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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 62

    select distinct
           l.description    longlang,
           hd.language      lang,
           hd.title         title,
           hd.file_name     fn
    from   fnd_help_documents hd,
           fnd_languages_vl   l
    where  hd.file_name    = file
    and    hd.application  = app
    and    l.language_code = hd.language
    order by l.description;
Line: 82

    select hd.file_id into fid
    from   fnd_help_documents hd
    where  hd.application  = app
    and    hd.file_name    = file
    and    hd.language     = langcode
    and    rownum=1
    and    hd.custom_level =
	  (select max(hd2.custom_level)
	   from   fnd_help_documents hd2
	   where  hd2.file_name   = hd.file_name
	   and    hd2.language    = hd.language
  	   and    hd2.application = hd.application);
Line: 111

      select hd.file_id into fid
      from   fnd_help_documents hd
      where  hd.application  = app
      and    hd.file_name    = file
      and    hd.language     = 'US'
      and    rownum=1
      and    hd.custom_level =
  	  (select max(hd2.custom_level)
  	   from   fnd_help_documents hd2
  	   where  hd2.file_name   = hd.file_name
  	   and    hd2.language    = hd.language
    	   and    hd2.application = hd.application);
Line: 158

    select distinct
           l.description   longlang,
           hd.language     lang,
           hd.title        title,
           hd.file_name    fn
    from   fnd_help_targets   ht,
           fnd_help_documents hd,
           fnd_languages_vl   l
    where  ht.file_id      = hd.file_id
    and    ht.target_name  = target
    and    hd.application  = app
    and    l.language_code = hd.language
    order by l.description;
Line: 173

    select hd.file_id
    from   fnd_help_targets   ht,
           fnd_help_documents hd
    where  ht.file_id     = hd.file_id
    and    ht.target_name = target
    and    hd.language    = langcode
    and    hd.application = app
    and    hd.custom_level =
          (select max(hd2.custom_level)
   	   from   fnd_help_documents hd2,
                  fnd_help_targets ht2
	   where  ht2.target_name = ht.target_name
           and    ht2.file_id     = hd2.file_id
           and    hd2.language    = hd.language
	   and    hd2.application = hd.application)
    order by hd.file_id desc;
Line: 243

     select lower(iso_language)||'-'||iso_territory
       into httplang
     from fnd_languages where language_code = langcode;
Line: 346

  select userenv('language')
    into language
    from dual;
Line: 521

      select ''''||nls_language||'''' into nlslang from fnd_languages
        where language_code = langcode;
Line: 544

           '   (select  /*+no_unnest*/ max(hd2.custom_level)    '||
           '       from   fnd_help_documents hd2                '||
           '       where  hd2.file_name = hd.file_name          '||
           '       and    hd2.language = hd.language            '||
           '       and    hd2.application = hd.application)     ';
Line: 638

  update fnd_help_documents set
    title   = x_title,
    version = x_version
  where file_id = num_file_id;
Line: 644

    insert into fnd_help_documents (
    values (
Line: 683

  insert into fnd_help_targets (file_id, target_name)
  values (num_file_id, upper(translate(x_target_name,'.','_')));
Line: 719

 	 select file_id from fnd_help_documents
	 where  upper(language)    =  upper(x_language)
         and    upper(application) =  upper(x_application)
         and    upper(file_name)   =  upper(x_file_name)
         and    custom_level       =  num_custom_level
	 and    file_id            <> num_file_id;
Line: 732

     delete from fnd_help_targets   where file_id = f.file_id;
Line: 733

     delete from fnd_lobs           where file_id = f.file_id;
Line: 734

     delete from fnd_help_documents where file_id = f.file_id;
Line: 739

  delete from fnd_help_targets where file_id = x_file_id;
Line: 751

procedure delete_doc (
  x_application   in varchar2,
  x_file_name 	  in varchar2,
  x_language      in varchar2 default null,
  x_custom_level  in varchar2 default null)
  num_custom_level number := to_number(x_custom_level);
Line: 759

 	 select fhd.file_id
         from fnd_help_documents fhd
         where  upper(fhd.application) =  upper(x_application)
         and    upper(fhd.file_name)   =  upper(x_file_name)
	 and    upper(fhd.language)    =  upper(nvl(x_language, fhd.language))
         and    fhd.custom_level       =  nvl(num_custom_level,
Line: 771

    delete from fnd_help_targets fht
    where fht.file_id = f.file_id;
Line: 775

    delete from fnd_help_documents fhd
    where fhd.file_id = f.file_id;
Line: 779

    delete from fnd_lobs
    where file_id = f.file_id;
Line: 784

end delete_doc;