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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 79

    SELECT legal_entity_name INTO l_le_name FROM gmf_legal_entities
    WHERE legal_entity_id = p_le_id;
Line: 93

     SELECT name INTO l_ledger_name FROM gl_ledgers
     WHERE ledger_id = p_led_id;
Line: 107

     SELECT cost_mthd_code INTO l_cost_type FROM cm_mthd_mst
     WHERE cost_type_id = p_ct_id;
Line: 123

      SELECT organization_code INTO l_org_cd FROM mtl_parameters WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 125

       SELECT DISTINCT organization_code INTO l_org_cd FROM mtl_parameters mp, gmf_xla_extract_headers eh
       WHERE mp.organization_id = eh.organization_id AND eh.reference_no = p_ref_no;
Line: 143

      SELECT mif.item_number ||' - '||mif.description INTO l_ItemDesc
      FROM mtl_item_flexfields mif
      WHERE mif.inventory_item_id = p_item_id
        AND mif.organization_id   = p_org_id ;
Line: 161

      SELECT name INTO l_Orgname FROM hr_all_organization_units WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 174

      SELECT name INTO l_entity_code_desc FROM xla_entity_types_vl WHERE application_id =555 AND entity_code = p_entity_cd;
Line: 187

      SELECT name INTO l_event_class_desc FROM xla_event_classes_vl
      WHERE application_id =555 AND entity_code = p_entity_cd AND event_class_code = p_event_class_cd;
Line: 203

      SELECT name INTO l_event_type_desc FROM xla_event_types_vl
      WHERE application_id =555 AND entity_code = p_entity_cd AND event_class_code = p_event_class_cd AND event_type_code = p_event_type_cd;