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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 54

  g_gsp_last_update_date    DATE := NULL;  -- variable added for Bug14826159
Line: 87

   SELECT version
     INTO l_version_string
     FROM v$instance;
Line: 164

         select 1
         into l_dummy
         from wf_user_roles
         where user_name = p_user_name
         and rownum = 1;
Line: 353

      select object_id
      into v_object_id
      from fnd_objects
      where obj_name=p_object_name;
Line: 397

      select function_id
      into v_function_id
      from fnd_form_functions
      where function_name=p_function_name;
Line: 486

    SELECT pk1_column_name
           , database_object_name
    FROM fnd_objects
    WHERE obj_name=p_object_name  ;
Line: 732

    SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */ 'X'
       ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */ 'GLOBAL' role_name from dual
          union all
         select role_name
         from wf_user_roles wur,
           select cp_user_name name from dual
             union all
           select incr1.name name
             from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
            where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
              and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
              and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
              and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
            ) incr2
         where wur.user_name = incr2.name
        ) u2,
        fnd_grants g
    WHERE rownum = 1
      AND g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
      AND g.menu_id in
               (select cmf.menu_id
                 from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)
      AND(   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
          OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID'))
      AND(   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
          OR g.ctx_resp_id      =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
      AND(   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
          OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
      AND(   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
          OR g.ctx_org_id       =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
       (   g.end_date  IS NULL
        OR g.end_date >= cp_sysdate )
       g.start_date <= cp_sysdate
         (   (g.instance_type = 'GLOBAL')
         AND (g.object_id =  cp_object_id))
Line: 788

           SELECT 'X'
           FROM fnd_grants g
           WHERE rownum = 1
               (    g.grantee_type = 'USER'
                and g.grantee_key =  cp_user_name)
            OR (g.grantee_type = 'GROUP'
                and (g.grantee_key in
                  (select role_name
                   from wf_user_roles wur
                  where wur.user_name in
                   ( (select cp_user_name from dual)
                          union all
                     (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, fnd_user f
                       where 'HZ_PARTY'        = incrns.orig_system
                         and f.user_name       = cp_user_name
                         and f.person_party_id = incrns.orig_system_id)))))
            OR (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL'))
            AND g.menu_id in
                     (select cmf.menu_id
                       from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                      where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)
            AND(   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID'))
            AND(   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                OR g.ctx_resp_id      =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND(   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND(   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                OR g.ctx_org_id       =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
             (   g.end_date  IS NULL
              OR g.end_date >= cp_sysdate )
             g.start_date <= cp_sysdate
               (   (g.instance_type = 'GLOBAL')
               AND (g.object_id = cp_object_id));
Line: 837

    SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */ 'X'
       ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */  role_name
         from wf_user_roles wur,
           select cp_user_name name from dual
             union all
           select incr1.name name
             from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
            where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
              and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
              and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
              and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
            ) incr2
         where  wur.user_name = incr2.name
        ) u2,
        fnd_grants g
    WHERE rownum = 1
      AND g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
      AND g.menu_id in
               (select cmf.menu_id
                 from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)
      AND(   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
          OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','SECURITY_GROUP_ID'))
      AND(   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
          OR g.ctx_resp_id      =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
      AND(   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
          OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
      AND(   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
          OR g.ctx_org_id       =  SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
       (   g.end_date  IS NULL
        OR g.end_date >= cp_sysdate )
       g.start_date <= cp_sysdate
         (   (g.instance_type = 'GLOBAL')
         AND (g.object_id =  cp_object_id))
Line: 1475

                 'SELECT '|| '1' ||
                  ' FROM '|| l_db_object_name || ' CKALIAS'||
                 ' WHERE ROWNUM =1 AND ';
Line: 2163

         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
                instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id
           ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */ 'GLOBAL' role_name from dual
              union all
             select role_name
             from wf_user_roles wur,
               select cp_user_name name from dual
                 union all
               select incr1.name name
                 from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
               where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                  and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                  and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                  and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                ) incr2
             where wur.user_name = incr2.name
            ) u2,
            fnd_grants g,
            fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
            AND g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (   (cp_function_id = -1)
                 OR (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE );
Line: 2218

                instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id
           FROM fnd_grants g,
                fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
             AND  (( g.grantee_type = 'USER'
                       AND g.grantee_key = cp_user_name)
                    OR (     g.grantee_type = 'GROUP'
                        AND (g.grantee_key in
                  (select role_name
                   from wf_user_roles wur
                  where wur.user_name in
                   ( (select cp_user_name from dual)
                          union all
                     (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, fnd_user f
                       where 'HZ_PARTY'       = incrns.orig_system
                         and f.user_name           = cp_user_name
                         and f.person_party_id  = incrns.orig_system_id)))))
                   OR (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL'))
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (   (cp_function_id = -1)
                 OR (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE );
Line: 2261

         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
                instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id
           ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */  role_name
             from wf_user_roles wur,
               select cp_user_name name from dual
                 union all
               select incr1.name name
                 from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
               where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                  and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                  and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                  and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                ) incr2
             where wur.user_name = incr2.name
            ) u2,
            fnd_grants g,
            fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
            AND g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (   (cp_function_id = -1)
                 OR (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE );
Line: 2675

                  'SELECT unique to_char(GNT.MENU_ID) '||
                   ' FROM fnd_grants GNT, ' ||
                          l_db_object_name||' OBJTAB'||
                 ' WHERE ';
Line: 2681

                 'SELECT unique FF.FUNCTION_NAME '||
                  ' FROM fnd_grants GNT, ' ||
                         l_db_object_name||' OBJTAB, '||
                         'fnd_compiled_menu_functions CMF, '||
                         'fnd_form_functions FF '||
                 ' WHERE ';
Line: 2691

              ' SELECT '|| l_pk_column_names ||
                ' FROM fnd_grants GNT';
Line: 2718

                 ' (select role_name '||
                 ' from wf_user_roles wur '||
                 ' where wur.user_name in '||
                  ' ( (select '||
                      ' '''||replace(l_user_name,'''','''''')||''' '||
                          ' from dual) '||
                         ' union all '||
                   ' (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, '||
                                             ' fnd_user f '||
                     ' where ''HZ_PARTY''       = incrns.orig_system '||
                       ' and f.user_name           = '||
                        ' '''||replace(l_user_name,'''','''''')||''' '||
                       ' and f.person_party_id  = incrns.orig_system_id)))) '||
                     ' OR (GNT.grantee_type = ''GLOBAL''))';
Line: 2737

                 ' (select role_name '||
                 ' from wf_user_roles wur, '||
                  ' ( select '||
                      ' '''||replace(l_user_name,'''','''''')||''' '||
                          ' name from dual '||
                       ' union all '||
                   ' (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, '||
                                             ' fnd_user f '||
                     ' where ''HZ_PARTY''       = incrns.orig_system '||
                       ' and f.user_name           = '||
                        ' '''||replace(l_user_name,'''','''''')||''' '||
                       ' and f.person_party_id  = incrns.orig_system_id '||
                       ' and incrns.partition_id  = 9 ) '||
                   ' ) incr2 '||
                   ' where wur.user_name = incr2.name '||
                      ' union all '||
                   ' select ''GLOBAL'' from dual))';
Line: 2758

              ' (select cmf.menu_id'||
                 ' from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf'||
                ' where cmf.function_id = '||l_function_id||')';
Line: 3029

          if (l_funclist_flag = FALSE) then /* Close off subselect parens */

              l_aggregate_predicate  :=  substrb( l_aggregate_predicate||')',
                                       1, c_pred_buf_size);
Line: 3185

    l_last_update_date     DATE := NULL; -- code added for Bug14826159
Line: 3194

         select 1 from
         where exists
         SELECT  1
           FROM fnd_grants g
          WHERE  (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL')
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (   (cp_function_id = -1)
                 OR (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
            AND g.instance_type = cp_instance_type
Line: 3235

         select 1
         from dual
         where exists
               select 1
               from fnd_grants g
               where (( g.grantee_type = 'USER'
                       AND g.grantee_key = cp_user_name)
                    OR (g.grantee_type = 'GROUP'
                       AND (g.grantee_key in
                  (select role_name
                   from wf_user_roles wur
                  where wur.user_name in
                   ( (select cp_user_name from dual)
                          union all
                     (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, fnd_user f
                       where 'HZ_PARTY'       = incrns.orig_system
                         and f.user_name           = cp_user_name
                         and f.person_party_id  = incrns.orig_system_id))))))
              and g.object_id = cp_object_id
              and ((cp_function_id = -1)
                   or (g.menu_id in
                        (select cmf.menu_id
                           from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                          where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
              and (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                   or g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
              and (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                   OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
              and (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                   OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
              and (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                   OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
              and g.start_date <= SYSDATE
              and (   g.end_date IS NULL
                   OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
              and g.instance_type = cp_instance_type
Line: 3283

         select 1 from
         where exists
         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */ 'X'
            ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */  role_name
              from wf_user_roles wur,
                select cp_user_name name from dual
                  union all
                select incr1.name name
                  from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                 where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                   and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                   and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                   and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                 ) incr2
              where wur.user_name = incr2.name
             ) u2,
             fnd_grants g
         WHERE rownum = 1
              AND g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
              and g.object_id = cp_object_id
              and ((cp_function_id = -1)
                   or (g.menu_id in
                        (select cmf.menu_id
                           from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                          where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id)))
              and (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                   or g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
              and (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                   OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
              and (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                   OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
              and (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                   OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
              and g.start_date <= SYSDATE
              and (   g.end_date IS NULL
                   OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
              and g.instance_type = cp_instance_type
Line: 3342

         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
                 instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
            ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */ 'GLOBAL' role_name from dual
               union all
              select  role_name
              from wf_user_roles wur,
                select cp_user_name name from dual
                  union all
                select incr1.name name
                  from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                 where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                   and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                   and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                   and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                 ) incr2
              where wur.user_name = incr2.name
             ) u2,
             fnd_grants g,
             fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
            AND g.instance_type = 'SET'
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 3391

         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
                 instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
            ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */ 'GLOBAL' role_name from dual
               union all
              select  role_name
              from wf_user_roles wur,
                select cp_user_name name from dual
                  union all
                select incr1.name name
                  from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                 where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                   and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                   and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                   and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                 ) incr2
              where wur.user_name = incr2.name
             ) u2,
             fnd_grants g,
             fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 3441

         SELECT instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
           FROM fnd_grants g,
                fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
          AND(     (g.grantee_type = 'USER'
                  AND g.grantee_key = cp_user_name)
                OR (g.grantee_type = 'GROUP'
                  AND (g.grantee_key in
                  (select role_name
                   from wf_user_roles wur
                  where wur.user_name in
                   ( (select cp_user_name from dual)
                          union all
                     (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, fnd_user f
                       where 'HZ_PARTY'       = incrns.orig_system
                         and f.user_name           = cp_user_name
                         and f.person_party_id  = incrns.orig_system_id)))))
                 OR (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL'))
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 3482

         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
                 instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
            ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */  role_name
              from wf_user_roles wur,
                select cp_user_name name from dual
                  union all
                select incr1.name name
                  from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                 where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                   and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                   and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                   and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                 ) incr2
              where wur.user_name = incr2.name
             ) u2,
             fnd_grants g,
             fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 3535

         SELECT instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
           FROM fnd_grants g,
                fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
           AND  (         (g.grantee_type = 'USER'
                       AND g.grantee_key = cp_user_name)
                   OR (    g.grantee_type = 'GROUP'
                       AND (g.grantee_key in
                  (select role_name
                   from wf_user_roles wur
                  where wur.user_name in
                   ( (select cp_user_name from dual)
                          union all
                     (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, fnd_user f
                       where 'HZ_PARTY'       = incrns.orig_system
                         and f.user_name           = cp_user_name
                         and f.person_party_id  = incrns.orig_system_id))))))
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 3579

         SELECT  /*+ leading(u2) use_nl(g) index(g,FND_GRANTS_N9) */
                 instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
            ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */  role_name
              from wf_user_roles wur,
                select cp_user_name name from dual
                  union all
                select incr1.name name
                  from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                 where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                   and u1.user_name         = cp_user_name
                   and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                   and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                 ) incr2
              where wur.user_name = incr2.name
             ) u2,
             fnd_grants g,
             fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 3626

        SELECT instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
        FROM fnd_grants g, fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
        WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
            AND  (        (g.grantee_type = 'USER'
                       AND g.grantee_key = cp_user_name)
                   OR     (g.grantee_type = 'GROUP'
                       AND (g.grantee_key in
                  (select role_name
                   from wf_user_roles wur
                  where wur.user_name in
                   ( (select cp_user_name from dual)
                          union all
                     (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, fnd_user f
                       where 'HZ_PARTY'       = incrns.orig_system
                         and f.user_name           = cp_user_name
                         and f.person_party_id  = incrns.orig_system_id))))))
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 3666

         SELECT instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
           FROM fnd_grants g,
                fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
            AND  (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL')
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND (g.menu_id in
                      (select cmf.menu_id
                         from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                        where cmf.function_id = cp_function_id))
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 3697

         SELECT instance_sets.predicate, instance_sets.instance_set_id,
           FROM fnd_grants g,
                fnd_object_instance_sets instance_sets
          WHERE g.instance_type = 'SET'
            AND  (g.grantee_type = 'GLOBAL')
            AND g.object_id = cp_object_id
            AND g.instance_set_id = instance_sets.instance_set_id
            AND (   g.ctx_secgrp_id    = -1
                 OR g.ctx_secgrp_id    =
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_id      = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_id      = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_resp_appl_id = -1
                 OR g.ctx_resp_appl_id = SYS_CONTEXT('FND','RESP_APPL_ID'))
            AND (   g.ctx_org_id       = -1
                 OR g.ctx_org_id       = SYS_CONTEXT('FND', 'ORG_ID'))
            AND g.start_date <= SYSDATE
            AND (   g.end_date IS NULL
                 OR g.end_date >= SYSDATE )
          ORDER BY instance_sets.predicate,
                   instance_sets.instance_set_id desc;
Line: 3927

INTO      l_last_update_date
from      (  select /*+ NO_MERGE */ 'GLOBAL' role_name from dual union all
	     select  role_name
              from wf_user_roles wur,
				 select l_user_name name from dual
				 union all
				 select incr1.name name
                  from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                 where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                   and u1.user_name         = l_user_name
                   and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                 ) incr2
              where wur.user_name = incr2.name
        ) u2,
	fnd_grants g
where   g.grantee_key = U2.role_name
AND     g.object_id = l_object_id
AND     (l_function_id = -1  or
          			  g.menu_id IN (select cmf.menu_id
                                  from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf
                                  where cmf.function_id = l_function_id));
Line: 3972

           AND (   g_gsp_last_update_date IS NOT NULL AND  l_last_update_date IS NOT NULL
                AND g_gsp_last_update_date >= l_last_update_date)
           ) then
        x_predicate := g_gsp_predicate;
Line: 4922

                 else /* Has references to grant table so we subselect */
                      /* against the grants table */
                    l_aggregate_predicate  :=
                         substrb( l_aggregate_predicate ||
                         ' exists (select null'||
                                      ' from fnd_grants gnt'||
                                     ' where gnt.grant_guid in (',
                                                    1, c_pred_buf_size);
Line: 5024

           ' exists (select null'||
                     ' from fnd_grants gnt';
Line: 5056

                 ' (select role_name '||
                 ' from wf_user_roles wur '||
                 ' where wur.user_name in '||
                  ' ( (select '||l_user_name_bind ||' from dual) '||
                         ' union all '||
                   ' (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, '||
                                             ' fnd_user f '||
                     ' where ''HZ_PARTY''       = incrns.orig_system '||
                       ' and f.user_name           = '||l_user_name_bind ||
                       ' and f.person_party_id  = incrns.orig_system_id)))))';
Line: 5077

                 ' (select role_name '||
                 ' from wf_user_roles wur, '||
                  ' ( select '||l_user_name_bind ||' name from dual '||
                       ' union all '||
                   ' (select incrns.name from wf_local_roles incrns, '||
                                             ' fnd_user f '||
                     ' where ''HZ_PARTY''       = incrns.orig_system '||
                       ' and f.user_name           = '||l_user_name_bind ||
                       ' and f.person_party_id  = incrns.orig_system_id '||
                       ' and incrns.partition_id  = 9 ) '||
                   ' ) incr2 '||
                   ' where wur.user_name = incr2.name ';
Line: 5093

                            ' select ''GLOBAL'' from dual ';
Line: 5117

                  ' (select cmf.menu_id'||
                     ' from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf'||
                    ' where cmf.function_id = :FUNCTION_ID_BIND )';
Line: 5131

                  ' (select cmf.menu_id'||
                     ' from fnd_compiled_menu_functions cmf'||
                    ' where cmf.function_id = '||l_function_id||')';
Line: 5253

        g_gsp_last_update_date := l_last_update_date;
Line: 5657

                 'SELECT  '|| l_pk_orig_column_names ||
                  ' FROM  '|| l_db_object_name ||
                 ' WHERE '||l_predicate||' ';
Line: 6136

  )  ,
    select /*+materialize */ distinct menu_id,entry_sequence
    from fnd_menu_entries_vl
    where sub_menu_id is NOT NULL
    and prompt is NULL
  )  ,
  select /*+ leading(fmev) index(fmev) use_hash(base) */ base.menu_path, base.function_id, fmev.menu_id, base.prompt1 prompt
  from   (select sys_connect_by_path(menu_id,'/')||'/'||nvl(function_id,-1) menu_path, menu_id, entry_sequence, nvl(sub_menu_id,-1) sub_menu_id, nvl(function_id,-1) function_id, sys_connect_by_path(prompt,':->') prompt1
          from (select * from fnd_menu_entries_vl where (menu_id,entry_sequence) not in (select /*+ HASH_FMEV_EXT */ menu_id, entry_sequence
       from FMEV_EXT
       where menu_id IS NOT NULL and entry_sequence IS NOT NULL))fmev
          connect by prior SUB_MENU_ID = MENU_ID
           start with MENU_ID in (select fr.menu_id from fnd_responsibility fr, fu_furg where fu_furg.responsibility_id=fr.responsibility_id and fu_furg.responsibility_application_id=fr.application_id)
         ) base,
  fnd_menu_entries_tl fmev
  where base.menu_id=fmev.menu_id
  and     base.entry_sequence=fmev.entry_sequence
  and     fmev.LANGUAGE=USERENV('LANG')
  and     upper(fmev.prompt) like upper(P_FUNCTION_PROMPT||'%')
  and  base.function_id <> -1
   AJ AS
      select   /*+ materialize */
            decode(EXCL.function_id, -1, fcmf1.function_id, EXCL.function_id) function_id,
      from (select decode(rule_type, 'M', action_id, -1) MENU_ID,
                                 decode(rule_type, 'F', action_id, -1) FUNCTION_ID,
               from (
                                   select frf.rule_type,frf.action_id,frf.responsibility_id
                                   from fnd_resp_functions frf, FU_FURG
                                   where FRF.RESPONSIBILITY_ID = FU_FURG.RESPONSIBILITY_ID
                                   and    frf.application_id =fu_furg.responsibility_application_id)
              ) EXCL, fnd_compiled_menu_functions fcmf1
       where EXCL.MENU_ID=fcmf1.menu_id(+)
       select   /*+ materialize */ function_id
       from fnd_form_functions_vl
       where type in ('WWW', 'WWK', 'SERVLET', 'JSP', 'FORM')
U.function_id,U.responsibility_name,U.responsibility_id, U.application_id, U.security_group_id, U.menu_id,U.prompt
(select /*+ use_hash(prompt1) swap_join_inputs(prompt1) */ fcmf.function_id,fr.responsibility_name,
fr.responsibility_id, fr.application_id, fu_furg.security_group_id, prompt1.menu_id, prompt1.prompt
from fnd_compiled_menu_functions fcmf, fnd_responsibility_vl fr,FU_FURG, PROMPT1,NFT
where fu_furg.responsibility_id=fr.responsibility_id
and fu_furg.responsibility_application_id=fr.application_id
and fcmf.menu_id=fr.menu_id
and fcmf.grant_flag='Y'
and (fcmf.function_id,fr.responsibility_id) not in
      (select /*+ HASH_AJ */ function_id, responsibility_id
       from AJ
       where function_id IS NOT NULL and responsibility_id IS NOT NULL)
and prompt1.function_id=NFT.function_id
and     prompt1.function_id = fcmf.function_id
and  fr.menu_id=substr(prompt1.menu_path,2,instr(prompt1.menu_path,'/',1,2)-2)
select /*+  leading(GRANTS) */
FLAT.function_id, FLAT.RESPONSIBILITY_NAME,FLAT.RESPONSIBILITY_ID, FLAT.application_id, FLAT.security_group_id, prompt1.menu_id, prompt1.prompt
(select  function_id, grants.ctx_secgrp_id, grants.ctx_resp_id, grants.ctx_resp_appl_id
 from (select /*+ no_merge */ distinct g.menu_id, g.ctx_secgrp_id, g.ctx_resp_id, g.ctx_resp_appl_id from
              ( select /*+ NO_MERGE */ 'GLOBAL' role_name from dual
                 union all
                 select role_name
                 from wf_user_roles wur,
                       select L_USER_NAME name from dual
                    union all
                    select incr1.name name
                    from wf_local_roles incr1, fnd_user u1
                    where 'HZ_PARTY'           = incr1.orig_system
                    and u1.user_name         = L_USER_NAME
                    and u1.person_party_id   = incr1.orig_system_id
                    and incr1.partition_id  = 9 /* HZ_PARTY */
                 ) incr2
                 where wur.user_name = incr2.name
               ) u2,
                fnd_grants g
  where g.grantee_key = u2.role_name
               AND (   g.end_date  IS NULL OR g.end_date >= sysdate )
               AND     g.start_date <= sysdate
               AND (   (g.instance_type = 'GLOBAL') AND (g.object_id = -1))
         ) GRANTS, fnd_compiled_menu_functions fcmf_in
 where GRANTS.menu_id = fcmf_in.menu_id
(select /*+ no_merge */ distinct
fcmf.function_id,fr.responsibility_name,fr.responsibility_id,fr.application_id, fu_furg.security_group_id, fr.menu_id
 from fnd_compiled_menu_functions fcmf, fnd_responsibility_vl fr,FU_FURG
 where fu_furg.responsibility_id=fr.responsibility_id
 and fu_furg.responsibility_application_id=fr.application_id
 and fcmf.menu_id=fr.menu_id
) FLAT, prompt1, NFT
WHERE  GRANTS_FN.function_id = prompt1.function_id
and    prompt1.function_id=NFT.function_id
and         FLAT.menu_id=substr(prompt1.menu_path,2,instr(prompt1.menu_path,'/',1,2)-2)
and         FLAT.function_id=prompt1.function_id
and         decode(grants_fn.ctx_resp_id,
                           -1, flat.responsibility_id,
                           grants_fn.ctx_resp_id) = flat.responsibility_id
and         decode(grants_fn.ctx_resp_appl_id,
                           -1, flat.application_id,
                           grants_fn.ctx_resp_appl_id) = flat.application_id
and         decode(grants_fn.ctx_secgrp_id,
                           -1, flat.security_group_id,
                           grants_fn.ctx_secgrp_id) = flat.security_group_id
and (flat.function_id,flat.responsibility_id) not in
      (select /*+ HASH_AJ */ function_id, responsibility_id
       from AJ
       where function_id IS NOT NULL and responsibility_id IS NOT NULL)
) U;