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Line 1507: per_all_assignments_f paf,

1503: Cursor cur_apl(p_topic_id irc_comm_topics.communication_topic_id%TYPE) is
1504: --get applicant for application attached to the given topic
1505: select paf.person_id
1506: from
1507: per_all_assignments_f paf,
1508: irc_communications ic,
1509: irc_comm_topics ict
1510: where
1511: ict.communication_topic_id = p_topic_id

Line 1984: object_id = (select distinct vacancy_id from per_all_assignments_f where

1980: --needs to be created.
1981: --
1982: cursor cur_get_comm_property(p_assignment_id number) is
1983: select communication_property_id from irc_comm_properties where
1984: object_id = (select distinct vacancy_id from per_all_assignments_f where
1985: assignment_id =p_assignment_id )
1986: and object_type ='VACANCY' ;
1988: cursor cur_get_default_comm_status(p_assignment_id number) is

Line 1990: object_id = (select distinct vacancy_id from per_all_assignments_f where

1986: and object_type ='VACANCY' ;
1988: cursor cur_get_default_comm_status(p_assignment_id number) is
1989: select default_comm_status from irc_comm_properties where
1990: object_id = (select distinct vacancy_id from per_all_assignments_f where
1991: assignment_id =p_assignment_id )
1992: and object_type ='VACANCY' ;

Line 2102: object_id = (select distinct vacancy_id from per_all_assignments_f where

2098: --needs to be created.
2099: --
2100: cursor cur_get_comm_property(p_assignment_id number) is
2101: select communication_property_id from irc_comm_properties where
2102: object_id = (select distinct vacancy_id from per_all_assignments_f where
2103: assignment_id =p_assignment_id )
2104: and object_type ='VACANCY' ;
2105: --
2106: --

Line 2109: object_id = (select distinct vacancy_id from per_all_assignments_f where

2105: --
2106: --
2107: cursor cur_get_default_comm_status(p_assignment_id number) is
2108: select default_comm_status from irc_comm_properties where
2109: object_id = (select distinct vacancy_id from per_all_assignments_f where
2110: assignment_id =p_assignment_id )
2111: and object_type ='VACANCY';
2112: --
2113: l_assignmentIdArray assoc_arr;

Line 2283: select person_id into l_src_person_id from per_all_assignments_f paf

2279: begin
2280: --
2281: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
2282: --
2283: select person_id into l_src_person_id from per_all_assignments_f paf
2284: where assignment_id = l_src_asgn_id and l_eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
2285: --
2286: select person_id into l_trg_person_id from per_all_assignments_f paf
2287: where assignment_id = l_target_asgn_id and l_eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;

Line 2286: select person_id into l_trg_person_id from per_all_assignments_f paf

2282: --
2283: select person_id into l_src_person_id from per_all_assignments_f paf
2284: where assignment_id = l_src_asgn_id and l_eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
2285: --
2286: select person_id into l_trg_person_id from per_all_assignments_f paf
2287: where assignment_id = l_target_asgn_id and l_eff_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
2288: --
2289: open csrGetCommForAsg(l_src_asgn_id);
2290: fetch csrGetCommForAsg into l_comm_rec;