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1 package dbms_lock is
5   ------------
6   --  OVERVIEW
7   --
8   --  These routines allow the user to request, convert and release locks.
9   --  The locks are managed by the rdbms lock management services.  All
10   --  lock ids are prepended with the 'UL' prefix so that they cannot
11   --  conflict with DBMS locks.  These locks will show up in the SQL*DBA
12   --  lock monitor screen and in the appropriate fixed views.
13   --
14   --  Deadlock detection is performed on these locks.
15   --
16   --  Locks are automatically released when the session terminates.
17   --  It is up to the clients to agree on the use of these locks.  The
18   --  lock identifier is a number in the range of 0 to 1073741823.
19   --
20   --  The allocate_unique call can be used to allocate a unique lockid
21   --  (in the range of 1073741824 to 1999999999) given a lock name.  This is
22   --  provided since it may be easier for applications to coordinate
23   --  their use of locks based on lock names rather than lock numbers.
24   --  The first session to call allocate_unique with a new lock name will
25   --  cause a unique lockid to be generated and stored in the
26   --  dbms_lock_allocated table.  Subsequent calls (usually by other
27   --  sessions) will return the lockid previously generated.  A lock name
28   --  will be associated with the returned lockid for at least
29   --  'expiration_secs' (defaults to 10 days) past the last call to
30   --  allocate_unique with the given lock name.  After this time, the row
31   --  in the dbms_lock_allocated table for this lock name may be deleted
32   --  in order to recover space.  Allocate_unique performs a commit.
33   --
34   --  A sleep procedure is also provided which causes the caller to sleep
35   --  for the given interval.
38   ------------------------------------------------
40   --
41   --  allocate_unique - allocate a unique lock given a name
42   --  request	      - request a lock of given mode
43   --  convert	      - convert lock from one mode to another
44   --  releas          - release the lock
45   --  sleep	      - sleep for the specified time
48   ---------------
50   --
51   --  The implementation does not support large numbers of locks efficiently.
52   --  A few hundred locks per session should be the limit.
55   ------------
56   --  SECURITY
57   --
58   --  There may be OS-specific limits on the maximum number of total
59   --  locks available.  You will need to consider this when using locks,
60   --  or making this package available to users.  You may wish to only
61   --  grant execute to those users or roles that you trust.  An
62   --  alternative is to create a cover package for this package which
63   --  limits those locks used.  Then, instead of granting execute on this
64   --  package to public, grant execute on the cover package
65   --  only to specific users.  A cover package might look like this:
66   --
67   --  create package lock_100_to_200 is
68   --    nl_mode  constant integer := 1;
69   --    ss_mode  constant integer := 2;
70   --    sx_mode  constant integer := 3;
71   --    s_mode   constant integer := 4;
72   --    ssx_mode constant integer := 5;
73   --    x_mode   constant integer := 6;
74   --    maxwait  constant integer := 32767;
75   --    function request(id in integer,
76   --                     lockmode in integer default x_mode,
77   --                     timeout in integer default maxwait,
78   --                     release_on_commit in boolean default FALSE)
79   --      return integer;
80   --    function convert(id in integer;
81   --                     lockmode in integer,
82   --                     timeout in number default maxwait)
83   --      return integer;
84   --    function release(id in integer) return integer;
85   --  end;
86   --  create package body lock_100_to_200 is
87   --  begin
88   --    function  request(id in integer,
89   --                     lockmode in integer default x_mode,
90   --                     timeout in integer default maxwait,
91   --                     release_on_commit in boolean default FALSE)
92   --      return integer is
93   --    begin
94   --      if id < 100 or id > 200 then
95   --        raise_application_error(-20000,'Lock id out of range');
96   --      endif;
97   --      return dbms_lock.request(id, lockmode, timeout, release_on_commit);
98   --    end;
99   --    function convert(id in integer,
100   --                     lockmode in integer,
101   --                     timeout in number default maxwait)
102   --      return integer is
103   --    begin
104   --      if id < 100 or id > 200 then
105   --        raise_application_error(-20000,'Lock id out of range');
106   --      endif;
107   --      return dbms_lock.convert(id, lockmode, timeout);
108   --    end;
109   --    function release(id in integer) return integer is
110   --    begin
111   --      if id < 100 or id > 200 then
112   --        raise_application_error(-20000,'Lock id out of range');
113   --      endif;
114   --      return dbms_lock.release(id);
115   --    end;
116   --  end;
117   --
118   --  Grant execute on the lock_100_to_200 package to those users who
119   --  are allowed to use locks in the 100-200 range.  Don't grant execute
120   --  on package dbms_lock to anyone.  The lock_100_200 package
121   --  should be created as sys.
122   --
123   --  The "dbms_session.is_role_enabled" procedure could also be used
124   --  in a cover package to enforce security.
126   ---------------------
128   --
129   nl_mode  constant integer := 1;
130   ss_mode  constant integer := 2;	-- Also called 'Intended Share'
131   sx_mode  constant integer := 3;	-- Also called 'Intended Exclusive'
132   s_mode   constant integer := 4;
133   ssx_mode constant integer := 5;
134   x_mode   constant integer := 6;
135   --  These are the various lock modes (nl -> "NuLl", ss -> "Sub Shared",
136   --  sx -> "Sub eXclusive", s -> "Shared", ssx -> "Shared Sub eXclusive",
137   --  x -> "eXclusive").
138   --
139   --  A sub-share lock can be used on an aggregate object to indicate that
140   --  share locks are being aquired on sub-parts of the object.  Similarly, a
141   --  sub-exclusive lock can be used on an aggregate object to indicate
142   --  that exclusive locks are being aquired on sub-parts of the object.  A
143   --  share-sub-exclusive lock indicates that the entire aggregate object
144   --  has a share lock, but some of the sub-parts may additionally have
145   --  exclusive locks.
146   --
147   --  Lock Compatibility Rules:
148   --  When another process holds "held", an attempt to get "get" does
149   --  the following:
150   --
151   --  held  get->  NL   SS   SX   S    SSX  X
152   --  NL           SUCC SUCC SUCC SUCC SUCC SUCC
153   --  SS           SUCC SUCC SUCC SUCC SUCC fail
154   --  SX           SUCC SUCC SUCC fail fail fail
155   --  S            SUCC SUCC fail SUCC fail fail
156   --  SSX          SUCC SUCC fail fail fail fail
157   --  X            SUCC fail fail fail fail fail
158   --
159   maxwait  constant integer := 32767;
160   -- maxwait means to wait forever
162   ----------------------------
164   --
166   badseconds_num NUMBER := -38148;
168   ----------------------------
170   --
171   procedure allocate_unique(lockname in varchar2,
172 			    lockhandle out varchar2,
173 			    expiration_secs in integer default 864000);
174   --  Given a name, generate a unique lockid for this lock.  This procedure
175   --    always performs a 'commit'.
176   --  Input parameters:
177   --    lockname
178   --      name of lock to generate unique lockid for.  If this name already
179   --      has been assigned a lockid, then return a handle to that lockid.
180   --      Otherwise generate a new lockid and return a handle to it.
181   --      WARNING: Do not use locknames beginning with 'ORA$'; these names
182   --      are reserved for products supplied by Oracle Corporation.  The
183   --      name can be up to 128 bytes, and is case-sensitive.
184   --    expiration_secs
185   --      number of seconds after an 'allocate_unique' is last performed on
186   --      this lock name that this lock is subject to cleanup (i.e.,
187   --      deleting from the dbms_lock_allocated table).  Defaults to 10
188   --      days.
189   --  Output parameters:
190   --    lockhandle
191   --      The actual lockid is not returned, rather a handle to it is
192   --      returned.  Use this handle in subsequent calls to request,
193   --      convert and release. Up to 128 bytes are returned.  A handle
194   --      is used to reduce the chance that a programming error can
195   --      accidentally create an incorrect but valid lockid.  This will
196   --      provide better isolation between different applications that are
197   --      using this package.
198   --
199   --      All sessions using a lockhandle returned by a call to
200   --      allocate_unique using the same name will be referring to the same
201   --      lock.  Different sessions may have different lockhandles for the
202   --      same lock, so lockhandles should not be passed from one session
203   --      to another.
204   --
205   --      The lockid's generated by allocate_unique are between 1073741824
206   --      and 1999999999, inclusive.
207   --
208   --      This routine will always do a commit.
209   --
210   --  Errors raised:
211   --    -20000, ORU-10003: Unable to find or insert lock <lockname>
212   --        into catalog dbms_lock_allocated.
214   procedure allocate_unique_autonomous(lockname in varchar2,
215 			    lockhandle out varchar2,
216 			    expiration_secs in integer default 864000);
217   -- Autonomous version of the allocate_unique procedure. The Input
218   -- and Output parameters are the same as that of allocate_unique.
219   -- This procedure works exactly same as that of allocate_unique, except
220   -- that the procedure will run as an autonomous transaction. Therefore the
221   -- commits in this procedure will not affect the calling procedure.
223   function  request(id in integer,
224                     lockmode in integer default x_mode,
225                     timeout in integer default maxwait,
226                     release_on_commit in boolean default FALSE)
227     return integer;
228   function  request(lockhandle in varchar2,
229                     lockmode in integer default x_mode,
230                     timeout in integer default maxwait,
231                     release_on_commit in boolean default FALSE)
232     return integer;
233   --  Request a lock with the given mode. Note that this routine is
234   --    overloaded based on the type of its first argument.  The
235   --    appropriate routine is used based on how it is called.
236   --    If a deadlock is detected, then an arbitrary session is
237   --    chosen to receive deadlock status.
238   --    ***NOTE*** When running both multi-threaded server (dispatcher) AND
239   --    parallel server, a multi-threaded "shared server" will be
240   --    bound to a session during the time that any locks are held.
241   --    Therefore the "shared server" will not be shareable during this time.
242   --  Input parameters:
243   --    id
244   --      From 0 to 1073741823.  All sessions that use the same number will
245   --      be referring to the same lock. Lockids from 2000000000 to
246   --      2147483647 are accepted by this routine.  Do not use these as
247   --      they are reserved for products supplied by Oracle Corporation.
248   --    lockhandle
249   --      Handle returned by call to allocate_unique.
250   --    lockmode
251   --      See lockmodes and lock compatibility table above
252   --    timeout
253   --      Timeout in seconds.  If the lock cannot be granted within this
254   --      time period then the call returns a value of 1.  Deadlock
255   --      detection is performed for all "non-small" values of timeout.
256   --    release_on_commit
257   --      If TRUE, then release on commit or rollback, otherwise keep until
258   --      explicitly released or until end-of-session.  If a transaction
259   --      has not been started, it will be.
260   --  Return value:
261   --    0 - success
262   --    1 - timeout
263   --    2 - deadlock
264   --    3 - parameter error
265   --    4 - already own lock specified by 'id' or 'lockhandle'
266   --    5 - illegal lockhandle
267   --
268   function convert(id in integer,
269                    lockmode in integer,
270                    timeout in number default maxwait)
271     return integer;
272   function convert(lockhandle in varchar2,
273                    lockmode in integer,
274                    timeout in number default maxwait)
275     return integer;
276   --  Convert a lock from one mode to another. Note that this routine is
277   --    overloaded based on the type of its first argument.  The
278   --    appropriate routine is used based on how it is called.
279   --    If a deadlock is detected, then an arbitrary session is
280   --    chosen to receive deadlock status.
281   --  Input parameters:
282   --    id
283   --      From 0 to 1073741823.
284   --    lockhandle
285   --      Handle returned by call to allocate_unique.
286   --    lockmode
287   --      See lockmodes and lock compatibility table above.
288   --    timeout
289   --      Timeout in seconds.  If the lock cannot be converted within this
290   --      time period then the call returns a value of 1.  Deadlock
291   --      detection is performed for all "non-small" values of timeout.
292   --  Return value:
293   --    0 - success
294   --    1 - timeout
295   --    2 - deadlock
296   --    3 - parameter error
297   --    4 - don't own lock specified by 'id' or 'lockhandle'
298   --    5 - illegal lockhandle
299   --
300   function release(id in integer) return integer;
301   function release(lockhandle in varchar2) return integer;
302   --  Release a lock previously aquired by 'request'. Note that this routine
303   --    is overloaded based on the type of its argument.  The
304   --    appropriate routine is used based on how it is called.
305   --  Input parameters:
306   --    id
307   --      From 0 to 1073741823.
308   --  Return value:
309   --    0 - success
310   --    3 - parameter error
311   --    4 - don't own lock specified by 'id' or 'lockhandle'
312   --    5 - illegal lockhandle
313   --
314   procedure sleep(seconds in number);
315   --  Suspend the session for the specified period of time.
316   --  Input parameters:
317   --    seconds
318   --      In seconds, currently the maximum resolution is in hundreths of
319   --      a second (e.g., 1.00, 1.01, .99 are all legal and distinct values).
321 end;