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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 87

   SELECT  expiration_date
     FROM  mtl_lot_numbers
     WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
     AND organization_id     = p_organization_id
     AND lot_number          = p_lot_number;
Line: 119

         SELECT *
           FROM mtl_txn_request_lines
           WHERE line_id = p_move_order_line_id FOR UPDATE nowait;
Line: 130

           FROM  mtl_transaction_types mtt
                ,mtl_system_items      msi
                ,mtl_parameters        mp
         WHERE  mtt.transaction_type_id = l_txn_type_id
           AND  msi.inventory_item_id   = l_inventory_item_id
           AND  msi.organization_id     = l_organization_id
           AND mp.organization_id      = l_organization_id;
Line: 156

    SELECT muom.uom_code
      FROM  mtl_units_of_measure_tl muom,mtl_units_of_measure_tl muom2
      WHERE muom2.uom_code = x_request_context.transaction_uom_code
      AND muom2.language = userenv('LANG')
      AND muom.uom_class = muom2.uom_class
      AND muom.language = userenv('LANG')
      AND muom.base_uom_flag = 'Y';
Line: 167

           wdd.source_header_id oe_header_id,
           wdd.source_line_id   oe_line_id,
           wdd.ship_to_location_id ship_to_location,
           wc.freight_code    -- Bug Fix 5594517
         FROM wsh_delivery_details wdd,
                wsh_carriers wc,
                wsh_carrier_services wcs
         WHERE wdd.move_order_line_id = p_move_order_line_id
           AND   wdd.move_order_line_id is NOT NULL
           AND   wdd.ship_method_code = wcs.ship_method_code (+)
           AND   wcs.carrier_id       = wc.carrier_id (+);
Line: 185

         SELECT  oedtl.header_id oe_header_id,
           oedtl.line_id   oe_line_id,
           oedtl.sold_to_org_id,         -- customer_id
         FROM oe_order_lines_all oedtl
         WHERE oedtl.line_id = p_src_line_id;
Line: 198

           FROM oe_order_lines_all oola
              , hz_parties party
              , hz_cust_accounts cust_acct
           WHERE oola.line_id = x_request_line_rec.reference_id
             AND cust_acct.cust_account_id = oola.sold_to_org_id
             AND cust_acct.party_id = party.party_id;
Line: 513

      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
      SET txn_source_id = header_id
      WHERE line_id = p_move_order_line_id;
Line: 617

      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines SET
        primary_quantity =  x_request_line_rec.primary_quantity,
        transaction_source_type_id = x_request_context.transaction_source_type_id,
        txn_source_id = x_request_context.txn_header_id,
        txn_source_line_id = x_request_context.txn_line_id
        WHERE line_id = x_request_line_rec.line_id
Line: 1266

   SELECT status_id
     FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
    WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND secondary_inventory_name = p_subinventory_code;
Line: 1272

   SELECT status_id
     FROM mtl_item_locations
    WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND inventory_location_id = p_locator_id;
Line: 1278

   SELECT status_id
     FROM mtl_lot_numbers
    WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
      AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
      AND lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 1550

    ,lot.expiration_date lot_expiration_date
    ,x.date_received date_received
    ,x.primary_quantity primary_quantity
    ,NULL lpn_id
    ,x.project_id project_id
    ,x.task_id task_id
                 moq.date_received)) date_received
            ,sum(moq.primary_transaction_quantity) primary_quantity
               moq.organization_id = :organization_id
      AND moq.inventory_item_id = :inventory_item_id
          GROUP BY
       moq.organization_id, moq.inventory_item_id
      ,moq.revision, moq.lot_number
           ,moq.subinventory_code, moq.locator_id
         ) x
    ,mtl_secondary_inventories sub
         ,mtl_lot_numbers lot
       x.primary_quantity > 0
   AND x.organization_id = sub.organization_id
   AND x.subinventory_code = sub.secondary_inventory_name
        AND NVL(sub.disable_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
   AND x.organization_id = lot.organization_id (+)
   AND x.inventory_item_id = lot.inventory_item_id (+)
   AND x.lot_number = lot.lot_number (+)
Line: 1612

Line: 1697

   SELECT serial_number
     FROM mtl_serial_numbers
     WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
     AND serial_number = p_serial_number
     FOR UPDATE nowait;
Line: 1759

  SELECT p_inventory_item_id
       , p_organization_id
       , msn.serial_number
       , null
    FROM  mtl_serial_numbers msn, inv_msn_gtemp img
    WHERE msn.inventory_item_id                    = p_inventory_item_id
    AND   msn.current_organization_id              = p_organization_id
    AND   nvl(msn.revision,'@@@')                  = nvl(p_revision,'@@@')
    AND   nvl(msn.lot_number, '@@@')               = nvl(p_lot_number,'@@@')
    AND   nvl(msn.current_subinventory_code,'@@@') = nvl(p_subinventory_code,'@@@')
    AND   nvl(msn.current_locator_id,-1)           = nvl(p_locator_id,-1)
    AND   nvl(msn.end_item_unit_number,'@@@')      = nvl(p_unit_number,'@@@')
    --AND   nvl(msn.cost_group_id,-1)      = nvl(p_cost_group_id, -1)
    AND   msn.current_status                       = 3
    AND  ((msn.group_mark_id is null) or (msn.group_mark_id = -1))
    AND   (p_detail_any_serial = 1 OR
           (p_from_range <= msn.serial_number AND
           Length(p_from_range) = Length(msn.serial_number))
    AND   (p_detail_any_serial = 1 OR
           (msn.serial_number <= p_to_range AND
           Length(p_to_range) = Length(msn.serial_number))
    AND msn.serial_number = img.serial_number (+)
    AND msn.inventory_item_id = img.inventory_item_id (+)
    AND msn.current_organization_id = img.organization_id (+)
    AND img.serial_number IS NULL
    ORDER BY msn.serial_number;
Line: 1789

  SELECT img.inventory_item_id
       , img.organization_id
       , img.serial_number
       --, null dont forget
       , msn.status_id
  FROM inv_msn_gtemp img, mtl_serial_numbers msn
  WHERE img.use_flag = 0
    AND msn.serial_number = img.serial_number
    AND msn.inventory_item_id = img.inventory_item_id
    AND msn.current_organization_id = img.organization_id
    AND nvl(msn.revision,'@') = nvl(p_revision,'@')
    AND nvl(msn.lot_number, '@') = nvl(p_lot_number,'@')
    AND nvl(msn.current_subinventory_code,'@') = nvl(p_subinventory_code,'@')
    AND nvl(msn.current_locator_id,-1) = nvl(p_locator_id,-1)
    AND nvl(msn.end_item_unit_number,'@') = nvl(p_unit_number,'@')
    AND msn.current_status = 3;
Line: 1807

l_custom_select_serials INV_DETAIL_UTIL_PVT.g_serial_row_table_rec;
Line: 1808

l_selected_serials      INV_DETAIL_UTIL_PVT.g_serial_row_table_rec;
Line: 1858

    , x_serial_numbers          => l_custom_select_serials );
Line: 1874

      FORALL i IN l_custom_select_serials.serial_number.first..l_custom_select_serials.serial_number.last
      INSERT INTO inv_msn_gtemp (
      , organization_id
      , serial_number
      , use_flag )
      values (
      , l_custom_select_serials.organization_id(i)
      , l_custom_select_serials.serial_number(i)
      , 0 );
Line: 1899

    , l_selected_serials.organization_id
    , l_selected_serials.serial_number
    , l_selected_serials.serial_status;
Line: 1906

    DELETE FROM inv_msn_gtemp
    WHERE use_flag = 0;
Line: 1915

    , l_selected_serials.organization_id
    , l_selected_serials.serial_number
    , l_selected_serials.serial_status;
Line: 1922

  IF l_selected_serials.serial_number.count > 0 THEN
    FOR i IN l_selected_serials.serial_number.first..l_selected_serials.serial_number.last LOOP
      IF (x_available_sl_qty >= p_required_sl_qty) THEN
Line: 1932

           , l_selected_serials.serial_status(i) ) = 'Y' ) THEN
          INSERT INTO inv_msn_gtemp (
          , organization_id
          , Serial_number
          , use_flag )
          VALUES (
          , p_inventory_item_id
          , p_organization_id
          , l_selected_serials.serial_number(i)
          , 1 );
Line: 1949

          IF ( lock_serial_number(p_inventory_item_id, l_selected_serials.serial_number(i)) ) THEN
            -- Move last row pointer of g_output_serial_rows by 1.
            g_serial_tbl_ptr   := g_serial_tbl_ptr + 1;
Line: 1974

            g_output_serial_rows(g_serial_tbl_ptr).serial_number     := l_selected_serials.serial_number(i);
Line: 1979

            print_debug('sn='||l_selected_serials.serial_number(i)||' skipped SQL err: '||SQLERRM(SQLCODE), 1);
Line: 1983

       print_debug('sn='||l_selected_serials.serial_number(i)||' of wrong status='||l_selected_serials.serial_status(i));
Line: 2016

PROCEDURE insert_mmtt
    x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ,p_mmtt_tbl       IN  g_mmtt_tbl_type
   ,p_mmtt_tbl_size  IN  INTEGER
     l_api_name  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Insert_MMTT';
Line: 2048

     print_debug('in insert mmtt '||p_mmtt_tbl(l_counter).transaction_temp_id );
Line: 2049

      INSERT INTO mtl_material_transactions_temp
         transaction_header_id          ,
         transaction_temp_id            ,
         source_code                    ,
         source_line_id                 ,
         transaction_mode               ,
         lock_flag                      ,
         last_update_date               ,
         last_updated_by                ,
         creation_date                  ,
         created_by                     ,
         last_update_login              ,
         request_id                     ,
         program_application_id         ,
         program_id                     ,
         program_update_date            ,
         inventory_item_id              ,
         revision                       ,
         organization_id                ,
         subinventory_code              ,
         locator_id                     ,
         transaction_quantity           ,
         primary_quantity               ,
         secondary_transaction_quantity ,
         transaction_uom                ,
         secondary_uom_code             ,
         transaction_cost               ,
         transaction_type_id            ,
         transaction_action_id          ,
         transaction_source_type_id     ,
         transaction_source_id          ,
         transaction_source_name        ,
         transaction_date               ,
         acct_period_id                 ,
         distribution_account_id        ,
         transaction_reference          ,
         requisition_line_id            ,
         requisition_distribution_id    ,
         reason_id                      ,
         lot_number                     ,
         lot_expiration_date            ,
         serial_number                  ,
         receiving_document             ,
         demand_id                      ,
         rcv_transaction_id             ,
         move_transaction_id            ,
         completion_transaction_id      ,
         wip_entity_type                ,
         schedule_id                    ,
         repetitive_line_id             ,
         employee_code                  ,
         primary_switch                 ,
         schedule_update_code           ,
         setup_teardown_code            ,
         item_ordering                  ,
         negative_req_flag              ,
         operation_seq_num              ,
         picking_line_id                ,
         trx_source_line_id             ,
         trx_source_delivery_id         ,
         physical_adjustment_id         ,
         cycle_count_id                 ,
         rma_line_id                    ,
         customer_ship_id               ,
         currency_code                  ,
         currency_conversion_rate       ,
         currency_conversion_type       ,
         currency_conversion_date       ,
         ussgl_transaction_code         ,
         vendor_lot_number              ,
         encumbrance_account            ,
         encumbrance_amount             ,
         ship_to_location               ,
         shipment_number                ,
         transfer_cost                  ,
         transportation_cost            ,
         transportation_account         ,
         freight_code                   ,
         containers                     ,
         waybill_airbill                ,
         expected_arrival_date          ,
         transfer_subinventory          ,
         transfer_organization          ,
         transfer_to_location           ,
         new_average_cost               ,
         value_change                   ,
         percentage_change              ,
         material_allocation_temp_id    ,
         demand_source_header_id        ,
         demand_source_line             ,
         demand_source_delivery         ,
         item_segments                  ,
         item_description               ,
         item_trx_enabled_flag          ,
         item_location_control_code     ,
         item_restrict_subinv_code      ,
         item_restrict_locators_code    ,
         item_revision_qty_control_code ,
         item_primary_uom_code          ,
         item_uom_class                 ,
         item_shelf_life_code           ,
         item_shelf_life_days           ,
         item_lot_control_code          ,
         item_serial_control_code       ,
         item_inventory_asset_flag      ,
         allowed_units_lookup_code      ,
         department_id                  ,
         department_code                ,
         wip_supply_type                ,
         supply_subinventory            ,
         supply_locator_id              ,
         valid_subinventory_flag        ,
         valid_locator_flag             ,
         locator_segments               ,
         current_locator_control_code   ,
         number_of_lots_entered         ,
         wip_commit_flag                ,
         next_lot_number                ,
         lot_alpha_prefix               ,
         next_serial_number             ,
         serial_alpha_prefix            ,
         shippable_flag                 ,
         posting_flag                   ,
         required_flag                  ,
         process_flag                   ,
         error_code                     ,
         error_explanation              ,
         attribute_category             ,
         attribute1                     ,
         attribute2                     ,
         attribute3                     ,
         attribute4                     ,
         attribute5                     ,
         attribute6                     ,
         attribute7                     ,
         attribute8                     ,
         attribute9                     ,
         attribute10                    ,
         attribute11                    ,
         attribute12                    ,
         attribute13                    ,
         attribute14                    ,
         attribute15                    ,
         movement_id                    ,
         reservation_quantity           ,
         shipped_quantity               ,
         transaction_line_number        ,
         task_id                        ,
         to_task_id                     ,
         source_task_id                 ,
         project_id                     ,
         source_project_id              ,
         pa_expenditure_org_id          ,
         to_project_id                  ,
         expenditure_type               ,
         final_completion_flag          ,
         transfer_percentage            ,
         transaction_sequence_id        ,
         material_account               ,
         material_overhead_account      ,
         resource_account               ,
         outside_processing_account     ,
         overhead_account               ,
         flow_schedule                  ,
         cost_group_id                  ,
         demand_class                   ,
         qa_collection_id               ,
         kanban_card_id                 ,
         overcompletion_transaction_id  ,
         overcompletion_primary_qty     ,
         overcompletion_transaction_qty ,
         end_item_unit_number           ,
         scheduled_payback_date         ,
         line_type_code                 ,
         parent_transaction_temp_id     ,
         put_away_strategy_id           ,
         put_away_rule_id               ,
         pick_strategy_id               ,
         pick_rule_id                   ,
         common_bom_seq_id              ,
         common_routing_seq_id          ,
         cost_type_id                   ,
         org_cost_group_id              ,
         move_order_line_id             ,
         task_group_id                   ,
         pick_slip_number                ,
         reservation_id                  ,
         transaction_status              ,
         transfer_cost_group_id          ,
         lpn_id                          ,
         wms_task_type                   ,
         allocated_lpn_id                ,
         move_order_header_id            ,
         serial_allocated_flag           ,
         wms_task_status                 ,
         task_priority                   ,
Line: 2505

END insert_mmtt;
Line: 2509

PROCEDURE insert_mtlt
    x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ,p_mtlt_tbl       IN  g_mtlt_tbl_type
   ,p_mtlt_tbl_size  IN  INTEGER
     l_api_name  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Insert_MTLT';
Line: 2540

      INSERT INTO mtl_transaction_lots_temp
	 ,secondary_unit_of_measure  -- Bug 8217560
	 ,p_mtlt_tbl(l_counter).secondary_unit_of_measure  --Bug# 8217560
      FROM mtl_material_transactions_temp mmtt,
           mtl_lot_numbers mln
      WHERE mmtt.transaction_temp_id = p_mtlt_tbl(l_counter).transaction_temp_id
      and mln.inventory_item_id = mmtt.inventory_item_id
      and mln.organization_id = mmtt.organization_id
      and mln.lot_number = p_mtlt_tbl(l_counter).lot_number
Line: 2823

END insert_mtlt;
Line: 2827

PROCEDURE insert_msnt
    x_return_status  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
   ,p_msnt_tbl       IN  g_msnt_tbl_type
   ,p_msnt_tbl_size  IN  INTEGER
     l_api_name  CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'Insert_MSNT';
Line: 2858

      INSERT INTO mtl_serial_numbers_temp
Line: 2960

END insert_msnt;
Line: 3025

   CURSOR l_cursor IS SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL
     FROM dual;
Line: 3046

   SELECT acct_period_id
     FROM     org_acct_periods
     WHERE    period_close_date IS NULL
       AND    organization_id = p_organization_id
            AND    INV_LE_TIMEZONE_PUB.get_le_day_for_inv_org(Nvl(p_date, Sysdate),p_organization_id)
            BETWEEN trunc(period_start_date)  and trunc(schedule_close_date)
       ORDER BY period_start_date DESC, schedule_close_date ASC;
Line: 3086

Line: 3126

    UPDATE mtl_serial_numbers
   SET group_mark_id = p_group_mark_id
   WHERE inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
   AND serial_number between p_serial_number_start and p_serial_number_end;
Line: 3186

PROCEDURE update_detailed_quantities
  (x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2)
     l_reservation_id NUMBER;
Line: 3194

    UPDATE mtl_reservations
      SET detailed_quantity = detailed_quantity + g_output_process_tbl(l_index).primary_quantity
       ,  secondary_detailed_quantity = secondary_detailed_quantity + g_output_process_tbl(l_index).secondary_quantity
      WHERE reservation_id = l_reservation_id;
Line: 3206

END update_detailed_quantities;
Line: 3220

      l_insert_lot       BOOLEAN; -- insert a new lot record
Line: 3221

      l_insert_serial    BOOLEAN; -- insert a new serial record
Line: 3222

      l_insert_txn       BOOLEAN; -- insert a new transaction temp record
Line: 3283

   g_insert_lot_flag := 0;
Line: 3284

   g_insert_serial_flag := 0;
Line: 3320

     INTO l_txn_header_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 3323

     INTO l_txn_temp_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 3326

     INTO l_serial_temp_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 3348

      l_insert_serial := FALSE;
Line: 3349

      l_insert_lot := FALSE;
Line: 3350

      l_insert_txn := FALSE;
Line: 3416

         l_insert_txn := TRUE;
Line: 3421

      IF (l_insert_txn) THEN
        print_debug('process output, l_insert_txn TRUE');
Line: 3424

        print_debug('process output, l_insert_txn FALSE');
Line: 3441

            SELECT lot_number
              INTO l_reserved_lot
              FROM mtl_reservations
            WHERE reservation_id = g_output_process_tbl(l_index-1).reservation_id;
Line: 3464

        AND (l_insert_txn OR
             <> g_output_process_tbl(l_index-1).lot_number
	    AND (l_allocate_lot_flag='Y' OR p_request_context.wms_task_type = 2)) THEN  -- Added for 14699845 (Flexible lot allocation)

         l_insert_lot := TRUE;
Line: 3471

         g_insert_lot_flag := 1;
Line: 3475

      IF (l_insert_lot) THEN
        print_debug('process output, l_insert_lot TRUE');
Line: 3478

        print_debug('process output, l_insert_lot FALSE');
Line: 3497

        AND (l_insert_txn OR l_insert_lot OR
       g_output_process_tbl(l_index).serial_number_start IS NULL
       OR g_output_process_tbl(l_index).serial_number_start
       <> g_output_process_tbl(l_index-1).serial_number_start)
        AND (p_request_context.item_lot_control_code <> 2 OR l_allocate_lot_flag='Y'))  -- Added for 14699845 (Flexible lot allocation)
        -- I rather not do the range overlapping comparision in the
        -- condition for this if clause since that is overkill.
        -- I assume the serial number will not overlap
         l_insert_serial := TRUE;
Line: 3507

         g_insert_serial_flag := 1;
Line: 3511

      IF (l_insert_serial) THEN
        print_debug('process output, l_insert_serial TRUE');
Line: 3514

        print_debug('process output, l_insert_serial FALSE');
Line: 3517

      IF l_insert_serial THEN
        l_msnt_tbl_size := l_msnt_tbl_size +1;
Line: 3535

      IF l_insert_lot THEN
         l_mtlt_tbl_size := l_mtlt_tbl_size +1;
Line: 3547

         If l_insert_serial Then
           l_mtlt_tbl(l_mtlt_tbl_size).serial_transaction_temp_id := l_serial_temp_id;
Line: 3591

             print_debug('process output before mtlt update , l_lot_ten_temp_qty '|| l_lot_ten_temp_qty);
Line: 3592

             print_debug('process output before mtlt update , l_lot_temp_qty '|| l_lot_temp_qty);
Line: 3593

             print_debug('process output before mtlt update ,  l_lot_temp_qty_txn_uom  '||l_lot_temp_qty_txn_uom);
Line: 3594

             print_debug('process output before mtlt update ,  l_mmtt_tbl(l_mmtt_tbl_size).wms_task_type '||p_request_context.wms_task_type );
Line: 3598

            print_debug('process output before mtlt update inside if residual,  l_lot_temp_qty_txn_uom  '||l_lot_temp_qty_txn_uom);
Line: 3625

      IF l_insert_txn THEN
         l_mmtt_tbl_size := l_mmtt_tbl_size +1;
Line: 3702

           print_debug('process output before mmtt update, pri UOM:'||p_request_context.primary_uom_code||',txn uom:'||
Line: 3738

            print_debug('process output before mtlt update ,  l_ten_temp_qty '|| l_ten_temp_qty);
Line: 3739

            print_debug('process output before mmtt update ,  l_txn_temp_qty '|| l_txn_temp_qty);
Line: 3740

            print_debug('process output before mmtt update ,  l_txn_temp_qty_txn_uom '||l_txn_temp_qty_txn_uom);
Line: 3741

            print_debug('process output before mmtt update ,  l_mmtt_tbl(l_mmtt_tbl_size).wms_task_type '||p_request_context.wms_task_type );
Line: 3745

                print_debug('process output before mtlt update inside if residual,  l_txn_temp_qty_txn_uom  '||l_txn_temp_qty_txn_uom);
Line: 3769

                      UPDATE mtl_txn_request_lines
                      SET quantity = primary_quantity,
                      uom_code = p_request_context.primary_uom_code
                      WHERE line_id = p_request_line_rec.line_id;
Line: 3783

         print_debug('process output before mmtt update ,  wms_engine_pvt.g_fulfillment_base value is '|| wms_engine_pvt.g_fulfillment_base);
Line: 3784

         print_debug('process output before mmtt update ,  fulfillment_base value is '|| l_mmtt_tbl(l_mmtt_tbl_size).fulfillment_base);
Line: 3874

         IF l_insert_serial THEN
           l_mmtt_tbl(l_mmtt_tbl_size).serial_allocated_flag := 'Y';
Line: 3947

      IF (l_insert_lot OR (l_allocate_lot_flag='N' AND p_request_context.wms_task_type <> 2)) THEN  -- Added for 14699845 (Flexible lot allocation)
         -- reset the quantity for the next mtlt record
         l_lot_temp_qty := 0;
Line: 3954

              INTO l_serial_temp_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 3969

      IF l_insert_txn THEN
         -- reset the quantity for the next mmtt record
         l_txn_temp_qty := 0;
Line: 3973

              INTO l_txn_temp_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 3984

         x_return_status   => l_return_status   ,
         p_mmtt_tbl        => l_mmtt_tbl        ,
         p_mmtt_tbl_size   => l_mmtt_tbl_size
Line: 3998

         x_return_status   => l_return_status   ,
         p_mtlt_tbl        => l_mtlt_tbl        ,
         p_mtlt_tbl_size   => l_mtlt_tbl_size
Line: 4012

         x_return_status   => l_return_status   ,
         p_msnt_tbl        => l_msnt_tbl        ,
         p_msnt_tbl_size   => l_msnt_tbl_size
Line: 4054

      inv_pp_debug.send_message_to_pipe('# of records inserted to mtl_material_transactions_temp: '
               || l_mmtt_tbl_size);
Line: 4056

      inv_pp_debug.send_message_to_pipe('# of records inserted to mtl_transaction_lots_temp: '
               || l_mtlt_tbl_size);
Line: 4058

      inv_pp_debug.send_message_to_pipe('# of records inserted to mtl_serial_numbers_temp: '
               || l_msnt_tbl_size);
Line: 4133

  SELECT decode(reservable_type,2,0,reservable_type)
  FROM mtl_secondary_inventories
  WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND secondary_inventory_name = p_subinventory_code;
Line: 4142

  SELECT decode(reservable_type,2,0,reservable_type)
  FROM mtl_item_locations
  WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND inventory_location_id = p_locator_id;
Line: 4150

  SELECT decode(reservable_type,2,0,reservable_type)
  FROM mtl_lot_numbers
  WHERE organization_id = p_organization_id
   AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
   AND lot_number = p_lot_number;
Line: 4227

Select organization_code
from mtl_parameters
Where organization_id = p_organization_id;
Line: 4283

	      SELECT status_id into l_status_id
	      FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail
	      WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
              AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
	      AND subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
	      AND locator_id = p_locator_id
	      AND nvl(lot_number,-9999) = nvl(p_lot_number, -9999)
	      AND lpn_id = p_lpn_id
	      AND rownum = 1;
Line: 4329

	   	 SELECT 'Y' into l_status_return FROM DUAL WHERE EXISTS(
	 	 SELECT 1 FROM mtl_onhand_quantities_detail moqd
	               WHERE moqd.organization_id = p_organization_id
       	               AND moqd.inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
                       AND moqd.subinventory_code = p_subinventory_code
	               AND nvl(moqd.locator_id,-999) = nvl(p_locator_id,-999)
	               AND nvl(moqd.lot_number,-999) = nvl(p_lot_number, -999)
	               AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 from mtl_status_transaction_control mtc
	               WHERE mtc.status_id = moqd.status_id
                              AND mtc.transaction_type_id = p_transaction_type_id
	               AND mtc.is_allowed = 2 ));