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Line 2153: FROM mtl_serial_numbers

2149: -- bso Tue Jul 20 15:20:37 PDT 2004
2150: --
2151: CURSOR c IS
2152: SELECT 1
2153: FROM mtl_serial_numbers
2154: WHERE inventory_item_id = x_item_id AND
2155: current_organization_id = x_org_id AND
2156: (x_lot_num IS NULL OR lot_number = x_lot_num) AND
2157: (x_revision IS NULL OR revision = x_revision) AND

Line 2261: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn,

2257: -- bso Tue Jul 20 15:52:21 PDT 2004
2258: --
2259: CURSOR c IS
2260: SELECT 1
2261: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn,
2262: mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
2263: WHERE msn.lot_line_mark_id = x_transaction_id
2264: AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id = msn.lot_line_mark_id
2265: AND mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = msn.line_mark_id

Line 2271: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn

2267: AND x_lot_number IS NOT NULL
2268: AND msn.serial_number = x_serial_number
2270: SELECT 1
2271: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
2272: WHERE msn.line_mark_id = x_transaction_id
2273: AND x_lot_number IS NULL
2274: AND msn.serial_number = x_serial_number;

Line 3457: from mtl_serial_numbers_all_v

3453: -- Sync up the SQL to be the same with forms.
3454: -- bso Tue Jul 20 16:12:06 PDT 2004
3455: --
3456: sql_string := 'select serial_number, current_status_name
3457: from mtl_serial_numbers_all_v
3458: where current_organization_id = :1
3459: and inventory_item_id = :2
3460: and (:3 is null OR lot_number = :4)
3461: and (:5 is null OR revision = :6)

Line 3535: mtl_serial_numbers msn, csi_item_instances cii, mtl_system_items_b msib, mtl_parameters mp

3532: sql_string := 'SELECT
3533: distinct msn.serial_number, msn.descriptive_text
3534: FROM
3535: mtl_serial_numbers msn, csi_item_instances cii, mtl_system_items_b msib, mtl_parameters mp
3536: WHERE
3537: msib.organization_id = mp.organization_id and
3538: msib.organization_id = cii.last_vld_organization_id and
3539: msib.inventory_item_id = cii.inventory_item_id and

Line 3635: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn,

3631: -- msn.lot_line_mark_id and vice versa.
3632: -- bso Tue Jul 20 15:52:21 PDT 2004
3633: --
3634: sql_string := 'SELECT msn.serial_number, msn.current_status
3635: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn,
3636: mtl_transaction_lots_temp mtlt
3637: WHERE msn.lot_line_mark_id = :1
3638: AND mtlt.transaction_temp_id = msn.lot_line_mark_id
3639: AND mtlt.serial_transaction_temp_id = msn.line_mark_id

Line 3645: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn

3641: AND :3 IS NOT NULL
3642: AND msn.serial_number like :4
3644: SELECT msn.serial_number, msn.current_status
3645: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn
3646: WHERE msn.line_mark_id = :5
3647: AND :6 IS NULL
3648: AND msn.serial_number like :7
3649: ORDER BY 1';

Line 4405: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses mms

4402: x_item_id := qa_flex_util.get_item_id(x_org_id, x_item_name);
4404: sql_string := 'SELECT mms.status_code, mms.description
4405: FROM mtl_serial_numbers msn, mtl_material_statuses mms
4406: WHERE msn.inventory_item_id = :1
4407: AND msn.serial_number like :2
4408: AND msn.status_id = mms.status_id
4409: AND mms.status_code like :3