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Line 4: type con_name_array is table of ff_contexts.context_name%type

1: package body pay_balance_pkg as
2: -- $Header: pybaluex.pkb 120.48.12020000.16 2013/02/13 10:32:03 asnell ship $
3: -- Declare tables:
4: type con_name_array is table of ff_contexts.context_name%type
5: index by binary_integer;
6: type con_num_array is table of ff_contexts.context_id%type
7: index by binary_integer;
8: type con_type_array is table of ff_contexts.data_type%type

Line 6: type con_num_array is table of ff_contexts.context_id%type

2: -- $Header: pybaluex.pkb 120.48.12020000.16 2013/02/13 10:32:03 asnell ship $
3: -- Declare tables:
4: type con_name_array is table of ff_contexts.context_name%type
5: index by binary_integer;
6: type con_num_array is table of ff_contexts.context_id%type
7: index by binary_integer;
8: type con_type_array is table of ff_contexts.data_type%type
9: index by binary_integer;
10: type con_val_array is table of pay_run_result_values.result_value%type

Line 8: type con_type_array is table of ff_contexts.data_type%type

4: type con_name_array is table of ff_contexts.context_name%type
5: index by binary_integer;
6: type con_num_array is table of ff_contexts.context_id%type
7: index by binary_integer;
8: type con_type_array is table of ff_contexts.data_type%type
9: index by binary_integer;
10: type con_val_array is table of pay_run_result_values.result_value%type
11: index by binary_integer;
12: type par_val_array is table of varchar2(80)

Line 36: context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type

33: type t_route_context_usage is record
34: (context_id ff_route_context_usages.context_id%type,
35: sequence_no ff_route_context_usages.sequence_no%type,
36: context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type
37: );
38: type t_route_context_usage_tab is table of t_route_context_usage index by binary_integer;
39: --
40: --

Line 60: (core_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type,

56: -- The follow types and variables are used to map core contexts
57: -- onto legislative contexts.
58: --
59: type t_context_map_rec is record
60: (core_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type,
61: loc_context_name pay_legislation_contexts.legislation_name%type
62: );
63: --
64: type t_context_map_tab is table of t_context_map_rec index by binary_integer;

Line 778: from ff_contexts fc,

774: is
775: --
776: cursor get_bal_contexts (p_def_bal_id in number) is
777: select context_name
778: from ff_contexts fc,
779: ff_route_context_usages frcu,
780: pay_balance_dimensions pbd,
781: pay_defined_balances pdb
782: where pdb.defined_balance_id = p_def_bal_id

Line 1128: l_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;

1124: (
1125: p_context_name in varchar2,
1126: p_context_value in varchar2
1127: ) is
1128: l_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
1129: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;
1130: l_context_type ff_contexts.data_type%type;
1131: l_count binary_integer;
1132: l_context_found boolean;

Line 1129: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;

1125: p_context_name in varchar2,
1126: p_context_value in varchar2
1127: ) is
1128: l_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
1129: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;
1130: l_context_type ff_contexts.data_type%type;
1131: l_count binary_integer;
1132: l_context_found boolean;
1133: begin

Line 1130: l_context_type ff_contexts.data_type%type;

1126: p_context_value in varchar2
1127: ) is
1128: l_context_id ff_contexts.context_id%type;
1129: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;
1130: l_context_type ff_contexts.data_type%type;
1131: l_count binary_integer;
1132: l_context_found boolean;
1133: begin
1134: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

Line 1170: from ff_contexts

1166: select context_id,
1167: data_type
1168: into l_context_id,
1169: l_context_type
1170: from ff_contexts
1171: where context_name = l_context_name;
1172: --
1173: con_name_tab (no_rows_con_tab) := ltrim(rtrim(l_context_name));
1174: con_id_tab (no_rows_con_tab) := ltrim(rtrim(l_context_id));

Line 1247: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;

1243: ) is
1244: --
1245: cnt number;
1246: found boolean;
1247: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;
1248: --
1249: begin
1250: --
1251: -- Reset buffers if needed

Line 1279: from ff_contexts fc,

1275: --
1276: begin
1277: select fc.context_name
1278: into l_context_name
1279: from ff_contexts fc,
1280: pay_legislation_contexts plc
1281: where plc.legislation_name = p_context_name
1282: and plc.context_id = fc.context_id
1283: and plc.legislation_code = p_legislation_code;

Line 1365: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;

1361: l_user_entity_id ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%type;
1362: l_creator_type ff_user_entities.creator_type%type;
1363: l_notfound_allowed_flag ff_user_entities.notfound_allowed_flag%type;
1364: l_route_id ff_routes.route_id%type;
1365: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;
1366: l_text varchar2(20000); -- large array for route text
1367: l_replace_text varchar2(80);
1368: l_error_text varchar2(200); -- used for sql error messages
1369: l_o_hint varchar2(2000); -- Route optimiser hint

Line 1454: from ff_contexts

1450: hr_utility.set_location ('pay_balance_pkg.run_db_item', 10);
1451: end if;
1452: select context_name
1453: into l_context_name
1454: from ff_contexts
1455: where context_id = c1rec.context_id;
1456: --
1457: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7271_PAY_CONTEXT_MISSING');
1458: hr_utility.set_message_token ('CONTEXT_NAME', l_context_name);

Line 1610: from ff_contexts

1606: hr_utility.set_location ('pay_balance_pkg.run_db_item', 101);
1607: end if;
1608: select context_name
1609: into l_context_name
1610: from ff_contexts
1611: where context_id = route_contexts_cache.cxt_id(l_cxt_num);
1612: --
1613: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7271_PAY_CONTEXT_MISSING');
1614: hr_utility.set_message_token ('CONTEXT_NAME', l_context_name);

Line 1968: from ff_route_context_usages rcu, ff_contexts c

1964: is
1965: select rcu.context_id,
1966: rcu.sequence_no,
1967: c.context_name
1968: from ff_route_context_usages rcu, ff_contexts c
1969: where rcu.route_id = p_route_id
1970: and c.context_id = rcu.context_id
1971: order by rcu.sequence_no;
1972: --

Line 1978: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;

1974: l_rows integer;
1975: l_count number;
1976: cnt number;
1977: l_context_found boolean;
1978: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;
1979: l_balance_type_id number;
1980: ignore number;
1981: l_retrieve boolean;
1982: l_value_retrieved boolean;

Line 2308: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;

2304: where route_id = p_route_id
2305: order by sequence_no;
2306: --
2307: --
2308: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;
2309: --
2310: -- Do not change the length of these without changing MAX_DYN_SQL size.
2311: --
2312: l_from_clause varchar2(20000); -- large array for route text

Line 2374: from ff_contexts

2370: hr_utility.set_location ('pay_balance_pkg.run_rr_route', 10);
2371: end if;
2372: select context_name
2373: into l_context_name
2374: from ff_contexts
2375: where context_id = c1rec.context_id;
2376: --
2377: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7271_PAY_CONTEXT_MISSING');
2378: hr_utility.set_message_token ('CONTEXT_NAME', l_context_name);

Line 2524: ff_contexts c

2520: select rcu.context_id,
2521: rcu.sequence_no,
2522: c.context_name
2523: from ff_route_context_usages rcu,
2524: ff_contexts c
2525: where rcu.route_id = p_route_id
2526: and c.context_id = rcu.context_id
2527: order by sequence_no;
2528: --

Line 2553: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;

2549: l_user_entity_id ff_user_entities.user_entity_id%type;
2550: l_creator_type ff_user_entities.creator_type%type;
2551: l_notfound_allowed_flag ff_user_entities.notfound_allowed_flag%type;
2552: l_route_id ff_routes.route_id%type;
2553: l_context_name ff_contexts.context_name%type;
2554: l_text varchar2(20000); -- large array for route text
2555: l_replace_text varchar2(80);
2556: l_error_text varchar2(200); -- used for sql error messages
2557: l_o_hint varchar2(2000); -- optimiser hint

Line 2658: from ff_contexts

2654: hr_utility.set_location ('pay_balance_pkg.get_run_balance', 10);
2655: end if;
2656: select context_name
2657: into l_context_name
2658: from ff_contexts
2659: where context_id = c1rec.context_id;
2660: --
2661: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7271_PAY_CONTEXT_MISSING');
2662: hr_utility.set_message_token ('CONTEXT_NAME', l_context_name);

Line 2871: from ff_contexts

2867: hr_utility.set_location ('pay_balance_pkg.get_run_balance', 60);
2868: end if;
2869: select context_name
2870: into l_context_name
2871: from ff_contexts
2872: where context_id = route_contexts_cache.cxt_id(l_cxt_num);
2873: --
2874: hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7271_PAY_CONTEXT_MISSING');
2875: hr_utility.set_message_token ('CONTEXT_NAME', l_context_name);

Line 3867: , ff_contexts CON

3863: select CONVAL.context_id,
3864: CONVAL.value,
3865: CON.context_name
3866: from pay_balance_context_values CONVAL
3867: , ff_contexts CON
3868: where latest_balance_id = p_latest_balance_id
3869: and CON.context_id = CONVAL.context_id
3870: order by 1;
3871: --