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1 package body PER_ZA_PTO_ACCRUAL_PERIOD as
2 /* $Header: perzaapl.pkb 120.5.12010000.2 2009/07/21 07:50:23 rbabla ship $ */
3 /* ======================================================================
4 REM Change List:
5 REM ------------
7 REM Name           Date       Version Bug     Text
8 REM -------------- ---------- ------- ------- ------------------------------------+
9 REM R. Kingham     15-MAR-00  110.0           Initial Version
10 REM J.N. Louw      24-Aug-00  115.0           Updated for ZAPatch11i.01
11 REM L.Kloppers     21-Dec-00  115.1           Put 'create...' on one line
12 REM P.Vaish        07-JUL-02  115.2           Changed to calculate currect
13 REM                                           PTO Carry Over as per Legislative Rules.
14 REM P.Vaish        15-JUL-02  115.3           Changed to calculate the
15 REM                                           PTO Carry Over for each period correctly.
16 REM V.Kannan       17-MAR-03  115.4  2848607  Removed the rounding of l_Accrual_Rate in
17 REM                                           za_pto_annleave_period_loop,which caused the
18 REM                                           number of days accrued per Period inaccurate.
19 REM R.Pahune       14-Aug-03  115.5               Added Procedure
21 REM					      for the bug no 2932073
22 REM					      if the carry over is -ve made it 0
23 REM					      along with earlier ZA specific
24 REM					      requirements. (code from version
25 REM					      115.20.1158.2 by lklopper)
26 REM A. Mahanty     05-MAY-05  115.7  4293298  Modified procedure ZA_PTO_CARRYOVER_RESI_VALUE
27 REM                                           to have correct carryover and
28 REM                                           net entitlement value when there is
29 REM                                           negative net entitlement.
30 REM Kaladhaur P    09-MAR-06  115.8  5043294  Modified procedure ZA_PTO_SICKLEAVE_PERIOD_LOOP
31 REM                                           to have correct Total Accrued Sick Leave.
32 REM A. Mahanty     22-SEP-06  115.9           Modified the procedure ZA_PTO_CARRYOVER_RESI_VALUE.
33 REM                                           The other contributions(leave adjustments) need to
34 REM                                           be subtracted before the residual value is calculated.
35 REM                                           The adjustments in the current accrual cycle must not
36 REM                                           be forfeited.
37 REM R. Babla       26-NOV-07  115.12 6617789  Modified function ZA_PTO_SICKLEAVE_PERIOD_LOOP to
38 REM                                           calculate the accrual of 1 for 26 working days for
39 REM                                           employee's first six months of employment.
40    ==============================================================================*/
42 /* ======================================================================
44    Purpose : This function is called by the ZA_PTO_ANNUAL_LEAVE_MONTHLY_ACCRUAL
45              formula, and replaces the Sub-Accrual formula which calculated
46              total PTO accrued per period.
47    Returns : Total Accrued entitlement
48    ======================================================================*/
49 function ZA_PTO_ANNLEAVE_PERIOD_LOOP         (p_Assignment_ID IN  Number
50                                              ,p_Plan_ID       IN  Number
51                                              ,p_Payroll_ID    IN  Number
52                                              ,p_calculation_date    IN  Date)
53 return number is
55     l_CSDate                    date;
56     l_Period_SD                 date;
57     l_Period_ED                 date;
58     l_Last_Period_SD            date;
59     l_Last_Period_ED            date;
60     l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD    date;
61     l_Total_Accrued_PTO         number := 0;
62     l_Pay_Periods_Year          number;
63     l_Period_Accrued_PTO        number;
64     l_Accrual_Rate              number;
65     l_Period_Others             number;
66     l_Amount_Over_Ceiling       number;
67     l_Annual_Rate               number := 0;
68     l_Upper_Limit               number := 0;
69     l_Ceiling                   number := 0;
70     l_Years_Service             number;
71     l_Absence                   number;
72     l_Carryover                 number;
73     l_Other                     number;
74     l_Continue_Processing_Flag  boolean := true;
75     l_Error                     number;
76     l_Acc_Freq                  char;
77     l_Acc_Mult                  number;
78     l_Net_PTO                   number;
79     /*  - P.Vaish - Defined for Bug No. - 2266289 - */
80     l_calculation_year          date;
81     l_last_start_period         date;
82     l_last_end_period           date;
83     l_six_month_current         date;
84     l_Left_Over                 number := 0;
85     l_last_period		date;
86     l_anniversary_date		date;
87     l_diff			number := 0;
88 begin
89 /*  Get global variables.  */
90     l_Last_Period_SD         := per_formula_functions.get_date('LAST_PERIOD_SD');
91     l_Last_Period_ED         := per_formula_functions.get_date('LAST_PERIOD_ED');
92     l_CSDate                 := per_formula_functions.get_date('CONTINUOUS_SERVICE_DATE');
93     l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD := per_formula_functions.get_date('BEGINNING_OF_CALCULATION_YEAR');
94     l_Pay_Periods_Year       := per_formula_functions.get_number('PAYROLL_YEAR_NUMBER_OF_PERIODS');
95     l_Acc_Freq               := per_formula_functions.get_text('ACCRUING_FREQUENCY');
96     l_Acc_Mult               := per_formula_functions.get_number('ACCRUING_MULTIPLIER');
98     hr_utility.set_location('ZA_PTO_ANNLEAVE_PERIOD_LOOP', 26);
100      /*  - P.Vaish - Defined for Bug No. - 2266289 - */
101      l_diff := LAST_DAY(l_Last_Period_ED) - l_Last_Period_ED + 1;
103      IF (((l_Acc_Freq = 'W') AND (l_diff < 7))
104      OR (((l_Acc_Freq = 'M') OR (l_Acc_Freq = 'D')) AND (l_diff <= l_Acc_Mult))) THEN
105 	 l_last_period := l_Last_Period_ED + l_diff;
106      ELSE
107 	 l_last_period := l_Last_Period_ED;
108      END IF;
110      IF (months_between(l_Last_Period,l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD) >= 12 ) THEN
111 	 hr_utility.trace('Setting l_calculation_year to l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD + 1 ');
112 	 l_calculation_year := add_months(l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD,12);
113      ELSE
114 	 hr_utility.trace('Setting l_calculation_year to l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD');
115 	 l_calculation_year := l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD;
116      END IF;
118      IF to_char(l_CSDate,'DDMM') = '2902' THEN
119 	l_last_start_period := to_date('0103' || to_char(l_calculation_year,'YYYY'),'DDMMYYYY');
120      ELSE
121 	l_last_start_period := to_date(to_char(l_CSDate,'DDMM') || to_char(l_calculation_year,'YYYY'),'DDMMYYYY');
122      END IF;
124      l_anniversary_date := l_last_start_period;
126      IF l_last_start_period > l_calculation_year THEN
127 	 l_last_end_period   := add_months(l_last_start_period,-12);
128 	 l_last_start_period := add_months(l_last_start_period,-18);
129 	 l_six_month_current := add_months(l_last_end_period,6);
130      ELSE
131 	 l_last_end_period   := l_last_start_period;
132 	 l_last_start_period := add_months(l_last_start_period,-6);
133 	 l_six_month_current := add_months(l_last_end_period,6);
134      END IF;
136      l_Years_Service := Floor(Months_Between(l_calculation_year,l_CSDate) / 12);
138      IF ((l_Years_Service > 0) and (l_six_month_current >= l_Last_Period_ED)) THEN
139   	   hr_utility.trace('Before Six Month');
140 	   l_Left_Over := per_accrual_calc_functions.GET_CARRY_OVER(p_Assignment_id, p_Plan_id, (l_last_end_period + 1), l_last_start_period) +
141 		 per_accrual_calc_functions.GET_OTHER_NET_CONTRIBUTION(p_Assignment_id, p_Plan_id, (l_last_end_period + 1), l_last_start_period) -
142 		 per_accrual_calc_functions.GET_ABSENCE(p_Assignment_id, p_Plan_id, l_last_end_period, l_last_start_period);
144 	   IF l_Left_Over < 0 THEN
145 		l_Left_Over := 0;
146 	   END IF;
148 	   l_diff := p_calculation_date - l_anniversary_date;
150 	   IF (l_Left_Over > 0) THEN
151 	        IF (l_Acc_Freq = 'M') THEN
152 			IF ((l_diff >= 0) AND (l_diff < (add_months(l_anniversary_date,l_Acc_Mult) - l_anniversary_date))) THEN
153 				l_Continue_Processing_Flag := FALSE;
154 			END IF;
155 		ELSIF (l_Acc_Freq = 'W') THEN
156 			IF ((l_diff >= 0) AND (l_diff < (7 * l_Acc_Mult))) THEN
157 				l_Continue_Processing_Flag := FALSE;
158 			END IF;
159 		END IF;
160 	   END IF;
162 	   IF ((to_char(p_calculation_date,'DDMM') = to_char(l_CSDate - 1,'DDMM')) AND NOT l_Continue_Processing_Flag) THEN
163 		l_Continue_Processing_Flag := TRUE;
164 	   END IF;
165       ELSIF ((l_Years_Service > 0) and (l_six_month_current < l_Last_Period_ED)) THEN
166 	   hr_utility.trace('After Six Month');
167 	   IF (per_utility_functions.get_accrual_band(p_Plan_ID, l_Years_Service) = 0 ) THEN
168 		l_Left_Over := per_formula_functions.get_number('MAX_CARRY_OVER');
169 		l_Annual_Rate := 0;
170 		l_Upper_Limit := 0;
171 		l_Ceiling     := 0;
172 	   ELSE
173 		l_Left_Over := 0;
174 	   END IF;
175       ELSE
176 	   l_Left_Over := 0;
177       END IF;
178     /**/
180   hr_utility.set_location('Before LOOP', 27);
182   while l_Continue_Processing_Flag loop
183       l_Period_SD := per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_SD');
184       l_Period_ED := per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_ED');
185       l_Years_Service := Floor(Months_Between(l_Period_ED,l_CSDate) / 12);
187 /* Accrual bands based on length of service, but could also use grades   */
188       if   l_Upper_Limit = 0
189       or  (l_Years_service >= l_Upper_Limit) then
190            if  (per_utility_functions.get_accrual_band(p_Plan_ID, l_Years_Service) = 0 ) then
191                l_Annual_Rate := per_formula_functions.get_number('ANNUAL_RATE');
192                l_Upper_Limit := per_formula_functions.get_number('UPPER_LIMIT');
193                l_Ceiling     := per_formula_functions.get_number('CEILING');
194            else
195                exit;
196            end if;
197       end if;
198       --Bug:2848607.
199       l_Accrual_Rate := l_Annual_Rate / l_Pay_Periods_Year;
201       l_Period_Accrued_PTO := l_Accrual_Rate;
203 /* Extract any absence, carry over etc for the year in question          */
204       l_Absence   := per_accrual_calc_functions.GET_ABSENCE(p_Assignment_id, p_Plan_id, l_Period_ED, l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD);
206     /*  - P.Vaish - Set for Bug No. - 2266289 - */
207       l_CarryOver := l_Left_Over;
208       l_Other     := per_accrual_calc_functions.GET_OTHER_NET_CONTRIBUTION(p_Assignment_id, p_Plan_id, l_Period_ED, l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD);
209       l_Period_Others := l_CarryOver + l_Other - l_Absence;
210       l_Net_PTO := l_Total_Accrued_PTO + l_Period_Accrued_PTO + l_Period_Others;
212 /* Only accrue if PTO < CEILING      */
213       if  l_Ceiling > 0 then
214           if  ((l_Net_PTO - l_Ceiling) > l_Left_Over) then
215               l_Amount_Over_Ceiling := l_Net_PTO - l_Ceiling - l_Left_Over;
216               if  l_Amount_Over_Ceiling > l_Period_Accrued_PTO then
217                   l_Period_Accrued_PTO := 0;
218               else
219                   l_Period_Accrued_PTO := l_Period_Accrued_PTO - l_Amount_Over_Ceiling;
220               end if;
221           end if;
222       end if;
223       l_Total_Accrued_PTO := l_Total_Accrued_PTO + l_Period_Accrued_PTO;
225 /* End loop if final period and set globals to next payroll period  */
226       if  l_Period_SD >= l_Last_Period_SD then
227           l_Continue_Processing_Flag := false;
228       else
229           l_Period_ED := l_Period_ED + 1;
230           l_error := per_utility_functions.GET_PERIOD_DATES( l_Period_ED
231                                                             ,l_Acc_Freq
232                                                             ,l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD
233                                                             ,l_Acc_Mult);
234           l_error := per_formula_functions.set_date('PERIOD_SD',
235                                              per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_START_DATE'));
236           l_error := per_formula_functions.set_date('PERIOD_ED',
237                                              per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_END_DATE'));
238           l_Continue_Processing_Flag := true;
239       end if;
240   end loop;
242   l_error := per_formula_functions.set_number('TOTAL_ACCRUED_PTO', l_Total_Accrued_PTO);
244   Return l_Total_Accrued_PTO;
247 --
248 /* ======================================================================
250    Purpose : This function is called by the ZA_PTO_SICK_LEAVE_ACCRUAL
251              formula, and replaces the Sub-Accrual formula which calculated
252              total Sick PTO accrued per period.
253    Returns : Total Sick PTO Accrued entitlement
254    ======================================================================*/
255 function ZA_PTO_SICKLEAVE_PERIOD_LOOP       (p_Assignment_ID IN  Number
256                                             ,p_Plan_ID       IN  Number
257                                             ,p_Payroll_ID    IN  Number)
258 return number is
259     l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD    date;
260     l_CSDate                    date;
261     l_Period_SD                 date;
262     l_Period_ED                 date;
263     l_Last_Period_SD            date;
264     l_Last_Period_ED            date;
265     l_Total_Accrued_PTO         number := 0;
266     l_Continue_Processing_Flag  boolean := true;
267     l_Accrual_Rate              number;
268     l_Error                     number;
269     l_Acc_Freq                  char;
270     l_Acc_Mult                  number;
271     l_daysoff                   number;
272     l_proc                      varchar2(80) := 'PER_ZA_PTO_ACCRUAL_PERIOD.ZA_PTO_SICKLEAVE_PERIOD_LOOP';
273     l_calc_date                 date;
274     l_totdays                   number:=0;
275     l_daysoff1                  number:=0;
276     l_month_PTO                 number:=0;
277     l_prev_period_SD            date;
278     l_prev_period_ED            date;
280 begin
281     l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD := per_formula_functions.get_date('BEGINNING_OF_CALCULATION_YEAR');
282     l_Last_Period_SD := per_formula_functions.get_date('LAST_PERIOD_SD');
283     l_Last_Period_ED := per_formula_functions.get_date('LAST_PERIOD_ED');
284     l_CSDate         := per_formula_functions.get_date('CONTINUOUS_SERVICE_DATE');
285  -- l_Accrual_Rate   := per_formula_functions.get_number('ACCRUAL_RATE');
286     l_Accrual_Rate   := per_formula_functions.get_number('ZA_SICK_LEAVE_ACCRUAL_RATE');
287     l_Acc_Freq               := per_formula_functions.get_text('ACCRUING_FREQUENCY');
288     l_Acc_Mult               := per_formula_functions.get_number('ACCRUING_MULTIPLIER');
289     --Added for Bug 8192694
290     l_calc_date              := per_formula_functions.get_date('CALC_DATE');
292     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,5);
293     hr_utility.trace('l_Accrual_Rate: '||to_char(l_Accrual_Rate));
295     --Added for Bug 8192694
296     /* l_calc_date is populated only when SICK LEAVE ACCRUAL formulaes delivered through patch 8192694
297        is used. So if copy of previous formula is created, then it may lead to endless loop. Hence If condition
298        calculates 1 leave for 26 working days if this variable is set, else the employee will accrue a percentage
299        of a leave based on the days worked (previous logic)*/
300     IF l_calc_date IS NOT NULL then
301         while l_Continue_Processing_Flag loop
302         /*Get the first period start and end dates */
303                   l_Period_SD := per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_SD');
304                   l_Period_ED := per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_ED');
306                  --Calculate the days off in the particular period
307                   l_daysoff :=PER_ZA_ABS_DURATION.ZA_DAYSOFF(l_Period_SD,l_Period_ED);
308                   hr_utility.trace('l_daysoff: '||to_char(l_daysoff));
309 		  --Calculate the total working days in the period
310                   l_totdays :=((l_Period_ED - l_Period_SD)+1) - l_daysoff;
312                   hr_utility.trace('l_totdays:'||to_char(l_totdays));
313                   hr_utility.trace('l_Period_ED:'||to_char(l_Period_ED,'dd-mon-yyyy'));
314                   hr_utility.trace('l_calc_date:'||to_char(l_calc_date,'dd-mon-yyyy'));
316                   /* If the total working days are less than 26 in the particular period, then increase the period
317 		  end date and loop until total working days are 26*/
318                   while l_totdays < 26
319 		  loop
320                       l_Period_ED :=l_Period_ED + 1;
324                          l_month_PTO:=0;
321                       if l_Period_ED >l_calc_date then
323                          l_Continue_Processing_Flag := false;
325                          hr_utility.trace('l_Period_ED >=l_calc_date');
326                          l_error := per_formula_functions.set_date('PERIOD_SD',
327                                              l_prev_period_SD);
328                          l_error := per_formula_functions.set_date('PERIOD_ED',
329                                              l_prev_period_ED);
330                          exit;
331                      else
332                         l_daysoff1:=PER_ZA_ABS_DURATION.ZA_DAYSOFF(l_Period_SD,l_Period_ED);
333                         l_totdays :=((l_Period_ED - l_Period_SD)+1) - l_daysoff1;
334                         hr_utility.set_location('l_Period_ED:'||to_char(l_Period_ED,'dd-mon-yyyy'),10);
335                         hr_utility.set_location('l_Period_SD:'||to_char(l_Period_SD,'dd-mon-yyyy'),10);
336                         hr_utility.set_location('l_daysoff1:'||to_char(l_daysoff1),10);
337                         hr_utility.set_location('l_totdays:'||to_char(l_totdays),10);
338                         l_Continue_Processing_Flag := true;
339                      end if;
340                   end loop;
342                   /* If total working days are 26, then set the PERIOD_SD and PERIOD_ED to next period dates*/
343                   if l_totdays=26 then
344                     l_Period_ED := l_Period_ED + 1;
345                     l_month_PTO:=1;
346                     l_prev_period_SD:=l_Period_SD;
347                     l_prev_period_ED:=l_Period_ED -1;
348                     l_error := per_formula_functions.set_date('PERIOD_SD',
349                                              l_Period_ED);
350                     l_error := per_formula_functions.set_date('PERIOD_ED',
351                                              l_Period_ED + 31);
352                   end if;
354                   l_Total_Accrued_PTO:=l_Total_Accrued_PTO+l_month_PTO;
355                   hr_utility.set_location('l_month_PTO:'||to_char(l_month_PTO),11);
356                   hr_utility.set_location('l_Total_Accrued_PTO:'||to_char(l_Total_Accrued_PTO),11);
357         end loop;
358    -- End changes for Bug 8192694
359     else
360         while l_Continue_Processing_Flag loop
361                  l_Period_SD := per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_SD');
362                  l_Period_ED := per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_ED');
364                  -- Bug 5043294; Removed comments and unnessary if/else logic
365                  -- Calculating the working days in the period
366                  l_daysoff :=PER_ZA_ABS_DURATION.ZA_DAYSOFF(l_Period_SD,l_Period_ED);
367                  hr_utility.trace('l_daysoff: '||to_char(l_daysoff));
368                  l_Total_Accrued_PTO := round(l_Total_Accrued_PTO + (((l_Period_ED - l_Period_SD)+1) - l_daysoff)/l_Accrual_Rate , 2);
370                  if  l_Period_SD = l_Last_Period_SD then
371                    l_Continue_Processing_Flag := false;
372                  else
373                     l_Period_ED := l_Period_ED + 1;
374                     l_error := per_utility_functions.GET_PERIOD_DATES( l_Period_ED
375                                                             ,l_Acc_Freq
376                                                             ,l_Beginning_Calc_Year_SD
377                                                             ,l_Acc_Mult);
378                     l_error := per_formula_functions.set_date('PERIOD_SD',
379                                              per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_START_DATE'));
380                     l_error := per_formula_functions.set_date('PERIOD_ED',
381                                              per_formula_functions.get_date('PERIOD_END_DATE'));
382                     l_Continue_Processing_Flag := true;
384                 end if;
385         end loop;
386     END if;
387     l_error := per_formula_functions.set_number('TOTAL_ACCRUED_PTO', l_Total_Accrued_PTO);
388     Return l_Total_Accrued_PTO;
391 --
392 /* Start of 2932073 and 2878657 */
394 /* ======================================================================
396    Purpose : This function is called by the pto_carry_over_for_asg for the
397              South Africa Localisation ('ZA'). And it calculate the Carry
398 	     over value and residual value.
399 	     If the carry over is -ve it will be set to ZERO (0).
400    Returns : residula value and carry over value.
401    ======================================================================*/
403 procedure ZA_PTO_CARRYOVER_RESI_VALUE (p_assignment_id			IN Number
404 				  ,p_plan_id				IN Number
405 				  ,l_payroll_id				IN Number
406 				  ,p_business_group_id                  IN Number
407 				  ,l_effective_date			IN Date
408 				  ,l_total_accrual			IN Number
409 				  ,l_net_entitlement			IN number
410 				  ,l_max_carryover			IN Number
411 				  ,l_residual				OUT NOCOPY Number
412 				  ,l_carryover				OUT NOCOPY Number) Is
414   -- Declaring local variables
415   l_start_date            date;
416   l_end_date            date;
417   l_dummy13            date;
418   l_net_entitlement2   number;
419   l_effective_date2    date;
420   l_total_accrual2     number;
421   l_proc    varchar2(80) := 'PER_ZA_PTO_ACCRUAL_PERIOD.ZA_PTO_CARRYOVER_RESI_VALUE';
422   l_carryover_pre     number;   --Bug 4293298
423   l_Beginning_Calc_Year   date;
424   l_other2 number;
426 Begin
427        /*l_effective_date2 := l_effective_date + 1;
429        -- Get total accrual on above date, it will only return non-zero where the
430        -- carry over runs for a ZA HRMS "Semi-annual" leave cycle anniversary
431        per_accrual_calc_functions.Get_Net_Accrual (
435         ,P_Business_Group_ID      => p_business_group_id
432          P_Assignment_ID          => p_assignment_id
433         ,P_Plan_ID                => p_plan_id
434         ,P_Payroll_ID             => l_payroll_id
436         ,P_Assignment_Action_Id   => -1
437         ,P_Accrual_Start_Date     => null
438         ,P_Accrual_Latest_Balance => null
439         ,P_Calculation_Date       => l_effective_date2
440         ,P_Start_Date             => l_dummy11
441         ,P_End_Date               => l_dummy12
442         ,P_Accrual_End_Date       => l_dummy13
443         ,P_Accrual                => l_total_accrual2
444         ,P_Net_Entitlement        => l_net_entitlement2
445        );
447        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 10);
448        hr_utility.trace('l_total_accrual2: '||to_char(l_total_accrual2));
449        hr_utility.trace('l_net_entitlement2: '||to_char(l_net_entitlement2)); */
451        /* The above code is commented so that to avoid the calculation
452 	 l_net_entitlement > l_max_carryover while fixing the bug 2932073 */
453        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,5);
454        hr_utility.trace('p_assignment_id: '||to_char(p_assignment_id));
455        hr_utility.trace('p_plan_id: '||to_char(p_plan_id));
456        hr_utility.trace('l_payroll_id: '||to_char(l_payroll_id));
457        hr_utility.trace('l_effective_date: '||to_char(l_effective_date));
458        hr_utility.trace('l_total_accrual: '||to_char(l_total_accrual));
459        hr_utility.trace('l_net_entitlement: '||to_char(l_net_entitlement));
460        hr_utility.trace('l_max_carryover: '||to_char(l_max_carryover));
462       if l_net_entitlement <= l_max_carryover then
463        --
464          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,10);
465         l_Beginning_Calc_Year := per_formula_functions.get_date('BEGINNING_OF_CALCULATION_YEAR');
466         --
467           IF (l_net_entitlement <= 0
468                AND to_char(l_effective_date + 1,'MM') <> to_char(l_Beginning_Calc_Year,'MM')
469               )THEN
470           -- Bug 4293298 in case net entitlement is -ve and the carryover process is not for the
471           -- end of the annual accrual period.
472 	      l_carryover := 0;
473           --get the carryover in the previous half of the accrual year
474             l_carryover_pre := per_accrual_calc_functions.get_carry_over
475                                 (
476                                  p_assignment_id => p_assignment_id,
477                                  p_plan_id => p_plan_id,
478                                  p_start_date => (l_effective_date-30),
479                                  p_calculation_date => (l_effective_date-1));
480              hr_utility.trace('l_carryover_pre: '||to_char(l_carryover_pre));
481              IF l_carryover_pre < 0 THEN
482                    l_carryover := l_carryover_pre;
483              END IF ;
484           hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,50);
485 	  ELSE
486              l_carryover := round(l_net_entitlement, 3);
487              hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,60);
488 	  END IF;
489           --End for bug no 2932073 14-Aug-2003
490 	 l_residual  := 0;
491        --
492       else
493        --
494           l_effective_date2 := l_effective_date + 1;
496        -- Get total accrual on above date, it will only return non-zero where the
497        -- carry over runs for a ZA HRMS "Semi-annual" leave cycle anniversary
498          per_accrual_calc_functions.Get_Net_Accrual (
499 		 P_Assignment_ID          => p_assignment_id
500 		,P_Plan_ID                => p_plan_id
501 		,P_Payroll_ID             => l_payroll_id
502 		,P_Business_Group_ID      => p_business_group_id
503 		,P_Assignment_Action_Id   => -1
504 		,P_Accrual_Start_Date     => null
505 		,P_Accrual_Latest_Balance => null
506 		,P_Calculation_Date       => l_effective_date2
507 		,P_Start_Date             => l_start_date
508 		,P_End_Date               => l_end_date
509 		,P_Accrual_End_Date       => l_dummy13
510 		,P_Accrual                => l_total_accrual2
511 		,P_Net_Entitlement        => l_net_entitlement2
512 	       );
514         -- The other contributions(leave adjustments) need to be subtracted before the residual value
515         -- is calculated. The adjustments in the current accrual cycle must not be forfeited.
516         -- Only for semi-annual run.
517         l_Beginning_Calc_Year := per_formula_functions.get_date('BEGINNING_OF_CALCULATION_YEAR');
519        IF to_char(l_effective_date + 1,'MM') <> to_char(l_Beginning_Calc_Year,'MM') THEN
520           hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 15);
521           l_other2 := per_accrual_calc_functions.Get_Other_Net_Contribution(
522                          P_Assignment_ID    => p_assignment_id
523                         ,P_Plan_ID          => p_plan_id
524                         ,p_start_date       => l_start_date
525                         ,p_calculation_date => l_end_date
526                         );
527         ELSE
528           l_other2 := 0;
529         END IF;
530 --
531        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
532        hr_utility.trace('l_total_accrual2: '||to_char(l_total_accrual2));
533        hr_utility.trace('l_net_entitlement2: '||to_char(l_net_entitlement2));
534        hr_utility.trace('l_other2: '||to_char(l_other2));
535        hr_utility.trace('l_start_date: '||to_char(l_start_date));
536        hr_utility.trace('l_end_date: '||to_char(l_end_date));
537        hr_utility.trace('l_Beginning_Calc_Year: '||to_char(l_Beginning_Calc_Year));
538        hr_utility.trace('l_effective_date: '||to_char(l_effective_date));
539 --
540          hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 30);
541          l_carryover := round(l_max_carryover, 3);
542          l_residual  := round((l_net_entitlement - l_max_carryover - l_total_accrual2 - l_other2), 3);
543          --Bug 4293298 if residual value is -ve ..then it is set to 0
544          IF l_residual < 0 THEN
545          l_residual := 0;
549        hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 40);
546          END IF ;
547        --
548        end if;
550        hr_utility.trace('l_carryover: '||to_char(l_carryover));
551        hr_utility.trace('l_residual: '||to_char(l_residual));
556 /* End of 2932073 and 2878657 */
558 --