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Line 6107: oe_drop_ship_sources oedp

6103: hz_cust_site_uses_all su,
6104: hz_cust_acct_sites_all asa,
6105: hz_cust_accounts cu,
6106: oe_order_lines_all oel,
6107: oe_drop_ship_sources oedp
6108: WHERE hz.location_id = l_new_ship_to_loc_id
6109: AND oedp.line_location_id = l_line_location_id
6110: AND oedp.line_id = oel.line_id -- JOIN
6111: AND oel.sold_to_org_id = cu.party_id -- JOIN

Line 6128: oe_drop_ship_sources oedp

6124: hz_party_sites party_site,
6125: hz_locations loc,
6126: hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site ,
6127: oe_order_lines_all oel,
6128: oe_drop_ship_sources oedp
6129: WHERE oedp.line_location_id = l_line_location_id
6130: AND loc.location_id = l_new_ship_to_loc_id
6131: AND site.site_use_code = 'SHIP_TO'
6132: AND site.cust_acct_site_id = acct_site.cust_acct_site_id

Line 6151: oe_drop_ship_sources oedp,

6147: hz_party_sites party_site,
6148: hz_locations loc,
6149: hz_cust_acct_sites_all acct_site ,
6150: oe_order_lines_all oel,
6151: oe_drop_ship_sources oedp,
6152: hz_cust_acct_relate_all rel
6153: WHERE oedp.line_location_id = l_line_location_id
6154: AND loc.location_id = l_new_ship_to_loc_id
6155: AND site.site_use_code = 'SHIP_TO'