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1 PACKAGE BODY inv_kanban_pkg AS
2   /* $Header: INVKBAPB.pls 120.6 2011/02/14 19:54:45 atjen ship $ */
4   --This package is created to finish the kanban mobile transactions
5   -- including replenishment and inquiry
7   /**
8    *   Globals constant holding the package name.
9    **/
11   g_version_printed BOOLEAN := FALSE;
12   g_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE := fnd_global.user_name;
14   /**
15    *  This Procedure is used to print the Debug Messages to log file.
16    *  @param   p_message   Debug Message
17    *  @param   p_module    Module
18    *  @param   p_level     Debug Level
19    **/
20   PROCEDURE print_debug(
21     p_message IN VARCHAR2
22   , p_module  IN VARCHAR2
23   , p_level   IN NUMBER) IS
24   BEGIN
25     IF NOT g_version_printed THEN
26       inv_log_util.trace('$Header: INVKBAPB.pls 120.6 2011/02/14 19:54:45 atjen ship $', g_pkg_name|| '.' || p_module, 1);
27       g_version_printed := TRUE;
28     END IF;
29     inv_log_util.TRACE(g_user_name || ':  ' || p_message, g_pkg_name || '.' || p_module, p_level);
32       NULL;
33   END print_debug;
35   FUNCTION getlocatorname(org_id IN NUMBER, locator_id IN NUMBER)
37     locator_name VARCHAR2(60);
38   BEGIN
39     IF locator_id IS NULL THEN
40       RETURN (NULL);
41     ELSE
42       SELECT inv_project.get_locsegs(locator_id, org_id)
43         INTO locator_name
44         FROM mtl_item_locations
45        WHERE inventory_location_id = locator_id
46          AND organization_id = org_id;
48       RETURN (locator_name);
49     END IF;
52       RETURN NULL;
53   END getlocatorname;
55   FUNCTION getorgcode(p_org_id IN NUMBER)
57     org_code VARCHAR2(3);
58   BEGIN
59     IF p_org_id IS NULL THEN
60       RETURN (NULL);
61     ELSE
62       SELECT organization_code
63         INTO org_code
64         FROM mtl_parameters
65        WHERE organization_id = p_org_id;
67       RETURN (org_code);
68     END IF;
71       RETURN NULL;
72   END getorgcode;
74   FUNCTION getsuppliersitename(supplier_site_id IN NUMBER)
76     supplier_site_name VARCHAR2(60);
77   BEGIN
78     IF supplier_site_id IS NULL THEN
79       RETURN NULL;
80     ELSE
81       SELECT vendor_site_code
82         INTO supplier_site_name
83         FROM po_vendor_sites_all
84        WHERE vendor_site_id = supplier_site_id;
86       RETURN supplier_site_name;
87     END IF;
90       RETURN NULL;
91   END getsuppliersitename;
93   FUNCTION getdocmentnumber(v_document_header_id IN NUMBER, v_document_type_id IN NUMBER, v_document_detail_id IN NUMBER)
95     v_document_header VARCHAR2(1000);
96   BEGIN
97     IF v_document_type_id = 1 THEN  /*  PO */
98       SELECT h.segment1
99         INTO v_document_header
100         FROM po_distributions_all d, po_headers_all h
101        WHERE d.po_distribution_id = v_document_detail_id
102          AND h.po_header_id = d.po_header_id;
103     ELSIF v_document_type_id = 2 THEN  /* Blanket Release */
104       SELECT h.segment1
105         INTO v_document_header
106         FROM po_distributions_all d, po_headers_all h
107        WHERE d.po_distribution_id = v_document_detail_id
108          AND h.po_header_id = d.po_header_id;
109     ELSIF v_document_type_id = 3 THEN  /* Internal Req */
110       SELECT h.segment1
111         INTO v_document_header
112         FROM po_requisition_headers_all h, po_requisition_lines_all l
113        WHERE l.requisition_line_id = v_document_detail_id
114          AND h.requisition_header_id = l.requisition_header_id;
115     ELSIF v_document_type_id = 4 THEN  /* Move Order */
116       SELECT h.request_number
117         INTO v_document_header
118         FROM mtl_txn_request_headers h, mtl_txn_request_lines l
119        WHERE l.line_id = v_document_detail_id
120          AND h.header_id = l.header_id;
121     ELSIF v_document_type_id = 5 THEN  /* Wip Discrete Job */
122       SELECT h.wip_entity_name
123         INTO v_document_header
124         FROM wip_entities h
125        WHERE h.wip_entity_id = v_document_header_id;
126     ELSIF v_document_type_id = 6 THEN  /* Rep Schedule */
127       SELECT h.wip_entity_name
128         INTO v_document_header
129         FROM wip_entities h
130        WHERE h.wip_entity_id = v_document_header_id;
131     ELSIF v_document_type_id = 7 THEN  /* Flow Schedule */
132       SELECT h.wip_entity_name
133         INTO v_document_header
134         FROM wip_entities h
135 	WHERE h.wip_entity_id = v_document_header_id;
136      ELSIF v_document_type_id = 8 THEN  /* Lot based Job*/
137       SELECT h.wip_entity_name
138         INTO v_document_header
139         FROM wip_entities h
140        WHERE h.wip_entity_id = v_document_header_id;
141     END IF;
143     RETURN v_document_header;
146       RETURN NULL;
148       RETURN NULL;
149   END getdocmentnumber;
151   FUNCTION status_check(from_status_id IN NUMBER, to_status IN NUMBER)
153     x    NUMBER;
154     col1 VARCHAR2(40) := ('2222111');
155     col2 VARCHAR2(40) := ('1222111');
156     col3 VARCHAR2(40) := ('1122111');
157     col4 VARCHAR2(40) := ('1211211');
158     col5 VARCHAR2(40) := ('1211222');
159     col6 VARCHAR2(40) := ('1211121');
160     col7 VARCHAR2(40) := ('1211111');
161   BEGIN
162     IF trunc(from_status_id) = 1 THEN
163       x  := SUBSTR(col1, trunc(to_status), 1);
164     ELSIF trunc(from_status_id) = 2 THEN
165       x  := SUBSTR(col2, trunc(to_status), 1);
166     ELSIF trunc(from_status_id) = 3 THEN
167       x  := SUBSTR(col3, trunc(to_status), 1);
168     ELSIF trunc(from_status_id) = 4 THEN
169       x  := SUBSTR(col4, trunc(to_status), 1);
170     ELSIF trunc(from_status_id) = 5 THEN
171       x  := SUBSTR(col5, trunc(to_status), 1);
172     ELSIF trunc(from_status_id) = 6 THEN
173        x  := SUBSTR(col6, trunc(to_status), 1);
174     ELSIF trunc(from_status_id) = 7 THEN
175       x  := SUBSTR(col7, trunc(to_status), 1);
176     END IF;
177 --javakat adding the logic for the custom statuses
178 	/* 1.Call the custom hook program from here
179 	   2.The custom hook should return Number
180 	   3.Possble values's are 1 and 2
181 	   4.1 is not applicable , 2 is applicable
182 	*/
183     if (from_status_id NOT IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7) or to_status NOT IN (1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) and x =2 THEN
184 	      x := FLM_KANBAN_CUSTOM_PKG.status_change_hook(null,from_status_id , to_status );
185        if x =1 then x := 2;
186        else x := 1; end if;
187 	   end if;
188     RETURN (x);
189   END status_check;
191   PROCEDURE replenishcard
192     (x_message OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
193      x_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
194      p_org_id IN NUMBER,
195      p_kanban_card_number IN VARCHAR2,
196      p_lot_item_id        IN NUMBER  ,
197      p_lot_number         IN VARCHAR2 ,
198      p_lot_item_revision   IN VARCHAR2 ,
199      p_lot_subinventory_code   IN VARCHAR2,
200      p_lot_location_id         IN NUMBER ,
201      p_lot_quantity            IN NUMBER,
202      p_replenish_quantity      IN NUMBER)IS
204 	recinfo            mtl_kanban_cards%ROWTYPE;
205 	from_supply_status NUMBER;
206 	v_supply_val       NUMBER;
207 	l_return_status    VARCHAR2(1);
208   BEGIN
209     SELECT *
210       INTO recinfo
211       FROM mtl_kanban_cards
212      WHERE kanban_card_number = p_kanban_card_number
213        AND organization_id = p_org_id;
215     -- Is kanban_card_number unique?
216     x_status  := 'C';
218     IF recinfo.card_status <> 1 THEN
219       x_message  := 'Card' || p_kanban_card_number || 'is not active';
220       x_status   := 'E';
221     ELSE
222       from_supply_status     := recinfo.supply_status;
223       recinfo.supply_status  := 4;
224 	  --javakat adding the hook custom status for kanban logic
225       v_supply_val           := status_check(from_supply_status, recinfo.supply_status);
227       IF v_supply_val = 1 THEN
228         x_message  := 'Card ' || p_kanban_card_number || 'cannot be replenished from status ' || TO_CHAR(from_supply_status);
229         x_status   := 'E';
230       ELSIF v_supply_val = 2 THEN
231         -- Start replenishment process
232         inv_kanbancard_pkg.update_row(
233           x_return_status              => l_return_status
234         , p_kanban_card_id             => recinfo.kanban_card_id
235         , p_kanban_card_number         => recinfo.kanban_card_number
236         , p_pull_sequence_id           => recinfo.pull_sequence_id
237         , p_inventory_item_id          => recinfo.inventory_item_id
238         , p_organization_id            => recinfo.organization_id
239         , p_subinventory_name          => recinfo.subinventory_name
240         , p_supply_status              => recinfo.supply_status
241         , p_card_status                => recinfo.card_status
242         , p_kanban_card_type           => recinfo.kanban_card_type
243         , p_source_type                => recinfo.source_type
244         , p_kanban_size                => recinfo.kanban_size
245         , p_last_update_date           => SYSDATE
246         , p_last_updated_by            => fnd_global.user_id
247         , p_creation_date              => recinfo.creation_date
248         , p_created_by                 => recinfo.created_by
249         , p_last_update_login          => fnd_global.login_id
250         , p_last_print_date            => recinfo.last_print_date
251         , p_locator_id                 => recinfo.locator_id
252         , p_supplier_id                => recinfo.supplier_id
253         , p_supplier_site_id           => recinfo.supplier_site_id
254         , p_source_organization_id     => recinfo.source_organization_id
255         , p_source_subinventory        => recinfo.source_subinventory
256         , p_source_locator_id          => recinfo.source_locator_id
257         , p_wip_line_id                => recinfo.wip_line_id
258         , p_current_replnsh_cycle_id   => recinfo.current_replnsh_cycle_id
259         , p_error_code                 => recinfo.error_code
260         , p_attribute_category         => recinfo.attribute_category
261         , p_attribute1                 => recinfo.attribute1
262         , p_attribute2                 => recinfo.attribute2
263         , p_attribute3                 => recinfo.attribute3
264         , p_attribute4                 => recinfo.attribute4
265         , p_attribute5                 => recinfo.attribute5
266         , p_attribute6                 => recinfo.attribute6
267         , p_attribute7                 => recinfo.attribute7
268         , p_attribute8                 => recinfo.attribute8
269         , p_attribute9                 => recinfo.attribute9
270         , p_attribute10                => recinfo.attribute10
271         , p_attribute11                => recinfo.attribute11
272         , p_attribute12                => recinfo.attribute12
273         , p_attribute13                => recinfo.attribute13
274         , p_attribute14                => recinfo.attribute14
275         , p_attribute15                => recinfo.attribute15
276         , p_document_type              => NULL
277         , p_document_header_id         => NULL
278         , p_document_detail_id         => NULL
279 	, p_lot_item_id                => p_lot_item_id
280 	, p_lot_number                 => p_lot_number
281 	, p_lot_item_revision          => p_lot_item_revision
282 	, p_lot_subinventory_code      => p_lot_subinventory_code
283 	, p_lot_location_id            => p_lot_location_id
284 	, p_lot_quantity               => p_lot_quantity
285 	, p_replenish_quantity         => p_replenish_quantity);
286       END IF;
287     END IF;
290       x_message  := p_kanban_card_number || 'is not a valid Kanban card number';
291       x_status   := 'E';
292   END replenishcard;
294   /*PJM-WMS Integration:*/
295   /*Returned 5 new output parameters namely x_project, x_task,x_source_id,
296    *x_source_project and x_source_task.
297    */
298   PROCEDURE getreplenishinfo(
299     p_org_id             IN     NUMBER
300   , p_kanban_card_number IN     VARCHAR2
301   , x_item               OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
302   , x_item_description   OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
303   , x_quantity           OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER
304   , x_zone               OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
305   , x_project            OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
306   , --PJM-WMS Integration
307    x_task                OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
308   , --PJM-WMS Integration
309    x_locator             OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
310   , x_supply_status      OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
311   , x_source_type_id     OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER
312   , x_source_type        OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
313   , x_source_org_id      OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER
314   , --PJM-WMS Integration
315    x_source_org          OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
316   , x_source_zone        OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
317   , x_source_project     OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
318   , --PJM-WMS Integration
319    x_source_task         OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
320   , --PJM-WMS Integration
321    x_source_locator      OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
322   , x_wip_line           OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
323   , x_supplier_name      OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
324   , x_supplier_site      OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
325   , x_item_id            OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER
326   , x_eligible_for_lbj   OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
327   , x_bom_seq_id         OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER
328   , x_start_seq_num      OUT    NOCOPY NUMBER
329   , x_message            OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
330   , x_status             OUT    NOCOPY VARCHAR2
331   ) IS
332     locator_id        NUMBER;
333     source_org_id     NUMBER;
334     source_locator_id NUMBER;
335     supplier_site_id  NUMBER;
338     l_error_code      NUMBER := NULL;
339     l_error_message       VARCHAR2(255) := NULL;
340   BEGIN
341     /*Bug#5612236. In the below query, replaced 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_KFV'
342       with 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_VL'.*/
343     SELECT msiv.concatenated_segments
344          , msiv.description
345          , mkcv.kanban_size
346          , mkcv.subinventory_name
347          , mkcv.locator_id
348          , mkcv.supply_status_name
349          , mkcv.source_type
350          , mkcv.source_type_meaning
351          , mkcv.source_organization_id
352          , mkcv.source_org_code
353          , mkcv.source_subinventory
354          , mkcv.source_locator_id
355          , mkcv.wip_line_code
356          , mkcv.supplier_name
357          , mkcv.supplier_site_id
358          , msiv.inventory_item_id
359       INTO x_item
360          , x_item_description
361          , x_quantity
362          , x_zone
363          , locator_id
364          , x_supply_status
365          , x_source_type_id
366          , x_source_type
367          , source_org_id
368          , x_source_org
369          , x_source_zone
370          , source_locator_id
371          , x_wip_line
372          , x_supplier_name
373          , supplier_site_id
374          , x_item_id
375       FROM mtl_kanban_cards_v mkcv, mtl_system_items_vl msiv
376      WHERE mkcv.kanban_card_number = p_kanban_card_number
377        AND mkcv.organization_id = p_org_id
378        AND mkcv.inventory_item_id = msiv.inventory_item_id
379        AND mkcv.organization_id = msiv.organization_id;
381     /* PJM-WMS Integration:
382      * Use the function INV_PROJECT.Get_Locsegs() to get the
383      * concatenated segments of the locators.
384      */
385     x_locator         := inv_project.get_locsegs(locator_id, p_org_id);
386     x_project         := inv_project.get_project_number;
387     x_task            := inv_project.get_task_number;
388     x_source_locator  := inv_project.get_locsegs(source_locator_id, source_org_id);
389     x_source_project  := inv_project.get_project_number;
390     x_source_task     := inv_project.get_task_number;
391     x_source_org_id   := source_org_id;
392     /*End of PJM-WMS Integration */
393     x_supplier_site   := inv_kanban_pkg.getsuppliersitename(supplier_site_id);
394     x_message         := 'Item: ' || x_item;
395     x_status          := 'C';
397     IF inv_kanban_pvt.eligible_for_lbj
398       (p_organization_id  => p_org_id,
399        p_inventory_item_id => x_item_id,
400        p_source_type_id    => x_source_type_id) = 'Y' THEN
402        x_eligible_for_lbj := 'Y';
404        INV_KANBAN_PVT.GET_KANBAN_REC_GRP_INFO (p_organization_id     => p_org_id,
405 					       p_kanban_assembly_id  => x_item_id,
406 					       p_rtg_rev_date        => sysdate,
407 					       x_bom_seq_id	     => x_bom_seq_id,
408 					       x_start_seq_num	     => x_start_seq_num,
409 					       x_error_code	     => l_error_code,
410 					       x_error_msg	     => l_error_message);
412        IF l_error_code IS NOT NULL OR
413 	 l_error_message IS NOT NULL  THEN
415        END IF;
417        --Get parameters for the lot lov
418     END IF;
422       x_message           := p_kanban_card_number || 'Is Not a Valid Kanban Card Number';
423       x_status            := 'E';
424       x_item              := NULL;
425       x_item_description  := NULL;
426       x_quantity          := NULL;
427       x_zone              := NULL;
428       x_locator           := NULL;
429       x_supply_status     := NULL;
430       x_source_type       := NULL;
431       x_source_org        := NULL;
432       x_source_zone       := NULL;
433       x_source_locator    := NULL;
434       x_wip_line          := NULL;
435       x_supplier_name     := NULL;
436       x_supplier_site     := NULL;
437       /*PJM-WMS Integration*/
438       x_project           := NULL;
439       x_task              := NULL;
440       x_source_org_id     := NULL;
441       x_source_project    := NULL;
442       x_source_project    := NULL;
443       /* -PJM-WMS Integration*/
444       x_item_id          := NULL;
445       x_eligible_for_lbj := NULL;
446       x_bom_seq_id := NULL;
447       x_start_seq_num := NULL;
448   END getreplenishinfo;
450   PROCEDURE getsourcetypelov(x_kanban_ref OUT NOCOPY t_genref, p_source_type IN VARCHAR2) IS
451   BEGIN
452     OPEN x_kanban_ref FOR
453       SELECT DISTINCT meaning
454                     , lookup_code
455                  FROM mfg_lookups
456                 WHERE lookup_code IN (1, 2, 3, 4)
457                   AND meaning LIKE (p_source_type)
458                   AND lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_SOURCE_TYPE';
459   END getsourcetypelov;
461   PROCEDURE getsupplierlov(x_kanban_ref OUT NOCOPY t_genref, p_supplier_name IN VARCHAR2) IS
462   BEGIN
463     OPEN x_kanban_ref FOR
464       SELECT vendor_name
465            , vendor_id
466         FROM po_vendors
467        WHERE vendor_name LIKE (p_supplier_name);
468   END getsupplierlov;
470   PROCEDURE getsuppliersitelov(x_kanban_ref OUT NOCOPY t_genref, p_supplier_site IN VARCHAR2, p_vendor_id IN NUMBER) IS
471   BEGIN
472     OPEN x_kanban_ref FOR
473       SELECT vendor_site_code
474            , vendor_site_code_alt
475         FROM po_vendor_sites_all
476        WHERE vendor_site_code LIKE (p_supplier_site)
477          AND vendor_id = p_vendor_id;
478   END getsuppliersitelov;
480   PROCEDURE getwiplinelov(x_kanban_ref OUT NOCOPY t_genref, p_organization_id IN NUMBER, p_wip_line IN VARCHAR2) IS
481   BEGIN
482     OPEN x_kanban_ref FOR
483       SELECT line_code
484            , line_id
485         FROM wip_lines
486        WHERE p_organization_id = organization_id
487          AND line_code LIKE (p_wip_line);
488   END getwiplinelov;
490   PROCEDURE getinquiryinfo(
491     x_kanban_ref             OUT    NOCOPY t_genref
492   , p_org_id                 IN     NUMBER
493   , p_kanban_card_number     IN     VARCHAR2
494   , p_item_id                IN     NUMBER
495   , p_source_type_id         IN     NUMBER
496   , p_supplier               IN     VARCHAR2
497   , p_supplier_site          IN     VARCHAR2
498   , p_source_organization_id IN     NUMBER
499   , p_source_sub             IN     VARCHAR2
500   , p_source_loc             IN     NUMBER
501   , p_wip_line_id            IN     NUMBER
502   , p_project_id             IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
503   , p_task_id                IN     NUMBER DEFAULT NULL
504   ) IS
505   BEGIN
506     /*Bug#5612236. In the below query, replaced 'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_KFV' with
507       'MTL_SYSTEM_ITEMS_VL'.*/
508     OPEN x_kanban_ref FOR
509       SELECT mkc.kanban_card_number
510            , mfg1.meaning kanban_card_type
511            , msiv.concatenated_segments item
512            , msiv.description
513            , mkc.kanban_size
514            , mkc.subinventory_name
515            , inv_kanban_pkg.getlocatorname(p_org_id, mkc.locator_id) loc_name
516            , inv_project.get_project_number project_num
517            , inv_project.get_task_number task_num
518            , mfg2.meaning card_status_name
519            , mfg3.meaning supply_status_name
520            , mfg4.meaning source_type
521            , inv_kanban_pkg.getorgcode(mkc.source_organization_id)
522            , mkc.source_subinventory
523            , inv_kanban_pkg.getlocatorname(mkc.source_organization_id, mkc.source_locator_id) source_loc_name
524            , inv_project.get_project_number src_project_num
525            , inv_project.get_task_number src_task_num
526            , mka.last_update_date
527            , mfg5.meaning act_supp_status_name
528            , mfg6.meaning doc_type
529            , inv_kanban_pkg.getdocmentnumber(mka.document_header_id, mka.document_type, mka.document_detail_id) doc_num
530            , inv_kanban_pkg.getorgcode(mka.source_organization_id)
531            , mka.source_subinventory act_sub
532            , inv_kanban_pkg.getlocatorname(mka.source_organization_id, mka.source_locator_id) act_loc_name
533            , inv_project.get_project_number act_project_num
534            , inv_project.get_task_number act_task_num
535            , pv.vendor_name vendor
536            , pvsa.vendor_site_code vendor_site
537            , wl.line_code
538            , pv_act.vendor_name vendor_last_activity
539            , pvsa_act.vendor_site_code vendor_site_last_activity
540            , wl_act.line_code
541         FROM mtl_kanban_cards mkc
542            , mtl_system_items_vl msiv
543            , mfg_lookups mfg1
544            , mfg_lookups mfg2
545            , mfg_lookups mfg3
546            , mfg_lookups mfg4
547            , mfg_lookups mfg5
548            , mfg_lookups mfg6
549            , po_vendors pv
550            , mtl_kanban_card_activity mka
551            , po_vendor_sites_all pvsa
552            , mtl_kanban_pull_sequences mkps
553            , wip_lines wl
554            , wip_lines wl_act
555            , po_vendors pv_act
556            , mtl_item_locations mil
557            , po_vendor_sites_all pvsa_act
558        WHERE mkc.kanban_card_number LIKE (p_kanban_card_number || '%') -- 3231139
559          AND mkc.organization_id = p_org_id
560          AND mkc.inventory_item_id = NVL(p_item_id, mkc.inventory_item_id)
561          AND mkc.source_type = NVL(p_source_type_id, mkc.source_type)
562          AND NVL(mkc.source_organization_id, 0) = NVL(p_source_organization_id, NVL(mkc.source_organization_id, 0))
563          AND NVL(mkc.source_subinventory, '@@@') LIKE NVL(p_source_sub, NVL(mkc.source_subinventory, '@@@'))
564          AND NVL(mkc.source_locator_id, 0) = NVL(p_source_loc, NVL(mkc.source_locator_id, 0))
565          --Bug 3622464 Start
566          AND mil.inventory_location_id(+) = mkc.source_locator_id
567       --AND (mil.inventory_location_id(+) = NVL(p_source_loc, -1)
568          --Bug 3882518 fix. commenting the below line.don't need this
569          --AND (nvl(mil.inventory_location_id,-1) = nvl(p_source_loc,-1)
570          --Bug 3622464 End
571               AND NVL(mil.project_id, -1) = NVL(p_project_id, NVL(mil.project_id, -1))
572               AND NVL(mil.task_id, -1) = NVL(p_task_id, NVL(mil.task_id, -1))
573          --    )
574          AND mkc.pull_sequence_id = mkps.pull_sequence_id(+)
575          AND NVL(mkps.wip_line_id, 0) = NVL(p_wip_line_id, NVL(mkps.wip_line_id, 0))
576          AND wl.line_id(+) = mkps.wip_line_id
577          AND wl_act.line_id(+) = mka.wip_line_id
578          AND pv.vendor_name(+) LIKE (p_supplier || '%')
579          AND pvsa.vendor_site_code(+) LIKE (p_supplier_site || '%')
580          AND mkc.inventory_item_id = msiv.inventory_item_id
581          AND mkc.organization_id = msiv.organization_id
582          AND mkc.supplier_id = pv.vendor_id(+)
583          AND mkc.supplier_site_id = pvsa.vendor_site_id(+)
584          AND mka.supplier_id = pv_act.vendor_id(+)
585          AND mka.supplier_site_id = pvsa_act.vendor_site_id(+)
586          AND mkc.inventory_item_id = mka.inventory_item_id(+)
587          AND mkc.organization_id = mka.organization_id(+)
588          AND mkc.kanban_card_id = mka.kanban_card_id(+)
589          AND NVL(TO_CHAR(mka.last_update_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), '01/01/1111 00:00:00') =
590                                                      (SELECT NVL(TO_CHAR(MAX(last_update_date), 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS'), '01/01/1111 00:00:00')
591                                                         FROM mtl_kanban_card_activity mkca
592                                                        WHERE NVL(mkca.kanban_card_id, mkc.kanban_card_id) = mkc.kanban_card_id)
593          AND mfg1.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_CARD_TYPE'
594          AND mfg1.lookup_code = mkc.kanban_card_type
595          AND mfg2.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_CARD_STATUS'
596          AND mfg2.lookup_code = mkc.card_status
597          AND mfg3.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_SUPPLY_STATUS'
598          AND mfg3.lookup_code = mkc.supply_status         AND mfg4.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_SOURCE_TYPE'
599          AND mfg4.lookup_code = mkc.source_type
600          AND mfg5.lookup_type(+) = 'MTL_KANBAN_SUPPLY_STATUS'
601          AND mfg5.lookup_code(+) = NVL(mka.supply_status, 0)
602          AND mfg6.lookup_type(+) = 'MTL_KANBAN_DOCUMENT_TYPE'
603          AND mfg6.lookup_code(+) = NVL(mka.document_type, 0);
604   END getinquiryinfo;
607   /* VMI changes - Called from VendorSiteLOV though not used anymore*/
608   PROCEDURE get_vmi_vendor_site_lov(x_ref OUT NOCOPY t_genref, p_vendor_site_code IN VARCHAR2, p_vendor_id IN NUMBER) IS
609   BEGIN
610     OPEN x_ref FOR
611       SELECT vendor_site_code
612            , vendor_site_id
613         FROM po_vendor_sites povs
614        WHERE povs.vendor_id = p_vendor_id
615          AND povs.vendor_site_code LIKE (p_vendor_site_code);
616   END get_vmi_vendor_site_lov;
618   /* Consignment Changes */
619   /* Bug#2810335. Added ood.organization_code to the select clause*/
620   /* Bug 2834753, continue bug 2810335, show party name, opertion unit second */
621   PROCEDURE get_vendor_lov(x_ref OUT NOCOPY t_genref, p_vendor VARCHAR2,p_vendor_site_id VARCHAR2) IS
622   BEGIN
623      OPEN x_ref FOR
624         SELECT
625               pv.vendor_name || '-' || pvs.vendor_site_code owning_planning_party
626              , ood.organization_code
627              , pv.vendor_id
628              , pvs.vendor_site_id
629              , 1 tp_type
630              , 'Supplier' party_type
631           FROM po_vendors pv
632              , po_vendor_sites_all pvs
633              , org_organization_definitions ood
634          WHERE pv.vendor_id = pvs.vendor_id
635            AND pvs.org_id = ood.organization_id (+)
636            AND pv.vendor_name || '-' || pvs.vendor_site_code LIKE p_vendor
637            AND (p_vendor_site_id IS NULL OR  pvs.vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id)
638            -- bug# 2880891
639          order by owning_planning_party;
641   END get_vendor_lov;
643   PROCEDURE get_starting_lot_lov
644     (x_lot_num_lov OUT NOCOPY t_genref,
645      p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
646      p_assembly_item_id IN NUMBER,
647      p_bom_sequence_id IN NUMBER,
648      p_start_sequence_num IN VARCHAR2) IS
650   BEGIN
651     OPEN x_lot_num_lov FOR
652       select lot_number, item, quantity,  revision, wslv.subinventory_code,
653       milk.concatenated_segments, wslv.inventory_item_id, locator_id
654       from
655       wsm_source_lots_v wslv,
656       bom_inventory_components bic,
657       mtl_item_locations_kfv milk
658       where
659       wslv.organization_id = p_organization_id
660       and wslv.inventory_item_id = bic.component_item_id
661       and bic.bill_sequence_id = p_bom_sequence_id
662       and(bic.operation_seq_num = p_start_sequence_num or bic.operation_seq_num = 1 )
663       and bic.effectivity_date <= sysdate
664       and nvl(bic.disable_date, sysdate + 1) > Sysdate
665       AND wslv.locator_id = milk.inventory_location_id(+)
666       AND wslv.subinventory_code = milk.subinventory_code(+)
667       AND wslv.organization_id = milk.organization_id(+);
669   END get_starting_lot_lov;
671   /** This procedure returns the details of the kanban card passed like
672    *  Card Type, Card Status, Supply Status etc.,
673    *  @param   x_return_status           Return Status
674    *  @param   x_msg_count               Message Count
675    *  @param   x_msg_data                Message Data
676    *  @param   x_card_type               Kanban Card Type
677    *  @param   x_card_status             Kanban Card Status
678    *  @param   x_supply_status           Kanban Card Supply status
679    *  @param   x_status_check            Kanban Card Supply status Check
680    *  @param   x_supply_status_meaning   Kanban Card Supply status meaning
681    *  @param   p_organization_id         Organization Id
682    *  @param   p_kanban_number           Kanban Card Number
683    *
684    **/
685   PROCEDURE get_kanban_details(x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
686                              , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
687                              , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
688                              , x_card_type OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
689                              , x_card_status OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
690                              , x_supply_status OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
691                              , x_status_check OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
692                              , x_supply_status_meaning OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
693                              , p_organization_id IN NUMBER
694                              , p_kanban_number IN VARCHAR2) IS
696     l_trace_on NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 2);
697     CURSOR c_kb_details IS
698       SELECT mkc.kanban_card_type
699            , mkc.card_status
700            , mkc.supply_status
701            , status_check(mkc.supply_status, 4) status_check
702            , ml.meaning supply_status_meaning
703         FROM mtl_kanban_cards mkc
704            , mfg_lookups ml
705        WHERE mkc.organization_id = p_organization_id
706          AND mkc.kanban_card_number = p_kanban_number
707          AND ml.lookup_type = 'MTL_KANBAN_SUPPLY_STATUS'
708          AND mkc.supply_status = ml.lookup_code
709          AND ROWNUM = 1;
710   BEGIN
711     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
712     IF l_trace_on = 1 THEN
713       print_debug(
714            'The input parameters are: '
715         || fnd_global.local_chr(10)
716         || '   p_organization_id      : '
717         || p_organization_id
718         || fnd_global.local_chr(10)
719         || '   p_kanban_number     : '
720         || p_kanban_number
721         || fnd_global.local_chr(10)
722       , l_proc
723       , 9
724       );
725     END IF;
726     OPEN c_kb_details;
727     FETCH c_kb_details INTO x_card_type, x_card_status, x_supply_status, x_status_check, x_supply_status_meaning;
729     IF (c_kb_details%NOTFOUND) THEN
730        x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
731     ELSE
732 	    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
733     END IF;
734     CLOSE c_kb_details;
736   END get_kanban_details;
738   /** This procedure returns the details of the kanban move order
739    *  like Mo Line Id, MO Line Status, MO Reference Type etc., for the Kanban Card passed.
740    *  @param   x_return_status           Return Status
741    *  @param   x_msg_count               Message Count
742    *  @param   x_msg_data                Message Data
743    *  @param   x_mo_line_id              Kanban Move Order Line Id
744    *  @param   x_ref_type_code           Move Order Reference Type
745    *  @param   x_mo_line_status_code     Kanban Move Order Line Status
746    *  @param   x_mo_line_qty_diff        (Kanban Move Order Line quantity delivered - Total Kanban Move Order Line quantity)
747    *  @param   p_organization_id         Organization Id
748    *  @param   p_kanban_number           Kanban Card Number
749    **/
750   PROCEDURE get_kanban_mo_details(x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
751                                 , x_msg_count OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
752                                 , x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
753                                 , x_mo_line_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
754                                 , x_ref_type_code OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
755                                 , x_mo_line_status_code OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
756                                 , x_mo_line_qty_diff OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
757                                 , p_organization_id IN NUMBER
758                                 , p_kanban_number IN VARCHAR2) IS
760     l_trace_on NUMBER := NVL(fnd_profile.VALUE('INV_DEBUG_TRACE'), 2);
761     -- Bug 4574518, when the kanban card is replenished more than once, there will be more records and the latest record should be used
762     CURSOR c_kb_mo_details IS
763        SELECT * FROM (SELECT m.line_id
764             , m.reference_type_code
765             , m.line_status
766             , (NVL(quantity_delivered, 0)- m.quantity) qty_diff
767         FROM mtl_txn_request_lines m
768            , mtl_kanban_cards k
769        WHERE m.reference_id = k.kanban_card_id
770          AND m.organization_id = p_organization_id
771          AND k.kanban_card_number = p_kanban_number
772 	 ORDER BY m.line_id desc)
773        WHERE ROWNUM = 1;
774   BEGIN
775     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
776     IF l_trace_on = 1 THEN
777       print_debug(
778            'The input parameters are: '
779         || fnd_global.local_chr(10)
780         || '   p_organization_id      : '
781         || p_organization_id
782         || fnd_global.local_chr(10)
783         || '   p_kanban_number     : '
784         || p_kanban_number
785         || fnd_global.local_chr(10)
786       , l_proc
787       , 9
788       );
789     END IF;
790     OPEN c_kb_mo_details;
791     FETCH c_kb_mo_details INTO x_mo_line_id, x_ref_type_code, x_mo_line_status_code, x_mo_line_qty_diff;
793     IF (c_kb_mo_details%NOTFOUND) THEN
794        x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error;
795     ELSE
796 	    x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
797     END IF;
798     CLOSE c_kb_mo_details;
800   END get_kanban_mo_details;
801 END inv_kanban_pkg;