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Line 2623: FROM ar_receivable_applications_all ra,

2619: SELECT SUM(ra.amount_applied),
2620: SUM(ra.amount_applied_from)
2621: INTO l_amt_app_prev,
2622: l_amt_app_from_prev
2623: FROM ar_receivable_applications_all ra,
2624: ar_payment_schedules_all ps
2625: WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
2626: AND ra.status = 'APP'
2627: AND ra.display = 'Y'

Line 4146: from ar_receivable_applications rap

4142: BEGIN
4143: IF p_customer_trx_line_id IS NULL THEN
4144: select 'Y'
4145: into l_found
4146: from ar_receivable_applications rap
4147: where rap.payment_schedule_id = p_cr_payment_schedule_id
4148: and rap.applied_payment_schedule_id = p_applied_payment_schedule_id
4149: and applied_customer_trx_line_id is NULL
4150: and rap.display = 'Y'

Line 4155: from ar_receivable_applications rap

4151: and rap.status = 'APP';
4152: ELSE
4153: select 'Y'
4154: into l_found
4155: from ar_receivable_applications rap
4156: where rap.payment_schedule_id = p_cr_payment_schedule_id
4157: and rap.applied_payment_schedule_id = p_applied_payment_schedule_id
4158: and rap.applied_customer_trx_line_id = p_customer_trx_line_id
4159: and rap.display = 'Y'

Line 4349: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra

4345: END;
4347: SELECT SUM(NVL(ra.amount_applied,0))
4348: INTO p_cr_unapp_amount
4349: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra
4350: WHERE ra.status = 'UNAPP'
4351: AND ra.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id;
4353: ELSE

Line 5467: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra

5463: SELECT receivable_application_id, gl_date
5464: ,applied_customer_trx_id
5465: INTO p_receivable_application_id, p_apply_gl_date
5466: ,p_customer_trx_id
5467: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra
5468: WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
5469: AND ra.applied_payment_schedule_id = p_applied_payment_schedule_id
5470: AND ra.display = 'Y'
5471: AND ra.status = 'APP'

Line 5562: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra,

5558: ) IS
5559: CURSOR rec_apppln IS
5560: SELECT ra.cash_receipt_id, ra.applied_payment_schedule_id, ra.gl_date /* Bug fix 3451241 */
5561: , ra.applied_customer_trx_id
5562: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra,
5563: ar_payment_schedules ps
5564: WHERE ra.applied_payment_schedule_id = ps.payment_schedule_id
5565: AND ra.receivable_application_id = p_ra_id
5566: AND ra.display = 'Y'

Line 5574: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra

5571: CURSOR rec_apppln_br_remit IS
5572: SELECT ra.cash_receipt_id, ra.applied_payment_schedule_id, ra.gl_date /* Bug fix 3451241 */
5573: , ra.applied_customer_trx_id
5574: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra
5575: WHERE ra.receivable_application_id = p_ra_id
5576: AND ra.display = 'Y'
5577: AND ra.status = 'APP';

Line 5825: FROM ar_receivable_applications

5821: IF p_apply_gl_date IS NULL THEN
5822: --get the gl_date for the application
5823: SELECT gl_date, cash_receipt_id
5824: INTO l_apply_gl_date, p_cash_receipt_id
5825: FROM ar_receivable_applications
5826: WHERE receivable_application_id =
5827: p_receivable_application_id;
5828: END IF;
5829: /* Bug fix 3503167 : We need to pass the apply_gl_date as the candidate gl_date and

Line 5897: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra

5893: /* Default p_cr_unapp_amount for 3119391 */
5895: SELECT SUM(NVL(ra.amount_applied,0))
5896: INTO p_cr_unapp_amount
5897: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra
5898: WHERE ra.status = 'UNAPP'
5899: AND ra.cash_receipt_id = l_cash_receipt_id;
5901: --default the receipt gl date which is to be used later

Line 6122: from ar_receivable_applications

6118: /* Bug 8668394 : Default Reversal Date and Reversal Gl Date correctly */
6119: BEGIN
6120: Select max(apply_date) , max(gl_date)
6121: into l_apply_date , l_gl_date
6122: from ar_receivable_applications
6123: where cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id;
6126: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN

Line 6308: FROM ar_receivable_applications

6305: BEGIN
6306: SELECT receivable_application_id, gl_date
6307: INTO l_rec_appln_id , p_apply_gl_date
6308: FROM ar_receivable_applications
6309: WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
6310: AND display = 'Y'
6311: AND status = 'ACC';

Line 6333: FROM ar_receivable_applications

6330: BEGIN
6331: SELECT cash_receipt_id, gl_date
6332: INTO l_cash_receipt_id , p_apply_gl_date
6333: FROM ar_receivable_applications
6334: WHERE receivable_application_id = p_receivable_application_id
6335: and display = 'Y'
6336: and status = 'ACC';

Line 6402: FROM ar_receivable_applications

6399: BEGIN
6400: SELECT receivable_application_id, gl_date
6401: INTO l_rec_appln_id , p_apply_gl_date
6402: FROM ar_receivable_applications
6403: WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
6404: AND applied_payment_schedule_id = p_applied_ps_id
6405: AND display = 'Y'
6406: AND status = 'OTHER ACC';

Line 6428: FROM ar_receivable_applications

6425: BEGIN
6426: SELECT cash_receipt_id, gl_date
6427: INTO l_cash_receipt_id , p_apply_gl_date
6428: FROM ar_receivable_applications
6429: WHERE receivable_application_id = p_receivable_application_id
6430: and display = 'Y'
6431: and applied_payment_schedule_id = p_applied_ps_id
6432: and status = 'OTHER ACC';

Line 6462: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra

6458: /* Bug fix 3569640 */
6459: IF p_cash_receipt_id IS NOT NULL THEN
6460: SELECT SUM(NVL(ra.amount_applied,0))
6461: INTO p_cr_unapp_amt
6462: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra
6463: WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
6464: AND ra.status = 'UNAPP'
6465: AND nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y';
6466: END IF;

Line 6590: FROM ar_receivable_applications

6587: BEGIN
6588: SELECT receivable_application_id, gl_date
6589: INTO l_rec_appln_id , p_apply_gl_date
6590: FROM ar_receivable_applications
6591: WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
6592: and ((NVL(p_called_from,'RAPI') = 'BR_FACTORED_WITH_RECOURSE' AND
6593: applied_payment_schedule_id = -2)
6594: or applied_payment_schedule_id IN (-3,-6,-8)

Line 6631: FROM ar_receivable_applications

6627: /* Bug 3840287 - credit card refund included */
6628: BEGIN
6629: SELECT cash_receipt_id, gl_date
6630: INTO l_cash_receipt_id , p_apply_gl_date
6631: FROM ar_receivable_applications
6632: WHERE receivable_application_id = p_receivable_application_id
6633: and ((NVL(p_called_from,'RAPI') = 'BR_FACTORED_WITH_RECOURSE' AND
6634: applied_payment_schedule_id = -2)
6635: or applied_payment_schedule_id IN (-3,-6,-8)

Line 6668: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra

6664: /* Bug fix 3569640 */
6665: IF p_cash_receipt_id IS NOT NULL THEN
6666: SELECT SUM(NVL(ra.amount_applied,0))
6667: INTO p_cr_unapp_amount
6668: FROM ar_receivable_applications ra
6669: WHERE ra.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
6670: AND ra.status = 'UNAPP'
6671: AND nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y';
6672: END IF;

Line 7962: l_status ar_receivable_applications.status%TYPE;

7958: l_cr_unapp_amount NUMBER;
7959: l_cr_payment_schedule_id NUMBER;
7960: l_remit_bank_acct_use_id NUMBER;
7961: l_receipt_method_id NUMBER;
7962: l_status ar_receivable_applications.status%TYPE;
7963: l_display ar_receivable_applications.display%TYPE;
7965: BEGIN

Line 7963: l_display ar_receivable_applications.display%TYPE;

7959: l_cr_payment_schedule_id NUMBER;
7960: l_remit_bank_acct_use_id NUMBER;
7961: l_receipt_method_id NUMBER;
7962: l_status ar_receivable_applications.status%TYPE;
7963: l_display ar_receivable_applications.display%TYPE;
7965: BEGIN
7967: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN

Line 8020: FROM ar_receivable_applications

8016: x_customer_reference,
8017: x_customer_reason,
8018: l_status,
8019: l_display
8020: FROM ar_receivable_applications
8021: WHERE receivable_application_id = p_open_rec_app_id ;
8023: WHEN no_data_found THEN

Line 8061: FROM ar_receivable_applications

8057: END IF;
8059: SELECT SUM(amount_applied)
8060: INTO x_unapplied_cash
8061: FROM ar_receivable_applications
8062: WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
8063: AND status = 'UNAPP';
8065: IF p_open_rec_app_id IS NULL

Line 8069: FROM ar_receivable_applications

8065: IF p_open_rec_app_id IS NULL
8066: THEN
8067: SELECT SUM(amount_applied)
8068: INTO x_open_amount_applied
8069: FROM ar_receivable_applications
8070: WHERE cash_receipt_id = p_open_cash_receipt_id
8071: AND status = 'UNAPP';
8072: END IF;

Line 8156: FROM ar_receivable_applications app,

8152: app.amount_applied
8153: INTO x_applied_rec_app_id,
8154: x_applied_cash_receipt_id,
8155: x_amount_applied
8156: FROM ar_receivable_applications app,
8157: ar_receivable_applications applied_app
8158: WHERE app.applied_rec_app_id = applied_app.receivable_application_id
8159: AND app.receivable_application_id = p_receivable_application_id;

Line 8157: ar_receivable_applications applied_app

8153: INTO x_applied_rec_app_id,
8154: x_applied_cash_receipt_id,
8155: x_amount_applied
8156: FROM ar_receivable_applications app,
8157: ar_receivable_applications applied_app
8158: WHERE app.applied_rec_app_id = applied_app.receivable_application_id
8159: AND app.receivable_application_id = p_receivable_application_id;
8161: IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN