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1 PACKAGE dbms_service_prvt AS
3  ------------
5  --
6  --  This package allows an application to manage services and sessions
7  --  connected with a specific service name. The difference to the previous
8  --  package is that additional parameters like the global flag can be set.
9  --
10  --  Oracle Real Application Cluster (RAC) has a functionality to manage
11  --  service names across instances. This package allows the creation,
12  --  deletion,starting and stopping of services in both RAC and single
13  --  instance.
14  --  Additionally it provides the ability to disconnect all sessions which
15  --  connect to the instance with a service name when RAC removes that
16  --  service name from the instance.
18  ----------------
19  --  CAUTION
20  --
21  -- This package was specifically defined with GSM in mind. Prospective users
22  -- are advised to talk to the file owener before using this package.
24  ----------------
26  --
27  --  This package should be installed under SYS schema.
28  --
29  --  SQL> @dbmssrv
30  --
32  ------------
33  --  SECURITY
34  --
35  --  The execute privilage of the package is granted to DBA role only.
37   ----------------------------
39   --
41   TYPE svc_parameter_array IS TABLE OF VARCHAR2(100) INDEX BY VARCHAR2(100);
43   PROCEDURE create_service(service_name        IN VARCHAR2,
44                            network_name        IN VARCHAR2,
45                            cluster_attributes  IN svc_parameter_array,
46                            db_attributes       IN svc_parameter_array,
47                            is_called_by_crs    IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
48                            srvc_context        IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);
49   --  Creates a new service$ entry for this service name
50   --  Input parameter(s):
51   --    service_name
52   --      The service's short name. Limited to 64 characters.
53   --    network_name
54   --      the full network name for the service. This will usually be the same
55   --      as the service_name.
56   --    cluster_attributes
57   --      associative array with name/value pairs of the crs service
58   --      attributes. The following list describes the supported names.
59   --
60   --      preferred_all
61   --        All databases in the pool are preferred
62   --      preferred
63   --        A comma separated list of preferred databases
64   --      available
65   --        A comma separated list of available databases
66   --      locality
67   --        Service region locality. Must be ANYWHERE or LOCAL_ONLY
68   --      region_failover
69   --        service is enabled for region failover
70   --      role
71   --        Database role the database must be in to start this service.
72   --        This only applies to database pools that have a data guard broker
73   --        configuration.
74   --      failover_primary
75   --        Enable service to failover to primary. This is only applicable to
76   --        services with the role PHYSICAL_STANDBY.
77   --      lag
78   --        Specifes the lag of the service.
79   --      tafpolicy
80   --        TAF client policy
81   --      policy
82   --        Management policy for the service. Can be automatic or manual.
83   --    db_attributes
84   --      associative array with name/value pairs of the database service
85   --      attributes. The following list describes the supported names.
86   --
87   --      goal
88   --        the workload management goal directive of the service. Valid values
89   --        are : DBMS_SERVICE.GOAL_SERVICE_TIME,
90   --              DBMS_SERVICE.GOAL_THROUGHPUT,
91   --              DBMS_SERVICE.GOAL_NONE.
92   --      dtp
93   --        declares the service to be for DTP or distributed transactions.
94   --      aq_ha_notifications
95   --        determines whether HA events are sent via AQ for this service.
96   --      failover_method
97   --        the TAF failover method for the service
98   --      failover_type
99   --        the TAF failover type for the service
100   --      failover_retries
101   --        the TAF failover retries for the service
102   --      failover_delay
103   --        the TAF failover delay for the service
104   --      edition
105   --        the initial session edition
106   --      pdb
107   --        the initial pdb
108   --      commit_outcome
109   --        persist outcome of transactions
110   --      retention_timeout
111   --        timeout when the transaction outcome is retained
112   --      replay_initiation_timeout
113   --        timeout when replayed is disabled
114   --      session_state_consistency
115   --        Consistency of session state: static or dynamic
116   --      sql_translation_name
117   --        Name of SQL translation unit
118   --      global
119   --        global service
120   --    is_called_by_crs
121   --        Is this function invoked by CRS? (MUST ONLY BE SET BY CRS)
122   --    srvc_context
123   --        which service context does this apply to (DB &/or OCR)?
125   PROCEDURE modify_service(service_name        IN VARCHAR2,
126                            cluster_attributes  IN svc_parameter_array,
127                            db_attributes       IN svc_parameter_array,
128                            is_called_by_crs    IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
129                            srvc_context        IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);
130   --  Modifies an existing service
131   --  Input parameter(s):
132   --    service_name
133   --      The service's short name. Limited to 64 characters.
134   --    cluster_attributes
135   --      associative array with name/value pairs of the crs service
136   --      attributes. The following list describes the supported names.
137   --
138   --      preferred_all
139   --        All databases in the pool are preferred
140   --      preferred
141   --        A comma separated list of preferred databases
142   --      available
143   --        A comma separated list of available databases
144   --      locality
145   --        Service region locality. Must be ANYWHERE or LOCAL_ONLY
146   --      region_failover
147   --        service is enabled for region failover
148   --      role
149   --        Database role the database must be in to start this service.
150   --        This only applies to database pools that have a data guard broker
151   --        configuration.
152   --      failover_primary
153   --        Enable service to failover to primary. This is only applicable to
154   --        services with the role PHYSICAL_STANDBY.
155   --      lag
156   --        Specifes the lag of the service.
157   --      tafpolicy
158   --        TAF client policy
159   --      policy
160   --        Management policy for the service. Can be automatic or manual.
161   --    db_attributes
162   --      associative array with name/value pairs of the database service
163   --      attributes. The following list describes the supported names.
164   --
165   --      goal
166   --        the workload management goal directive of the service. Valid values
167   --        defined under create_service above.
168   --      dtp
169   --        declares the service to be for DTP or distributed transactions.
170   --      aq_ha_notifications
171   --        determines whether HA events are sent via AQ for this service.
172   --      failover_method
173   --        the TAF failover method for the service
174   --      failover_type
175   --        the TAF failover type for the service
176   --      failover_retries
177   --        the TAF failover retries for the service
178   --      failover_delay
179   --        the TAF failover delay for the service
180   --      edition
181   --        the initial session edition
182   --      pdb
183   --        the new pdb
184   --      commit_outcome
185   --        persist outcome of transactions
186   --      retention_timeout
187   --        timeout when the transaction outcome is retained
188   --      replay_initiation_timeout
189   --        timeout when replayed is disabled
190   --      session_state_consistency
191   --        Consistency of session state: static or dynamic
192   --      sql_translation_name
193   --        Name of SQL translation unit
194   --    is_called_by_crs
195   --        Is this function invoked by CRS? (MUST ONLY BE SET BY CRS)
196   --    srvc_context
197   --        which service context does this apply to (DB &/or OCR)?
199   PROCEDURE delete_service(service_name     IN VARCHAR2,
200                            is_called_by_crs IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
204   --    service_name
201                            srvc_context     IN NUMBER DEFAULT 1);
202   --  Marks a service$ entry as deleted.
203   --  Input parameter(s):
205   --      The services short name. Limited to 64 characters.
206   --    is_called_by_crs
207   --        Is this function invoked by CRS? (MUST ONLY BE SET BY CRS)
208   --    srvc_context
209   --        which service context does this apply to (DB &/or OCR)?
211   PROCEDURE start_service(service_name     IN VARCHAR2,
212                           all_nodes        IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
213                           is_called_by_crs IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
214   --  In single instance starts the service with this service_name.
215   --  In RAC will optionally start the service only on the instance specified.
216   --  Input parameter(s):
217   --    service_name
218   --      The services short name. Limited to 64 characters.
219   --    all_nodes
220   --      Where shall the service be started? FALSE results in starting the
221   --      the service on the local node.
222   --      In single instance this can only be the current
223   --      instance or FALSE.
224   --      Specify TRUE to start the service on all configured nodes.
225   --    is_called_by_crs
226   --      Is this function invoked by CRS? (MUST ONLY BE SET BY CRS)
228   PROCEDURE stop_service(service_name     IN VARCHAR2,
229                          all_nodes        IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE,
230                          is_called_by_crs IN BOOLEAN DEFAULT FALSE);
231   --  In single instance it stops the service specified by service_name.
232   --  In RAC will call out to CRS to stop the service, optionally on the
233   --  instance specified. Calls clscrs_stop_resource.
234   --  Input parameter(s):
235   --    service_name
236   --      The services short name. Limited to 64 characters.
237   --    all_nodes
238   --      Where shall the service be stopped? FALSE results in stopping the
239   --      the service on the local node.
240   --      In single instance this can only be the current instance or FALSE.
241   --      Specify TRUE to stop the service on all configured nodes.
242   --    is_called_by_crs
243   --      Is this function invoked by CRS? (MUST ONLY BE SET BY CRS)
245   PROCEDURE rename_pdb_attribute(pdb_name     IN VARCHAR2,
246                                  new_pdb_name IN VARCHAR2);
247   -- Changes the pdb_name of all qualifying services to new_pdb_name
248   -- Input parameter(s):
249   --   pdb_name
250   --     current pdb name
251   --   new_pdb_name
252   --     new pdb name
254 END dbms_service_prvt;