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Line 935: ,okc_line_style_roles

931: cursor cle_csr is
932: select '!'
933: from
934: okc_k_lines_b
935: ,okc_line_style_roles
936: where
937: okc_k_lines_b.ID = p_cplv_rec.cle_id
938: and okc_line_style_roles.LSE_ID = okc_k_lines_b.LSE_ID
939: and okc_line_style_roles.SRE_ID in

Line 938: and okc_line_style_roles.LSE_ID = okc_k_lines_b.LSE_ID

934: okc_k_lines_b
935: ,okc_line_style_roles
936: where
937: okc_k_lines_b.ID = p_cplv_rec.cle_id
938: and okc_line_style_roles.LSE_ID = okc_k_lines_b.LSE_ID
939: and okc_line_style_roles.SRE_ID in
940: (
941: select okc_subclass_roles.ID
942: from

Line 939: and okc_line_style_roles.SRE_ID in

935: ,okc_line_style_roles
936: where
937: okc_k_lines_b.ID = p_cplv_rec.cle_id
938: and okc_line_style_roles.LSE_ID = okc_k_lines_b.LSE_ID
939: and okc_line_style_roles.SRE_ID in
940: (
941: select okc_subclass_roles.ID
942: from
943: OKC_K_HEADERS_ALL_B -- Modified by jvorugan for Bug:4645341 OKC_K_HEADERS_B