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2 /* $Header: qltssreb.pls 120.11 2011/04/11 18:20:51 ntungare ship $ */
4     --
5     -- Post a result to the database.  This is a wrapper to the QA API
6     -- qa_results_api.insert_row.  Do not perform commit.  Most of the
7     -- parameters are self explanatory.
8     --
9     -- x_result is a flattened @-separated list of <char_id>=<value>.
10     -- x_result1 is an @-sepated list of <char_id>=<id> used for
11     --           hardcoded referenced elements that have known IDs.
12     -- x_result2 is not used but can be reserved for
13     --           expansion if one VARCHAR2 is not enough.
14     -- x_enabled maps to the status flag in qa_results
15     --           (i.e., null or 2 for enabled, 1 for disabled).
16     -- x_committed is whether to commit the row afterwards,
17     --           1 = yes, others = no.
18     -- x_messages is an @-separated string of error messages if there
19     --           is any error.
20     --
21     -- Return 0 if OK
22     -- Return -1 if error.
23     --
24     FUNCTION nontxn_post_result(
25         x_occurrence OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
26         x_org_id IN NUMBER,
27         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
28         x_spec_id IN NUMBER,
29         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
30         x_result IN VARCHAR2,
31         x_result1 IN VARCHAR2,
32         x_result2 IN VARCHAR2,      -- not used yet, for future expansion
33         x_enabled IN INTEGER,
34         x_committed IN INTEGER,
35         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
36         RETURN INTEGER;
38     --
39     -- The overloaded method is used for transaction only
40     --
41     FUNCTION post_result(
42         x_occurrence IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
43         x_org_id IN NUMBER,
44         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
45         x_spec_id IN NUMBER,
46         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
47         x_result IN VARCHAR2,
48         x_result1 IN VARCHAR2,
49         x_result2 IN VARCHAR2,      -- not used yet, for future expansion
50         x_enabled IN INTEGER,
51         x_committed IN INTEGER,
52         x_transaction_number IN NUMBER,
53         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
54         RETURN INTEGER;
57     --
58     -- The overloaded method is used for ssqr.
59     -- In addition to the code in post_result,
60     -- we call insert history and automatic records.
61     --
62     -- 12.1 QWB Usability Improvements
63     -- Added 2  new paramters to pass the aggregated values for
64     -- the parent plan collection elements to the JAVA layer.
65     --
66     --
67     -- bug 11896067
68     -- Added a new parameter, p_background_flag
69     --
70     FUNCTION ssqr_post_result(
71         x_occurrence IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
72         x_org_id IN NUMBER,
73         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
74         x_spec_id IN NUMBER,
75         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
76         x_txn_header_id IN NUMBER,
77         x_par_plan_id IN NUMBER,
78         x_par_col_id IN NUMBER,
79         x_par_occ IN NUMBER,
80         x_result IN VARCHAR2,
81         x_result1 IN VARCHAR2,
82         x_result2 IN VARCHAR2,      -- not used yet, for future expansion
83         x_enabled IN INTEGER,
84         x_committed IN INTEGER,
85         x_transaction_number IN NUMBER,
86         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
87         x_agg_elements OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
88         x_agg_val OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
89         p_last_update_date IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE,
90         p_background_flag IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0)
91         RETURN INTEGER;
93     --
94     -- update_result
95     --
96     FUNCTION update_result(
97         x_occurrence IN NUMBER,
98         x_org_id IN NUMBER,
99         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
100         x_spec_id IN NUMBER,
101         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
102         x_result IN VARCHAR2,
103         x_result1 IN VARCHAR2,
104         x_result2 IN VARCHAR2,      -- not used yet, for future expansion
105         x_enabled IN INTEGER,
106         x_committed IN INTEGER,
107         x_transaction_number IN NUMBER,
108         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
109         RETURN INTEGER;
112     --
113     -- Delete a result.  Do not perform commit.
114     --
115     PROCEDURE delete_result(
116         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
117         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
118         x_occurrence IN NUMBER);
120     --
121     -- Batch delete a set of results (supply occurrences in
122     -- comma-separated list.)  Do not perform commit.
123     --
124     PROCEDURE delete_results(
125         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
126         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
127         x_occurrences IN VARCHAR2);
129     --
130     -- Perform database commit.  Do not use in transaction integration,
131     -- otherwise we will be committing the parent's data without their
132     -- knowing!  Actions will be fired in the background.
133     --
134     PROCEDURE commit_results;
136     PROCEDURE wrapper_fire_action (
137        q_collection_id		IN	NUMBER,
138        q_return_status		OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
139        q_msg_count		OUT 	NOCOPY NUMBER,
140        q_msg_data		OUT 	NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
145     --
146     -- Bug 6881303
147     -- added 2 new elements, one a comma separated list of the
148     -- Parent collection elements that would receive aggregated
149     -- values and the other a comma separated list of the
150     -- aggregated values.
151     -- ntungare Fri Mar 21 01:19:03 PDT 2008
152     --
153     FUNCTION ssqr_update_result(
154         x_occurrence IN NUMBER,
155         x_org_id IN NUMBER,
156         x_plan_id IN NUMBER,
157         x_spec_id IN NUMBER,
158         x_collection_id IN NUMBER,
159         x_txn_header_id IN NUMBER,
160         x_par_plan_id IN NUMBER,
161         x_par_col_id IN NUMBER,
162         x_par_occ IN NUMBER,
163         x_result IN VARCHAR2,
164         x_result1 IN VARCHAR2,
165         x_result2 IN VARCHAR2,      -- not used yet, for future expansion
166         x_enabled IN INTEGER,
167         x_committed IN INTEGER,
168         x_transaction_number IN NUMBER,
169         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
170         x_agg_elements OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
171         x_agg_val OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
172         p_last_update_date IN DATE DEFAULT SYSDATE)
175     --
176     -- bug 5306909
177     -- Added p_last_update_date parameter. This parameter is used to
178     -- check whether the record which the user is trying to update has
179     -- been updated already  by some other user.
180     -- ntungare Mon Apr 10 07:00:21 PDT 2006
181     --
182     FUNCTION ssqr_lock_row (
183         p_occurrence IN NUMBER,
184         p_plan_id IN NUMBER,
185 	p_last_update_date IN DATE,
186         x_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
189     --
190     -- 12.1 QWB Usability Improvements
191     -- Added 2 new parameters x_charid_str and x_id_str
192     -- to return comma separated strings of HC
193     -- elements and the Normalized Id values
194     --
195     FUNCTION ssqr_validate_row (
196         p_occurrence IN OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
197         p_org_id IN NUMBER,
198         p_plan_id IN NUMBER,
199         p_spec_id IN NUMBER,
200         p_collection_id IN NUMBER,
201         p_result IN VARCHAR2,
202         p_result1 IN VARCHAR2,
203         p_result2 IN VARCHAR2,      -- not used yet, for future expansion
204         p_enabled IN INTEGER,
205         p_committed IN INTEGER,
206         p_transaction_number IN NUMBER,
207         p_transaction_id IN  NUMBER DEFAULT 0,
208    --     p_who_created_by IN  NUMBER := fnd_global.user_id,
209         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
210         x_charid_str OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
211         x_id_str out NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
218     -- Bug 4502450 R12. eSig Status support in Multirow  UQR
219     -- Functions checks if the current plan row has PENDING eSig
220     -- Status, if not it checks all the parent plans for eSig Status
221     -- if for corresponding parent row has eSig Status as PENDING
222     -- fills the message array and returns -1
223     -- rest is taken care in updateRow() method of QualityResultsEOImpl
224     -- saugupta Wed, 24 Aug 2005 08:51:28 -0700 PDT
225     FUNCTION validate_esig_for_update(
226         p_plan_id            IN NUMBER,
227         p_plan_collection_id IN NUMBER,
228         p_plan_occurrence    IN NUMBER)
231    -- bug 4658275. eSig functionality support in QWB
232    -- this new method checks if user can insert a new
233    -- child row if ERES is enables
234    -- saugupta Tue, 18 Oct 2005 02:55:19 -0700 PDT
235    FUNCTION validate_esig_for_insert(p_plan_id            IN NUMBER,
236                                      p_plan_collection_id IN NUMBER,
237                                      p_plan_occurrence    IN NUMBER)
238              RETURN BOOLEAN;
241     -- R12 Project MOAC 4637896
242     -- For modularity, exposing this method for use by
243     -- qa_mqa_results
244     --
245     -- Parse out the error messages in the ErrorArray
246     -- returned by the validation API and append them
247     -- into an @-separated string.  If an error message
248     -- contains @, it will be doubly encoded.
249     --
250     PROCEDURE get_error_messages(
251         p_errors IN qa_validation_api.ErrorArray,
252         p_plan_id IN NUMBER,
253         x_messages OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
255    PROCEDURE post_error_messages (p_errors IN qa_validation_api.ErrorArray,
256                                   plan_id NUMBER);
258    -- R12.1 QWB Usability Improvements project
259    -- Function to perform deletetion of rows
260    --
261    FUNCTION delete_row(p_plan_id        IN  NUMBER,
262                        p_collection_id  IN  NUMBER,
263                        p_occurrence     IN  NUMBER,
264 		       p_org_id         IN  NUMBER,
265 		       p_txn_header_id  IN  NUMBER,
266                        p_par_plan_id    IN  NUMBER DEFAULT -1,
267                        p_par_col_id     IN  NUMBER DEFAULT -1,
268                        p_par_occ        IN  NUMBER DEFAULT -1)
269            RETURN VARCHAR2;
271 END qa_ss_results;