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1 Package Body per_qat_bus as
2 /* $Header: peqatrhi.pkb 120.0.12010000.2 2008/11/20 12:27:31 kgowripe ship $ */
3 --
4 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
5 -- |                     Private Global Definitions                           |
6 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7 --
8 g_package  varchar2(33) := '  per_qat_bus.';  -- Global package name
9 --
10 -- The following two global variables are only to be
11 -- used by the return_legislation_code function.
12 --
13 g_legislation_code            varchar2(150)  default null;
14 g_qualification_id            number         default null;
15 g_language                    varchar2(4)    default null;
16 --
17 -- The following global vaiables are only to be used by the
18 -- validate_translation function.
19 --
20 g_qualification_type_id       number default null;
21 g_person_id                   number default null;
22 g_attendance_id               number default null;
23 g_business_group_id           number default null;
24 g_object_version_number       number default null;
25 g_start_date                  date   default null;
26 g_end_date                    date   default null;
27 g_party_id                    number default null;
28 --
29 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 --  |----------------------< set_security_group_id >--------------------------|
31 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 --
33 Procedure set_security_group_id
34   (p_qualification_id                     in number
38   --
35   ) is
36   --
37   l_proc              varchar2(72)  :=  g_package||'set_security_group_id';
39 begin
40   --
41   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
42   --
43   per_qua_bus.set_security_group_id(p_qualification_id => p_qualification_id);
44   --
45   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 20);
46   --
47 end set_security_group_id;
48 --
49 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
50 --  |---------------------< return_legislation_code >-------------------------|
51 --  ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 --
53 Function return_legislation_code
54   (p_qualification_id                     in     number
55   ,p_language                             in     varchar2
56   )
57   Return Varchar2 Is
58   --
59   -- Declare cursor
60   --
61   cursor csr_leg_code is
62     select pbg.legislation_code
63       from per_business_groups pbg
64          , per_qualifications_tl qat
65          , per_qualifications qau
66      where qat.qualification_id  = p_qualification_id
67        and pbg.business_group_id = qau.business_group_id
68        and qau.qualification_id  = qat.qualification_id;
69   --
70   -- Declare local variables
71   --
72   l_legislation_code  varchar2(150);
73   l_proc              varchar2(72)  :=  g_package||'return_legislation_code';
74   --
75 Begin
76   --
77   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| l_proc, 10);
78   --
79   -- Ensure that all the mandatory parameter are not null
80   --
81   hr_api.mandatory_arg_error
82     (p_api_name           => l_proc
83     ,p_argument           => 'qualification_id'
84     ,p_argument_value     => p_qualification_id
85     );
86   --
87   --
88   if (( nvl(per_qat_bus.g_qualification_id, hr_api.g_number)
89        = p_qualification_id)
90   and ( nvl(per_qat_bus.g_language, hr_api.g_varchar2)
91        = p_language)) then
92     --
93     -- The legislation code has already been found with a previous
94     -- call to this function. Just return the value in the global
95     -- variable.
96     --
97     l_legislation_code := per_qat_bus.g_legislation_code;
98     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc, 20);
99   else
100     --
101     -- The ID is different to the last call to this function
102     -- or this is the first call to this function.
103     --
104     open csr_leg_code;
105     fetch csr_leg_code into l_legislation_code;
106     --
107     if csr_leg_code%notfound then
108       --
109       -- The primary key is invalid therefore we must error
110       --
111       close csr_leg_code;
112       fnd_message.set_name('PAY','HR_7220_INVALID_PRIMARY_KEY');
113       fnd_message.raise_error;
114     end if;
115     hr_utility.set_location(l_proc,30);
116     --
117     -- Set the global variables so the values are
118     -- available for the next call to this function.
119     --
120     close csr_leg_code;
121     per_qat_bus.g_qualification_id  := p_qualification_id;
122     per_qat_bus.g_language          := p_language;
123     per_qat_bus.g_legislation_code  := l_legislation_code;
124   end if;
125   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'|| l_proc, 40);
126   return l_legislation_code;
127 end return_legislation_code;
128 --
129 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 -- |-----------------------< chk_non_updateable_args >------------------------|
131 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 -- {Start Of Comments}
133 --
134 -- Description:
135 --   This procedure is used to ensure that non updateable attributes have
136 --   not been updated. If an attribute has been updated an error is generated.
137 --
138 -- Pre Conditions:
139 --   g_old_rec has been populated with details of the values currently in
140 --   the database.
141 --
142 -- In Arguments:
143 --   p_rec has been populated with the updated values the user would like the
144 --   record set to.
145 --
146 -- Post Success:
147 --   Processing continues if all the non updateable attributes have not
148 --   changed.
149 --
150 -- Post Failure:
151 --   An application error is raised if any of the non updatable attributes
152 --   have been altered.
153 --
154 -- {End Of Comments}
155 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
156 Procedure chk_non_updateable_args
157   (p_rec in per_qat_shd.g_rec_type
158   ) IS
159 --
160   l_proc     varchar2(72) := g_package || 'chk_non_updateable_args';
161 --
162 Begin
163   --
164   -- Only proceed with the validation if a row exists for the current
165   -- record in the HR Schema.
166   --
167   IF NOT per_qat_shd.api_updating
168       (p_qualification_id                  => p_rec.qualification_id
169       ,p_language                          => p_rec.language
170       ) THEN
171      fnd_message.set_name('PER', 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
172      fnd_message.set_token('PROCEDURE ', l_proc);
173      fnd_message.set_token('STEP ', '5');
174      fnd_message.raise_error;
175   END IF;
176   --
177   --
178 End chk_non_updateable_args;
179 --
180 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
184 Procedure chk_qual_overlap (p_qualification_id      in number,
181 -- |-----------------------< chk_qual_overlap >-------------------------------|
182 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
183 --
185                             p_qualification_type_id in number,
186                             p_person_id             in number,
187                             p_attendance_id         in number,
188                             p_business_group_id     in number,
189                             p_start_date            in date,
190                             p_end_date              in date,
191                             p_title                 in varchar2,
192                             p_object_version_number in number,
193                             p_party_id              in number default null,
194                             p_language              in varchar2
195                            ) is
196   --
197   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'chk_qual_overlap';
198   --
199   --
200   -- This cursor checks for any identical overlapping qualifications for a
201   -- person taking a particular qualification. If the start date or end date
202   -- is within the bounds of a previously taken qualification then the
203   -- qualification is invalid i.e. dates must be changed. The reason that
204   -- qualifications can be taken more than once is for resits or failure, etc.
205   --
206   cursor c1 is
207     select null
208     from   per_qualifications per
209           ,per_qualifications_tl qat
210     where  qat.language                  = p_language
211     and    qat.title                     = p_title
212     and    qat.qualification_id          = per.qualification_id
213     and    per.qualification_type_id     = p_qualification_type_id
214     and    nvl(per.person_id,-1)         = nvl(p_person_id,-1)
215     and    nvl(per.party_id,-1)          = nvl(p_party_id,nvl(per.party_id,-1)) --HR/TCA merge
216     and    nvl(per.attendance_id,-1)     = nvl(p_attendance_id,-1)
217     and    nvl(per.business_group_id,-1) = nvl(p_business_group_id,
218                                            nvl(per.business_group_id,-1))
219     and    per.qualification_id         <> NVL(p_qualification_id,-1)
220     and    (nvl(per.start_date,hr_api.g_sot)
221     between nvl(p_start_date,hr_api.g_sot)
222     and     nvl(p_end_date,hr_api.g_eot)
223    ---modified below condition for fixing bug#7571790
224     --or      nvl(per.end_date,nvl(per.start_date,p_start_date))
225     or      nvl(per.end_date,hr_api.g_eot)
226     between nvl(p_start_date,hr_api.g_sot)
227     and     nvl(p_end_date,hr_api.g_eot));
228   --
229   l_dummy           varchar2(1);
230   --
231 Begin
232   --
233   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc,5);
234   --
235   if hr_multi_message.no_all_inclusive_error
236        (p_check_column1 => 'PER_QUALIFICATIONS.PERSON_ID'
237        ,p_check_column2 => 'PER_QUALIFICATIONS.PARTY_ID'
238        ,p_check_column3 => 'PER_QUALIFICATIONS.ATTENDANCE_ID'
239        ,p_check_column4 => 'PER_QUALIFICATIONS.QUALIFICATION_ID'
240        ,p_check_column5 => 'PER_QUALIFICATIONS.QUALIFICATION_TYPE_ID'
241        ) then
242     --
243     if hr_multi_message.no_all_inclusive_error
244          (p_check_column1 => 'PER_QUALIFICATIONS.START_DATE'
245          ,p_check_column2 => 'PER_QUALIFICATIONS.END_DATE'
246          ,p_check_column3 => 'PER_QUALIFICATIONS.TITLE'
247          ) then
248       --
249       --
250    /* This is commented out becuase the  per_qua_shd.api_updating is
251       returning the new record and not the old rec. This may need to
252       be moved to the api since it needs values off the base table.
254       With this comment out the check will also run indepdent of
255       if the unique key have changed.
257       joward 28-JAN-2003
259       l_b_api_updating := per_qua_shd.api_updating
260                           (p_qualification_id        => p_qualification_id,
261                            p_object_version_number   => p_object_version_number);
263        if l_b_api_updating then
264         --
265         l_tl_api_updating := per_qat_shd.api_updating
266                             (p_qualification_id        => null,
267                              p_language                => p_language);
268       end if;
269       --
270       --
271       if (l_b_api_updating
272         and (nvl(p_qualification_type_id,hr_api.g_number)
273              <> nvl(per_qua_shd.g_old_rec.qualification_type_id,hr_api.g_number)
274 	     or nvl(p_person_id,hr_api.g_number)
275 	     <> nvl(per_qua_shd.g_old_rec.person_id,hr_api.g_number)
276              or nvl(p_party_id,hr_api.g_number)                     -- HR/TCA merge
277              <> nvl(per_qua_shd.g_old_rec.party_id,hr_api.g_number) --
278     	     or nvl(p_attendance_id,hr_api.g_number)
279 	     <> nvl(per_qua_shd.g_old_rec.attendance_id,hr_api.g_number)
280 	     or nvl(p_business_group_id,hr_api.g_number)
281   	     <> nvl(per_qua_shd.g_old_rec.business_group_id,hr_api.g_number)
282 	     or nvl(p_title,hr_api.g_varchar2)
283 	     <> nvl(per_qat_shd.g_old_rec.title,hr_api.g_varchar2)
284 	     or nvl(p_start_date,hr_api.g_date)
285  	     <> nvl(per_qua_shd.g_old_rec.start_date,hr_api.g_date)
286 	     or nvl(p_end_date,hr_api.g_date)
287 	     <> nvl(per_qua_shd.g_old_rec.end_date,hr_api.g_date))
288         or not l_b_api_updating) then
289     */    --
290         --
291         -- check if record already exists in PER_QUALIFICATIONS table.
292         --
293         open c1;
294         --
295         fetch c1 into l_dummy;
296         if c1%found then
300           --
297           --
298           -- raise error as qualification record already exists within these
299           -- date boundaries.
301           hr_utility.set_message(801,'HR_51847_QUA_REC_EXISTS');
302           hr_utility.raise_error;
303           --
304         end if;
305         --
306         close c1;
307         --
308    /*   end if; */
309       --
310     end if; -- no_all_inclusive_error 2
311     --
312   end if; -- no_all_inclusive_error 1
313   --
314   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc,10);
315   --
316 End chk_qual_overlap;
317 --
318 --
319 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
320 -- |-------------------------<  chk_qual_overlap  >---------------------------|
321 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
322 Procedure chk_qual_overlap
323   (p_rec                          in per_qat_shd.g_rec_type
324   ,p_qualification_id             in number default NULL
325   ) is
326   --
327   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'validate_translation';
328   --
329   -- Declare cursor
330   --
331   cursor csr_qualification is
332     select qau.qualification_type_id
333           ,qau.person_id
334           ,qau.attendance_id
335           ,qau.business_group_id
336           ,qau.object_version_number
337           ,qau.start_date
338           ,qau.end_date
339           ,qau.party_id
340       from per_qualifications qau
341      where qau.qualification_id  = NVL(p_rec.qualification_id, p_qualification_id);
342   --
343   l_qau_rec  csr_qualification%ROWTYPE;
344   --
345 Begin
346   --
347   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc,5);
348   --
349   open csr_qualification;
350   --
351   fetch csr_qualification into l_qau_rec;
352   --
353   close csr_qualification;
354   --
355   chk_qual_overlap
356     (p_qualification_id       => NVL(p_rec.qualification_id,
357                                     p_qualification_id)
358     ,p_qualification_type_id  => l_qau_rec.qualification_type_id
359     ,p_person_id              => l_qau_rec.person_id
360     ,p_attendance_id          => l_qau_rec.attendance_id
361     ,p_business_group_id      => l_qau_rec.business_group_id
362     ,p_start_date             => l_qau_rec.start_date
363     ,p_end_date               => l_qau_rec.end_date
364     ,p_title                  => p_rec.title
365     ,p_object_version_number  => l_qau_rec.object_version_number
366     ,p_party_id               => l_qau_rec.party_id
367     ,p_language               => p_rec.language);
368   --
369   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc,10);
370   --
371 End chk_qual_overlap;
372 --
373 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
374 -- |---------------------------< insert_validate >----------------------------|
375 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
376 Procedure insert_validate
377   (p_rec                          in per_qat_shd.g_rec_type
378   ,p_qualification_id             in number
379   ) is
380 --
381   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
382 --
383 Begin
384   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
385   --
386   -- Call all supporting business operations
387   --
388   chk_qual_overlap
389     (p_rec              => p_rec
390     ,p_qualification_id => p_qualification_id
391     );
392   --
393   --
394   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
395 End insert_validate;
396 --
397 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
398 -- |---------------------------< update_validate >----------------------------|
399 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
400 Procedure update_validate
401   (p_rec                          in per_qat_shd.g_rec_type
402   ) is
403 --
404   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
405 --
406 Begin
407   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
408   --
409   -- Call all supporting business operations
410   --
411   --
412   -- set_security_group_id(p_qualification_id => p_rec.qualification_id);
413   --
414   -- Validate Dependent Attributes
415   --
416   chk_non_updateable_args
417     (p_rec              => p_rec
418     );
419   --
420   chk_qual_overlap
421     (p_rec              => p_rec
422     );
423   --
424   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
425 End update_validate;
426 --
427 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
428 -- |---------------------------< delete_validate >----------------------------|
429 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
430 Procedure delete_validate
431   (p_rec                          in per_qat_shd.g_rec_type
432   ) is
433 --
434   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
435 --
436 Begin
437   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc, 5);
438   --
439   -- Call all supporting business operations
440   --
441   hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:'||l_proc, 10);
442 End delete_validate;
443 --
444 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
445 -- |-----------------------< set_translation_globals >------------------------|
446 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
447 PROCEDURE set_translation_globals
448   (p_qualification_type_id          in number
449   ,p_person_id                      in number
450   ,p_attendance_id                  in number
451   ,p_business_group_id              in number
452   ,p_object_version_number          in number
453   ,p_start_date                     in date
454   ,p_end_date                       in date
455   ,p_party_id                       in number
456   ) IS
457 --
458   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'set_translation_globals';
459 --
461   --
462   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc,5);
463   --
464   g_qualification_type_id := p_qualification_type_id;
465   g_person_id             := p_person_id;
466   g_attendance_id         := p_attendance_id;
467   g_business_group_id     := p_business_group_id;
468   g_object_version_number := p_object_version_number;
469   g_start_date            := p_start_date;
470   g_end_date              := p_end_date;
471   g_party_id              := p_party_id;
472   --
473   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc,10);
474   --
475 END;
476 --
477 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
478 -- |------------------------<  validate_translation>--------------------------|
479 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
480 Procedure validate_translation
481   (p_qualification_id               in number
482   ,p_language                       in varchar2
483   ,p_title                          in varchar2
484   ,p_group_ranking                  in varchar2
485   ,p_license_restrictions           in varchar2
486   ,p_awarding_body                  in varchar2
487   ,p_grade_attained                 in varchar2
488   ,p_reimbursement_arrangements     in varchar2
489   ,p_training_completed_units       in varchar2
490   ,p_membership_category            in varchar2
491   ,p_qualification_type_id          in number default null
492   ,p_person_id                      in number default null
493   ,p_attendance_id                  in number default null
494   ,p_business_group_id              in number default null
495   ,p_object_version_number          in number default null
496   ,p_start_date                     in date   default null
497   ,p_end_date                       in date   default null
498   ,p_party_id                       in number default null
499   ) is
500   --
501   l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'validate_translation';
502   --
503 Begin
504   --
505   hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'||l_proc,5);
506   --
507   chk_qual_overlap
508     (p_qualification_id      => p_qualification_id
509     ,p_qualification_type_id => nvl(p_qualification_type_id,
510                                     g_qualification_type_id)
511     ,p_person_id             => nvl(p_person_id, g_person_id)
512     ,p_attendance_id         => nvl(p_attendance_id, g_attendance_id)
513     ,p_business_group_id     => nvl(p_business_group_id, g_business_group_id)
514     ,p_start_date            => nvl(p_start_date, g_start_date)
515     ,p_end_date              => nvl(p_end_date, g_end_date)
516     ,p_title                 => p_title
517     ,p_object_version_number => nvl(p_object_version_number,
518                                     g_object_version_number)
519     ,p_party_id              => nvl(p_party_id, g_party_id)
520     ,p_language              => p_language);
521   --
522   hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'||l_proc,10);
523   --
524 End validate_translation;
525 --
526 end per_qat_bus;