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1 package  body ad_patch as
2 /* $Header: adphpchb.pls 120.12.12020000.3 2013/03/06 13:41:47 rraam ship $ */
4   VER_SEPARATOR           CONSTANT varchar2(1)  := '.';
7   g_errm                    varchar2(132);
9 /**************************************************************************
10       Returns whether or not the patch has been applied.
12       release_name - the aru release name (e.g., '11i')
13       bug_number - the bug number (e.g., '1234567')
15       returns
17 **************************************************************************/
19 /**************************************************************************
20     New version to go with new proposed data model changes (11.5.6 maybe),
21     resulting in simpler joins. This function queries on AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
22     bug_status column to report the status of a bug.
23     With the snapshot project, and changes to the patch history data
24     model, the bug_status column is moved to ad_snapshot_bugfixes and hence
25     the query has to join on ad_snapshots,ad_snapshot_bugfixes and ad_bugs
26     tables.
27     2/15/02 : app_short_name is moved from AD_BUGS to AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS
28               due to AOL's requirement, since  AOL doesn't always know
29               app_short_name to pass.
30 **************************************************************************/
31 function  is_patch_applied (p_release_name  in varchar2,
32                             p_appl_top_id   in number,
33                             p_bug_number    in varchar2)
34           return varchar2
35 is
36 begin
38   return is_patch_applied(p_release_name, p_appl_top_id,
39                           p_bug_number, 'US');
40 end is_patch_applied;
42 function  is_patch_applied (p_release_name  in varchar2,
43                             p_appl_top_id   in number,
44                             p_bug_number    in varchar2,
45                             p_bug_language  in varchar2)
46           return varchar2
47 is
48   cursor FIND_BUG_ID_CURSOR is
49     select b.bug_id
50       from AD_BUGS b, AD_TRACKABLE_ENTITIES adte
51      where b.bug_number = p_bug_number
52        and upper(b.trackable_entity_abbr) =
53                DECODE(UPPER(adte.abbreviation),'SO', 'SQLSO',
54                                                'FA', 'OFA',
55                                                'AP', 'SQLAP',
56                                                'GL', 'SQLGL',
57                                                 UPPER(adte.abbreviation))
58        and b.language = p_bug_language
59        and ( b.baseline_name = adte.baseline
60             or b.generic_patch = 'y'
61            );
63   l_bugst       ad_snapshot_bugfixes.bug_status%type;
64   l_bugid       ad_bugs.bug_id%type;
65   l_snapshot_id ad_snapshots.snapshot_id%type;
67   l_row_found   boolean := TRUE;
68 begin
70   if (p_bug_number in ('13839836', '13839844', '14100919', '16399723'))
71   then
72       return(NOT_APPLIED);
73   end if;
75   if (p_appl_top_id = -1)
76   then
77     begin
78       select s.snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
79       from AD_SNAPSHOTS s, AD_APPL_TOPS a,
80            FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS fpg
81       where s.snapshot_name = GLOBAL_VIEW_SNP_NAME
82       and s.snapshot_type =
83            ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(GLOBAL_VIEW_SNP_NAME)
84       and s.appl_top_id = a.appl_top_id
85       and a.name = 'GLOBAL'
86       and a.appl_top_type = 'G'
87       and a.applications_system_name = fpg.applications_system_name
88       and fpg.product_group_id=1;
89       exception
90         when no_data_found then
91           return(NOT_APPLIED);
92     end;
93   else
94     begin
95       select snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
96       from AD_SNAPSHOTS
97       where appl_top_id = p_appl_top_id
98       and snapshot_name = CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME
99       and snapshot_type =
100          ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME);
101       exception
102         when no_data_found then
103           return(NOT_APPLIED);
104     end;
105   end if;
107   begin
108     for cur_bugid in FIND_BUG_ID_CURSOR loop
109       l_row_found := TRUE;
110       begin
111         select bug_status into l_bugst
112           from ad_snapshot_bugfixes
113          where bugfix_id = cur_bugid.bug_id
114            and snapshot_id = l_snapshot_id;
115       exception
116         when no_data_found then
117           l_row_found := FALSE;
118       end;
119       if (l_row_found) then
120         if (not l_bugst = NOT_APPLIED) then
121           -- if a row was found and the
122           -- bug_status is other than 'NOT_APPLIED'
123           -- return this status
124           return(l_bugst);
125         end if;
126       end if;
127     end loop;
129     -- either no row was found or bug_status = 'NOT_APPLIED'
130     -- for all the rows that were found when we reach this point
131     return (NOT_APPLIED);
132   end;
133 end is_patch_applied;
134 /**************************************************************************
135       Analyuzes  whether or not the codeline patch has been applied.
137       release_name - the aru release name - 'R12'
138       baseline_name - baseline value -   (eg., 'A',B',R12')
139       appl_top_id  - id of appl top.( eg., -1, 123 )
140       bug_number - the bug number (e.g., '1234567')
141       langauage - the language of the patch (e.g. 'D', 'US' )
143       returns
145 **************************************************************************/
148 function is_codeline_patch_applied ( p_release_name in varchar2,
149                                      p_baseline_name  in varchar2,
150                                      p_appl_top_id   in number,
151                                      p_bug_number    in varchar2)
152           return varchar2
153 is
154 begin
156   return is_codeline_patch_applied ( p_release_name, p_baseline_name,
157                                      p_appl_top_id, p_bug_number,
158                                      'US');
159 end is_codeline_patch_applied;
162 function is_codeline_patch_applied ( p_release_name in varchar2,
163                                      p_baseline_name  in varchar2,
164                                      p_appl_top_id   in number,
165                                      p_bug_number    in varchar2,
166                                      p_language     in varchar2)
167           return varchar2
168 is
169     l_snapshot_id ad_snapshots.snapshot_id%type;
170     l_bug_id ad_bugs.bug_id%type;
171     l_bugst ad_snapshot_bugfixes.bug_status%type;
174   if (p_appl_top_id = -1)
175   then
176     begin
177       select s.snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
178       from AD_SNAPSHOTS s, AD_APPL_TOPS a,
179            FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS fpg
180       where s.snapshot_name = GLOBAL_VIEW_SNP_NAME
181       and s.snapshot_type =
182            ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(GLOBAL_VIEW_SNP_NAME)
183       and s.appl_top_id = a.appl_top_id
184       and a.name = 'GLOBAL'
185       and a.appl_top_type = 'G'
186       and a.applications_system_name = fpg.applications_system_name
187       and fpg.product_group_id=1;
188       exception
189         when no_data_found then
190           return(NOT_APPLIED);
191     end;
192   else
193     begin
194       select snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
195       from AD_SNAPSHOTS
196       where appl_top_id = p_appl_top_id
197       and snapshot_name = CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME
198       and snapshot_type =
199          ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME);
200       exception
201         when no_data_found then
202           return(NOT_APPLIED);
203     end;
204   end if;
206   begin
207     select b.bug_id into l_bug_id
208       from AD_BUGS b
209       where b.bug_number = p_bug_number
210       and   b.baseline_name = p_baseline_name
211       and   b.aru_release_name = p_release_name
212       and   b.language   = p_language;
213    exception
214       when no_data_found then
215           return(NOT_APPLIED);
216   end;
219   begin
220     select bug_status into l_bugst
221        from ad_snapshot_bugfixes
222        where bugfix_id = l_bug_id
223        and snapshot_id = l_snapshot_id;
224      exception
225         when no_data_found then
226         return (NOT_APPLIED);
227   end;
229   return l_bugst;
231 END is_codeline_patch_applied ;
234 /*****************************************************************************
235   Compare passed versions of files to determine which is greater,
236   the one requested by caller or the one in database.
237 *****************************************************************************/
238 function compare_versions(p_version      in varchar2,
239                           p_version_indb in varchar2)
240          return boolean
241 is
242   db_ver     number;
243   passed_ver number;
244   passed_len number;
245   db_ver_len number;
246   l_ver_str  varchar2(132) ;
247   db_ver_str varchar2(132) ;
248   ret_status boolean       := TRUE;
249 begin
250   l_ver_str   := p_version||'.';
251   db_ver_str  := p_version_indb||'.';
253 -- Version format is  a.b.c.e...x
254 -- parse out a version from the passed in version (p_version)
256   while l_ver_str is not null or db_ver_str is not null loop
257     if (l_ver_str is null)
258     then
259       passed_ver := 0;
260     else
261       passed_ver  := nvl(to_number(substr(l_ver_str,1,instr(l_ver_str,'.')-1)),
262                         -1);
263       l_ver_str := substr(l_ver_str,instr(l_ver_str,'.')+1);
264     end if;
266     -- Next parse out a version from the db_version (p_version_indb)
268     if (db_ver_str is null)
269     then
270       db_ver := 0;
271     else
272        db_ver := nvl(to_number(substr(db_ver_str,1,instr(db_ver_str,'.')-1)),
273                      -1);
274        db_ver_str := substr(db_ver_str,instr(db_ver_str,'.')+1);
275     end if;
277     -- If passed file ver is greater than version in DB, then ret FALSE
279     if (passed_ver > db_ver)
280     then
281       ret_status := FALSE;
282       exit; /* get out of the loop, we're done. */
284     -- If passed file ver is less than version in DB, then ret TRUE
286     elsif (passed_ver < db_ver)
287     then
288       exit; /* get out of the loop, we're done. */
289     end if;
291 -- Continue looping only if sub string versions are equal, i.e
292 -- compraing 115.2.1151.2 - 115.42, second time thru the loop should
293 -- exit with a ret_status, since 2 and 42 are not equal.
295   end loop;
297   return(ret_status);
299 end compare_versions;
301 /***********************************************************************
302   Find max version of the passed file that was applied to the
303   system. Not just any max version of the passed file in patch hist tables.
304   For is_file_copied, the relevant question is "does the file with a
305   specific version or higher, exists on the file system" ?
306   Not whether it was explicitly copied or not by a patch.
307   And for that, just a file with a exact or higher version in
308   ad_snapshot_files is sufficient.
309 ***********************************************************************/
311 function find_max_applied_version_indb(p_file_id     in number,
312                                        p_snapshot_id in number)
313          return varchar2
314 is
315   cursor MAX_VER_CUR(p_file_id in ad_files.file_id%TYPE) is
316   select v.version
317   from ad_file_versions v, ad_snapshot_files s
318   where s.file_id = v.file_id
319   and s.file_id = p_file_id
320   and s.snapshot_id = p_snapshot_id
321   and v.file_version_id = s.file_version_id;
323   max_ver ad_file_versions.version%TYPE ;
324   old_ver ad_file_versions.version%TYPE ;
325   ret     boolean                       := FALSE;
326 begin
327   max_ver  := '0';
328   old_ver  := '0';
330   for max_ver_cur_rec in MAX_VER_CUR(p_file_id) loop
331     ret := compare_versions(max_ver_cur_rec.version,old_ver);
332     if (ret = FALSE) then
333       max_ver := max_ver_cur_rec.version;
334     end if;
335     old_ver := max_ver_cur_rec.version;
336   end loop;
338   return(max_ver);
340 end find_max_applied_version_indb;
343 /*************************************************************************
344   is_file_copied()
345   This function returns whether a given file with a subdir and version
346   passed, was already applied to an appl_top. The return value is either
350                          p_appl_top_id            in number,
348 *************************************************************************/
349 function is_file_copied (p_application_short_name in varchar2,
351                          p_object_location        in varchar2,
352                          p_object_name            in varchar2,
353                          p_object_version         in varchar2)
354          return varchar2
355 is
356   l_file_id     ad_files.file_id%TYPE;
357   l_snapshot_id ad_snapshots.snapshot_id%TYPE;
358   l_ver         ad_file_versions.version%TYPE;
359   l_dbver       ad_file_versions.version%TYPE;
360   max_ver_indb  ad_file_versions.version%TYPE;
361   ret           boolean := FALSE;
363   cursor FILE_VER_CUR(p_file_id in ad_files.file_id%TYPE) is
364   select executed_flag
365   from ad_patch_run_bug_actions
366   where file_id = p_file_id
367   and patch_file_version_id in (select file_version_id
368                                 from ad_file_versions
369                                 where file_id = p_file_id
370                                 and version = max_ver_indb);
371 begin
373   l_ver := rtrim(p_object_version);
375   -- First get the snapshot_id, from the given appl_top_id to work on.
376   if (p_appl_top_id = -1)
377   then
378     begin
379       select s.snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
380       from AD_SNAPSHOTS s, AD_APPL_TOPS a,
381            FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS fpg
382       where s.snapshot_name = GLOBAL_VIEW_SNP_NAME
383       and s.snapshot_type =
384            ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(GLOBAL_VIEW_SNP_NAME)
385       and s.appl_top_id = a.appl_top_id
386       and a.name = 'GLOBAL'
387       and a.appl_top_type = 'G'
388       and a.applications_system_name = fpg.applications_system_name
389       and fpg.product_group_id=1;
390       exception
391         /*bug 2770858 Do not rollback and do not raise exception*/
392         when no_data_found then
393           return(NOT_APPLIED);
394     end;
395   else
396     begin
397       select snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
398       from AD_SNAPSHOTS
399       where appl_top_id = p_appl_top_id
400       and snapshot_name = CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME
401       and snapshot_type =
402         ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME);
403       exception
404         /*bug 2770858 Do not rollback and do not raise exception*/
405         when no_data_found then
406           return(NOT_APPLIED);
407     end;
408    end if;
410   begin
411     select file_id into l_file_id
412     from ad_files
413     where app_short_name = p_application_short_name
414     and subdir = p_object_location
415     and filename = p_object_name;
416     exception
417       when no_data_found then
418         return(NOT_APPLIED);
419   end;
421   -- Find the max applied version of the passed file in db.
422   max_ver_indb := find_max_applied_version_indb(l_file_id,l_snapshot_id);
424   -- Compare the version of the passed file and the version of the file
425   -- that exists in the database to return if file is copied explicitly or
426   -- not
428   ret := compare_versions(l_ver,max_ver_indb);
430   if (ret = TRUE) then
431     return(EXPLICITLY_APPLIED);
432   end if;
434   -- If you are here means the file with the specific version was not
435   -- applied, and hence return not applied.
437   return(NOT_APPLIED);
439 end is_file_copied;
443 /*************************************************************************
444   cascade update AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES based on the values in AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS.
445     - Don't update AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES at all if already set to the value
446       being updated.
447     - When updating to successful, just mark row in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
448       as successful.
449     - When updating to unsuccessful, only mark row in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
450       as not successful if there are no rows in AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS marked as
451       successful for the bug, product, and aru_release.
452       This routine updates AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES for given a patch_run_id and
453       a flag.
454 *************************************************************************/
455 procedure mark_patch_bug_in_snpbgfix(p_appl_top_id  in number,
456                                      p_patch_run_id in number,
457                                      p_flag         in varchar2)
458 is
459   l_snapshot_id AD_SNAPSHOTS.snapshot_id%type;
461   cursor BUG_ID_CUR is
462   select bug_id
463   from AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS
464   where patch_run_id = p_patch_run_id;
466   cursor FIND_SUCC_CUR(p_bug_id in ad_bugs.bug_id%type) is
467   select success_flag
468   from AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS
469   where patch_run_id <> p_patch_run_id
470   and bug_id = p_bug_id;
472   no_update boolean := FALSE;
474 begin
476   begin
477     select snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
478     from AD_SNAPSHOTS
479     where appl_top_id = p_appl_top_id
480     and snapshot_name = CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME
481     and snapshot_type =
482         ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME);
483     exception
484       when no_data_found then
485  /* bug 2770858 Do not rollback */
486         return;
487   end;
490   if (p_flag = 'Y') then
491     begin
492       update AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
493       set success_flag = p_flag
494       where snapshot_id = l_snapshot_id
495       and bugfix_id in (select bug_id from AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS
499         raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
496                         where patch_run_id = p_patch_run_id);
497       exception when others then
498         g_errm := sqlerrm;
500               'Error occurred in mark_patch_bug_in_snpbgfix() '||
501               'while trying to update success_flag to Y '||
502               ' in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES '||
503               'for patch_run_id =  ' || p_patch_run_id);
504     end;
505   elsif (p_flag = 'N') then
506     for mybugid in BUG_ID_CUR loop
507       for succ_rec in FIND_SUCC_CUR(mybugid.bug_id) loop
508           if (succ_rec.success_flag = 'Y') then
509             no_update := TRUE;
510             exit;
511           end if;
512       end loop;
513       if (no_update = FALSE) then
514         begin
515           update AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
516           set success_flag = p_flag
517           where bugfix_id = mybugid.bug_id
518           and snapshot_id = l_snapshot_id;
519           exception when others then
520             g_errm := sqlerrm;
521             raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
522                   'Error occurred in mark_patch_bug_in_snpbgfix() '||
523                   'while trying to update success_flag to N '||
524                   ' in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES '||
525                   'for patch_run_id =  ' || p_patch_run_id);
526         end;
527       end if;
528     no_update := FALSE;
529     end loop;
530   else
531     raise_application_error(-20000,'Value for success_flag passed "'||
532                                 p_flag ||'" is invalid');
533   end if;
534 end mark_patch_bug_in_snpbgfix;
536 /*************************************************************************
537   cascade update AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES based on the values in AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS.
538     - Don't update AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES at all if already set to the value
539       being updated.
540     - When updating to successful, just mark row in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
541       as successful.
542     - When updating to unsuccessful, only mark row in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
543       as not successful if there are no rows in AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS marked as
544       successful for the bug, product, and aru_release.
545       This routine updates AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES, given a patch_run, bug id.
546 *************************************************************************/
547 procedure mark_bug_in_snpbgfix(p_patch_run_id in number,
548                                p_appl_top_id  in number,
549                                p_bug_id       in number,
550                                p_flag         in varchar2)
551 is
552   l_bug_id      ad_bugs.bug_id%TYPE;
553   l_snapshot_id AD_SNAPSHOTS.snapshot_id%type;
555   cursor FIND_SUCC_CUR(p_bug_id in ad_bugs.bug_id%type) is
556   select success_flag
557   from AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS
558   where patch_run_id <> p_patch_run_id
559   and bug_id = p_bug_id;
561   no_update boolean := FALSE;
563 begin
565   begin
566     select snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
567     from AD_SNAPSHOTS
568     where appl_top_id = p_appl_top_id
569     and snapshot_name = CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME
570     and snapshot_type =
571       ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME);
572     exception
573       when no_data_found then
574     /* bug 2770858 Do not rollback */
575       return;
576   end;
578   if (p_flag = 'Y') then
579     begin
580       update AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
581       set success_flag = p_flag
582       where bugfix_id = p_bug_id
583       and snapshot_id = l_snapshot_id;
584       exception when others then
585         g_errm := sqlerrm;
586         raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
587               'Error occurred in mark_bug_in_snpbgfix() '||
588               'while trying to update success_flag to Y '||
589               ' in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES '||
590               'for patch_run_id =  ' || p_patch_run_id);
591     end;
592   elsif (p_flag = 'N') then
593     for succ_rec in FIND_SUCC_CUR(p_bug_id) loop
594       if (succ_rec.success_flag = 'Y') then
595         no_update := TRUE;
596         exit;
597       end if;
598     end loop;
599     if (no_update = FALSE) then
600       begin
601         update AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
602         set success_flag = p_flag
603         where bugfix_id = p_bug_id
604         and snapshot_id = l_snapshot_id;
605         exception when others then
606           g_errm := sqlerrm;
607           raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
608                 'Error occurred in mark_bug_in_snpbgfix() '||
609                 'while trying to update success_flag to N '||
610                 ' in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES '||
611                 'for patch_run_id =  ' || p_patch_run_id);
612       end;
613     end if;
614     no_update := FALSE;
615   else
616     raise_application_error(-20000,'Value for success_flag passed "'||
617                                 p_flag ||'" is invalid');
618   end if;
619 end mark_bug_in_snpbgfix;
621 /*****************************************************************************
622   Mark patch runs as successful or unsuccessful, in a given appl_top_id,
623   cascading to ad_patch_run_bugs and ad_bugs. This procedure will use
624   patch_run_id, which would be selected via another layer of sql report that
625   the user would run to list all patch_run_ids for a given patch_name,
626   appl_top_id and a date.
627 *****************************************************************************/
629 procedure mark_patch_succ(p_patch_run_id in NUMBER ,
630                           p_appl_top_id  in number,
631                           p_release_name in varchar2,
632                           p_flag         in varchar2,
633                           p_reason_text  in varchar2)
634 is
636 begin
638   begin
639     update AD_PATCH_RUNS
640     set success_flag = p_flag, failure_comments = p_reason_text
641     where patch_run_id = p_patch_run_id;
642     exception when others then
643       g_errm := sqlerrm;
644       raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
645             'Error occurred in mark_patch_succ() '||
646             'while trying to update success_flag '||
647             'in AD_PATCH_RUNS '||
648             'for patch_run_id =  ' || p_patch_run_id);
649   end;
651   begin
652     update AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS
653     set success_flag = p_flag, failure_comments = p_reason_text
654     where patch_run_id = p_patch_run_id;
655     exception when others then
656       g_errm := sqlerrm;
657       raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
658             'Error occurred in mark_patch_succ() '||
659             'while trying to update success_flag '||
660             'in AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS '||
661             'for patch_run_id =  ' || p_patch_run_id);
662   end;
664   mark_patch_bug_in_snpbgfix(p_appl_top_id,p_patch_run_id,p_flag);
666 end mark_patch_succ;
669 /*************************************************************************
670   are_all_bugs_for_patch_succ(p_patch_run_id);
671   Go thru all the bug_id's for the given patch_run_id in ad_patch_run_bugs
672   to get all the bugs for a given patch and check if all the bugs have
673   success_flag set to 'Y' or 'N' and return true or false accordingly.
674 *************************************************************************/
675 function are_all_bugs_for_patch_succ(p_patch_run_id in
676                                       ad_patch_runs.patch_run_id%TYPE)
677          return boolean
678 is
679   l_flag varchar2(1);
680 begin
682   begin
683     select success_flag into l_flag
684     from AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS
685     where patch_run_id = p_patch_run_id
686     and success_flag = 'N';
687     exception
688       when no_data_found then
689         return(TRUE);
690   end;
692   -- If you are here means one or more records had success_flag = 'N' and
693   -- hence need to return a FALSE.
695   return(FALSE);
697 end are_all_bugs_for_patch_succ;
699 /*************************************************************************
700   Given a patch_run_id and a bug number, mark the bug as successful or
701   unsuccessful and cascade to ad_patch_runs and ad_bugs in the following
702   manner:
703     - update AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS for the specified patch run and bug
704     - Also update AD_PATCH_RUNS in the following cases:
705         - if updating bug to successful and all other bugs for this patch run
706           are successful and patch run marked as unsuccessful, update patch run
707           to successful.
708         - if updating bug to unsuccessful and patch run marked
709           as successful, update patch run to unsuccessful.
710     -  cascade update AD_BUGS as described above based on values in
711       AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS.
712 *************************************************************************/
714 procedure mark_bug_succ(p_patch_run_id in NUMBER ,
715                         p_appl_top_id  in number,
716                         p_release_name in varchar2,
717                         p_bug_number   in varchar2,
718                         p_flag         in varchar2,
719                         p_reason_text  in varchar2)
720 is
721   l_bug_id     ad_bugs.bug_id%TYPE;
722   l_patch_succ ad_snapshot_bugfixes.success_flag%TYPE;
724 begin
726   -- get bug id from ad_bugs for the passed bug number and aru_release_name.
728   begin
729     select bug_id into l_bug_id
730     from AD_BUGS
731     where bug_number = p_bug_number
732     and aru_release_name = p_release_name;
733     exception
734       when no_data_found then
735         raise_application_error(-20000,'Bug number '||p_bug_number||
736                           ' does not exist'||' in patch history tables!!');
737         return;
738       when too_many_rows then
739         raise_application_error(-20001,
740                               'Too many rows returned for bug '|| p_bug_number);
741         return;
742   end;
745   /* Case I:
746      update ad_patch_runs for the specified patch run and bug.
747   */
749   begin
750     update AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS
751     set success_flag = p_flag, failure_comments = p_reason_text
752     where patch_run_id = p_patch_run_id and
753     bug_id = l_bug_id;
754     exception when others then
755       g_errm := sqlerrm;
756       raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
757             'Error occurred in mark_bug_succ() '||
758             'while trying to update case I success_flag '||
759             'in AD_PATCH_RUNS '||
760             'for patch_run_id =  ' || p_patch_run_id);
761     end;
763   /* Case II:
764      update ad_patch_runs in the following manner.
765       1.if updating bug to successful and all other bugs for this patch run
766         are successful and patch run marked as unsuccessful, update patch run
767         to successful.
768   */
770   begin
771     select success_flag into l_patch_succ
772     from AD_PATCH_RUNS
773     where patch_run_id = p_patch_run_id;
774   exception
775     when no_data_found then
776     /* bug 2770858 Do not rollback */
777       return;
778   end;
780   if (p_flag = 'Y' and
784     begin
781       are_all_bugs_for_patch_succ(p_patch_run_id) = TRUE and
782       l_patch_succ = 'N') then
785       update AD_PATCH_RUNS
786       set success_flag = p_flag, failure_comments = p_reason_text
787       where patch_run_id = p_patch_run_id;
788       exception when others then
789         g_errm := sqlerrm;
790         raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
791               'Error occurred in mark_bug_succ() '||
792               'while trying to update case II success_flag '||
793               'in AD_PATCH_RUNS '||
794               'for patch_run_id =  ' || p_patch_run_id);
795     end;
797  -- case III. if updating bug to unsuccessful and patch run marked
798  -- as successful, update patch run to unsuccessful.
800   elsif (p_flag = 'N' and l_patch_succ = 'Y')  then
802     begin
803       update AD_PATCH_RUNS
804       set success_flag = p_flag, failure_comments = p_reason_text
805       where patch_run_id = p_patch_run_id;
806       exception when others then
807         g_errm := sqlerrm;
808         raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
809               'Error occurred in mark_bug_succ() '||
810               'while trying to update case III success_flag '||
811               'in AD_PATCH_RUNS '||
812               'for patch_run_id =  ' || p_patch_run_id);
813     end;
815   end if;
817   -- Case IV:
818   -- cascade update AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES just like in mark_patch_succ
819   -- above based on values in AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS.
821   mark_bug_in_snpbgfix(p_patch_run_id,p_appl_top_id,l_bug_id,p_flag);
823 end mark_bug_succ;
826 /*******************************************************************************
827   - set patch application status.
828   - arguments include:
829     - aru_release_name (e.g., 11i)
830     - bug_number (eg., '1234567')
831     - application_status, the patch application status (e.g.,IMPLICITLY_APPLIED)
832     - appl_top_id, to know which appl_top, user is requesting patch status for.
834     2/15/02 : app_short_name is moved from AD_BUGS to AD_PATCH_RUN_BUGS
835               due to AOL's requirement, since  AOL doesn't always know
836               app_short_name to pass.
837 *******************************************************************************/
838 procedure set_patch_status(p_release_name in varchar2,
839                            p_appl_top_id     number,
840                            p_bug_number   in varchar2,
841                            p_bug_status   in varchar2)
842 is
843   l_bug_id          ad_bugs.bug_id%TYPE;
844   l_snapshot_id     ad_snapshots.snapshot_id%TYPE;
845   l_snapshot_bug_id ad_snapshot_bugfixes.snapshot_bug_id%TYPE;
847 begin
849   -- CASE I: On create, when there are no entries in AD_BUGS for the
850   -- passed bug_number, aru_release_name. create a row in AD_BUGS and
853   -- First get the snapshot_id, from the given appl_top_id to work on.
855   if (p_appl_top_id = -1)
856   then
857     begin
858       select s.snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
859       from AD_SNAPSHOTS s, AD_APPL_TOPS a,
860            FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS fpg
861       where s.snapshot_name = GLOBAL_VIEW_SNP_NAME
862       and s.snapshot_type =
863            ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(GLOBAL_VIEW_SNP_NAME)
864       and s.appl_top_id = a.appl_top_id
865       and a.name = 'GLOBAL'
866       and a.appl_top_type = 'G'
867       and a.applications_system_name = fpg.applications_system_name
868       and fpg.product_group_id=1;
869       exception
870         /* bug 2770858 Do not rollback */
871         when no_data_found then
872           return;
873     end;
874   else
875     begin
876       select snapshot_id into l_snapshot_id
877       from AD_SNAPSHOTS
878       where appl_top_id = p_appl_top_id
879       and snapshot_name = CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME
880       and snapshot_type =
881            ad_file_sys_snapshots_pkg.get_snapshot_type(CURRENT_VIEW_SNP_NAME);
882       exception
883         when no_data_found then
884         /* bug 2770858 Do not rollback */
885           return;
886     end;
887   end if;
889   begin
890     select bug_id into l_bug_id
891     from AD_BUGS
892     where bug_number = p_bug_number
893     and aru_release_name = p_release_name;
894     exception
895       when no_data_found then
897       -- Insert a new record
899         select ad_bugs_s.nextval into l_bug_id from dual;
901         begin
902           insert into AD_BUGS
903           (bug_id, bug_number,
904           creation_date, aru_release_name,
905           last_update_date, last_updated_by,created_by)
906           values(l_bug_id,
907                  p_bug_number,
908                  sysdate,
909                  p_release_name,
910                  sysdate,
911                  -1,
912                  -1);
913           exception
914             when dup_val_on_index then
915               raise_application_error(-20001,
916                    'Attempting to insert a duplicate record '||
917                    'into AD_BUGS for bug_number =  '||
918                    p_bug_number || ' and release '||
919                    p_release_name);
921             when others then
922               g_errm := sqlerrm;
923               raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
924                     'Error occurred in set_patch_status() '||
925                     'while trying to insert new record '||
929         end;
926                     'into AD_BUGS for bug_number =  '||
927                     p_bug_number || ' and release '||
928                     p_release_name);
930   end;
932   begin
933     select snapshot_bug_id into l_snapshot_bug_id
935     where bugfix_id = l_bug_id
936     and snapshot_id = l_snapshot_id;
937     exception
938       when no_data_found then
939         -- create an entry in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
940         begin
941           insert into AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES
942           (snapshot_bug_id,
943            snapshot_id,
944            bugfix_id,
945            bug_status,
946            success_flag,
947            creation_date,
948            last_update_date,
949            last_updated_by,
950            created_by)
951            values (ad_snapshot_bugfixes_s.nextval,
952                    l_snapshot_id,
953                    l_bug_id,
954                    p_bug_status,
955                    'Y',
956                    sysdate,
957                    sysdate,
958                    -1,
959                    -1);
960            exception
961              when dup_val_on_index then
962                raise_application_error(-20001,
963                     'Attempting to insert a duplicate record '||
964                     'into AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES for bug_number =  '||
965                     p_bug_number || ' and release '||
966                     p_release_name);
968              when others then
969                g_errm := sqlerrm;
970                raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
971                      'Error occurred in set_patch_status() '||
972                      'while trying to insert new record '||
973                      'into AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES for bug_number =  '||
974                      p_bug_number || ' and release '||
975                      p_release_name);
976         end;
978       when too_many_rows then
979       /* bug 2770858 Do not rollback */
980         raise_application_error(-20001,
981                 'Too many rows in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES '||
982                 'table for '||p_bug_number||
983                 ' '||p_release_name);
984   end;
986   -- If you are here means there was a record in AD_BUGS and
988   -- So just update the existing record.
990   begin
992     set BUG_STATUS = p_bug_status, success_flag = 'Y', last_updated_by = -1,
993     last_update_date = sysdate
994     where bugfix_id = l_bug_id and
995     snapshot_id = l_snapshot_id;
996     exception when others then
997       g_errm := sqlerrm;
998       raise_application_error(-20001, g_errm ||
999             'Error occurred in set_patch_status() '||
1000             'while trying to update bug_status '||
1001             'in AD_SNAPSHOT_BUGFIXES '||
1002             'for bug_id =  ' || l_bug_id);
1003   end;
1005 end set_patch_status;
1007 /*******************************************************************************
1008   getAppltopID()
1010   This function returns an appl_top_id to the caller given the appl_top name,
1011   and optionally an Applications System name and/or APPL_TOP type.
1012   1. If APPL_TOP type not specified, it defaults to a normal APPL_TOP
1013      i.e 'R'
1014   2. If Applications Sytem name not specified, it defaults to the value in
1017 *******************************************************************************/
1019 function getAppltopID(p_appl_top_name in varchar2,
1020                       p_app_sys_name  in varchar2,
1021                       p_appl_top_type in varchar2)
1022          return number
1023 is
1024   l_app_sys_name  ad_appl_tops.applications_system_name%TYPE;
1025   l_appl_top_type ad_appl_tops.appl_top_type%TYPE;
1026   l_appl_top_id   ad_appl_tops.appl_top_id%TYPE;
1027 begin
1029   select decode(upper(p_appl_top_type),'','R',
1030                 upper(p_appl_top_type))
1031   into l_appl_top_type
1032   from dual;
1034   if ((upper(p_app_sys_name)) is null) then
1035     select applications_system_name into l_app_sys_name
1036     from FND_PRODUCT_GROUPS;
1037   else
1038     l_app_sys_name := p_app_sys_name;
1039   end if;
1041   begin
1042     select appl_top_id into l_appl_top_id
1043     from AD_APPL_TOPS
1044     where name = p_appl_top_name
1045     and appl_top_type = l_appl_top_type
1046     and applications_system_name = l_app_sys_name;
1047     exception
1048       when no_data_found then
1049         raise_application_error(-20001,
1050                 'No rows in AD_APPL_TOPS table for appl_top_name '||
1051                  '''' || p_appl_top_name || ''''||
1052                  'and applications system name '||
1053                  '''' || l_app_sys_name || ''''||
1054                  ' and appl_top type '||
1055                  '''' || l_appl_top_type || '''');
1056         return(0);
1057       when too_many_rows then
1058         raise_application_error(-20001,
1059                 'Too many rows in AD_APPL_TOPS table for appl_top_name '||
1060                  '''' || p_appl_top_name || ''''||
1061                  'and applications system name '||
1062                  '''' || l_app_sys_name || '''');
1063         return(0);
1064   end;
1066   return(l_appl_top_id);
1068 end getAppltopID;
1070 end ad_patch;