of the values retrieved
66 -- for performance.  The order to search for a default routing ID is: item, vendor, org.
67 -- The org and item should always be inputted and be non-null.
68 FUNCTION get_default_routing_id
69   (p_organization_id   IN  NUMBER,
70    p_item_id           IN  NUMBER,
71    p_vendor_id         IN  NUMBER
75 --      API Name    : Planned_Cross_Dock
76 --      Package     : WMS_XDock_Pegging_Pub
77 --      Description : This API will perform crossdock pegging to fulfill demand lines during
78 --                    Pick Release.  This procedure will be called from WSH_PICK_LIST.Release_Batch
79 --                    (For 'Crossdock Only' or 'Prioritize Crossdock' allocation modes) and
80 --                    INV_Pick_Release_Pub.Pick_Release (for 'Prioritize Inventory' allocation mode).
81 --                    The main input is p_wsh_release_table which is a table of valid WDD lines to
82 --                    allocate material against.  This API will loop through each WDD line and try to find
83 --                    valid supply lines to fulfill it.  If a WDD line is satisfied through crossdock,
84 --                    the released_status on p_wsh_release_table and also the database table
85 --                    WSH_DELIVERY_DETAILS will be updated to 'S' (Released to Warehouse).
86 --                    p_trolin_delivery_ids and p_del_detail_id must be kept in sync with each other.
87 --                    Those two tables are needed if we split WDD lines since shipping would not have
88 --                    visibility to the new WDD lines.
89 --
90 --      Input parameters:
91 --       p_api_version		    API Version (Should always be 1.0)
92 --       p_init_msg_list	    Initialize Message List (Shipping should pass FALSE)
93 --       p_commit		    Commit (Shipping should always pass FALSE)
94 --       p_batch_id                 Batch ID for the pick release batch.  This corresponds to the table
95 --                                  WSH_PICKING_BATCHES which will contain all of the information we
96 --                                  need.  This includes, org, allocation mode, crossdock criterion ID
97 --                                  and existing reservations only flag.
98 --
99 --      IN OUT parameters:
100 --       p_wsh_release_table        Table of valid demand lines to pick release against.
101 --                                  Assume that all WDD records are for the same org, p_organization_id.
102 --                                  API will only process WDD lines with released_status of
103 --                                  'R' (Ready to Release) or 'B' (Backordered).
104 --                                  Shipping should pass in WSH_PR_CRITERIA.release_table in the
105 --                                  WSH_PICK_LIST.Release_Batch API when pick release is run.
106 --       p_trolin_delivery_ids      Table of delivery IDs for transactable demand lines.
107 --                                  Crossdocked lines needs to keep this table updated so crossdocked
108 --                                  or split WDD lines can be picked up to autocreate/merge deliveries.
109 --                                  Shipping should pass in local variable 'l_trolin_delivery_ids' from
110 --                                  the Release_Batch API.  This table has a one to one relationship
111 --                                  with p_del_detail_id and stores the delivery_id for the corresponding
112 --                                  delivery_detail_id in p_del_detail_id.
113 --       p_del_detail_id            Table of delivery detail IDs for transactable demand lines.
114 --                                  Crossdocked lines needs to keep this table updated so crossdocked
115 --                                  or split WDD lines can be picked up to autocreate/merge deliveries.
116 --                                  Shipping should pass in local variable 'l_del_detail_id' from
117 --                                  the Release_Batch API.  This table has a one to one relationship
118 --                                  with p_trolin_delivery_ids and stores a list of delivery_detail_id
119 --                                  values for all of the transactable WDD lines in p_wsh_release_table.
120 --
121 --      Output parameters:
122 --       x_return_status
123 --           if the Planned_Cross_Dock API succeeds, the value is
124 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
125 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
126 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
127 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
128 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
129 --       x_msg_count
130 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages in the buffer
131 --       x_msg_data
132 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
133 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
134 --
137 PROCEDURE Planned_Cross_Dock
138   (p_api_version		IN  	NUMBER,
139    p_init_msg_list	        IN  	VARCHAR2,
143    x_msg_data                   OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
140    p_commit		        IN	VARCHAR2,
141    x_return_status              OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
142    x_msg_count                  OUT 	NOCOPY NUMBER,
144    p_batch_id                   IN      NUMBER,
145    p_wsh_release_table          IN OUT  NOCOPY WSH_PR_CRITERIA.relRecTabTyp,
146    p_trolin_delivery_ids        IN OUT  NOCOPY WSH_UTIL_CORE.Id_Tab_Type,
147    p_del_detail_id              IN OUT  NOCOPY WSH_PICK_LIST.DelDetTabTyp,
148    p_simulation_mode in varchar2 default 'N');
151 --      API Name    : Opportunistic_Cross_Dock
152 --      Package     : WMS_XDock_Pegging_Pub
153 --      Description : This API will perform opportunistic crossdock pegging to fulfill a move order
154 --                    line supply that has been received.  It will find valid demand lines to peg this
155 --                    supply to.  The splitting of WDD lines, creation and splitting of reservations,
156 --                    splitting and updating of MOL will all be done in this API.  It will first try to
157 --                    satisfy any high level receiving reservations for the same org/item.  Then it will
158 --                    use the demand sources as listed in the crossdock criterion passed.  Note that if the
159 --                    move order line does not have a crossdock criterion ID stamped on it, we will not
160 --                    try to peg demand lines to it.  This should not occur since there is a default
161 --                    crossdock rule at the org level.
162 --
163 --      Input parameters:
164 --       p_organization_id          Organization ID where MOL is received
165 --       p_move_order_line_id       MOL supply line for which we are trying to find demand lines to peg to.
166 --       p_crossdock_criterion_id   Crossdock criterion ID.  This will determine what is valid for pegging
167 --			            and should always be passed.
168 --
169 --      IN OUT parameters:
170 --
171 --      Output parameters:
172 --       x_return_status
173 --           if the Opportunistic_Cross_Dock API succeeds, the value is
174 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
175 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
176 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
177 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
178 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
179 --       x_msg_count
180 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages in the buffer
181 --       x_msg_data
182 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
183 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
184 --
185 PROCEDURE Opportunistic_Cross_Dock
186   (p_organization_id            IN      NUMBER,
187    p_move_order_line_id         IN      NUMBER,
188    p_crossdock_criterion_id     IN      NUMBER,
189    x_return_status              OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
190    x_msg_count                  OUT 	NOCOPY NUMBER,
191    x_msg_data                   OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
194 --      API Name    : Get_Expected_Time
195 --      Package     : WMS_XDock_Pegging_Pub
196 --      Description : This API will calculate the expected receipt or ship time for a given
197 --                    Supply or Demand line used for crossdocking.  This will be called from the
198 --                    crossdock pegging engine and the concurrent exception program to recalculate
199 --                    the expected receipt and ship times for crossdocked reservations.
200 --
201 --      Input parameters:
202 --       p_source_type_id           Source type of supply or demand line.  This corresponds to the
203 --                                  lookup 'Reservation_Types' used by reservations.  e.g. 1 = PO,
204 --                                  2 = Sales Order, 5 = WIP, 7 = Internal Req, 8 = Internal Order, etc.
205 --       p_source_header_id         Source Header ID such as PO Header ID, RCV Shipment Header ID,
206 --                                  OE Order Header ID, etc.  This corresponds to what reservations
207 --                                  inserts for various supply or demand types.
208 --       p_source_line_id           Source Line ID such as PO Line Location ID, RCV Shipment Line ID,
209 --                                  OE Order Line ID, etc.  This corresponds to what reservations
210 --                                  inserts for various supply or demand types.
211 --       p_source_line_detail_id    Source Line Detail ID such as Delivery Detail ID. This corresponds
212 --                                  to what reservations inserts for various supply or demand types.
213 --       p_supply_or_demand         Line type (Supply or Demand) you want to get the expected receipt or
214 --                                  ship time for: 1 = Supply
215 --                                                 2 = Demand
216 --                                  This variable might be needed since WIP type reservations use the
217 --                                  same source type code for WIP as a supply AND demand (backordered
218 --                                  component demand)
219 --       p_crossdock_criterion_id   Crossdock criterion ID if available.  This will determine how to
220 --                                  calculate the expected receipt or ship time in case a dock appointment
221 --                                  exists.  Dock appointments are an interval with a start and
222 --                                  end time so it is possible to use the begin, mean, or end time.
223 --
224 --      IN OUT parameters:
225 --
226 --      Output parameters:
227 --       x_return_status
228 --           if the Get_Expected_Time API succeeds, the value is
229 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
230 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
234 --       x_msg_count
231 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
232 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
233 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
235 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages in the buffer
236 --       x_msg_data
237 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
238 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
239 --       x_dock_start_time
240 --           The dock appointment start time (if it exists)
241 --       x_dock_mean_time
242 --           The dock appointment mean time (if it exists)
243 --       x_dock_end_time
244 --           The dock appointment end time (if it exists)
245 --       x_expected_time
246 --           The expected receipt or ship time for the line.  If the crossdock criterion is passed
247 --           and a dock appointment exists, we will calculate the expected time based on the dock
248 --           start and end time using the supply_schedule_method or demand_schedule_method.
249 --
250 PROCEDURE Get_Expected_Time
251   (p_source_type_id             IN      NUMBER,
252    p_source_header_id           IN      NUMBER,
253    p_source_line_id             IN      NUMBER,
254    p_source_line_detail_id      IN      NUMBER := NULL,
255    p_supply_or_demand           IN      NUMBER,
256    p_crossdock_criterion_id     IN      NUMBER := NULL,
257    x_return_status              OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
258    x_msg_count                  OUT 	NOCOPY NUMBER,
259    x_msg_data                   OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
260    x_dock_start_time            OUT     NOCOPY DATE,
261    x_dock_mean_time             OUT     NOCOPY DATE,
262    x_dock_end_time              OUT     NOCOPY DATE,
263    x_expected_time              OUT     NOCOPY DATE);
266 --      API Name    : Get_Expected_Delivery_Time
267 --      Package     : WMS_XDock_Pegging_Pub
268 --      Description : This API will calculate the expected ship time for a given delivery.
269 --		      This will be called from opportunistic crossdocking when determining
270 --		      which deliveries unassigned pegged WDD lines can be merged with.
271 --		      Since shipping merges a line to a delivery without taking time into
272 --		      account (crossdock window), opportunistic crossdock will need to first
273 --		      get a list of valid deliveries we can merge to.  Then for each
274 --		      delivery, find the expected ship time so we merge only to deliveries
275 --		      within the crossdock window.  If none of the deliveries fall within
276 --		      the crossdock window, we will need to create a new delivery.
277 --
278 --      Input parameters:
279 --       p_delivery_id              Delivery ID we are trying to find the expected ship time for.
280 --       p_crossdock_criterion_id   Crossdock criterion ID.  This will determine how to calculate
281 --			            the expected ship time in case a dock appointment exists.
282 --				    Dock appointments are an interval with a start and end time, so
283 --				    so it is possible to use the start, mean, or end time for the
284 --				    expected ship time.  In case multiple dock appointments exist,
285 --				    this will also let us evaluate a dock appointment as a single
286 --				    time so we can find the closest appointment to the WDD lines
287 --				    assigned to the delivery.
289 --      IN OUT parameters:
290 --
291 --      Output parameters:
292 --       x_return_status
293 --           if the Get_Expected_Delivery_Time API succeeds, the value is
294 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
295 --           if there is an expected error, the value is
296 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
297 --           if there is an unexpected error, the value is
298 --		    fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
299 --       x_msg_count
300 --           if there are one or more errors, the number of error messages in the buffer
301 --       x_msg_data
302 --           if there is one and only one error, the error message
303 --       (See fnd_api package for more details about the above output parameters)
304 --       x_dock_appointment_id
305 --           If a dock appointment exists, this corresponds to the dock appointment ID.
306 --       x_dock_start_time
307 --           The dock appointment start time (if it exists).  If a dock appointment is not found
308 --           for the delivery and the trip stop does not have a departure date, this output
309 --	     parameter will correspond to the minimum of the expected ship date for the WDD records
310 --           tied to the delivery.
311 --       x_dock_end_time
312 --           The dock appointment end time (if it exists).  If a dock appointment is not found
313 --           for the delivery and the trip stop does not have a departure date, this output
314 --	     parameter will correspond to the maximum of the expected ship date for the WDD records
315 --	     tied to the delivery.
316 --       x_expected_time
317 --           The expected ship time for the delivery.  If the crossdock criterion is passed and a
318 --	     dock appointment exists, we will calculate the expected ship time based on the dock
319 --	     start and end time using the demand_schedule_method.  In this case, the dock appointment
320 --	     output parameters will also be populated.  If a dock appointment is not found and the
321 --	     trip stop does not have a departure date, this parameter will be NULL.
322 --
323 PROCEDURE Get_Expected_Delivery_Time
324   (p_delivery_id                IN      NUMBER,
325    p_crossdock_criterion_id     IN      NUMBER,
326    x_return_status              OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
327    x_msg_count                  OUT 	NOCOPY NUMBER,
328    x_msg_data                   OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
329    x_dock_appointment_id        OUT     NOCOPY NUMBER,
330    x_dock_start_time            OUT     NOCOPY DATE,
331    x_dock_end_time              OUT     NOCOPY DATE,
332    x_expected_time              OUT     NOCOPY DATE);
335 END WMS_XDock_Pegging_Pub;