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1 package  hr_dm_gen_main AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: perdmgn.pkh 120.0 2005/05/30 21:17:34 appldev noship $ */
3 --------------------------------
5 --------------------------------
6 --
7 -- Table information structure. It stores the various properties of info about
8 -- the table. Mostly the information is taken from HR_DM_TABLES table.
9 --    table_id         - Id value of the table. Primary key of HR_DM_TABLES.
10 --    table_name       - Name of the table
11 --    datetrack        - 'Y' - for date track table
12 --                       'N' - for non datetrack table
13 --    surrogate_primary_key - whether table has a surrogate id column i.e single
14 --                            column numeric key.
15 --                          'Y' - table has surrogate id  column
16 --                          'N' - table does not have surrogate id column
17 --    surrogate_pk_column_name - Name of the surrogate id column. It will
18 --                          contain value if surrogate_primary_key value is 'Y'.
19 --    alias            - Alias of the table. Used in the select statement.
20 --    short_name       - Short name of the table. Used to define the TUPS/TDS
21 --                       package name
22 --    column_hierarchy  -  one or more column has foreign key on own table.
23 --                         Column hierarchy are derived from HR_DM_HIERARCHIES table
24 --                         with hierarchy type 'H' defined for this table.
25 --    table_hierarchy   -  business group_id has to be derived from parent table.
26 --                         Parents table are derived from HR_DM_HIERARCHIES table
27 --                         with hierarchy type 'PC' defined for this table.
28 --    use_non_pk_col_for_chk_row
29 --                        - one or more column required, other than primary key column
30 --                        to check whether row exists in the table or not. It is used
31 --                        by TUPS.
32 --    resolve_pk         - if 'Y' then add the code in the TUPS to get the latest
33 --                         ID value.
34 --    ins_resolve_pk     - If 'Y' then add the code to insert a record into the
35 --                         hr_dm_resolve_pk table.
36 --    use_distinct      -  If 'Y' then the TDS download cursor will use 'distinct'
37 --                         in the select statement. It will be used if it salisfies
38 --                         all the below conditions
39 --                            - tables has a  AOL hierarchy i.e hierarchy type = 'A'
40 --                            - has a table hierarchy  i.e hierarchy type = 'PC'
41 --                            - does not have 'long' data type.--
42 --    fk_to_aol_table   -  one or more column has foreign key on AOL table.
43 --                         Columns are derived from HR_DM_HIERARCHIES table
44 --                         with hierarchy type 'A' defined for this table.
45 --    missing_who_info  -  'Y' - if table does not have WHO columns
46 --                         'N' - if table has WHO columns
47 --    missing_primary_key  - 'Y' - if table does not have any primary key defined
48 --                                 in data base. In this case the logical primary
49 --                                 key is derived from HR_DM_HIERARCHIES table
50 --                                 with hierarchy type 'P' defined for this table.
51 --                           'N' - if the table has a primary key defined in database.
52 --  chk_row_exists_for_non_glb_tbl  - It will contain following value :
53 --                           'Y' - add the code in the upload procedure of TUPS
54 --                                 to check that whether row exists in destination
55 --                                 database for non global data.
56 --                           'N' - No check is made.
57 --
58 --   who_link_alias     - It tells the alias of table to be used to get the WHO
59 --                        information. It is used for tables which does not have
60 --                        explicit business group id and business group has to be
61 --                        derived from the chain of parent tables. It uses this
62 --                        alias to form the additive migration selection
63 --                        criteria.
64 --  derive_sql_download_full  - It contains the where clause for full migration
65 --                              download cursor.
66 --  derive_sql_download_add   - It contains the where clause for additive
67 --                              migration download cursor. It is applicable for
68 --                              date track table  only.
69 --  derive_sql_calc_ranges    - It contains the where clause for calculate ranges
70 --                              cursor.
71 --  derive_sql_delete_source  - It contains the where clause for delete data from
72 --                              source table cursor.
73 --  derive_sql_source_tables  - It stores the list of all tables used in the derive
74 --                              sql to form the from clause of the cursor of TDS.
75 --  derive_sql_chk_source_tables - It stores the list of all tables used in the derive
76 --                              sql to form the from clause of the cursor of
77 --                              chk_row_exists procedure.
78 --  derive_sql_chk_row_exists -  It contains the where clause for chk_row_exists procedure
79 --                              in TUPS
80 --  global_data               - 'Y' - table contains global data.
81 --                              'N' - table does not contain global data.
82 --  upload_table_name         - Name of the table to be uploaded at destination.It
83 --                              will be same in most of the cases except table like
84 --                              HR_LOCATIONS which contains global data as well as
85 --                              business group specific data.
86 --  use_distinct_download     - 'Y' indicates that distinct should be used for the
87 --                              download cursor
88 --  always_check_row          - 'Y' indicates that check_row_exists is always used
89 --  sequence_name             - name of the sequence to be used if a new id value is
90 --                              required for insertion into the destination database
91 --
92 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 type t_table_info is record
94 (
95   migration_id                     hr_dm_migrations.migration_id%type,
96   table_id                         hr_dm_tables.table_id%type,
97   table_name                       hr_dm_tables.table_name%type,
98   datetrack                        hr_dm_tables.datetrack%type,
99   surrogate_primary_key            varchar2(1),
100   surrogate_pk_column_name         hr_dm_tables.surrogate_pk_column_name%type,
101   alias                            hr_dm_tables.table_alias%type,
102   short_name                       hr_dm_tables.short_name%type,
103   column_hierarchy                 varchar2(1),
104   table_hierarchy                  varchar2(1),
105   use_non_pk_col_for_chk_row       varchar2(1),
106   resolve_pk                       varchar2(1),
107   ins_resolve_pk                   varchar2(1),
108   use_distinct                     varchar2(1),
109   fk_to_aol_table                  varchar2(1),
110   missing_who_info                 varchar2(1),
111   missing_primary_key              varchar2(1),
112   chk_row_exists_for_non_glb_tbl   varchar2(1),
113   who_link_alias                   hr_dm_tables.who_link_alias%type,
114   derive_sql_download_full         hr_dm_tables.derive_sql_download_full%type,
115   derive_sql_download_add          hr_dm_tables.derive_sql_download_add%type,
116   derive_sql_calc_ranges           hr_dm_tables.derive_sql_calc_ranges%type,
117   derive_sql_delete_source         hr_dm_tables.derive_sql_delete_source%type,
118   derive_sql_source_tables         hr_dm_tables.derive_sql_source_tables%type,
119   derive_sql_chk_source_tables     hr_dm_tables.derive_sql_chk_source_tables%type,
120   derive_sql_chk_row_exists        hr_dm_tables.derive_sql_chk_row_exists%type,
121   global_data                      hr_dm_tables.global_data%type,
122   upload_table_name                hr_dm_tables.upload_table_name%type,
123   use_distinct_download            hr_dm_tables.use_distinct_download%type,
124   always_check_row                 hr_dm_tables.always_check_row%type,
125   sequence_name                    hr_dm_tables.sequence_name%type
126 );
128 type t_table_info_tbl is table of t_table_info index by binary_integer;
130 --
131 --  This table structure stores the information for the columns which have
132 --  have a foreign key to the aol table.
133 --
134 --    column_name      - Name of the column of the table which has foreign key
135 --                       on AOL table.
136 --    parent_table_id  - Table Id (Primary key of HR_DM_TABLES) of the AOL table.
137 --    parent_table_name  -  Name of the AOL table.
138 --    parent_table_alias -  Alias of the AOL table.
139 --    parent_column_name -  Developer key of the AOL table.
140 --    parent_id_column_name - Primary key of AOL table.
142 type t_fk_to_aol_columns_info is record
143 (
144   column_name               hr_dm_hierarchies.column_name%type,
145   parent_table_id           hr_dm_hierarchies.parent_table_id%type,
146   parent_table_name         hr_dm_tables.table_name%type,
147   parent_table_alias        hr_dm_tables.table_alias%type,
148   parent_column_name        hr_dm_hierarchies.parent_column_name%type,
149   parent_id_column_name     hr_dm_hierarchies.parent_id_column_name%type
150 );
152 type t_fk_to_aol_columns_tbl is table of t_fk_to_aol_columns_info index by
153                                                              binary_integer;
154 -- ------------------------- post_generate_validate    --------------------------
155 -- Description:
156 -- This function is called immediately after Generate phase is marked as
157 -- completed. It checks following for each table listed in the Generate phase :
158 --     - If the status of TUPS or TDS pakage is invaild then it
159 --        - Generates the TUPS/TDS for the table. If it is still invalid
160 --          i.e TUPS/TDS generator staus is still invalid or any compilation
161 --          error, then it stops the processing.
162 --     - If there is no TUPS/TDS package then it Generates the package.
163 --     - If status of the phase item is other than 'C' then it generates the
164 --       TUPS/TDS for that table.
165 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
166 procedure post_generate_validate
167 (p_migration_id         in   number
168 );
169 -- ------------------------- slave_generator_for_tbl    --------------------------
170 -- Description:
171 -- It generates TUPS/TDS for a given table.It calls
172 --     TUPS Generator to generate TUPS for the table
173 --     Seed the data into data pump for TUPS.
174 --     TDS Generator to generate TDS for the table.
175 --
176 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
177 procedure slave_generator_for_tbl
178 (
179  p_phase_item_id        in   number
180 );
181 -- ------------------------- slave_generator ------------------------------
182 -- Description:
183 -- It generates TUPS/TDS for all the tables in the Generator phase for the
184 -- given migration run.
185 -- It reads the unprocessed table from Phase_Item table.It calls
186 --     TUPS Generator to generate TUPS for the table
187 --     Seed the data into data pump for TUPS.
188 --     TDS Generator to generate TDS for the table.
189 --  Input Parameters :
190 --        p_migration_id      - ID of the migration. Primary Key of
191 --                              HR_DM_MIGRATIONS table.
192 --        p_concurrent_process - Can have following values :
193 --                               'Y' - Migration is run as a concurrent process
194 --                                     so create a log file.
195 --                               'N' - Migration is not run from concurrent
196 --                                     process,so don't create a log file.
197 --       p_last_migration_date - This parameter is added so as to have generic
198 --                               master program which spawns slave processes.
199 --                               This process does not use this parameter.
200 --       p_process_number      - To prevent the locking issue each slave process
201 --                               will be passed the process number by master.
202 --                               Main cursor has been modified so as a row is
203 --                               processed by one process only. This is achieve
204 --                               by following:
205 --    MOD (primary_key, total_no_of_threads/slave_processes) + 1 = p_process_number
206 --
207 --  Output Parameters
208 --        errbuf  - buffer for output message (for CM manager)
209 --
210 --        retcode - program return code (for CM manager)
211 --
212 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 procedure slave_generator
214 (
215  errbuf                 out nocopy  varchar2,
216  retcode                out nocopy  number ,
217  p_migration_id         in   number ,
218  p_concurrent_process   in   varchar2 default 'Y',
219  p_last_migration_date  in   date,
220  p_process_number       in   number
221 );
223 -- ------------------------- chk_ins_resolve_pk   ------------------------
224 -- Description:
225 -- It checks whether a table has a child table with hierarchy type 'L'.
226 -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
227 function chk_ins_resolve_pk
228 (
229  p_table_id    in    number
230 ) return varchar2;
233 end hr_dm_gen_main;