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Line 8036: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(p_destination, p_msg );

8032: p_destination IN NUMBER
8033: ,p_msg IN VARCHAR2)
8034: IS
8035: BEGIN
8036: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(p_destination, p_msg );
8037: END;
8039: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8040: -- Start of comments

Line 8135: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );

8131: BEGIN
8132: -- Assign the input params to the Local Variables
8133: l_book_type_code := p_book_type_code;
8134: l_period_counter := TO_NUMBER(p_period_counter);
8135: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );
8136: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code = ' || l_book_type_code );
8137: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter = ' || l_period_counter );
8138: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Worker ID = ' || p_worker_id );
8139: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Max. Deprn. ID = ' || p_max_deprn_run_id );

Line 8136: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code = ' || l_book_type_code );

8132: -- Assign the input params to the Local Variables
8133: l_book_type_code := p_book_type_code;
8134: l_period_counter := TO_NUMBER(p_period_counter);
8135: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );
8136: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code = ' || l_book_type_code );
8137: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter = ' || l_period_counter );
8138: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Worker ID = ' || p_worker_id );
8139: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Max. Deprn. ID = ' || p_max_deprn_run_id );
8140: -- Find the Last Depreciation Run for which the Sources are captured

Line 8137: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter = ' || l_period_counter );

8133: l_book_type_code := p_book_type_code;
8134: l_period_counter := TO_NUMBER(p_period_counter);
8135: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );
8136: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code = ' || l_book_type_code );
8137: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter = ' || l_period_counter );
8138: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Worker ID = ' || p_worker_id );
8139: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Max. Deprn. ID = ' || p_max_deprn_run_id );
8140: -- Find the Last Depreciation Run for which the Sources are captured
8141: -- for the inputted Book Type Code and Period

Line 8138: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Worker ID = ' || p_worker_id );

8134: l_period_counter := TO_NUMBER(p_period_counter);
8135: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );
8136: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code = ' || l_book_type_code );
8137: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter = ' || l_period_counter );
8138: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Worker ID = ' || p_worker_id );
8139: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Max. Deprn. ID = ' || p_max_deprn_run_id );
8140: -- Find the Last Depreciation Run for which the Sources are captured
8141: -- for the inputted Book Type Code and Period
8142: l_max_deprn_run_id := TO_NUMBER( p_max_deprn_run_id );

Line 8139: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Max. Deprn. ID = ' || p_max_deprn_run_id );

8135: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );
8136: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code = ' || l_book_type_code );
8137: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter = ' || l_period_counter );
8138: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Worker ID = ' || p_worker_id );
8139: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Max. Deprn. ID = ' || p_max_deprn_run_id );
8140: -- Find the Last Depreciation Run for which the Sources are captured
8141: -- for the inputted Book Type Code and Period
8142: l_max_deprn_run_id := TO_NUMBER( p_max_deprn_run_id );
8143: -- Initialize the khr_index

Line 8147: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Executing the Cursor get_okl_assets_csr' );

8143: -- Initialize the khr_index
8144: khr_index := 0;
8145: -- Fetch all the OKL Assets for which FA has generated Depreciation Transactions
8146: -- in the inputted Asset Book and Period
8147: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Executing the Cursor get_okl_assets_csr' );
8148: OPEN get_okl_assets_csr(
8149: p_book_type_code => l_book_type_code
8150: ,p_period_counter => l_period_counter
8151: ,p_max_deprn_run_id => l_max_deprn_run_id

Line 8157: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After Executing the Cursor get_okl_assets_csr' );

8153: );
8154: LOOP
8155: FETCH get_okl_assets_csr BULK COLLECT INTO l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl
8156: LIMIT 10000;
8157: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After Executing the Cursor get_okl_assets_csr' );
8158: -- Exit when there are no Assets to be Processed
8159: EXIT WHEN get_okl_assets_csr%ROWCOUNT = 0;
8160: IF l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.COUNT > 0
8161: THEN

Line 8162: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Total Number of Assets to be Processed in this iteration=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.COUNT );

8158: -- Exit when there are no Assets to be Processed
8159: EXIT WHEN get_okl_assets_csr%ROWCOUNT = 0;
8160: IF l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.COUNT > 0
8161: THEN
8162: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Total Number of Assets to be Processed in this iteration=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.COUNT );
8163: l_curr_deprn_run_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.FIRST).deprn_run_id;
8164: l_khr_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.FIRST).khr_id;
8165: -- Increment the khr_index and store the contract number in the l_khr_id_tbl
8166: khr_index := khr_index + 1;

Line 8171: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );

8167: l_khr_id_tbl(khr_index) := l_khr_id; -- Store the Contract ID Already processed
8168: l_deprn_asset_tbl.DELETE;
8169: -- Initialize the ast_index
8170: ast_index := 1;
8171: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8172: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );
8173: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8174: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' Capture Sources for ' );
8175: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );

Line 8172: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );

8168: l_deprn_asset_tbl.DELETE;
8169: -- Initialize the ast_index
8170: ast_index := 1;
8171: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8172: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );
8173: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8174: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' Capture Sources for ' );
8175: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );
8176: FOR i IN l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.FIRST .. l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.LAST

Line 8173: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );

8169: -- Initialize the ast_index
8170: ast_index := 1;
8171: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8172: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );
8173: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8174: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' Capture Sources for ' );
8175: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );
8176: FOR i IN l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.FIRST .. l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.LAST
8177: LOOP

Line 8174: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' Capture Sources for ' );

8170: ast_index := 1;
8171: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8172: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );
8173: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8174: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' Capture Sources for ' );
8175: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );
8176: FOR i IN l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.FIRST .. l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.LAST
8177: LOOP
8178: -- Logic:

Line 8175: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );

8171: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8172: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );
8173: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8174: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' Capture Sources for ' );
8175: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );
8176: FOR i IN l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.FIRST .. l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl.LAST
8177: LOOP
8178: -- Logic:
8179: -- Loop on the OKL Assets Table [Ordered by KHR_ID]

Line 8188: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KLE_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id ||

8184: THEN
8185: -- Keep Storing the KLE_ID and ASSET_ID in the l_deprn_asset_tbl
8186: l_deprn_asset_tbl(ast_index).kle_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id;
8187: l_deprn_asset_tbl(ast_index).asset_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).asset_id;
8188: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KLE_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id ||
8189: ' ASSET_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).asset_id );
8190: -- Increment the Index
8191: ast_index := ast_index + 1;
8192: ELSE

Line 8194: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - Contract/Deprn Run Break' );

8190: -- Increment the Index
8191: ast_index := ast_index + 1;
8192: ELSE
8193: -- Call the Populate Sources
8194: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - Contract/Deprn Run Break' );
8195: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8196: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8197: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8198: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );

Line 8195: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );

8191: ast_index := ast_index + 1;
8192: ELSE
8193: -- Call the Populate Sources
8194: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - Contract/Deprn Run Break' );
8195: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8196: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8197: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8198: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );
8199: populate_sources(

Line 8196: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );

8192: ELSE
8193: -- Call the Populate Sources
8194: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - Contract/Deprn Run Break' );
8195: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8196: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8197: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8198: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );
8199: populate_sources(
8200: p_api_version => l_api_version

Line 8197: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );

8193: -- Call the Populate Sources
8194: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - Contract/Deprn Run Break' );
8195: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8196: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8197: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8198: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );
8199: populate_sources(
8200: p_api_version => l_api_version
8201: ,p_init_msg_list => l_init_msg_list

Line 8198: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );

8194: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - Contract/Deprn Run Break' );
8195: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8196: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8197: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8198: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );
8199: populate_sources(
8200: p_api_version => l_api_version
8201: ,p_init_msg_list => l_init_msg_list
8202: ,p_khr_id => l_khr_id

Line 8211: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' After Calling the Populate Sources return_status=' || l_return_status );

8207: ,x_return_status => l_return_status
8208: ,x_msg_count => l_msg_count
8209: ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data
8210: );
8211: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' After Calling the Populate Sources return_status=' || l_return_status );
8212: IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR
8213: THEN
8215: ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN

Line 8218: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '---------------------------------------------------------' );

8215: ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
8217: END IF;
8218: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '---------------------------------------------------------' );
8219: -- Reset the Khr_id to the current KHR_ID
8220: l_khr_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).khr_id;
8221: -- Increment the khr_index and store the contract number in the l_khr_id_tbl
8222: khr_index := khr_index + 1;

Line 8229: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );

8225: THEN
8226: -- Break Happened on the Deprn Run ID itself .. Hence,
8227: -- Reset the Depreciation Run ID
8228: l_curr_deprn_run_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).deprn_run_id;
8229: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8230: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );
8231: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8232: END IF; -- Break on the Deprn Run ID
8233: -- Delete the l_deprn_asset_tbl

Line 8230: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );

8226: -- Break Happened on the Deprn Run ID itself .. Hence,
8227: -- Reset the Depreciation Run ID
8228: l_curr_deprn_run_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).deprn_run_id;
8229: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8230: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );
8231: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8232: END IF; -- Break on the Deprn Run ID
8233: -- Delete the l_deprn_asset_tbl
8234: l_deprn_asset_tbl.DELETE;

Line 8231: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );

8227: -- Reset the Depreciation Run ID
8228: l_curr_deprn_run_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).deprn_run_id;
8229: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8230: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capturing Sources for Deprn Run ID: ' || l_curr_deprn_run_id );
8231: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '-------------------------------------------------------------------' );
8232: END IF; -- Break on the Deprn Run ID
8233: -- Delete the l_deprn_asset_tbl
8234: l_deprn_asset_tbl.DELETE;
8235: -- Initialize teh ast_index

Line 8240: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capture Sources for ' );

8236: ast_index := 1;
8237: -- Store the kle_id and asset_id in the current index of the l_deprn_asset_tbl
8238: l_deprn_asset_tbl(ast_index).kle_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id;
8239: l_deprn_asset_tbl(ast_index).asset_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).asset_id;
8240: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capture Sources for ' );
8241: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );
8242: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KLE_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id ||
8243: ' ASSET_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).asset_id );
8244: -- Increment the Index

Line 8241: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );

8237: -- Store the kle_id and asset_id in the current index of the l_deprn_asset_tbl
8238: l_deprn_asset_tbl(ast_index).kle_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id;
8239: l_deprn_asset_tbl(ast_index).asset_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).asset_id;
8240: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capture Sources for ' );
8241: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );
8242: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KLE_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id ||
8243: ' ASSET_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).asset_id );
8244: -- Increment the Index
8245: ast_index := ast_index + 1;

Line 8242: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KLE_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id ||

8238: l_deprn_asset_tbl(ast_index).kle_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id;
8239: l_deprn_asset_tbl(ast_index).asset_id := l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).asset_id;
8240: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, 'Capture Sources for ' );
8241: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KHR_ID=' || l_khr_id );
8242: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, ' KLE_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).kle_id ||
8243: ' ASSET_ID=' || l_fa_deprn_assets_tbl(i).asset_id );
8244: -- Increment the Index
8245: ast_index := ast_index + 1;
8246: END IF;

Line 8249: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '---------------------------------------------------------' );

8245: ast_index := ast_index + 1;
8246: END IF;
8247: END LOOP; -- FOR i IN l_deprn_assets_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_assets_tbl.LAST
8248: -- Call the Populate Sources at the End too for the lastly Populated Records
8249: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '---------------------------------------------------------' );
8250: -- Call the Populate Sources
8251: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - At the End of the Loop' );
8252: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8253: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );

Line 8251: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - At the End of the Loop' );

8247: END LOOP; -- FOR i IN l_deprn_assets_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_assets_tbl.LAST
8248: -- Call the Populate Sources at the End too for the lastly Populated Records
8249: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '---------------------------------------------------------' );
8250: -- Call the Populate Sources
8251: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - At the End of the Loop' );
8252: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8253: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8254: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8255: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );

Line 8252: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );

8248: -- Call the Populate Sources at the End too for the lastly Populated Records
8249: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '---------------------------------------------------------' );
8250: -- Call the Populate Sources
8251: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - At the End of the Loop' );
8252: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8253: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8254: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8255: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );
8256: populate_sources(

Line 8253: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );

8249: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, '---------------------------------------------------------' );
8250: -- Call the Populate Sources
8251: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - At the End of the Loop' );
8252: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8253: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8254: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8255: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );
8256: populate_sources(
8257: p_api_version => l_api_version

Line 8254: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );

8250: -- Call the Populate Sources
8251: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - At the End of the Loop' );
8252: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8253: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8254: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8255: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );
8256: populate_sources(
8257: p_api_version => l_api_version
8258: ,p_init_msg_list => l_init_msg_list

Line 8255: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );

8251: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Calling Populate Sources - At the End of the Loop' );
8252: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' khr_id=' || l_khr_id );
8253: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Asset Count=' || l_deprn_asset_tbl.COUNT );
8254: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type=' || l_book_type_code );
8255: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter=' || l_period_counter );
8256: populate_sources(
8257: p_api_version => l_api_version
8258: ,p_init_msg_list => l_init_msg_list
8259: ,p_khr_id => l_khr_id

Line 8268: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' After Calling the Populate Sources return_status=' || l_return_status );

8264: ,x_return_status => l_return_status
8265: ,x_msg_count => l_msg_count
8266: ,x_msg_data => l_msg_data
8267: );
8268: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' After Calling the Populate Sources return_status=' || l_return_status );
8269: IF l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR
8270: THEN
8272: ELSIF (l_return_status = OKL_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN

Line 8294: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');

8291: THEN
8292: l_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
8293: -- print the error message in the log file and output files
8294: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');
8297: ||' '||l_return_status);
8298: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);


8291: THEN
8292: l_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
8293: -- print the error message in the log file and output files
8294: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');
8297: ||' '||l_return_status);
8298: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);
8299: IF (l_outer_error_msg_tbl.COUNT > 0) THEN


8292: l_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
8293: -- print the error message in the log file and output files
8294: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');
8297: ||' '||l_return_status);
8298: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);
8299: IF (l_outer_error_msg_tbl.COUNT > 0) THEN
8300: FOR i IN l_outer_error_msg_tbl.FIRST..l_outer_error_msg_tbl.LAST

Line 8302: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, l_outer_error_msg_tbl(i));

8298: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);
8299: IF (l_outer_error_msg_tbl.COUNT > 0) THEN
8300: FOR i IN l_outer_error_msg_tbl.FIRST..l_outer_error_msg_tbl.LAST
8301: LOOP
8302: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, l_outer_error_msg_tbl(i));
8303: END LOOP;
8304: END IF;
8305: retcode := 2;

Line 8311: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');

8308: THEN
8309: l_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
8310: -- print the error message in the log file
8311: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');
8314: ||' '||l_return_status);
8315: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);


8308: THEN
8309: l_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
8310: -- print the error message in the log file
8311: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');
8314: ||' '||l_return_status);
8315: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);
8316: IF (l_outer_error_msg_tbl.COUNT > 0)


8309: l_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
8310: -- print the error message in the log file
8311: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');
8314: ||' '||l_return_status);
8315: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);
8316: IF (l_outer_error_msg_tbl.COUNT > 0)
8317: THEN

Line 8320: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, l_outer_error_msg_tbl(i));

8316: IF (l_outer_error_msg_tbl.COUNT > 0)
8317: THEN
8318: FOR i IN l_outer_error_msg_tbl.FIRST..l_outer_error_msg_tbl.LAST
8319: LOOP
8320: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, l_outer_error_msg_tbl(i));
8321: END LOOP;
8322: END IF;
8323: retcode := 2;

Line 8329: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');

8326: THEN
8327: l_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
8328: -- print the error message in the log file
8329: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');
8332: ||' '||l_return_status);
8333: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);


8326: THEN
8327: l_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
8328: -- print the error message in the log file
8329: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');
8332: ||' '||l_return_status);
8333: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);
8334: IF (l_outer_error_msg_tbl.COUNT > 0)


8327: l_return_status := Okl_Api.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
8328: -- print the error message in the log file
8329: log_msg(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'');
8332: ||' '||l_return_status);
8333: Okl_Accounting_Util.GET_ERROR_MESSAGE(l_outer_error_msg_tbl);
8334: IF (l_outer_error_msg_tbl.COUNT > 0)
8335: THEN

Line 8338: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, l_outer_error_msg_tbl(i));

8334: IF (l_outer_error_msg_tbl.COUNT > 0)
8335: THEN
8336: FOR i IN l_outer_error_msg_tbl.FIRST..l_outer_error_msg_tbl.LAST
8337: LOOP
8338: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, l_outer_error_msg_tbl(i));
8339: END LOOP;
8340: END IF;
8341: errbuf := SQLERRM;
8342: retcode := 2;

Line 8436: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Request Data= ' || req_data );

8432: l_lightest_load NUMBER;
8433: l_reqid FND_CONCURRENT_REQUESTS.request_id%TYPE;
8434: BEGIN
8435: req_data := fnd_conc_global.request_data;
8436: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Request Data= ' || req_data );
8437: IF req_data IS NOT NULL
8438: THEN
8439: errbuf:='Done';
8440: retcode := 0;

Line 8441: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Returning Out Successfully !' );

8437: IF req_data IS NOT NULL
8438: THEN
8439: errbuf:='Done';
8440: retcode := 0;
8441: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Returning Out Successfully !' );
8442: RETURN;
8443: ELSE
8444: -- When the req_data is NULL, it means that this is the first run of the Program ..
8445: -- in the Sense, the current request is the run before triggerring off any parallel workers

Line 8448: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Number of Workers ' || TO_CHAR(l_num_workers) );

8444: -- When the req_data is NULL, it means that this is the first run of the Program ..
8445: -- in the Sense, the current request is the run before triggerring off any parallel workers
8446: -- Fetch the Number of Workers to be Assigned
8447: l_num_workers := FND_PROFILE.VALUE(G_OKL_DEPRN_WORKERS);
8448: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Number of Workers ' || TO_CHAR(l_num_workers) );
8449: IF l_num_workers IS NULL OR l_num_workers <= 0
8450: THEN
8451: OKL_API.set_message(
8452: p_app_name => G_APP_NAME

Line 8454: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Please specify positive value for the profile option OKL: Capture Sources for Asset Depreciation Concurrent Workers');

8450: THEN
8451: OKL_API.set_message(
8452: p_app_name => G_APP_NAME
8453: ,p_msg_name => G_OKL_DEPRN_WORKER_ERROR);
8454: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Please specify positive value for the profile option OKL: Capture Sources for Asset Depreciation Concurrent Workers');
8456: END IF;
8457: -- Select sequence for marking processes
8458: SELECT okl_opp_seq.NEXTVAL

Line 8465: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );

8461: -- Assign the input params to the Local Variables
8462: l_book_type_code := p_book_type_code;
8463: l_period_counter := p_period_counter;
8464: -- Log the Input Variables
8465: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );
8466: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code =' || l_book_type_code );
8467: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter =' || l_period_counter );
8468: -- Find the Last Depreciation Run for which the Sources are captured
8469: -- for the inputted Book Type Code and Period

Line 8466: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code =' || l_book_type_code );

8462: l_book_type_code := p_book_type_code;
8463: l_period_counter := p_period_counter;
8464: -- Log the Input Variables
8465: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );
8466: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code =' || l_book_type_code );
8467: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter =' || l_period_counter );
8468: -- Find the Last Depreciation Run for which the Sources are captured
8469: -- for the inputted Book Type Code and Period
8470: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Executing the Cursor get_max_deprn_run_id' );

Line 8467: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter =' || l_period_counter );

8463: l_period_counter := p_period_counter;
8464: -- Log the Input Variables
8465: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Parameters: ' );
8466: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code =' || l_book_type_code );
8467: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter =' || l_period_counter );
8468: -- Find the Last Depreciation Run for which the Sources are captured
8469: -- for the inputted Book Type Code and Period
8470: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Executing the Cursor get_max_deprn_run_id' );
8471: l_max_deprn_run_id := NULL;

Line 8470: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Executing the Cursor get_max_deprn_run_id' );

8466: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Book Type Code =' || l_book_type_code );
8467: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Period Counter =' || l_period_counter );
8468: -- Find the Last Depreciation Run for which the Sources are captured
8469: -- for the inputted Book Type Code and Period
8470: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Executing the Cursor get_max_deprn_run_id' );
8471: l_max_deprn_run_id := NULL;
8472: FOR t_rec IN get_max_deprn_run_id(
8473: p_asset_book_type_code => l_book_type_code
8474: ,p_period_counter => l_period_counter

Line 8480: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After Executing the Cursor get_max_deprn_run_id. Max Deprn Run ID= ' || l_max_deprn_run_id );

8476: LOOP
8477: -- Store the Max. Deprn Run ID in the l_max_deprn_run_id
8478: l_max_deprn_run_id := t_rec.max_deprn_run_id;
8479: END LOOP; -- FOR t_rec IN get_max_deprn_run_id(
8480: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After Executing the Cursor get_max_deprn_run_id. Max Deprn Run ID= ' || l_max_deprn_run_id );
8481: -- Initialize the dep_index first
8482: dep_index := 1;
8483: -- Fetch all the OKL Assets for which FA has generated Depreciation Transactions
8484: -- in the inputted Asset Book and Period

Line 8485: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Executing the Cursor get_deprn_contracts_csr' );

8481: -- Initialize the dep_index first
8482: dep_index := 1;
8483: -- Fetch all the OKL Assets for which FA has generated Depreciation Transactions
8484: -- in the inputted Asset Book and Period
8485: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before Executing the Cursor get_deprn_contracts_csr' );
8486: OPEN get_deprn_contracts_csr(
8487: p_book_type_code => l_book_type_code
8488: ,p_period_counter => l_period_counter
8489: ,p_max_deprn_run_id => l_max_deprn_run_id

Line 8496: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After Executing the fetch on the Cursor get_okl_assets_csr' );

8492: -- Bulk Collect the Contracts which has Assets depreciated in the inputted
8493: -- Book Type and Period
8494: FETCH get_deprn_contracts_csr BULK COLLECT INTO l_temp_deprn_contracts_tbl
8496: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After Executing the fetch on the Cursor get_okl_assets_csr' );
8497: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Distinct Contracts fetched in this Loop ' || l_temp_deprn_contracts_tbl.COUNT );
8498: -- Exit without setting the l_data_found to TRUE as no records found here
8499: EXIT WHEN get_deprn_contracts_csr%ROWCOUNT = 0;
8500: -- Assign the flag to indicate that there are few records found

Line 8497: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Distinct Contracts fetched in this Loop ' || l_temp_deprn_contracts_tbl.COUNT );

8493: -- Book Type and Period
8494: FETCH get_deprn_contracts_csr BULK COLLECT INTO l_temp_deprn_contracts_tbl
8496: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After Executing the fetch on the Cursor get_okl_assets_csr' );
8497: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Distinct Contracts fetched in this Loop ' || l_temp_deprn_contracts_tbl.COUNT );
8498: -- Exit without setting the l_data_found to TRUE as no records found here
8499: EXIT WHEN get_deprn_contracts_csr%ROWCOUNT = 0;
8500: -- Assign the flag to indicate that there are few records found
8501: l_data_found := TRUE;

Line 8519: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Total Number of records fetched=' || l_deprn_contracts_tbl.COUNT );

8515: CLOSE get_deprn_contracts_csr; -- Close the Cursor
8517: IF l_data_found = TRUE
8518: THEN
8519: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Total Number of records fetched=' || l_deprn_contracts_tbl.COUNT );
8520: -- Assign the data from the l_deprn_contracts_tbl to l_pp_deprn_khrs_tbl
8521: FOR dep_index IN l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8522: LOOP
8523: l_object_value_tbl(dep_index) := l_deprn_contracts_tbl(dep_index).contract_number;

Line 8528: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Successfully Populated the Individual Collection Tables object_value, khr_id, volume tables');

8524: l_khr_id_tbl(dep_index) := l_deprn_contracts_tbl(dep_index).khr_id;
8525: l_volume_tbl(dep_index) := l_deprn_contracts_tbl(dep_index).no_of_assets;
8526: l_assigned_process_tbl(dep_index) := TO_CHAR(l_seq_next);
8527: END LOOP;
8528: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Successfully Populated the Individual Collection Tables object_value, khr_id, volume tables');
8529: -- Bulk Insert all the records into the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES
8530: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before calling the Bulk Insert into the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES' );
8531: FORALL dep_index IN l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST

Line 8530: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before calling the Bulk Insert into the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES' );

8526: l_assigned_process_tbl(dep_index) := TO_CHAR(l_seq_next);
8527: END LOOP;
8528: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Successfully Populated the Individual Collection Tables object_value, khr_id, volume tables');
8529: -- Bulk Insert all the records into the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES
8530: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Before calling the Bulk Insert into the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES' );
8531: FORALL dep_index IN l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST

Line 8550: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After calling the Bulk Insert into the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES' );

8546: ,SYSDATE -- Creation Date
8547: ,l_khr_id_tbl(dep_index) -- KHR_ID
8548: ,l_volume_tbl(dep_index) -- Volume
8549: );
8550: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After calling the Bulk Insert into the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES' );
8551: -- Commit the Records
8552: COMMIT;
8553: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Committed the Insertion of the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES Records' );
8554: -- Create l_num_workers number of Workers

Line 8553: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Committed the Insertion of the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES Records' );

8549: );
8550: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'After calling the Bulk Insert into the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES' );
8551: -- Commit the Records
8552: COMMIT;
8553: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Committed the Insertion of the OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES Records' );
8554: -- Create l_num_workers number of Workers
8555: FOR i in 1..l_num_workers
8556: LOOP -- put all workers into a table
8557: l_worker_load(i).worker_number := i;

Line 8561: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Initialized totally ' || l_num_workers || ' workers ' );

8557: l_worker_load(i).worker_number := i;
8558: l_worker_load(i).worker_load := 0; -- initialize load with zero
8559: l_worker_load(i).used := FALSE; -- Initialize with FALSE as none are assigned to this
8560: END LOOP;
8561: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Initialized totally ' || l_num_workers || ' workers ' );
8562: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Allocation of Workers for every contract is in Progress .. ' );
8563: l_lightest_worker := 1;
8564: -- Loop through the Depreciation Contracts and Assign the Workers
8565: FOR dep_index IN l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST

Line 8562: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Allocation of Workers for every contract is in Progress .. ' );

8558: l_worker_load(i).worker_load := 0; -- initialize load with zero
8559: l_worker_load(i).used := FALSE; -- Initialize with FALSE as none are assigned to this
8560: END LOOP;
8561: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Initialized totally ' || l_num_workers || ' workers ' );
8562: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Allocation of Workers for every contract is in Progress .. ' );
8563: l_lightest_worker := 1;
8564: -- Loop through the Depreciation Contracts and Assign the Workers
8565: FOR dep_index IN l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8566: LOOP

Line 8595: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Done with allocation of Workers for every contract.' );

8591: END IF;
8592: END LOOP;
8593: END IF;
8594: END LOOP; -- FOR dep_index IN l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8595: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Done with allocation of Workers for every contract.' );
8596: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Process Sequence Number =' || l_seq_next );
8598: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Assigned Process Contract Number KHR_ID Volume ');
8599: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');

Line 8596: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Process Sequence Number =' || l_seq_next );

8592: END LOOP;
8593: END IF;
8594: END LOOP; -- FOR dep_index IN l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8595: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Done with allocation of Workers for every contract.' );
8596: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Process Sequence Number =' || l_seq_next );
8598: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Assigned Process Contract Number KHR_ID Volume ');
8599: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
8600: FOR dep_index in l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST


8593: END IF;
8594: END LOOP; -- FOR dep_index IN l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8595: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Done with allocation of Workers for every contract.' );
8596: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Process Sequence Number =' || l_seq_next );
8598: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Assigned Process Contract Number KHR_ID Volume ');
8599: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
8600: FOR dep_index in l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8601: LOOP

Line 8598: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Assigned Process Contract Number KHR_ID Volume ');

8594: END LOOP; -- FOR dep_index IN l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8595: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Done with allocation of Workers for every contract.' );
8596: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Process Sequence Number =' || l_seq_next );
8598: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Assigned Process Contract Number KHR_ID Volume ');
8599: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
8600: FOR dep_index in l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8601: LOOP
8602: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, RPAD(l_assigned_process_tbl(dep_index),30, ' ') ||

Line 8599: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');

8595: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Done with allocation of Workers for every contract.' );
8596: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Process Sequence Number =' || l_seq_next );
8598: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Assigned Process Contract Number KHR_ID Volume ');
8599: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
8600: FOR dep_index in l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8601: LOOP
8602: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, RPAD(l_assigned_process_tbl(dep_index),30, ' ') ||
8603: RPAD(l_object_value_tbl(dep_index),40, ' ') ||

Line 8602: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, RPAD(l_assigned_process_tbl(dep_index),30, ' ') ||

8598: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Assigned Process Contract Number KHR_ID Volume ');
8599: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, '------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------');
8600: FOR dep_index in l_deprn_contracts_tbl.FIRST .. l_deprn_contracts_tbl.LAST
8601: LOOP
8602: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, RPAD(l_assigned_process_tbl(dep_index),30, ' ') ||
8603: RPAD(l_object_value_tbl(dep_index),40, ' ') ||
8604: RPAD(l_khr_id_tbl(dep_index),32, ' ' ) ||
8605: LPAD(l_volume_tbl(dep_index),15, ' ') );
8606: END LOOP;

Line 8617: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Updated the Records in OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES with the Assigned Process' );

8613: WHERE object_type = G_OBJECT_TYPE_DEP_KHR
8614: AND object_value = l_object_value_tbl(dep_index)
8615: AND process_status = 'PENDING_ASSIGNMENT'
8616: AND khr_id = l_khr_id_tbl(dep_index);
8617: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Updated the Records in OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES with the Assigned Process' );
8618: -- COMMIT the Updation;
8619: COMMIT;
8620: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Committed the Updation Changes' );
8621: FOR i in l_worker_load.FIRST .. l_worker_load.LAST

Line 8620: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Committed the Updation Changes' );

8616: AND khr_id = l_khr_id_tbl(dep_index);
8617: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Updated the Records in OKL_PARALLEL_PROCESSES with the Assigned Process' );
8618: -- COMMIT the Updation;
8619: COMMIT;
8620: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Committed the Updation Changes' );
8621: FOR i in l_worker_load.FIRST .. l_worker_load.LAST
8622: LOOP
8623: -- Request only if the Worker is used and has some load to process ..
8624: IF l_worker_load(i).used

Line 8628: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Submitted the Request with worker_id=' || l_worker_id );

8624: IF l_worker_load(i).used
8625: THEN
8626: l_worker_id := TO_CHAR(l_seq_next)||'-'||TO_CHAR(i);
8627: -- FND_REQUEST.set_org_id(MO_GLOBAL.get_current_org_id); --MOAC- Concurrent request
8628: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Submitted the Request with worker_id=' || l_worker_id );
8629: l_reqid := FND_REQUEST.submit_request(
8630: application => 'OKL'
8631: ,program => 'OKLCAPFADEPRNW' -- Parallel Worker Conc. Program
8632: ,sub_request => TRUE

Line 8637: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Returned request_id=' || l_reqid );

8633: ,argument1 => p_book_type_code
8634: ,argument2 => p_period_counter
8635: ,argument3 => l_worker_id
8636: ,argument4 => l_max_deprn_run_id);
8637: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, ' Returned request_id=' || l_reqid );
8638: IF l_reqid = 0
8639: THEN
8640: -- Request Submission failed with Error .. Hence, Exit with Error
8641: errbuf := fnd_message.get;

Line 8647: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Launching Process '||l_worker_id||' with Request ID '||l_reqid);

8643: ELSE
8644: errbuf := 'Sub-Request submitted successfully';
8645: retcode := 0 ;
8646: END IF;
8647: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.LOG, 'Launching Process '||l_worker_id||' with Request ID '||l_reqid);
8648: END IF; -- IF l_worker_load(i).used
8649: END LOOP; -- FOR j in 1 .. l_worker_load.LAST
8650: -- Set the Request Data to be used in the re-run of the Master Program ..
8651: FND_CONC_GLOBAL.set_req_globals(

Line 8655: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'No workers assigned due to no data found for prcocesing');

8651: FND_CONC_GLOBAL.set_req_globals(
8652: conc_status => 'PAUSED'
8653: ,request_data => '2 RUN'); -- Instead of NULL, it was i here ..
8654: ELSE
8655: log_msg(FND_FILE.LOG, 'No workers assigned due to no data found for prcocesing');
8656: END IF; -- IF l_data_found = TRUE
8657: END IF;
8658: END populate_deprn_sources_conc;