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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 22

Line: 238

        is select min(ppe.effective_date)
             from pay_process_events ppe
            where trunc(ppe.creation_date) between p_lapp_date and p_end_date
              and ppe.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
              and ppe.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
              and ppe.effective_date >= ben_ext_thread.g_effective_start_date
              and  exists (select pde.event_group_id
                             from pay_datetracked_events pde,
                                  pay_event_updates peu
                            where pde.event_group_id in (select becv.val_1
                                                           from ben_ext_crit_val becv,
                                                                ben_ext_crit_typ bect,
                                                                ben_ext_dfn  bed
                                                          where becv.ext_crit_typ_id = bect.ext_crit_typ_id
                                                            and bect.ext_crit_prfl_id = bed.ext_crit_prfl_id
                                                            and bed.ext_dfn_id = ben_ext_thread.g_ext_dfn_id
                                                            and bect.crit_typ_cd = 'CPE')
                             and ppe.event_update_id = peu.event_update_id
                             and peu.dated_table_id = pde.dated_table_id);
Line: 300

    SELECT person_id
    INTO   l_person_id
    FROM   per_all_assignments_f
    WHERE  assignment_id = p_assignment_id
      AND  ROWNUM < 2;
Line: 763

  SELECT ext_rslt_id
    FROM ben_ext_rslt
   WHERE request_id = p_request_id
     AND business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1739

           ,p_parent_selected     IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_ext_bdi_rslt_id     IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_ext_adi_rslt_id     IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
               ,p_ext_sehi_rslt_id    IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_ext_sahi_rslt_id    IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_ext_ehi_rslt_id     IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_ext_ahi_rslt_id     IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
               ,p_ext_bhi_rslt_id     IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_ext_wps_rslt_id     IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_ext_pthi_rslt_id    IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_ext_sthi_rslt_id    IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_ext_sthai_rslt_id   IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
           ,p_business_group_id   IN     NUMBER
           ,p_year_end_close      IN     VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'N'   -- For Nuvos Changes
           ) IS

CURSOR csr_get_ttl_rslt(c_ext_rslt_id    IN Number) IS
  SELECT val_01,val_02,val_03,val_04,val_05
    FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
        ,ben_ext_rcd     rcd
   WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
     AND dtl.ext_rcd_id  = rcd.ext_rcd_id
     AND rcd.rcd_type_cd = 'T';
Line: 1765

SELECT req.request_id  req_id
        ,bba.pl_id             rslt_id
        ,bba.pgm_id      ext_dfn_id
        ,argument3     Execution_Mode
        ,argument5     Extract_Type
        ,argument6     Interface_File
          ,argument8     Extract_eff_date        --- For Nuvos
            ,request_date      req_date
    FROM  fnd_concurrent_requests req, ben_benefit_actions bba
    WHERE parent_request_id = c_get_rsltid
      AND bba.request_id = req.request_id
      AND bba.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1782

  SELECT argument8     Extract_eff_date        --- For Nuvos
    FROM fnd_concurrent_requests req ,ben_ext_rslt ben
   where req.request_id = ben.request_id
     and ben.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
     and ben.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1791

   SELECT  val_01 payhcnt,
          nvl(val_03,0) + nvl(val_04,0) pearntot,
          nvl(val_02,0) + nvl(val_05,0) + nvl(val_06,0) + nvl(val_07,0) + nvl(val_08,0) + nvl(val_09,0) + nvl(val_10,0) + nvl(val_11,0) + nvl(val_12,0) pdedstot
    FROM ben_ext_rslt_dtl dtl
        ,ben_ext_rcd     rcd
   WHERE dtl.ext_rslt_id = c_ext_rslt_id
     AND dtl.ext_rcd_id  = rcd.ext_rcd_id
     AND rcd.rcd_type_cd = 'T';
Line: 2749

     SELECT organization_id
       FROM per_all_assignments_f
      WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id
        AND c_basic_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                 AND effective_end_date;
Line: 2758

     SELECT org_information1
       FROM hr_organization_information
      WHERE organization_id = c_organization_id
        AND org_information_context = 'PQP_GB_PENSERV_REPORTING_INFO';
Line: 2775

      SELECT ext_dfn_id
      WHERE name = 'PQP GB PenServer Periodic Changes Interface - Basic Data'
      AND legislation_code ='GB';
Line: 2782

      SELECT max(effective_end_date)
      FROM per_all_assignments_f
      WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
Line: 2896

        SELECT assignment_number
        FROM per_all_assignments_f
        WHERE assignment_id = g_assignment_id
        AND g_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                             AND effective_end_date;
Line: 3043

   select person_action_id
    from ben_person_actions bpa
   Where bpa.benefit_action_id = c_benefit_action_id
     and EXISTS
              ( SELECT ers.PERSON_ID
     WHERE ers.person_id = bpa.person_id
        AND ers.EXT_RSLT_ID= c_ext_rslt_id
        AND typ_cd = 'E');
Line: 3068

  Update ben_person_actions bpa
     Set bpa.action_status_cd = 'U'
   Where bpa.benefit_action_id = l_ben_params.benefit_action_id -- 3629 -- p_benefit_action_id
     and bpa.person_id  -- = p_person_id;
Line: 3072

            IN ( SELECT PERSON_ID
     WHERE EXT_RSLT_ID= Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id -- 2891 -- c_ext_rslt_id
        AND typ_cd = 'E');
Line: 3077

  Update ben_batch_ranges bbr
    set bbr.range_status_cd = 'E'
  Where bbr.benefit_action_id = l_ben_params.benefit_action_id
      Select 1 -- distinct(bere.person_id)
        From ben_person_actions bpa, BEN_EXT_RSLT_ERR bere
      Where bpa.benefit_action_id = l_ben_params.benefit_action_id
        AND bbr.benefit_action_id = bpa.benefit_action_id
        AND (bpa.person_action_id Between
             bbr.starting_person_action_id And bbr.ending_person_action_id)
        And bpa.person_id = bere.person_id
        AND bere.EXT_RSLT_ID= Ben_Ext_Thread.g_ext_rslt_id
        AND bere.typ_cd = 'E');
Line: 3133

  SELECT distinct(ers.PERSON_ID)
   WHERE ers.EXT_RSLT_ID = p_ext_rslt_id
      AND typ_cd = 'E';
Line: 3143

    SELECT bbr.range_id
    FROM ben_batch_ranges bbr
    WHERE bbr.benefit_action_id = p_benefit_action_id
      AND p_person_action_id Between
              bbr.starting_person_action_id And bbr.ending_person_action_id;
Line: 3184

       Update ben_person_actions bpa
         Set bpa.action_status_cd = 'U'
       Where bpa.benefit_action_id = l_ben_params.benefit_action_id
         and bpa.person_id = l_person_collection(i)
       RETURNING person_action_id BULK COLLECT INTO l_per_action_id_collection;
Line: 3228

         Update ben_batch_ranges bbr
            set bbr.range_status_cd = 'E'
          Where bbr.range_id = l_RangeID_collection(l_itr);
Line: 3274

  Select output_name
  from ben_ext_dfn
  where ext_dfn_id = ben_ext_thread.g_ext_dfn_id;
Line: 3349

    update ben_ext_rslt
    SET output_name = l_file_name
    WHERE business_group_id = l_business_group_id
      AND ext_rslt_id = ben_ext_thread.g_ext_rslt_id;
Line: 3922

Line: 4001

Line: 4340

      /*l_query :=  'select '||g_asg_membership_col||'
                   from per_all_assignments_f '||
                   'where business_group_id = '||p_business_group_id||' '||
                   'and assignment_id = '||p_assignment_id||' '||
                   'and ASS_ATTRIBUTE_CATEGORY = '||''''||g_asg_membership_context||''''||
                   'and to_date('||''''||TO_CHAR(p_effective_date,'dd/mm/yyyy')||''''||
                   ',''dd/mm/yyyy'')'||' between effective_start_date '||
                                         'and effective_end_date';*/
Line: 4349

     /* l_query :=   'select '||g_asg_membership_col||' '||
                   'from per_all_assignments_f '||' '||
                   'where business_group_id = '||p_business_group_id||' '||
                   'and assignment_id = '||p_assignment_id||' ';
Line: 4366

       l_query :=  'select '||g_asg_membership_col||' '||'from per_all_assignments_f '||' '||
                   'where business_group_id = :p_business_group_id '||
                   'and assignment_id = :p_assignment_id '||
                   'and :p_effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date ';
Line: 4807

              ELSIF l_curr_event_dtl_rec.update_type <>   l_next_event_dtl_rec.update_type THEN
                  l_flag  :=  'N';
Line: 4865

     SELECT MAX(eff_dt)
       FROM ben_ext_rslt
      WHERE ext_dfn_id = ben_ext_thread.g_ext_dfn_id
        AND business_group_id = g_business_group_id
        AND ext_stat_cd = 'A';
Line: 5018

          ELSIF l_prev_event_dtl_rec.update_type <>   g_prev_event_dtl_rec.update_type THEN
              l_flag  :=  'N';
Line: 5223

        l_chg_type            :=  ben_ext_person.g_chg_update_type;
Line: 5315

                      debug('Raise an error as the delete event could not be reported',30);
Line: 5326

                  debug('Delete date should be reported in the current row: '||g_min_effective_date(g_assignment_id),20);
Line: 5369

            SELECT table_name
            FROM pay_dated_tables
            WHERE dated_table_id = p_dated_table_id;
Line: 5404

           SELECT asg.person_id                          person_id
                ,asg.assignment_id                      assignment_id
                ,asg.business_group_id                  business_group_id
                ,asg.effective_start_date               start_date
                ,asg.effective_end_date                 effective_end_date
                ,asg.creation_date                      creation_date
                ,asg.assignment_status_type_id          status_type_id
                ,'                              '       status_type
            FROM per_all_assignments_f asg

           WHERE asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
             AND (( p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                                          AND asg.effective_end_date )
                   ( asg.effective_start_date = p_effective_date + 1 ) -- modified for 115.68
           ORDER BY asg.effective_start_date ASC; -- effective first then future rows
Line: 5427

             SELECT DECODE(pay_system_status,'D','DO NOT PROCESS','P','PROCESS')
             FROM per_assignment_status_types
             WHERE ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID = p_assignment_status_type_id
             AND  primary_flag = 'P';
Line: 5545

                 SELECT DECODE(pay_system_status,'D','DO NOT PROCESS','P','PROCESS')
                 FROM per_assignment_status_types
                 WHERE ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID = p_assignment_status_type_id
                 AND  primary_flag = 'P';
Line: 5935

  select retro_summ_ele_id
    from pay_element_types_f
   where element_type_id = p_element_type_id
   and rownum=1;
Line: 6281

  select retro_summ_ele_id
    from pay_element_types_f
   where element_type_id = p_element_type_id
   and rownum=1;
Line: 6652

            SELECT element_entry_id
            WHERE element_entry_value_id =p_element_entry_value_id
            AND ROWNUM=1;
Line: 6672

    l_update_type         VARCHAR2(5);
Line: 6700

  l_chg_type            :=  g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_index).update_type;
Line: 6963

        l_update_type               VARCHAR2(10);
Line: 6990

            l_update_type         :=  g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_index).update_type;
Line: 7002

                      OR l_update_type  =  'E')  THEN

                  IF PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.chk_is_employee_a_leaver
                        p_assignment_id     =>  g_assignment_id
                        ,p_effective_date   =>  l_chg_date
                        ,p_leaver_date      =>  l_leaver_date
                        ) = 'Y' THEN

                         -- set today as salary end date.
                         debug('l_leaver_date: '||l_leaver_date,20);
Line: 7102

        l_update_type     VARCHAR2(10);
Line: 7112

            l_update_type         :=  g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_index).update_type;
Line: 7147

               ELSIF  l_update_type = 'I' THEN
                    debug('Returning Y , Insert event on assignments ',40);
Line: 7220

            l_chg_type            :=  g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_index).update_type;
Line: 7324

        l_chg_type        := ben_ext_person.g_chg_update_type;
Line: 7366

          Select max(effective_end_date)
          From per_assignment_budget_values_f
          Where assignment_budget_value_id = p_assignment_budget_value_id;
Line: 7371

        l_update_type     VARCHAR2(10);
Line: 7393

          l_update_type      :=  g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_rev_term_index).update_type;
Line: 7401

Line: 7406

             AND l_update_type  =  'C'
              debug('Found Reverse Term event');
Line: 7412

                AND l_update_type  =  'E'
               l_ele_end_date := NULL;
Line: 7431

                AND l_update_type  =  'C'
               l_abv_end_date := NULL;
Line: 7489

        l_update_type     VARCHAR2(10);
Line: 7506

            l_update_type         :=  g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_index).update_type;
Line: 7539

                l_update_type         :=  g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_index).update_type;
Line: 7552

                      '   l_update_type: '||l_update_type||'  l_chg_column_name: '||l_chg_column_name);
Line: 7556

                      OR l_update_type  =  'E')  THEN

                      IF PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.chk_is_employee_a_leaver
                            p_assignment_id     =>  g_assignment_id
                            ,p_effective_date   =>  l_chg_date
                            ,p_leaver_date      =>  l_leaver_date
                            ) = 'Y' THEN

                             -- set today as salary end date.
                             debug('l_leaver_date: '||l_leaver_date,20);
Line: 7591

                      AND l_update_type  =  'E'
                     --Bug 7611963:Chk if ele end date is valid
                      l_ele_end_date := NULL;
Line: 7613

                    AND  (l_chg_column_name  IN ('GRADE_ID','NORMAL_HOURS') OR l_update_type = 'I'))
                   OR (l_chg_table  = 'PQP_ASSIGNMENT_ATTRIBUTES_F'
                    AND  (l_chg_column_name  = 'CONTRACT_TYPE' OR l_update_type = 'I'))
                   OR (l_chg_table  = 'PAY_ELEMENT_ENTRY_VALUES_F') THEN

                        l_other_event_exist := 'Y';
Line: 7621

                    AND  (l_chg_column_name  = 'VALUE' OR l_update_type = 'I' )) THEN

                        l_chg_surrogate_key   :=  ben_ext_person.g_chg_surrogate_key;
Line: 7662

                  l_update_type         :=  g_pay_proc_evt_tab(l_index).update_type;
Line: 7667

                          OR l_update_type  =  'E')  THEN

                          IF PQP_GB_PSI_FUNCTIONS.chk_is_employee_a_leaver
                                p_assignment_id     =>  g_assignment_id
                                ,p_effective_date   =>  l_chg_date
                                ,p_leaver_date      =>  l_leaver_date
                                ) = 'Y' THEN

                                 -- set today as salary end date.
                                 debug('l_leaver_date: '||l_leaver_date,20);
Line: 7723

         SELECT trim(nvl(pcv_information3,'NULLCOLUMN'))
         FROM pqp_configuration_values
         WHERE pcv_information_category='PQP_GB_PENSERVER_ELIGBLTY_CONF'
         AND business_group_id = c_business_group_id;
Line: 7731

       FROM pqp_configuration_values
       WHERE pcv_information_category like 'PQP_GB_PENSERVER_UNIGRD_MAP'
       AND business_group_id = c_business_group_id;
Line: 7774

        l_chg_type            :=  ben_ext_person.g_chg_update_type;
Line: 7880

                       l_uni_grade_old_val_query := 'select '||l_people_group_column||' '||
                                                    'from pay_people_groups'||' '||
                                                    'where PEOPLE_GROUP_ID = '||l_old_value;
Line: 7899

                       l_uni_grade_new_val_query := 'select '||l_people_group_column||' '||
                                                    'from pay_people_groups'||' '||
                                                    'where PEOPLE_GROUP_ID = '||l_new_value;
Line: 8162

             SELECT element_type_id
             FROM pay_element_types_f
             WHERE element_name = p_element_name
             AND rownum=1;
Line: 8172

             SELECT pei.eei_information1  from_time_dimension
                    ,pei.eei_information2  pay_source_value
                    ,pei.eei_information3  qualifier
                    ,pei.eei_information4  fte
                    ,pei.eei_information5  termtime
                    ,pei.eei_information7  calc_type
                    ,pei.eei_information8  calc_value
                    ,pei.eei_information9  input_value
                        ,decode(pei.eei_information2,'IV','Y','N')) link_to_assign
                    ,NVL(pei.eei_information12,'Y') term_time_yes_no  -- ! be careful
                    ,NVL(pei.eei_information13,'N') sum_multiple_entries_yn
                    ,NVL(pei.eei_information14,'N') lookup_input_values_yn
                    ,pei.eei_information16 column_name_source_type
                    ,pei.eei_information17 column_name_source_name
                    ,pei.eei_information18 row_name_source_type
                    ,pei.eei_information19 row_name_source_name
              FROM -- pay_element_types_f pet
                    pay_element_type_extra_info pei
              WHERE pei.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
              AND pei.information_type = 'PQP_UK_ELEMENT_ATTRIBUTION';
Line: 8399

          SELECT value
          WHERE assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          AND UNIT = 'FTE'
          AND p_effective_date between effective_start_date
                          AND effective_end_date;