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Line 633: l_rslt_elmt := nvl(hr_general.DECODE_FND_COMM_LOOKUP(l_lookup_type,

629: l_rslt_elmt := ben_ext_person.g_cm_addr_line2;
630: ELSIF p_short_name = 'CMAD3' THEN
631: l_rslt_elmt := ben_ext_person.g_cm_addr_line3;
632: ELSIF p_short_name = 'CMCNTY' THEN -- Fix for Bug 2593220
633: l_rslt_elmt := nvl(hr_general.DECODE_FND_COMM_LOOKUP(l_lookup_type,
634: ben_ext_person.g_cm_county),
635: ben_ext_person.g_cm_county);
636: --l_rslt_elmt := ben_ext_person.g_cm_county; -- End of Fix, Bug 2593220
637: ELSIF p_short_name = 'CMCRY' THEN

Line 2072: l_rslt_elmt := nvl(hr_general.DECODE_FND_COMM_LOOKUP(l_lookup_type,

2068: l_rslt_elmt :=
2069: apply_format_mask(ben_ext_person.g_mail_address_date, p_frmt_mask_cd);
2070: --
2071: ELSIF p_short_name = 'MLCNTY' THEN -- Fix for Bug 2593220
2072: l_rslt_elmt := nvl(hr_general.DECODE_FND_COMM_LOOKUP(l_lookup_type,
2073: ben_ext_person.g_mail_county),
2074: ben_ext_person.g_mail_county);
2075: --l_rslt_elmt := ben_ext_person.g_mail_county; -- End of fix, Bug 2593220
2076: ELSIF p_short_name = 'MLCRY' THEN

Line 3204: l_rslt_elmt := nvl(hr_general.DECODE_FND_COMM_LOOKUP(l_lookup_type,

3200: -- For UK Legislation, the County code is stored in the
3201: -- Region_1 column of per_addresses instead of County name.
3202: -- So we need to get the County name from fnd_common_lookups, for lookup_type 'GB_COUNTY'
3204: l_rslt_elmt := nvl(hr_general.DECODE_FND_COMM_LOOKUP(l_lookup_type,
3205: ben_ext_person.g_prim_county),
3206: ben_ext_person.g_prim_county);
3207: --l_rslt_elmt := ben_ext_person.g_prim_county; -- End of Fix, Bug 2593220
3208: ELSIF p_short_name = 'PRCRY' THEN

Line 4313: l_frmt_mask_cd := hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',

4309: elmt.ttl_fnctn_cd := l_ttl_fnctn_cd_va(i) ;
4310: elmt.defined_balance_id := l_defined_balance_id_va(i) ;
4312: if elmt.frmt_mask_lookup_cd is not null then
4313: l_frmt_mask_cd := hr_general.decode_lookup('BEN_EXT_FRMT_MASK',
4314: elmt.frmt_mask_lookup_cd ) ;
4315: end if ;
4317: if elmt.short_name is not null then