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Line 1023: from fa_asset_invoices ai,po_vendors ve,fa_invoice_transactions IT

1019: IS
1020: X_msg VARCHAR2(100);
1021: CURSOR c_invoice_supplier IS
1022: select invoice_number,vendor_name
1023: from fa_asset_invoices ai,po_vendors ve,fa_invoice_transactions IT
1024: where ai.po_vendor_id= ve.vendor_id and
1025: ai.asset_id = JGRX_FAREG.var.asset_id and
1026: ai.invoice_transaction_id_in = IT.invoice_transaction_id and
1027: IT.book_type_code = PARM.p_book_type_code;

Line 1049: from fa_asset_invoices ai,po_vendors ve

1045: BEGIN
1046: select invoice_number,vendor_name
1047: into JGRX_FAREG.var.invoice_number,
1048: JGRX_FAREG.var.supplier_name
1049: from fa_asset_invoices ai,po_vendors ve
1050: where ai.po_vendor_id= ve.vendor_id and
1051: ai.asset_invoice_id= (SELECT MIN(asset_invoice_id)
1052: FROM fa_asset_invoices AI1,fa_invoice_transactions IT
1053: WHERE AI1.asset_id = JGRX_FAREG.var.asset_id