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1 package ff_exec AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: ffexec.pkh 115.9 2003/01/20 18:10:06 arashid ship $ */
3 g_debug boolean;
4 /*
5   Notes:
6     This version of the execution engine relies on PL/SQL release 2.3
7     or later (i.e. it uses PL/SQL tables of records).  Therefore there
8     is a separate set of library routines to allow calling formula
9     from forms.
11     For detailed design notes and examples on how to call the
12     execution engine, please see the associated low level design.
13     The filename for this is ffrunf.lld and is held under $FF_TOP/lld
14     directory.
16     Also, please refer to this documentation for explanation of the
17     logging strategy for this module, as there are some improvements
18     to the normal standard.
19 */
20 /*
21  *  Debug level constants.
22  *  These values can be used in conjunction with the set_debug
23  *  procedure to control debug output from the execution engine.
24  */
25 FF_DBG         constant binary_integer := 2;
26 FF_CACHE_DBG   constant binary_integer := 4;
27 DBI_CACHE_DBG  constant binary_integer := 8;
28 MRU_DBG        constant binary_integer := 16;
29 IO_TABLE_DBG   constant binary_integer := 32;
30 FF_BIND_LEN    constant binary_integer := 255;  -- input/return values.
32 /*
33  *  Definition of record to hold inputs to formula.
34  *  NOTES:
35  *  o This record is used for both contexts and input values.
36  *  o This record is instantiated by a call to the init_formula
37  *    procedure.
38  *  o Dates should be passed in the apps Canonical format.
39  *  o The 'datatype' member is used to indicate the datatype of
40  *    the input.  It's value should not be set by the caller.
41  *  o The 'class' member is used to indicate whether the input
42  *    is a context or a formula input.  It's value should not
43  *    be set by the caller.
44  */
45 type inputs_r is record
46 (
47   name     varchar2(240),
48   datatype varchar2(6),   -- 'DATE', 'NUMBER', 'TEXT'
49   class    varchar2(7),   -- 'CONTEXT' or 'INPUT'.
50   value    varchar2(255)  -- NOTE: match FF_BIND_LEN
51 );
53 /*
54  *  Definition of table to hold inputs to formula.
55  *  NOTES:
56  *  o The index for this table is guaranteed to start at 1
57  *    and be contiguous throughout.
58  *  o This table is instantiated by a call to the init_formula
59  *    procedure.
60  */
61 type inputs_t is table of inputs_r index by binary_integer;
63 /*
64  *  Definition of record to hold outputs from formula.
65  *  NOTES:
66  *  o This record is instantiated by a call to the init_formula
67  *    procedure.
68  *  o Dates will be returned in the apps Canonical format.
69  *  o The 'datatype' member is used to indicate the datatype of
70  *    the output.  It's value should not be set by the caller.
71  */
72 type outputs_r is record
73 (
74   name     varchar2(240),
75   datatype varchar2(6),   -- 'DATE', 'NUMBER', 'TEXT'
76   value    varchar2(255)  -- NOTE: match FF_BIND_LEN
77 );
79 /*
80  *  Definition of table to hold outputs to formula.
81  *  NOTES:
82  *  o The index for this table is guaranteed to start at 1
83  *    and be contiguous throughout.
84  *  o This table is instantiated by a call to the init_formula
85  *    procedure.
86  */
87 type outputs_t is table of outputs_r index by binary_integer;
89 /*
90  *  The following global variables hold the number of contexts,
91  *  inputs and outputs required by the currently executing formula.
92  *  Therefore, they need to be examined after calling init_formula.
93  */
94 context_count binary_integer;
95 input_count   binary_integer;
96 output_count  binary_integer;
98 ------------------------------- reset_caches ----------------------------------
99 /*
100   NAME
101     reset_caches
103     Resets the internal caches to their initial states.
104 */
105 procedure reset_caches;
108 ---------------------------- init_formula -------------------------------------
109 /*
110   NAME
111     init_formula
113     Initialises data structures for a specific formula.
114   NOTES
115     The first call to this function initialises the execution engine.
116     The input and output tables are initialised by this call so
117     that the user knows the names of all the inputs, contexts and
118     outputs that they should set/expect to be returned.
119 */
121 procedure init_formula
122 (
123   p_formula_id     in     number,
124   p_effective_date in     date,
125   p_inputs         in out nocopy ff_exec.inputs_t,
126   p_outputs        in out nocopy ff_exec.outputs_t
127 );
129 ------------------------------ run_formula ------------------------------------
130 /*
131   NAME
132     init_formula
134     Uses data structures built up to execute Fast Formula.
135   NOTES
136     The p_use_dbi_cache parameter controls whether the db
137     item cache will be used when executing formulas.  The only
138     circumstance where this should be set to 'false' is when
139     being called from the API user hooks functionality.
140 */
142 procedure run_formula
143 (
144   p_inputs         in     ff_exec.inputs_t,
145   p_outputs        in out nocopy ff_exec.outputs_t,
146   p_use_dbi_cache  in     boolean    default true
147 );
149 end ff_exec;