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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 37

Line: 41

Line: 46

   sqltxt := 'SELECT mp.organization_code "Org Code"  '||
             ',mp.organization_id "Organization Id"  '||
             ',mpm.organization_code "Master Org Code"  '||
             ',mp.master_organization_id "Master Organization Id"  '||
             ',mpc.organization_code "Cost Org Code"  '||
             ',mp.cost_organization_id "Cost Organization Id"  '||
             ',mp.wms_enabled_flag "WMS Enabled"  '||
             ',DECODE(mp.negative_inv_receipt_code,1,''Yes'', ''No'') "Negative|Balances|Allowed" '||
             ',DECODE(mp.serial_number_generation,1,''At organization level'', 2,''At item level'', 3,''User Defined'', '||
             '        mp.serial_number_generation) "Serial Number|Generation"  '||
             ',DECODE(mp.lot_number_uniqueness,1,''Across items'', 2,''No uniqueness'',  mp.lot_number_uniqueness) "Lot Number|Uniqueness"   '||
             ',DECODE(mp.lot_number_generation,1,''At organization level'', 2,''At item level'',   3,''User Defined'',  '||
             '        mp.lot_number_generation) "Lot Number Generation"  '||
             ',DECODE(mp.serial_number_type,1,''Unique within inventory model and items'', 2,''Unique within organization'',   3,''Unique across organizations'',  '||
             '        4, ''Unique within inventory items'', mp.serial_number_type ) "Serial Number Type"  '||
             ',DECODE(mp.stock_locator_control_code,1,''None'', 2,''Prespecified'',  3,''Dynamic entry'',   4,''At subinventory level'',  5,''At item level'',  '||
             '        mp.stock_locator_control_code) "Locator|Control"  '||
             ',DECODE(mp.primary_cost_method,1,''Standard'', 2,''Average'', 3,''Periodic Average'',4,''Periodic Incremental LIFO'', 5,''FIFO'',  6,''LIFO'', mp.primary_cost_method) "Primary Cost Method" '||
             ',mp.default_cost_group_id "Default Cost Group Id"  '||
             ',mp.wsm_enabled_flag "WSM Enabled"  '||
             ',mp.process_enabled_flag "Process Enabled"  '||
             ',DECODE( TO_CHAR( NVL(mp.project_reference_enabled, 2)),''1'', ''Yes'', ''2'', ''No'' , TO_CHAR( mp.project_reference_enabled ) )|| '' ('' ||mp.project_reference_enabled||'')'' "Project Reference Enabled" '||
             ',mp.eam_enabled_flag "EAM|Enabled " '||
             ',mp.consigned_flag "Consigned|VMI Stock" '||
     'FROM mtl_parameters mp,mtl_parameters mpc  '||
     '    ,mtl_parameters mpm  '||
    'WHERE mp.cost_organization_id=mpc.organization_id  '||
     ' AND mp.master_organization_id=mpm.organization_id  '||
     ' AND mp.organization_id IN   '||
     '      ( SELECT organization_id  '||
     '          FROM mtl_parameters  '||
     '         WHERE organization_id = '||l_org_id||
     '        UNION  '||
     '        SELECT master_organization_id  '||
     '          FROM mtl_parameters  '||
     '         WHERE organization_id ='||l_org_id||' )'||
     ' ORDER BY mp.organization_code';
Line: 88

   sqltxt := 'SELECT ORGANIZATION_CODE, organization_name, operating_unit, gl.name "Set of Books" '||
             'FROM org_organization_definitions org, gl_sets_of_books gl '||
             'WHERE organization_id =  '||l_org_id||
             'and org.SET_OF_BOOKS_ID=gl.set_of_books_id';
Line: 96

   sqltxt := 'select mg.concatenated_segments "Alias", gl.concatenated_segments "Account" '||
             ', mg.description "Description", mg.enabled_flag "Enabled" '||
             ', to_char(mg.effective_date, ''DD-Mon-RRRR'') "Effective On" '||
             ', to_char(mg.end_date_active , ''DD-Mon-RRRR'') "Effective To" '||
             'from mtl_generic_dispositions_kfv mg, gl_code_combinations_kfv gl '||
             'where mg.distribution_account = gl.code_combination_id '||
             'and mg.organization_id=  '||l_org_id;
Line: 108

   sqltxt := 'select period_name "Period", period_start_date "From", schedule_close_date "To", period_close_date "Close Date", decode(open_flag, ''Y'', ''Open'', ''Closed'') "Status" '||
             'from org_acct_periods where organization_id = '||l_org_id||
             'order by acct_period_id desc ';
Line: 115

   sqltxt := 'select alias_name "Alias", gl.code_combination_id "Account Id" '||
             ', ff.concatenated_segments "Account", ff.enabled_flag "Enabled" '||
             ', to_char(gl.start_date_active, ''DD-Mon-RRRR'') "Effective On" '||
             ', to_char(gl.end_date_active, ''DD-Mon-RRRR'') "Effective To" '||
             ', ff.description "Description" '||
             'from fnd_shorthand_flex_aliases ff, gl_code_combinations_kfv gl '||
             'where id_flex_code =''GL#'' and application_id=101 and ID_FLEX_NUM=''101'' '||
             'and gl.chart_of_accounts_id = ff.id_flex_num '||
             'and gl.concatenated_segments=ff.concatenated_segments' ;