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1 PACKAGE BODY jai_ap_rpt_prrg_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: jai_ap_rpt_prrg.plb 120.12.12020000.3 2013/03/05 11:20:23 vkavulur ship $ */
4   /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 Filename:
7 Change History:
9 Date         Bug         Remarks
10 ---------    ----------  -------------------------------------------------------------
11 08-Jun-2005    Version 116.1 jai_ap_rpt_prrg -Object is Modified to refer to New DB Entity names in place of Old DB Entity Names
12 		as required for CASE COMPLAINCE.
14 14-Jun-2005    rchandan for bug#4428980, Version 116.2
15                Modified the object to remove literals from DML statements and CURSORS.
16 	       As part OF R12 Initiative Inventory conversion the OPM code is commented
18 09-Dec-2005  4866533  Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami Version 120.3
19                       Added WHO columns in insert to jai_po_rep_prrg_t
22 01/11/2006  SACSETHI for bug 5228046, File version 120.4
23             Forward porting the change in 11i bug 5365523 (Additional CVD Enhancement).
24             This bug has datamodel and spec changes.
26 01/17/2008  Kevin Cheng for Inclusive Tax calculation
27             Add query criteria to eliminate Inclusive taxes from results.
29 25-FEB-2008  Changes done by nprashar for bug # 6803557.
30 Added a column invoice_distribution-id in cursor definition c_get_tax_from_ap also
31 changed the cursor c_get_tax_type.Added a parameter to cursor c_get_misc_tax_line_amt , p_invoice_distribution_id.
33 8-july-2008 Changes by nprashar for bug # 7225946. Changes in defintion of cursor c_inv_select_cursor,c_inv_item_lines.
35 05-Nov-2008 Modified by JMEENA for bug#7621541
36 			Removed the input parameter 'ITEM' from cursor c_inv_select_cursor,c_inv_item_lines.
38 04-Mar-2013 Modified by VKAVULUR for bug #16426218
39             Excise cess and sh cess taxes will also be part of the column EXCISE. So included tax types cess and sh cess
40             so that these tax amounts also will be added to the excise amount column
42 */
44 PROCEDURE process_report
45   (
46   p_invoice_date_from             IN  date,
47   p_invoice_date_to               IN  date,
48   p_vendor_id                     IN  number,
49   p_vendor_site_id                IN  number,
50   p_org_id                      IN  NUMBER,
51   p_run_no OUT NOCOPY number,
52   p_error_message OUT NOCOPY varchar2
53   ) IS
55     cursor c_get_run_no is
56     select JAI_PO_REP_PRRG_T_RUNNO_S.nextval
57     from dual;
59    cursor c_inv_select_cursor is /*Signature change of cursor by nprahsar for bug # 7225946*/ --rchandan for bug#4428980
60     select invoice_id, invoice_num, org_id, vendor_id, vendor_site_id, invoice_date,
61       invoice_currency_code, nvl(exchange_rate,1) exchange_rate, voucher_num
62     from   ap_invoices_all  aia
63     where  cancelled_date is null
64     and    (p_vendor_id is null or vendor_id = p_vendor_id)
65     and    (p_vendor_site_id is null or vendor_site_id = p_vendor_site_id)
66     and    (p_org_id is null or org_id = p_org_id)
67     and    exists
68          (select '1'
69         from   ap_invoice_distributions_all
70         where  invoice_id = aia.invoice_id
71         and    line_type_lookup_code in ('ITEM','ACCRUAL')--nprahsar for bug # 7225946*/
72         and    po_distribution_id is not null
73         and    nvl(reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
74         and    accounting_date >= p_invoice_date_from /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */
75         and    accounting_date <= p_invoice_date_to /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */
76          );
78     cursor c_inv_item_lines(p_invoice_id number) is /*Signature change of cursor by nprashar for bug # 7225946*/ --rchandan for bug#4428980
79     select
80       distribution_line_number,
81       po_distribution_id,
82       rcv_transaction_id,
83       amount,
84       invoice_distribution_id,
85       invoice_line_number
86       /*
87         In the above cursor added invoice_line_number by  Brathod, for Bug#4510143 to pass invoice_line_number
88         as parameter to jai_ap_utils_pkg.get_apportion_factor
89       */
90     from ap_invoice_distributions_all
91     where invoice_id = p_invoice_id
92     and    line_type_lookup_code in ('ITEM','ACCRUAL')
93     and    po_distribution_id is not null
94     and    nvl(reversal_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
95     and    accounting_date >= p_invoice_date_from /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */
96     and    accounting_date <= p_invoice_date_to;    /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */
101     cursor c_get_po_details(p_po_distribution_id number) is
102     select
103       po_header_id,
104       segment1,
105       trunc(creation_date) po_date
106     from   po_headers_all
107     where  po_header_id =
108       ( select  po_header_id
109         from    po_distributions_all
110         where   po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id);
112     cursor c_get_po_release (p_po_distribution_id number) is
113     select  release_num, release_date
114     from    po_releases_all
115     where   po_release_id in
116       (
117         select po_release_id
118         from po_line_locations_all
119         where  (po_header_id, po_line_id, line_location_id ) in
120             (
121               select  po_header_id, po_line_id, line_location_id
122               from    po_distributions_all
123               where   po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
124             )
125       );
129     cursor c_get_receipt_num(p_transaction_id number) is
130     select receipt_num, trunc(creation_date) receipt_date
131     from   rcv_shipment_headers
132     where  shipment_header_id =
133       ( select  shipment_header_id
134         from    rcv_transactions
135         where   transaction_id = p_transaction_id);
137 cursor c_get_tax_from_ap (
138       p_invoice_id number,
139       p_parent_distribution_id number,
140       p_po_distribution_id number) is
141     select distribution_line_number, tax_id,invoice_distribution_id, tax_amount  /*Changed by nprashar for bug # 6803557 */
142     from   JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES
143     where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
144     and    parent_invoice_distribution_id = p_parent_distribution_id
145     and    po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
146     union
147     select distribution_line_number, tax_id,invoice_distribution_id, tax_amount  /*Changed by nprashar for bug # 6803557 */
148     from   JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES
149     where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
150     and    parent_invoice_distribution_id is null
151     and    po_distribution_id is null
152     and    (po_header_id, po_line_id, line_location_id)
153          in
154          (
155         select po_header_id, po_line_id, line_location_id
156         from   po_distributions_all
157         where  po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
158         );
160    cursor c_get_tax_type(p_tax_id number) is
161     select  UPPER(tax_type) tax_type /*Changes by nprashar for bug  7678389, replaced initcap by Upper function Changes by nprashar for bug # 6803557 */
162     from    JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
163     where   tax_id = p_tax_id;
165     cursor c_get_misc_tax_line_amt (p_invoice_id number, p_distribution_line_number number, p_invoice_distribution_id number ) is
166     select amount
167     from   ap_invoice_distributions_all
168     where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
169     and    distribution_line_number = p_distribution_line_number
170     and    invoice_distribution_id = p_invoice_distribution_id /*Added by nprashar for Bug # 6803557*/
171     and    accounting_date >= p_invoice_date_from /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */
172     and    accounting_date <= p_invoice_date_to;    /* Modified by Ramananda for bug:4071409 */
175     cursor c_get_tax_from_receipt
176         (
177         p_invoice_id                number,
178         p_parent_distribution_id    number,
179         p_po_distribution_id        number,
180         p_rcv_transaction_id        number
181         ) is
182     select A.tax_id, upper(A.tax_type) tax_type, A.currency, A.tax_amount
183     from   JAI_RCV_LINE_TAXES A, JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL B -- Added by Kevin Cheng for Inclusive Tax
184     where (A.shipment_header_id, A.shipment_line_id)
185            in
186          (select shipment_header_id, shipment_line_id
187           from   rcv_transactions
188         where  transaction_id = p_rcv_transaction_id)
189     and    A.tax_id not in
190         (
191           select tax_id
192           from   JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES
193           where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
194           and    parent_invoice_distribution_id = p_parent_distribution_id
195           and    po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
196           union
197           select tax_id
198           from   JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES
199           where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
200           and    parent_invoice_distribution_id is null
201           and    po_distribution_id is null
202           and      (po_header_id, po_line_id, line_location_id)
203                in
204                (
205               select po_header_id, po_line_id, line_location_id
206               from   po_distributions_all
207               where  po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
208               )
209         )
210     AND A.tax_id = B.tax_id -- Added by Kevin Cheng for Inclusive Tax
211     AND nvl(B.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'N' -- Added by Kevin Cheng for Inclusive Tax
212         ;
216     cursor c_get_tax_from_po
217         (
218         p_invoice_id                number,
219         p_parent_distribution_id    number,
220         p_po_distribution_id        number,
221         p_rcv_transaction_id        number
222         ) is
223     select A.tax_id, upper(A.tax_type) tax_type, A.currency, A.tax_amount
224     from   JAI_PO_TAXES A, JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL B -- Added by Kevin Cheng for Inclusive Tax
225     where  (A.po_header_id, A.po_line_id, A.line_location_id)
226          in
227          (select po_header_id, po_line_id, line_location_id
228         from   po_distributions_all
229         where  po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id)
230     and    A.tax_id not in
231         (
232           select tax_id
233           from   JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES
234           where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
235           and    parent_invoice_distribution_id = p_parent_distribution_id
236           and    po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
237           union
238           select tax_id
239           from   JAI_AP_MATCH_INV_TAXES
240           where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
241           and    parent_invoice_distribution_id is null
242           and    po_distribution_id is null
243           and      (po_header_id, po_line_id, line_location_id)
244                in
245                (
246               select po_header_id, po_line_id, line_location_id
247               from   po_distributions_all
248               where  po_distribution_id = p_po_distribution_id
249               )
250         )
251     AND A.tax_id = B.tax_id -- Added by Kevin Cheng for Inclusive Tax
252     AND nvl(B.inclusive_tax_flag, 'N') = 'N'; -- Added by Kevin Cheng for Inclusive Tax
256     v_run_no            number;
257     v_po_header_id      po_headers_all.po_header_id%type;
258     v_po_number         po_headers_all.segment1%type;
259     v_po_date           date;
260     v_receipt_num       rcv_shipment_headers.receipt_num%type;
261     v_receipt_date      date;
262     v_tax_type          JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL.tax_type%type;
263     v_po_release_num    po_releases_all.release_num%type;
264     v_po_release_date   date;
266     v_excise_ap         number;
267     v_customs_ap        number;
268     v_cvd_ap            number;
269     v_cst_ap            number;
270     v_lst_ap            number;
271     v_freight_ap        number;
272     v_octroi_ap         number;
273     v_others_ap         number;
275     v_excise_po         number;
276     v_customs_po        number;
277     v_cvd_po            number;
278     v_cst_po            number;
279     v_lst_po            number;
280     v_freight_po        number;
281     v_octroi_po         number;
282     v_others_po         number;
284     v_tax_amt           number;
286     v_conversion_factor number;
288     v_statement_id      number:=0;
290 -- Date 01-NOV-2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
291 -- START BUG 5228046
293 	v_addcvd_ap     NUMBER;
294         v_addcvd_po     NUMBER;
296 -- END BUG 5228046
298 -- Date 24-Nov-2006 forward porting Bug 5671126  added by Balaji
299 --start
300 	v_vat_ap     	NUMBER;
301 	v_turnover_ap   NUMBER;
302 	v_entry_ap      NUMBER;
303 	v_pur_ap        NUMBER;
304 	v_vat_po        NUMBER;
305 	v_turnover_po   NUMBER;
306 	v_entry_po      NUMBER;
307 	v_pur_po        NUMBER;
308 	v_service_ap    NUMBER;
309 	v_service_po    NUMBER;
310 --end
313   BEGIN
315   /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
316    FILENAME: process_report_p.sql
319    S.No      Date          Author and Details
320    1         14/06/2004    Created by Aparajita for bug#3633078. Version#115.0.
322                            This procedure populates temporary table JAI_PO_REP_PRRG_T,
323                            to be used by the purchase register report.
325                            Depending on the input parameter, all invoices are selected.
326                            Taxes that have been already brought over to payable invoice
327                            as 'miscellaneous' distribution lines are considered by their tax
328                            type.
330                            For each line the taxes from the corresponding Receipt / PO are
331                            again considered for any tax that is not brought over to AP. This is
332                            possible as third party taxes and taxes like cvd and customs are not brought
333                            over to AP. These taxes are also grouped by their tax type. These taxes
334                            from purchasing side are checked for apportion factor for changes in Quantity,
335                            Price and UOM for each line. Each tax line's currency is also compared against
336                            invoice currency and is converted to invoice currency if required.
338                            Taxes are grouped as follows,
340                 excise
341                 customs
342                 cvd
343                 cst
344                 lst
345                 freight
346                 octroi
347                 others
349    2         31/12/2004   Created by Ramananda for bug#4071409. Version#115.1
351              Issue:-
352                            The report JAINPRRG.rdf calls this procedure process_report.
353                            A set of from and to dates are being passed to this report.Currently the report
354                            picks up the invoices based on these parameters and the details of these
355                            picked up invoices are displayed in the report
356              Reason:-
357                            Invoice date is checked against the input date parameters to pick the invoices
358              Fix:-
359                            Accounting date is used against the input date parameters to pick the invoices
360              Dependency due to this bug:-
361        None
364    Future Dependencies For the release Of this Object:-
365    ==================================================
366    Please add a row in the section below only if your bug introduces a dependency
367    like,spec change/ A new call to a object/A datamodel change.
369    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
370    Version       Bug       Dependencies (including other objects like files if any)
371    --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
372    115.0       3633078    Datamodel dependencies
374   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
376     -- get the run_no
377     v_statement_id:= 1;
378     open c_get_run_no;
379     fetch c_get_run_no into v_run_no;
380     close c_get_run_no;
382     v_statement_id:= 2;
383 	--JMEENA for bug#7621541, Removed Input parameter 'ITEM' from c_inv_select_cursor
384     for c_inv_select_rec in c_inv_select_cursor LOOP  --rchandan for bug#4428980
386       v_statement_id:= 3;
388       -- check and loop through all the eligible item lines and populate the temp table
389 	  --JMEENA for bug#7621541, Removed Input parameter 'ITEM' from c_inv_item_lines
390       for c_item_lines_rec in c_inv_item_lines(c_inv_select_rec.invoice_id) loop
392         v_statement_id:= 4;
394         v_po_header_id  := null;
395         v_po_number     := null;
396         v_receipt_num   := null;
397         v_receipt_date  := null;
398         v_po_date       := null;
399         v_po_release_num := null;
400         v_po_release_date := null;
403         v_excise_ap     := 0;
404         v_customs_ap    := 0;
405         v_cvd_ap        := 0;
406         v_cst_ap        := 0;
407         v_lst_ap        := 0;
408         v_freight_ap    := 0;
409         v_octroi_ap     := 0;
410         v_others_ap     := 0;
412         v_excise_po     := 0;
413         v_customs_po    := 0;
414         v_cvd_po        := 0;
415         v_cst_po        := 0;
416         v_lst_po        := 0;
417         v_freight_po    := 0;
418         v_octroi_po     := 0;
419         v_others_po     := 0;
420 -- Date 01-NOV-2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
421 -- START BUG 5228046
422          v_addcvd_ap  := 0;
423          v_addcvd_po  := 0;
424 -- END BUG 5228046
425          -- End , Added by Girish w.r.t BUG#5143906( for Additional CVD)
427       -- Date 24-Nov-2006 forward porting Bug 5671126  added by Balaji
428       --start
429 		        v_vat_ap     := 0;
430 			v_turnover_ap:= 0;
431 			v_entry_ap   := 0;
432 			v_pur_ap     := 0;
433 			v_vat_po     := 0;
434 			v_turnover_po:= 0;
435 			v_entry_po   := 0;
436 			v_pur_po     := 0;
437 			v_service_ap := 0;
438 			v_service_po := 0;
439 			--end
440         v_conversion_factor := 1;
442         v_statement_id:= 5;
443         -- get the PO reference for the item line
444         open c_get_po_details(c_item_lines_rec.po_distribution_id);
445         fetch c_get_po_details into  v_po_header_id, v_po_number, v_po_date;
446         close c_get_po_details;
448         v_statement_id:= 6;
449         open c_get_po_release(c_item_lines_rec.po_distribution_id);
450         fetch c_get_po_release into v_po_release_num, v_po_release_date;
451         close c_get_po_release;
454         -- get the receipt reference
455         if c_item_lines_rec.rcv_transaction_id is not null then
456           v_statement_id:= 7;
457           open c_get_receipt_num(c_item_lines_rec.rcv_transaction_id);
458           fetch c_get_receipt_num into v_receipt_num, v_receipt_date;
459           close c_get_receipt_num;
460         end if;
463         -- get tax from payables side
464         for c_get_tax_from_ap_rec in
465           c_get_tax_from_ap
466           (
467           c_inv_select_rec.invoice_id,
468           c_item_lines_rec.invoice_distribution_id,
469           c_item_lines_rec.po_distribution_id)
470         loop
472           v_statement_id:= 8;
474           v_tax_type := null;
475           v_tax_amt := 0;
477           open c_get_tax_type(c_get_tax_from_ap_rec.tax_id);
478           fetch c_get_tax_type into v_tax_type;
479           close c_get_tax_type;
481           v_statement_id:= 9;
483           /* Start*//* Commented for bug #13994564 */
484           /* open c_get_misc_tax_line_amt
485           (c_inv_select_rec.invoice_id, c_get_tax_from_ap_rec.distribution_line_number,
486            c_get_tax_from_ap_rec.invoice_distribution_id);  --Added by nprashar for bug # 6803557
487           fetch c_get_misc_tax_line_amt into v_tax_amt;
488           close c_get_misc_tax_line_amt; */
489 	  /* End*//* Commented for bug #13994564 */
491 	  --Added for bug #13994564
492           v_tax_amt := c_get_tax_from_ap_rec.tax_amount;
494           v_statement_id:= 10;
496           if v_tax_type in (UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_additional), UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_excise),UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_other),
497                             UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess), UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess)) then --Added cess and sh cess for bug #16426218
498             v_excise_ap := v_excise_ap + v_tax_amt;
499           elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants. tax_type_cst) then
500             v_cst_ap := v_cst_ap + v_tax_amt;
501           elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_sales) then
502             v_lst_ap := v_lst_ap + v_tax_amt;
503           elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_customs)  then
504             v_customs_ap := v_customs_ap + v_tax_amt;
505           elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_cvd) then
506             v_cvd_ap := v_cvd_ap + v_tax_amt;
507 	-- Date 01-NOV-2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
508 	-- START BUG 5228046
509 	  elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd) then
510             v_addcvd_ap := v_addcvd_ap + v_tax_amt;
511 	-- END BUG 5228046
512 	-- Date 24-Nov-2006 Forward porting Bug 5671126 added by Balaji
513 	--start
514 	   elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_value_added) then
515 	  		    v_vat_ap := v_vat_ap + v_tax_amt;
516            elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_purchase) then
517 	  		    v_pur_ap := v_pur_ap + v_tax_amt;
518            elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_turnover) then
519 	  		    v_turnover_ap := v_turnover_ap + v_tax_amt;
520            elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_entry) then
521 	  		    v_entry_ap := v_entry_ap + v_tax_amt;
522 	   elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_service) then
523 	  		    v_service_ap := v_service_ap + v_tax_amt;
524 	    --end
525           elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_freight) then
526             v_freight_ap := v_freight_ap + v_tax_amt;
527           elsif v_tax_type= UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_octroi) then
528             v_octroi_ap := v_octroi_ap + v_tax_amt;
529           else
530             v_others_ap := v_others_ap + v_tax_amt;
531           end if;
533         end loop; --c_get_tax_from_ap_rec
535         -- Get taxes from source doc PO / Receipt that are not brought over to AP
537         -- get the conversion factor considering UOM, Quantity and Price change
538         v_statement_id:= 11;
539         v_conversion_factor := jai_ap_utils_pkg.get_apportion_factor(c_inv_select_rec.invoice_id, c_item_lines_rec.invoice_line_number);
541         if nvl(v_conversion_factor, 0) = 0  then
542           v_conversion_factor := 1;
543         end if;
546         -- If invoice currency and tax currency are different then conversion is required.
548         if c_item_lines_rec.rcv_transaction_id is not null then
550           v_statement_id:= 12;
551             -- get from receipt.
553           for c_receipt_tax_rec in c_get_tax_from_receipt
554           (
555           c_inv_select_rec.invoice_id,
556           c_item_lines_rec.invoice_distribution_id,
557           c_item_lines_rec.po_distribution_id,
558           c_item_lines_rec.rcv_transaction_id
559           )
560           loop
562             v_statement_id:= 13;
563             v_tax_type := c_receipt_tax_rec.tax_type;
564             v_tax_amt :=  c_receipt_tax_rec.tax_amount;
567             v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt * v_conversion_factor;
569             v_statement_id:= 14;
570             if c_inv_select_rec.invoice_currency_code <> c_receipt_tax_rec.currency then
571               v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt / c_inv_select_rec.exchange_rate;
572             end if;
575             if v_tax_type in (UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_additional), UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_excise) ,UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_other),
576                               UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess), UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess)) then --Added cess and sh cess for bug #16426218
577               v_excise_po := v_excise_po + v_tax_amt;
578             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants. tax_type_cst) then
579               v_cst_po := v_cst_po + v_tax_amt;
580             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_sales) then
581               v_lst_po := v_lst_po + v_tax_amt;
582             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_customs)  then
583               v_customs_po := v_customs_po + v_tax_amt;
584             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_cvd)  then
585               v_cvd_po := v_cvd_po + v_tax_amt;
586 	-- Date 01-NOV-2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
587 	-- START BUG 5228046
588 	    elsif v_tax_type =UPPER( jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd) then
589               v_addcvd_po :=v_addcvd_po + v_tax_amt;
590 	-- END BUG 5228046
591 	-- Date 24-Nov-2006 Forward porting Bug 5671126 added by Balaji
592 	--start
593 	      elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_value_added) then
594 	  		    v_vat_po := v_vat_po + v_tax_amt;
595 	      elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_purchase) then
596 	  		    v_pur_po := v_pur_po + v_tax_amt;
597 	      elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_turnover) then
598 	  		    v_turnover_po := v_turnover_po + v_tax_amt;
599 	      elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_entry) then
600 	  		    v_entry_po := v_entry_po + v_tax_amt;
601 	      elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_service) then
602 	  		    v_service_po := v_service_po + v_tax_amt;
603 	      --end
604             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_freight) then
605               v_freight_po := v_freight_po + v_tax_amt;
606             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_octroi) then
607               v_octroi_po := v_octroi_po + v_tax_amt;
608             else
609               v_others_po := v_others_po + v_tax_amt;
610             end if;
612             v_statement_id:= 15;
614           end loop; -- c_receipt_tax_rec
616         else
617           -- get from po
619           for c_get_tax_from_po_rec in c_get_tax_from_po
620           (
621           c_inv_select_rec.invoice_id,
622           c_item_lines_rec.invoice_distribution_id,
623           c_item_lines_rec.po_distribution_id,
624           c_item_lines_rec.rcv_transaction_id
625           )
627           loop
629             v_statement_id:= 16;
631             v_tax_type := c_get_tax_from_po_rec.tax_type;
632             v_tax_amt :=  c_get_tax_from_po_rec.tax_amount;
634             v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt * v_conversion_factor;
636             v_statement_id:= 17;
638             if c_inv_select_rec.invoice_currency_code <> c_get_tax_from_po_rec.currency then
639               v_tax_amt := v_tax_amt / c_inv_select_rec.exchange_rate;
640             end if;
642             if v_tax_type in (UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_additional) ,UPPER( jai_constants.tax_type_excise) ,UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_other),
643                               UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_exc_edu_cess), UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_sh_exc_edu_cess)) then --Added cess and sh cess for bug #16426218
644               v_excise_po := v_excise_po + v_tax_amt;
645             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_cst) then
646               v_cst_po := v_cst_po + v_tax_amt;
647             elsif v_tax_type =UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_sales) then
648               v_lst_po := v_lst_po + v_tax_amt;
649             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_customs)  then
650               v_customs_po := v_customs_po + v_tax_amt;
651             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_cvd) then
652               v_cvd_po := v_cvd_po + v_tax_amt;
653             elsif v_tax_type= UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_add_cvd) then
654               v_addcvd_po := v_addcvd_po + v_tax_amt ;
655             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_freight) then
656               v_freight_po := v_freight_po + v_tax_amt;
657             elsif v_tax_type = UPPER(jai_constants.tax_type_octroi) then
658               v_octroi_po := v_octroi_po + v_tax_amt;
660             -- Date 24-Nov-2006 Forward porting Bug 5671126 added by Balaji
661            --start
663              elsif v_tax_type = upper(jai_constants.tax_type_value_added) then
664                  v_vat_po := v_vat_po + v_tax_amt;
665              elsif v_tax_type= upper(jai_constants.tax_type_purchase) then
666                  v_pur_po := v_pur_po + v_tax_amt;
667              elsif v_tax_type = upper(jai_constants.tax_type_turnover) then
668                  v_turnover_po := v_turnover_po + v_tax_amt;
669              elsif v_tax_type = upper(jai_constants.tax_type_entry) then
670                  v_entry_po := v_entry_po + v_tax_amt;
671              elsif v_tax_type = upper(jai_constants.tax_type_service) then
672                  v_service_po := v_service_po + v_tax_amt;
673              --end
674             else
675               v_others_po := v_others_po + v_tax_amt;
676             end if;
678             v_statement_id:= 18;
680           end loop; -- c_get_tax_from_po_rec
682         end if;
684         v_statement_id:= 19;
685         /* Modified the following insert statement to insert VAT amounts for bug#5096880, Ramesh.B.K, 23/03/2006 */
686         -- Date 24-Nov-2006 Forward porting Bug 5671126 added by Balaji
687         -- insert into the temp table with all the values.
689         insert into JAI_PO_REP_PRRG_T
690         (
691         run_no,
692         org_id,
693         vendor_id,
694         vendor_site_id,
695         invoice_id,
696         invoice_num,
697         invoice_date,
698         invoice_currency_code,
699         exchange_rate,
700         voucher_num,
701         distribution_line_number,
702         po_number,
703         po_header_id,
704         po_creation_date,
705         po_distribution_id,
706         po_release_num,
707         receipt_number,
708         receipt_date,
709         rcv_transaction_id,
710         line_amount,
711         excise,
712         customs,
713         cvd,
714 	additional_cvd  , -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
715         cst,
716         lst,
717         freight,
718         octroi,
719         -- Date 24-Nov-2006 Forward porting Bug 5671126 added by Balaji
720         --start
721         vat,
722         service_tax,
723 	--end
724         others,
725         /* Bug 4866533. Added by Lakshmi gopalsami
726         Added WHO columns */
727         CREATED_BY,
728         CREATION_DATE,
729         LAST_UPDATED_BY,
730         LAST_UPDATE_DATE
731         )
732         values
733         (
734         v_run_no,
735         c_inv_select_rec.org_id  ,
736         c_inv_select_rec.vendor_id,
737         c_inv_select_rec.vendor_site_id,
738         c_inv_select_rec.invoice_id,
739         c_inv_select_rec.invoice_num,
740         c_inv_select_rec.invoice_date,
741         c_inv_select_rec.invoice_currency_code,
742         c_inv_select_rec.exchange_rate,
743         c_inv_select_rec.voucher_num,
744         c_item_lines_rec.distribution_line_number,
745         v_po_number,
746         v_po_header_id,
747         nvl(v_po_release_date, v_po_date),
748         c_item_lines_rec.po_distribution_id,
749         nvl(v_po_release_num, 0),
750         v_receipt_num,
751         v_receipt_date,
752         c_item_lines_rec.rcv_transaction_id,
753         c_item_lines_rec.amount,
754         v_excise_ap +  v_excise_po,
755         v_customs_ap + v_customs_po,
756         v_cvd_ap + v_cvd_po,
757         v_addcvd_ap + v_addcvd_po ,  -- Date 01/11/2006 Bug 5228046 added by SACSETHI
758 	v_cst_ap + v_cst_po,
759         v_lst_ap + v_lst_po,
760         v_freight_ap + v_freight_po,
761         v_octroi_ap + v_octroi_po,
762         -- Date 24-Nov-2006 Forward porting Bug 5671126 added by Balaji
763         --start
764         (NVL(v_vat_ap,0) + NVL(v_vat_po,0) +
765 	 NVL(v_turnover_ap,0) +
766 	 NVL(v_turnover_po,0) +
767 	 NVL(v_pur_ap,0)  +
768 	 NVL(v_pur_po,0) +
769 	 NVL(v_entry_ap,0)    +
770 	 NVL(v_entry_po,0)),
771          v_service_ap  + v_service_po,
772         --end
773         v_others_ap + v_others_po,
774         /* Bug 4866533. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
775            Added WHO columns
776         */
777         fnd_global.user_id,
778         sysdate,
779         fnd_global.user_id,
780         sysdate
781         );
784         v_statement_id:= 19;
786       end loop; -- c_item_lines_rec
788       v_statement_id:= 20;
790     end loop;-- c_inv_select_cursor
792     p_run_no := v_run_no;
795       when others then
796           p_error_message := 'Error from Proc process_report(Statement id):'
797                     || '(' || v_statement_id || ')' || sqlerrm;
799   END process_report;
800 END jai_ap_rpt_prrg_pkg;