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Line 2349: if ota_elig_profile_util.check_processing_status(p_user_group_id) <> 'A' then --by default return false for AND

2345: hr_utility.set_location( 'elements.person_id is not null and elements.person_id <> p_person_id',130);
2346: return false;
2347: elsif elements.elig_prfl_id is not null then
2348: hr_utility.set_location( 'elements.elig_prfl_id is not null',130);
2349: if ota_elig_profile_util.check_processing_status(p_user_group_id) <> 'A' then --by default return false for AND
2350: hr_utility.set_location( 'processing_status <> A returns false',130);
2351: return false;
2352: else
2353: --if record doesnot exist in resolved data return false

Line 2354: if ota_elig_profile_util.is_learner_in_resolved_ug_data(p_user_group_id,p_person_id, 'A')= 'N' then

2350: hr_utility.set_location( 'processing_status <> A returns false',130);
2351: return false;
2352: else
2353: --if record doesnot exist in resolved data return false
2354: if ota_elig_profile_util.is_learner_in_resolved_ug_data(p_user_group_id,p_person_id, 'A')= 'N' then
2355: hr_utility.set_location( 'learner not in resolved data return true',130);
2356: return false;
2357: end if;
2358: end if;

Line 2388: if ota_elig_profile_util.check_processing_status(p_user_group_id) <> 'A' then --by default return true for OR

2384: else
2385: if elements.person_id is not null and elements.person_id = p_person_id then
2386: return true;
2387: elsif elements.elig_prfl_id is not null then
2388: if ota_elig_profile_util.check_processing_status(p_user_group_id) <> 'A' then --by default return true for OR
2389: return true;
2390: else
2391: --if record exists in resolved data return true
2392: if ota_elig_profile_util.is_learner_in_resolved_ug_data(p_user_group_id,p_person_id, 'A')= 'Y' then

Line 2392: if ota_elig_profile_util.is_learner_in_resolved_ug_data(p_user_group_id,p_person_id, 'A')= 'Y' then

2388: if ota_elig_profile_util.check_processing_status(p_user_group_id) <> 'A' then --by default return true for OR
2389: return true;
2390: else
2391: --if record exists in resolved data return true
2392: if ota_elig_profile_util.is_learner_in_resolved_ug_data(p_user_group_id,p_person_id, 'A')= 'Y' then
2393: return true;
2394: end if;
2395: end if;

Line 2509: l_status := ota_elig_profile_util.check_processing_status(p_user_group_id);

2505: exit;
2506: end if;
2507: end loop;
2508: elsif elements.elig_prfl_id is not null then --Eligibility profile
2509: l_status := ota_elig_profile_util.check_processing_status(p_user_group_id);
2510: if l_status = 'A' then --user group is not under processing of a conc program
2511: whereclause := whereclause || ' person_id in (select person_id from ota_user_group_elements where ';
2512: whereclause := whereclause || 'user_group_id = '||TO_CHAR(elements.user_group_id);
2513: whereclause := whereclause || ' and elig_prfl_id is not null';