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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_magtape_extract AS
2 -- $Header: pymagext.pkb 120.1 2005/10/10 16:54:29 meshah noship $
3 --
4 -- Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1995 All rights reserved
5 /*
7   Oracle*Payroll
8 --
10   pymagext.pkb   - PL/SQL Balance User Exit
11 --
13   This package contains the procedures to process a magtape payroll action
14   and create archive items for any archive database items contained in the
15   magtape report format. The rollback routine will rollback these items
16   before rolling back the payroll action itself.
17   --
19   Name      Vers  Date        Notes
20   --------- ----- ----------- --------------------------------------------------
21   cadams    40.0  12-Feb-1996 Created
22   cadams    40.1  13-Mar-1996 Changed report output from dbms_output to
23                               PAY_MESSAGE_LINES and added code to commit
24                               after every CHUNK_SIZE employers/employees
25   cadams    40.2  15-Mar-1996 Added explicit deletion of assignment actions
26                               to rollback code
27   ramurthy  40.3  17-Apr-1996 Made some changes to the way the Archive
28                               Differences Report is formatted.
29   allee     40.4  17-Apr-1996 Modified l_state(2) -> l_state(10) so that
30                               it could handle the Pseudo-State = 'FED'
31                               for Federal W2 Reporting;
32   bhoman    40.6  17-APR-1998 Changes made to support SQWL diskette reporting.
33   achauhan  40.7  08-aug-1998 Commented out the insert into ff_archive_item_contexts
34                               The table definition of ff_archive_item_contexts has
35                               changed and the old archive process does not need to
36                               populate this table since there is only one contxt for the routes
37   djoshi    40.8  08-Apr-1999 Verfied for Canonical Complience of Date
38   mreid    115.5  30-Nov-1999 Added column names to ff_archive_items insert
39   alogue   115.6  15-Feb-2000 Utf8 support : varchar_240_tbl required for item_name.
40   mreid    115.7  13-Sep-2001 Added column name to all inserts
41   rsirigir 115.8  13-Aug-2002 Bug 2484696, included dbdrv commands to conform to
42                               GSCC compliance
43   meshah   115.9  10-Oct-2005 Added nocopy to the out parameters
45 */
46 --==============================================================================
47 --                               TYPES
48 --
49 -- The table types are just simple tables or various types. The records are
50 -- composite types of tables that contain a size (sz) to hold the number of
51 -- data items currently stored in the table. Data items are stored in the
52 -- tables within the records contiguously from 1 to sz.
53 --==============================================================================
54   TYPE number_tbl     IS TABLE OF NUMBER      INDEX BY binary_integer;
55   TYPE varchar_60_tbl IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(60) INDEX BY binary_integer;
56   TYPE varchar_240_tbl IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(2400) INDEX BY binary_integer;
57   TYPE varchar_1_tbl  IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(1)  INDEX BY binary_integer;
58 --
59   TYPE archive_items IS RECORD
60   (
61     item_name      varchar_240_tbl,
62     user_entity_id number_tbl,
63     data_type      varchar_1_tbl,
64     sz             INTEGER
65   );
66 --
67   TYPE balances IS RECORD
68   (
69     item_name      varchar_240_tbl,
70     user_entity_id number_tbl,
71     balance_id     number_tbl,
72     sz             INTEGER
73   );
74 --
75 --==============================================================================
76 --                        VARIABLES
77 --==============================================================================
78 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 -- Table variables
80 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
81   l_balance_dbis           balances;
82   l_employer_dbis          archive_items;
83   l_assignment_dbis        archive_items;
84 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
85 -- Other variables
86 --
87 -- l_payroll_action_id       Global payroll action id
88 -- l_business_group_id       Global business group id
89 -- l_legislation_code        Global legislation code
90 -- l_effective_date          Global effective date
91 -- l_date_earned             Global date earned
92 -- l_runmode                 Global run mode ('S'tore, 'R'eport)
93 -- l_transmitter_tax_unit_id Global transmitter tax unit id
94 -- l_report_format           Global report format
95 -- l_report_type             Report type
96 -- l_media_type              SQWLD - 'PD',  or  'RT'
97 -- l_state                   State code (eg 'CA')
98 -- l_last_context            Last context to be printed in report
99 -- l_next_header             Next header to be printed in report
100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101   l_payroll_action_id       pay_payroll_actions.payroll_action_id%TYPE;
102   l_business_group_id       pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%TYPE;
103   l_legislation_code        per_business_groups.legislation_code%TYPE;
104   l_effective_date          pay_payroll_actions.effective_date%TYPE;
105   l_date_earned             pay_payroll_actions.date_earned%TYPE;
106   l_runmode                 VARCHAR2(1);
107   l_transmitter_tax_unit_id NUMBER;
108   l_report_format           VARCHAR2(32);
109   l_report_type             VARCHAR2(32);
110   -- SQWLD - track media_type ('PC Diskette', 'Reel Tape'), media value ('D', 'M')
111   l_media_type              VARCHAR2(32);
112   l_state                   VARCHAR2(10);
113   l_last_context            NUMBER := NULL;
114   l_next_header             VARCHAR2(1);
115   l_chunk_size              NUMBER;
116 --
117 --==============================================================================
118 --                           PROCEDURES
119 --==============================================================================
120 --
121 --==============================================================================
123 --
124 -- Initialse tables and referance variables.
125 --
126 -- jurisdiction_code      Jurisdiction code
127 -- legislative_parameters Legislative parameters
128 --==============================================================================
129   PROCEDURE arch_initialise (p_payroll_action_id NUMBER) IS
130     jurisdiction_code      pay_state_rules.jurisdiction_code%TYPE;
131     legislative_parameters pay_payroll_actions.legislative_parameters%TYPE;
132   BEGIN
133     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_initialise',1);
134 --
135     l_payroll_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
136 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
137 -- Initialise table sizes
138 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
139     l_balance_dbis.sz := 0;
140     l_employer_dbis.sz := 0;
141     l_assignment_dbis.sz := 0;
142 --
143     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_initialise',2);
144 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
145 -- Get business_group and legislation_code
146 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
147     SELECT pa.business_group_id,
148            bg.legislation_code,
149            pa.effective_date,
150            pa.date_earned,
151            pa.legislative_parameters
152       INTO l_business_group_id,
153            l_legislation_code,
154            l_effective_date,
155            l_date_earned,
156            legislative_parameters
157       FROM pay_payroll_actions pa,
158            per_business_groups bg
159       WHERE pa.payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id AND
160             pa.business_group_id = bg.business_group_id;
161 --
162     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_initialise',3);
163 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
164 -- Set session date from effective date
165 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
166     DELETE FROM fnd_sessions WHERE session_id = userenv('SESSIONID');
167     INSERT INTO fnd_sessions (session_id, effective_date)
168     VALUES ( userenv('SESSIONID'),l_effective_date );
169 --
170     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_initialise',4);
171 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
172 -- Derive state, transmitter tax unit and report format from legislative params
173 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
174     l_report_type :=  LTRIM (SUBSTR(legislative_parameters,11,5),' ');
175     l_state :=  LTRIM (SUBSTR(legislative_parameters,17,5),' ');
176     l_transmitter_tax_unit_id := fnd_number.canonical_to_number (SUBSTR(legislative_parameters,
177                                                    23,5));
178 --
179 /* SQWLD - replace this select from pay_report_format_mappings with lookup_format,
180            parse media type from leg params
182    ORIGINAL CODE (before SQWLD):
184     SELECT report_format
185       INTO l_report_format
186       FROM pay_report_format_mappings
187       WHERE report_type = l_report_type AND
188             report_qualifier = l_state AND
189             l_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date AND
190                                      effective_end_date;
193 */
194    -- parse media_value from leg params
195 	l_media_type := ltrim(substr(legislative_parameters, 29,5));
196    -- now we can call lookup_format
197    l_report_format := pay_us_magtape_reporting.lookup_format(l_effective_date,
198 		             														l_report_type,
199 		             														l_state,
200 						 														l_media_type);
201    -- end new SQWLD code
202 --
203     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_initialise',5);
204 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
205 -- Get jurisdiction code and store as a context
206 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
207     IF l_state <> 'FED' THEN
208       SELECT sr.jurisdiction_code
209         INTO jurisdiction_code
210         FROM pay_state_rules sr
211         WHERE sr.state_code = l_state;
212 --
213       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('JURISDICTION_CODE',jurisdiction_code);
214     END IF;
215 --
216     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_initialise',6);
217 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
218 -- Get CHUNK_SIZE or default to 20 if CHUNK_SIZE does not exist
219 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
220     BEGIN
221       SELECT parameter_value
222         INTO l_chunk_size
223         FROM pay_action_parameters
224         WHERE parameter_name = 'CHUNK_SIZE';
226       WHEN no_data_found THEN
227         l_chunk_size := 20;
228     END;
229 --
230     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_initialise',7);
231   END arch_initialise;
232 --
233 --==============================================================================
235 --
236 -- Loop through db items and store into the three tables
237 --
238 -- db_items_csr      Database items cursor for a report format
239 -- contexts_csr      Contexts cursor for a user entity id
240 --
241 -- db_items_row      Row record for cursor
242 -- contexts_row      Row record for cursor
243 -- user_entity_id    Current User entity id
244 -- a_user_entity_id  Archive User entity id
245 -- a_data_type       Archive data type
246 -- creator_type      Creator type
247 -- name              Database item name without prefix
248 -- flag              Flag to denote which table data to be stored in
249 --==============================================================================
250   PROCEDURE arch_db_items_loop IS
251     CURSOR db_items_csr (p_report_format VARCHAR2) IS
252       SELECT distinct us.item_name
253         FROM pay_magnetic_blocks mb,
254              pay_magnetic_records mr,
255              ff_fdi_usages_f us
256         WHERE mb.report_format = p_report_format AND
257               mb.magnetic_block_id = mr.magnetic_block_id AND
258               mr.formula_id = us.formula_id AND
259               us.usage = 'D';
260 --
261     CURSOR contexts_csr (p_user_entity_id VARCHAR2) IS
262       SELECT cx.context_name
263         FROM ff_user_entities ue,
264              ff_route_context_usages rcu,
265              ff_contexts cx
266         WHERE ue.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id AND
267               ue.route_id = rcu.route_id AND
268               rcu.context_id = cx.context_id;
269 --
270     db_items_row      db_items_csr%ROWTYPE;
271     contexts_row      contexts_csr%ROWTYPE;
272     user_entity_id    ff_database_items.user_entity_id%TYPE;
273     a_user_entity_id  ff_database_items.user_entity_id%TYPE;
274     a_data_type       ff_database_items.data_type%TYPE;
275     creator_type      ff_user_entities.creator_type%TYPE;
276     name              VARCHAR2(240);
277     flag              VARCHAR2(1);
278   BEGIN
279     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',1);
280 --
281 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
282 -- Loop through database items
283 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
284     FOR db_items_row IN db_items_csr (l_report_format) LOOP
285       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',11);
286 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
287 -- Ignore any database item found without a A_ prefix
288 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
289       IF substr(db_items_row.item_name,1,2) <> 'A_' THEN
290         hr_utility.trace ('** Ignoring DB Item without A_ prefix: ' ||
291                           db_items_row.item_name || ' **');
292       ELSE
293         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',111);
294 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
295 -- Default to an employer database item
296 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
297         flag := 'R';
298         name := substr (db_items_row.item_name,3,
299                         length(db_items_row.item_name)-2);
300 --
301         hr_utility.trace ('** Found ' || db_items_row.item_name || ' **');
302         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',112);
303 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
304 -- Get archive entity id and data type
305 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
306         SELECT dbi.user_entity_id, dbi.data_type
307           INTO a_user_entity_id, a_data_type
308           FROM ff_database_items dbi
309           WHERE dbi.user_name = db_items_row.item_name;
310 --
311 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
312 -- Get live entity id and creator type
313 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
314         SELECT dbi.user_entity_id,ue.creator_type
315           INTO user_entity_id,creator_type
316           FROM ff_database_items dbi,
317                ff_user_entities ue
318           WHERE dbi.user_name = name AND
319                 dbi.user_entity_id = ue.user_entity_id;
320 --
321 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
322 -- Check to see if db_item is balance or assignment
323 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
324         IF creator_type = 'B' THEN
325           flag := 'B';
326         ELSE
330               flag := 'A';
327           FOR contexts_row IN contexts_csr (user_entity_id) LOOP
328             IF (contexts_row.context_name = 'ASSIGNMENT_ID') OR
329                (contexts_row.context_name = 'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID') THEN
331               EXIT;
332             END IF;
333           END LOOP;
334         END IF;
335 --
336         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',113);
337 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
338 -- Store data in appropriate table
339 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
340         IF flag = 'B' THEN
341           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',1131);
342 --
343           l_balance_dbis.sz := l_balance_dbis.sz + 1;
344           l_balance_dbis.item_name(l_balance_dbis.sz) := name;
345           l_balance_dbis.user_entity_id(l_balance_dbis.sz) := a_user_entity_id;
346           l_balance_dbis.balance_id(l_balance_dbis.sz) :=
347             pay_us_magtape_reporting.bal_db_item (l_balance_dbis.item_name
348                                                            (l_balance_dbis.sz));
349         ELSIF flag = 'A' THEN
350           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',1132);
351 --
352           l_assignment_dbis.sz := l_assignment_dbis.sz + 1;
353           l_assignment_dbis.item_name(l_assignment_dbis.sz) := name;
354           l_assignment_dbis.user_entity_id(l_assignment_dbis.sz) :=
355                                                                a_user_entity_id;
356           l_assignment_dbis.data_type(l_assignment_dbis.sz) := a_data_type;
357         ELSE
358           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',1133);
359 --
360           l_employer_dbis.sz := l_employer_dbis.sz + 1;
361           l_employer_dbis.item_name(l_employer_dbis.sz) := name;
362           l_employer_dbis.user_entity_id(l_employer_dbis.sz) :=
363                                                                a_user_entity_id;
364           l_employer_dbis.data_type(l_employer_dbis.sz) := a_data_type;
365         END IF;
366       END IF;
367 --
368       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',12);
369     END LOOP;
370 --
371     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_db_items_loop',2);
372   END arch_db_items_loop;
373 --
374 --==============================================================================
376 --
377 -- Output a report line to pay_message_lines
378 --==============================================================================
379   PROCEDURE arch_output (p_line VARCHAR2) IS
380   BEGIN
381     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_output',1);
382 --
383     INSERT INTO pay_message_lines
384     ( line_sequence, payroll_id, message_level,
385       source_id, source_type, line_text )
386     VALUES
387       ( pay_message_lines_s.nextval,
388         NULL,
389         'I',
390         l_payroll_action_id,
391         'P',
392         p_line );
393 --
394     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_output',2);
395   END arch_output;
396 --
397 --==============================================================================
399 --
400 -- Print report headers/footer depending on report section
401 --
402 -- now    Current date/time in text form
403 -- title  Centred title string
404 --==============================================================================
405   PROCEDURE arch_report_header (p_report_section VARCHAR2 := NULL) IS
406     now    VARCHAR2(30);
407     title  VARCHAR2(100);
408     period pay_w2_magnetic_tape_reports.period%TYPE;
409 --
410 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
411 -- CENTRE
412 --
413 -- Return a string centred on a page of l width
414 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
416     BEGIN
417       RETURN LPAD(RPAD(s,LENGTH(s) + ((l - LENGTH(s))/2)), l);
418     END centre;
419 --
420   BEGIN
421     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',1);
422 --
423     IF l_runmode = 'R' THEN
424       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',11);
425 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
426 -- Print employee report header
427 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
428       IF p_report_section = 'E' THEN
429         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',111);
430 --
431         arch_output ('');
432         arch_output ('Last Name            ' ||
433                      'SS Number   ' ||
434                      'Item Name                                  ' ||
435                      'Current Val ' ||
436                      'Archive Val ');
437         arch_output ('-------------------- ' ||
438                      '----------- ' ||
439                      '------------------------------------------ ' ||
440                      '----------- ' ||
441                      '------------');
442 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
443 -- Print employer report header
444 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
445       ELSIF p_report_section = 'R' THEN
446         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',112);
447 --
448         arch_output ('');
449         arch_output ('Organization Name              ' ||
450                      '                     ' ||
451                      'Item Name                           ' ||
452                      'Calculated Value     ' ||
453                      'Archive Value        ');
454         arch_output ('------------------------------ ' ||
455                      '                     ' ||
456                      '----------------------------------- ' ||
457                      '-------------------- ' ||
458                      '--------------------');
459 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
460 -- Print report footer
461 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
462       ELSIF p_report_section = 'F' THEN
463         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',113);
464 --
465         arch_output ('');
466         arch_output (centre('** End of Listing **',80));
467 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
468 -- Print report main header
469 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
470       ELSE
471         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',114);
472 --
473         SELECT period
474           INTO period
475           FROM pay_w2_magnetic_tape_reports
476           WHERE payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id;
477 --
478         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',115);
479 --
480         now := fnd_date.date_to_canonical (SYSDATE);
481         title := centre ('ARCHIVE DIFFERENCES REPORT',100);
482 --
483         arch_output (title || LPAD(now,100-LENGTH(title)));
484         arch_output (centre('==========================',100));
485         arch_output ('');
486         arch_output ('Payroll Action ID: ' || l_payroll_action_id);
487         arch_output ('Effective Date:    ' || fnd_date.date_to_canonical(l_effective_date
488                                                       ));
489         arch_output ('Report Type:       ' || l_report_type);
490         arch_output ('State:             ' || l_state);
491         arch_output ('Period:            ' || period);
492 --
493         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',116);
494       END IF;
495 --
496       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',12);
497     END IF;
498 --
499     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_header',2);
500   END arch_report_header;
501 --
502 --==============================================================================
504 --
505 -- Store the data to the archive tables or print report lines depending on
506 -- l_runmode
507 --
508 -- chk  Currently stored archive value
509 --==============================================================================
510   PROCEDURE arch_store (p_report_section VARCHAR2,
511                         p_item_name      VARCHAR2,
512                         p_user_entity_id ff_archive_items.user_entity_id%TYPE,
513                         p_context1       ff_archive_items.context1%TYPE,
514                         p_value          ff_archive_items.value%TYPE,
515                         p_context2       ff_archive_item_contexts.context%TYPE
516                           := NULL) IS
517 --
518     chk ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
519 --
520 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
522 --
523 -- Get currently stored archive value for p_item_name with p_context1
524 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
525     FUNCTION arch_report_info (p_item_name VARCHAR2,
526                                p_context1  NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
527       r VARCHAR2(80);
528     BEGIN
529       SELECT ai.value
530         INTO r
531         FROM ff_database_items dbi,
532              ff_archive_items ai
533         WHERE dbi.user_entity_id = ai.user_entity_id AND
534               dbi.user_name = p_item_name AND
535               ai.context1 = p_context1;
536 --
537       RETURN r;
539       WHEN no_data_found THEN
540         RETURN '** NOT FOUND **';
541     END arch_report_info;
542 --
543 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
545 --
546 -- Get organisation name for p_context2
547 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
548     FUNCTION arch_report_info (p_context2 NUMBER) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS
549       r VARCHAR2(80);
550     BEGIN
551       SELECT name
552         INTO r
553         FROM hr_organization_units
554         WHERE organization_id = p_context2;
555 --
556       RETURN r;
558       WHEN no_data_found THEN
559         RETURN '** NOT FOUND **';
560     END arch_report_info;
561 --
562 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
564 --
565 -- Print a line on the report adding heading lines as necissary
566 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
567     PROCEDURE arch_report_line (p_item_name VARCHAR2,
568                                 p_calc_val  VARCHAR2,
569                                 p_arch_val  VARCHAR2) IS
570     BEGIN
571       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',1);
572 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
573 -- If it is the start of a new person/organisation...
574 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
575       IF (l_last_context <> p_context1) OR (l_last_context IS NULL) THEN
576         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',11);
577 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
578 -- Add a space between the last person/organisation and the new one
579 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
580         IF l_last_context IS NOT NULL THEN
581           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',111);
582           arch_output ('');
583         END IF;
584 --
585         l_last_context := p_context1;
586 --
587         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',12);
588 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
589 -- Print new report header if section has changed
590 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
591         IF (l_next_header = 'R') OR (l_next_header = 'E') THEN
592           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',121);
593           arch_report_header (l_next_header);
594           l_next_header := NULL;
595         END IF;
596 --
597         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',13);
598 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
599 -- Print person/organisation details
600 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
601         IF p_report_section = 'E' THEN
602           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',131);
603 --
604           arch_output (RPAD(arch_report_info('A_PER_LAST_NAME',
605                                              p_context1),20) || ' ' ||
606                        RPAD(arch_report_info(
607                       'A_PER_NATIONAL_IDENTIFIER',p_context1),11));
608         ELSE
609           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',132);
610 --
611           arch_output (RPAD(arch_report_info(p_context2),11));
612         END IF;
613 --
614         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',14);
615       END IF;
616 --
617       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',2);
618 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
619 -- Print actual report line
620 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
621       arch_output ('                     ' ||
622                    '            ' ||
623                    RPAD(replace(substr(p_item_name,3,42),'_', ' '),42) || ' ' ||
624                    RPAD(NVL(p_calc_val,'** NULL **'),11) || ' ' ||
625                    RPAD(NVL(p_arch_val,'** NULL **'),12));
626 --
627       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_report_line',3);
628     END arch_report_line;
629 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
630   BEGIN
631     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',1);
632 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
633 -- If in Validate mode, don't do anything
634 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
635     IF l_runmode = 'V' THEN
636       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',111);
637 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
638 -- If in Store mode, store the data into the archive tables
639 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
640     ELSIF l_runmode = 'S' THEN
641       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',121);
642 --
643       INSERT INTO ff_archive_items
645       VALUES
646         ( ff_archive_items_s.nextval,p_user_entity_id,p_context1,p_value );
647 --
648       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',122);
649 --
650  /* context2 is not supported in the old archive process. So, commenting this insert */
651       IF p_context2 IS NOT NULL THEN
652  --       INSERT INTO ff_archive_item_contexts VALUES
653   --        ( ff_archive_items_s.currval,2,p_context2 );
654 --
655       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',123);
656       END IF;
657 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
658 -- Otherwise, you're in Report mode so compare the data with the archive and
659 -- report any differences
660 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
661     ELSE
662       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',131);
663 --
664       BEGIN
665         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',132);
666 --
667 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
668 -- Get archived value
669 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
670         IF p_context2 IS NOT NULL THEN
671           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',1321);
672 --
673           SELECT value
674             INTO chk
675             FROM ff_archive_items ai,
676                  ff_archive_item_contexts aic
677             WHERE ai.archive_item_id = aic.archive_item_id AND
678                   ai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id AND
679                   ai.context1 = p_context1 AND
680                   aic.sequence_no = 2 AND
681                   aic.context = p_context2;
682         ELSE
683           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',1322);
684 --
685           SELECT value
686             INTO chk
687             FROM ff_archive_items ai
688             WHERE ai.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id AND
689                   ai.context1 = p_context1;
690         END IF;
691 --
692         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',133);
693 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
694 -- If there is a differance print a line on the report
695 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
696         IF chk <> p_value THEN
697           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',1331);
698 --
699           arch_report_line (p_item_name,p_value,chk);
700         END IF;
701 --
702         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',134);
703       EXCEPTION
704 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
705 -- Catch for when there is no corresponding data in the archive table for a
706 -- calculated value
707 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
708         WHEN no_data_found THEN
709           hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',14);
710 --
711           arch_report_line (p_item_name,p_value,'** NOT FOUND **');
712       END;
713 --
714       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_store',2);
715     END IF;
716   END arch_store;
717 --
718 --==============================================================================
720 --
721 -- Loop through the employers and for each employer, insert one archive item
722 -- for every employer db item.
723 --
724 -- employer_csr  Employer cursor to select employer tax unit id by payroll
725 --               action id while UNIONing the transmitter tax unit id passed
726 --               in
727 -- employer_row  Row for the cursor
728 -- result        Result of database item user callback
729 -- i             Loop variable for employer table
730 --==============================================================================
731   PROCEDURE arch_employer_loop IS
732     CURSOR employer_csr (p_payroll_action_id       NUMBER,
733                          p_transmitter_tax_unit_id NUMBER) IS
734       SELECT DISTINCT aa.tax_unit_id
735         FROM pay_assignment_actions aa
736         WHERE aa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
737       UNION
738       SELECT p_transmitter_tax_unit_id
739         FROM DUAL;
740 --
741     employer_row  employer_csr%ROWTYPE;
742     result        ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
743     i             INTEGER;
744   BEGIN
745     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employer_loop',1);
746     l_next_header := 'R';
747 --
748 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
749 -- Loop through employers
750 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
751     FOR employer_row IN employer_csr (l_payroll_action_id,
752                                       l_transmitter_tax_unit_id) LOOP
753       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employer_loop',11);
754 --
755 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
756 -- Set contexts
757 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
758       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('TAX_UNIT_ID',employer_row.tax_unit_id);
759 --
760       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employer_loop',12);
761 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
762 -- Loop through employer db items
763 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
764       FOR i IN 1..l_employer_dbis.sz LOOP
765         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employer_loop',121);
766 --
767 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
768 -- Execute user exit
769 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
770         result := pay_balance_pkg.run_db_item (l_employer_dbis.item_name(i),
771                                                l_business_group_id,
772                                                l_legislation_code);
773 --
774 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
775 -- Ensure date is in correct format
776 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
777 -- Commented it out because run_db_item already returns date in proper format.
778 --      IF l_employer_dbis.data_type(i) = 'D' THEN
779 --          result := TO_CHAR (fnd_date.canonical_to_date(result));
780 --	END IF;
781 --
782 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
783 -- Store data
784 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
785         arch_store ('R',
786                     'A_' || l_employer_dbis.item_name(i),
787                     l_employer_dbis.user_entity_id(i),
788                     l_payroll_action_id,
789                     result,
790                     employer_row.tax_unit_id );
791 --
792         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employer_loop',122);
793       END LOOP;
794 --
795       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employer_loop',13);
796 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
797 -- Commit every 20 employees
798 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
799       IF (employer_csr%ROWCOUNT > 0) AND
800          ((employer_csr%ROWCOUNT MOD l_chunk_size) = 0) THEN
801         COMMIT;
802       END IF;
803 --
804       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employer_loop',14);
805     END LOOP;
806 --
807     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employer_loop',2);
808   END arch_employer_loop;
809 --
810 --==============================================================================
812 --
813 -- Loop through the employees and for every employee insert an archive item for
814 -- every balance db item and every assignment db item
815 --
816 -- employee_csr  Employer cursor to select employer tax unit id by payroll
817 --               action id. The effective date is used to calculate the date
818 --               earned
819 -- employee_row  Row for the cursor
820 -- result        Result of database item/balance user callbacks
821 -- i             Loop variable for assignment/balance tables
822 --==============================================================================
823   PROCEDURE arch_employee_loop IS
824     CURSOR employee_csr (p_payroll_action_id NUMBER,
825                          p_effective_date    DATE) IS
826       SELECT aa.assignment_action_id,
827 	     aa.assignment_id,
828 	     pay_magtape_generic.date_earned (p_effective_date,aa.assignment_id)
832         WHERE aa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
829                date_earned,
830              aa.tax_unit_id
831         FROM pay_assignment_actions aa
833 --
834     employee_row    employee_csr%ROWTYPE;
835     result          ff_archive_items.value%TYPE;
836     aaid            pay_assignment_actions.assignment_action_id%TYPE;
837     i               INTEGER;
838   BEGIN
839     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',1);
840     l_next_header := 'E';
841 --
842 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
843 -- Loop through employees
844 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
845     FOR employee_row IN employee_csr (l_payroll_action_id,l_effective_date) LOOP
846       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',11);
847 --
848 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
849 -- Setup contexts
850 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
851       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('ASSIGNMENT_ID',employee_row.assignment_id);
852       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('DATE_EARNED',
853                                fnd_date.date_to_canonical(employee_row.date_earned));
854       pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('TAX_UNIT_ID',employee_row.tax_unit_id);
855 --
856       IF l_effective_date > employee_row.date_earned THEN
857         SELECT MAX(assignment_action_id)
858           INTO aaid
859           FROM pay_assignment_actions
860           WHERE tax_unit_id = employee_row.tax_unit_id AND
861                 assignment_id = employee_row.assignment_id;
862 --
863         pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID',aaid);
864       ELSE
865         pay_balance_pkg.set_context ('ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID',
866                                      employee_row.assignment_action_id);
867       END IF;
868 --
869       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',12);
870 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
871 -- Balance Loop
872 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
873       FOR i IN 1..l_balance_dbis.sz LOOP
874 --
875         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',121);
876 --
877         result := pay_balance_pkg.get_value (l_balance_dbis.balance_id(i),
878                                              employee_row.assignment_action_id);
879 --
880         hr_utility.trace ('** Balance Loop ** ' ||
881                           l_balance_dbis.item_name(i) || ' = ' || result);
882 --
883         arch_store ('E',
884                     'A_' || l_balance_dbis.item_name(i),
885                     l_balance_dbis.user_entity_id(i),
886                     employee_row.assignment_action_id,
887                     result );
888 --
889         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',122);
890       END LOOP;
891 --
892       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',13);
893 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
894 -- Assignment Loop
895 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
896       FOR i IN 1..l_assignment_dbis.sz LOOP
897         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',131);
898 --
899 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
900 -- Execute user exit
901 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
902 	result := pay_balance_pkg.run_db_item (l_assignment_dbis.item_name(i),
903                                                l_business_group_id,
904                                                l_legislation_code);
905 --
906 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
907 -- Ensure date is in correct format
908 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
909 -- Commented it out because run_db_item already returns date in proper format.
910 --      IF l_assignment_dbis.data_type(i) = 'D' THEN
911 --         result := TO_CHAR (fnd_date.canonical_to_date(result));
912 --	END IF;
913 --
914         hr_utility.trace ('** Assignments loop ** ' ||
915                           l_assignment_dbis.item_name(i) || ' = ' || result);
916 --
917 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
918 -- Store data
919 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
920         arch_store ('E',
921                     'A_' || l_assignment_dbis.item_name(i),
922                     l_assignment_dbis.user_entity_id(i),
923                     employee_row.assignment_action_id,
924                     result );
925 --
926         hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',132);
927       END LOOP;
928 --
929       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',14);
930 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
931 -- Commit every 20 employees
932 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
933       IF (employee_csr%ROWCOUNT > 0) AND
934          ((employee_csr%ROWCOUNT MOD l_chunk_size) = 0) THEN
935         COMMIT;
936       END IF;
937 --
938       hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',15);
939     END LOOP;
940 --
941     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_employee_loop',2);
942   END arch_employee_loop;
943 --
944 --==============================================================================
945 -- ARCH_MAIN
946 --
947 -- Extract main program
948 --==============================================================================
949   PROCEDURE arch_main (p_runmode           VARCHAR2,
950                        p_payroll_action_id NUMBER) IS
951   BEGIN
952     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_main',1);
953 --
954     l_runmode := p_runmode;
955 --
956     arch_initialise (p_payroll_action_id);
957     arch_report_header;
958     arch_db_items_loop;
959     arch_employer_loop;
960     arch_employee_loop;
961     arch_report_header ('F');
962     COMMIT;
963 --
964     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_main',2);
965   END arch_main;
966 --
967 --==============================================================================
969 --
970 -- rollback an archive - delete rows from ff_archive_items and
971 -- ff_archive_item_contexts that relate to a specified payroll action
972 --==============================================================================
973   PROCEDURE arch_rolbk (p_errmsg            OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
974                         p_errcode           OUT nocopy NUMBER,
975                         p_payroll_action_id     NUMBER) IS
976   BEGIN
977     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_rolbk',1);
978 --
979 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
980 -- Delete archive items
981 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
982     DELETE FROM ff_archive_item_contexts ic
983       WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT '1'
984                        FROM ff_contexts con,
985 			    ff_route_context_usages rcu,
986 			    ff_user_entities ue,
987                             pay_assignment_actions assact,
988 			    ff_archive_items i
989                        WHERE i.archive_item_id = ic.archive_item_id
990                          AND assact.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
991 		         AND assact.assignment_action_id = i.context1
992                          AND i.user_entity_id = ue.user_entity_id
993 		         AND rcu.route_id = ue.route_id
994                          AND rcu.sequence_no = 1
995                          AND rcu.context_id = con.context_id
996                          AND con.context_name ||''= 'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID' )
997         OR EXISTS ( SELECT '1'
998                       FROM ff_contexts con,
999 			   ff_route_context_usages rcu,
1000 			   ff_user_entities ue,
1001 			   ff_archive_items i
1002                       WHERE i.archive_item_id = ic.archive_item_id
1003 		        AND i.context1 = p_payroll_action_id
1004 		        AND i.user_entity_id = ue.user_entity_id
1005 		        AND rcu.route_id = ue.route_id
1006                         AND rcu.sequence_no = 1
1007                         AND rcu.context_id = con.context_id
1008                         AND con.context_name ||''= 'PAYROLL_ACTION_ID' );
1009 --
1010     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_rolbk',2);
1011 --
1012     DELETE FROM ff_archive_items i
1013       WHERE EXISTS ( SELECT '1'
1014                        FROM ff_contexts con,
1015 			    ff_route_context_usages rcu,
1016 			    ff_user_entities ue,
1017                             pay_assignment_actions assact
1018                        WHERE assact.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
1019 		         AND assact.assignment_action_id = i.context1
1020 		         AND i.user_entity_id = ue.user_entity_id
1021 		         AND rcu.route_id = ue.route_id
1022                          AND rcu.sequence_no = 1
1023                          AND rcu.context_id = con.context_id
1024                          AND con.context_name ||''= 'ASSIGNMENT_ACTION_ID' )
1025         OR EXISTS ( SELECT '1'
1026                       FROM ff_contexts con,
1027 			   ff_route_context_usages rcu,
1028 			   ff_user_entities ue
1029 		      WHERE i.context1 = p_payroll_action_id
1030 		        AND i.user_entity_id = ue.user_entity_id
1031 		        AND rcu.route_id = ue.route_id
1032                         AND rcu.sequence_no = 1
1033                         AND rcu.context_id = con.context_id
1034                         AND con.context_name ||''= 'PAYROLL_ACTION_ID' );
1035 --
1036 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1037 -- Delete assignment actions
1038 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1039     DELETE FROM pay_assignment_actions
1040       WHERE payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
1041 --
1042 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1043 -- Delete payroll action
1044 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1045     py_rollback_pkg.rollback_payroll_action (p_payroll_action_id);
1046     COMMIT;
1047 --
1048     hr_utility.set_location ('arch_rolbk',3);
1049   END arch_rolbk;
1050 --
1051 END pay_magtape_extract;