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Line 149: insert into hz_dup_sets(winner_party_id, dup_batch_id, dup_set_id, status, merge_type,

145: -- log(' l_winner_party_id = ' || p_winner_party_id);
146: -- log (' s_dup_batch_id = ' || p_new_dup_batch_id);
147: -- log (' p_state = '|| p_state);
148: -- insert row for the dup set
149: insert into hz_dup_sets(winner_party_id, dup_batch_id, dup_set_id, status, merge_type,
150: object_version_number, created_by, creation_date, last_update_login, last_update_date, last_updated_by)
151: values( p_winner_party_id, p_new_dup_batch_id, l_new_dup_set_id, 'SYSBATCH', 'PARTY_MERGE',
152: 1,


196: begin
197: if p_all_cnt = p_non_am_cnt -- no automerge candidates in the set
198: then
200: where DUP_SET_ID = p_DUP_SET_ID;
202: delete from hz_dup_set_parties
203: where dup_set_id = p_dup_set_id;

Line 253: from hz_dup_sets

249: l_default_mapping varchar2(1);
250: l_master_candidate_cnt number;
251: cursor sysbatch_exist is
252: select 'Y'
253: from hz_dup_sets
254: where dup_batch_id = p_dup_batch_id
255: and status = 'SYSBATCH'
256: and rownum = 1;

Line 260: FROM hz_dup_sets

256: and rownum = 1;
258: cursor get_obj_version_csr(cp_dup_set_id number) is
259: SELECT object_version_number
260: FROM hz_dup_sets
261: WHERE dup_set_id = cp_dup_set_id;
263: cursor get_active_party_count_csr(cp_dup_set_id number) is
264: select count(*)

Line 321: FROM hz_dup_sets

317: -- log ('sysbatch exist '|| nvl(l_exist,'N'));
318: if nvl(l_exist,'N') = 'Y'
319: then
320: OPEN c1 FOR SELECT dup_set_id, winner_party_id
321: FROM hz_dup_sets
322: WHERE dup_batch_id = p_dup_batch_id
323: and status = 'SYSBATCH';
324: FETCH c1 BULK COLLECT INTO A_DUP_SET_ID, l_winner_party_id ;

Line 409: update hz_dup_sets c

405: -- log(' l_winner_party_id('||I||') = '|| l_winner_party_id(I));
406: end if;
407: -- The code below is called in default_master
408: /*
409: update hz_dup_sets c
410: set c.winner_party_id = l_winner_party_id(I)
411: where c.dup_set_id = A_DUP_SET_ID(I);
413: -- update the winner party id to have merge_flag = 'Y'

Line 440: update hz_dup_sets set status = 'AM_QUEUE' where dup_set_id = A_DUP_SET_ID(I);

436: END IF;
437: -- If no 'N', then do not request party merge
438: IF (l_count = 0) THEN
439: IF (x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS) THEN
440: update hz_dup_sets set status = 'AM_QUEUE' where dup_set_id = A_DUP_SET_ID(I);
441: ELSE
442: l_success := FALSE;
443: retcode := 2;
444: err := SQLERRM;

Line 459: log (' updating hz_dup_sets status to AM Queue for dup_set_id = ' || A_DUP_SET_ID(I));

455: create_rem_batch( p_dup_batch_id, A_DUP_SET_ID(I), L_WINNER_PARTY_ID(I), l_new_dup_batch_id, 'S');
456: delete_non_am_dup_set(A_DUP_SET_ID(I), l_all_count, l_count);
458: IF (l_all_count > l_count) THEN
459: log (' updating hz_dup_sets status to AM Queue for dup_set_id = ' || A_DUP_SET_ID(I));
460: update hz_dup_sets set status = 'AM_QUEUE' where dup_set_id = A_DUP_SET_ID(I);
461: END IF;
462: ELSIF (x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
463: -- if unexpected error, then error out the program

Line 460: update hz_dup_sets set status = 'AM_QUEUE' where dup_set_id = A_DUP_SET_ID(I);

456: delete_non_am_dup_set(A_DUP_SET_ID(I), l_all_count, l_count);
458: IF (l_all_count > l_count) THEN
459: log (' updating hz_dup_sets status to AM Queue for dup_set_id = ' || A_DUP_SET_ID(I));
460: update hz_dup_sets set status = 'AM_QUEUE' where dup_set_id = A_DUP_SET_ID(I);
461: END IF;
462: ELSIF (x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR) THEN
463: -- if unexpected error, then error out the program
464: l_success := FALSE;

Line 479: update hz_dup_sets set status = 'CREATION_ERROR' where dup_set_id = A_DUP_SET_ID(I);

475: ELSIF (x_return_status = FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
476: l_success := FALSE;
477: l_count := chk_for_rem_batch(A_DUP_SET_ID(I));
478: create_rem_batch( p_dup_batch_id, A_DUP_SET_ID(I), L_WINNER_PARTY_ID(I), l_new_dup_batch_id, 'E');
479: update hz_dup_sets set status = 'CREATION_ERROR' where dup_set_id = A_DUP_SET_ID(I);
480: retcode := 1;
481: err := SQLERRM;
482: log ('Error :: ' || SQLERRM);
483: END IF;

Line 496: from hz_dup_sets

492: END IF; -- if req_data is null
493: i := 1;
494: J := 0;
495: select count(*) into J
496: from hz_dup_sets
497: where status = 'AM_QUEUE'
498: and dup_batch_id = p_dup_batch_id;
499: IF J <= 0 THEN
500: log (' No more records to process -- exiting, J = ' || J);

Line 510: from hz_dup_sets

506: end if;
508: IF (l_success) THEN
509: FOR TX IN (select dup_set_id
510: from hz_dup_sets
511: where status = 'AM_QUEUE'
512: and rownum <= l_no_of_workers
513: and dup_batch_id = p_dup_batch_id)
514: LOOP