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Line 1: package body py_rollback_pkg AS

1: package body py_rollback_pkg AS
2: /* $Header: pyrolbak.pkb 120.38.12020000.4 2013/03/26 07:03:41 apudiped ship $ */
3: /*------------- Payroll and Assignment Action Details ----------------*/
4: type rollback_rec is record
5: (

Line 116: c_indent constant varchar2(40) := 'py_rollback_pkg.action_parameter';

112: function action_parameter(p_param_name in varchar2)
113: return varchar2 is
114: l_name pay_action_parameters.parameter_name%type;
115: param_value pay_action_parameters.parameter_value%type;
116: c_indent constant varchar2(40) := 'py_rollback_pkg.action_parameter';
117: l_found boolean;
118: begin
119: -- Attempt to find value of the parameter
120: -- in the action parameter table.

Line 167: c_indent constant varchar2(100) := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_action_information';

163: procedure remove_action_information(
164: p_action_context_id in number,
165: p_action_context_type in varchar2 default 'AAP')
166: is
167: c_indent constant varchar2(100) := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_action_information';
168: --
169: cursor actionitems (cp_action_context_id in number,
170: cp_action_context_type in varchar2) is
171: select action_information_id

Line 192: c_indent constant varchar2(40) := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_archive_items';

188: procedure remove_archive_items(p_info in rollback_rec,
189: p_source_id in number,
190: p_archive_type in varchar2 default 'AAP')
191: is
192: c_indent constant varchar2(40) := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_archive_items';
193: --
194: cursor architems (p_source number, p_archive_type varchar2) is
195: select archive_item_id
196: from ff_archive_items

Line 218: c_indent constant varchar2(40) := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_file_details';

214: procedure remove_file_details(p_info in rollback_rec,
215: p_source_id in number,
216: p_source_type in varchar2 default 'PAA')
217: is
218: c_indent constant varchar2(40) := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_file_details';
219: --
220: begin
221: --
222: delete from pay_file_details

Line 244: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_retro_ee';

240: and pee.creator_id = paa.assignment_action_id
241: and pee.creator_type = 'P';
242: begin
243: if g_debug then
244: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_retro_ee';
245: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent,10);
246: end if;
247: --
248: /* Delete the entry values before the element entry */

Line 280: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_adv_ee';

276: and pee.creator_id = paa.assignment_action_id
277: and pee.creator_type = 'D';
278: begin
279: if g_debug then
280: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_adv_ee';
281: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent,10);
282: end if;
283: --
284: /* Delete the entry values before the element entry */

Line 314: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_advpayele_ee';

310: and pee.creator_id = paa.assignment_action_id
311: and pee.creator_type in ('AD', 'AE','D');
312: begin
313: if g_debug then
314: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_advpayele_ee';
315: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent,10);
316: end if;
317: --
318: /* Delete the entry values before the element entry */

Line 347: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_retroact_ee';

343: and pee.creator_id = paa.assignment_action_id
344: and pee.creator_type = 'R';
345: begin
346: if g_debug then
347: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_retroact_ee';
348: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent,10);
349: end if;
350: --
351: /* Delete the entry values before the element entry */

Line 390: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_retroele_ee';

386: and pra.retro_assignment_action_id = p_assact_id;
387: --
388: begin
389: if g_debug then
390: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_retroele_ee';
391: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent,10);
392: end if;
393: --
394: /* Delete the entry values before the element entry */

Line 449: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_gl_entries';

445: l_source_name gl_interface.user_je_source_name%type;
446: --
447: begin
448: if g_debug then
449: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_gl_entries';
450: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 10);
451: end if;
452: --
453: if mtgl_mode_cached = FALSE then

Line 555: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_run_results';

551: -- scan that occurs when you attempt to use a single
552: -- delete statement.
553: -- Tight loop, so the set_location call set outside it.
554: if g_debug then
555: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_run_results';
556: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent,10);
557: end if;
558: --
559: purge_rr := TRUE;

Line 598: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_action_contexts';

594: procedure remove_action_contexts(p_assact_id in number) is
595: c_indent varchar2(40);
596: begin
597: if g_debug then
598: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_action_contexts';
599: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent,10);
600: end if;
601: --
602: delete from pay_action_contexts

Line 740: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_balances';

736: -- Cursor loops used to avoid full table access of
737: -- the balance context table.
739: if g_debug then
740: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.remove_balances';
741: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent,10);
742: end if;
743: if (p_info.action_type in ('B', 'I', 'V')) then
744: -- treat balance adjustment as a special case : we should

Line 1066: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.get_pact_info';

1062: begin
1063: --
1064: -- get payroll action level information
1065: if g_debug then
1066: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.get_pact_info';
1067: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 10);
1068: end if;
1069: select pac.business_group_id,
1070: pac.effective_date,

Line 1189: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.ins_rollback_message';

1185: l_action_name hr_lookups.meaning%type;
1186: begin
1187: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
1188: if g_debug then
1189: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.ins_rollback_message';
1190: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 10);
1191: end if;
1192: -- Set up a message for either rollback at assignment or
1193: -- payroll action level.

Line 1311: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.undo_stop_update';

1307: c_indent varchar2(40);
1308: begin
1309: -- Select some information about the entry we are operating on.
1310: if g_debug then
1311: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.undo_stop_update';
1312: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 10);
1313: end if;
1314: select pee.effective_start_date,
1315: pee.effective_end_date,

Line 1534: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.proc_entry_dml';

1530: c_indent varchar2(40);
1531: v_max_date date; -- maximum entry end date
1532: begin
1533: if g_debug then
1534: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.proc_entry_dml';
1535: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent,90);
1536: end if;
1537: -- Begin by processing for stop entry dml.
1538: for stprec in stp loop

Line 1586: c_indent constant varchar2(40) := 'py_rollback_pkg.act_base_table_dml';

1582: * deleting. (Depends on the wishes of the client). In
1583: * addition, we may need to remove interlock rows.
1584: */
1585: procedure act_base_table_dml(p_info in rollback_rec) is
1586: c_indent constant varchar2(40) := 'py_rollback_pkg.act_base_table_dml';
1587: begin
1588: -- see if we want to alter the assignment action itself (we wouldn't
1589: -- if we were being called from a form).
1590: -- However, if we are called from the payroll action level,

Line 1704: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.do_assact_rollback';

1700: --
1701: begin
1702: --
1703: if g_debug then
1704: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.do_assact_rollback';
1705: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 10);
1706: hr_utility.set_location('p_info.assact_id'||p_info.assact_id,11);
1707: hr_utility.set_location('p_info.action_date'||p_info.action_date,12);
1708: hr_utility.set_location('p_info.pact_id'||p_info.pact_id,13);

Line 2031: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.val_assact_rollback';

2027: -- Obtain information about this assignment action which we will
2028: -- need later on.
2029: -- Some of this is required for messages.
2030: if g_debug then
2031: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.val_assact_rollback';
2032: hr_utility.trace('assact_id : ' || p_info.assact_id);
2033: end if;
2034: --
2035: -- OK We need to run different statements for different types

Line 2529: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.assact_error';

2525: c_indent varchar2(40);
2526: message_text pay_message_lines.line_text%type;
2527: begin
2528: if g_debug then
2529: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.assact_error';
2530: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 10);
2531: end if;
2532: --
2533: -- handle the assignment action level error.

Line 2600: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.next_range';

2596: range_info range_rec;
2597: c_indent varchar2(40);
2598: begin
2599: if g_debug then
2600: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.next_range';
2601: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 1);
2602: end if;
2603: -- select a range row for update.
2604: begin

Line 3178: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.rollback_payroll_action';

3174: l_date_earned date;
3175: begin
3176: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
3177: if g_debug then
3178: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.rollback_payroll_action';
3179: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 5);
3180: end if;
3181: -- set up the parameters.
3182: info.rollback_mode := p_rollback_mode;

Line 3388: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.rollback_ass_action';

3384: begin
3385: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
3386: -- need to know the payroll action.
3387: if g_debug then
3388: c_indent := 'py_rollback_pkg.rollback_ass_action';
3389: hr_utility.set_location(c_indent, 10);
3390: end if;
3391: select act.payroll_action_id, act.source_action_id, act.object_type
3392: into info.pact_id, src_action_id, info.object_type

Line 3543: end py_rollback_pkg;

3539: -- whole payroll action or assignment action by
3540: -- assignment action.
3541: g_error_count := 0;
3542: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null, 'ORACLE');
3543: end py_rollback_pkg;