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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 58

     select   tct.transaction_category_id
              , cet.copy_entity_txn_id
              , tct.short_name
              , cet.display_name name
		    , cet.datetrack_mode dt_mode
              , tct.master_table_route_id
              , to_char(nvl(cet.src_effective_date,sysdate),'RRRR/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') effective_date
              , cet.context  -- application_id
              , cec.context gbl_context
     from     pqh_copy_entity_txns cet
              , pqh_transaction_categories_vl tct
              , pqh_copy_entity_contexts cec
     where    tct.transaction_category_id  = cet.transaction_category_id
     and      cec.transaction_short_name   = tct.short_name
     and      cec.application_short_name   is null
     and      cec.legislation_code         is null
     and      cec.responsibility_key       is null
     and      cet.copy_entity_txn_id = v_copy_entity_txn_id
     for  update of copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 81

     select  trt.from_clause
             , trt.where_clause
             , trt.table_alias
     from    pqh_table_route trt
     where   trt.table_route_id = v_table_route_id;
Line: 90

     select  trt.from_clause
             , trt.table_route_id
             , trt.where_clause
             , trt.table_alias
     from    pqh_table_route trt
             , pqh_copy_entity_prefs cep
     where   cep.copy_entity_txn_id      = v_copy_entity_txn_id
     and     cep.table_route_id          = trt.table_route_id
     and     cep.select_flag             = 'Y' ;
Line: 103

     select cer.* , src.information1 src_information1
     from   pqh_copy_entity_results cer ,
            pqh_copy_entity_results src
     where  cer.copy_entity_txn_id        = p_copy_entity_txn_id
	and    cer.src_copy_entity_result_id = src.copy_entity_result_id
     and    src.number_of_copies <> 0
     and    cer.number_of_copies =  1
     and    cer.result_type_cd   = 'TARGET'
	order  by cer.src_copy_entity_result_id;  -- to group targets by source.
Line: 118

	select  upper(att.column_name) column_name
             , upper(att.column_type) column_type
             , upper(sat.ddf_column_name) ddf_column_name
     from    pqh_attributes att
             , pqh_special_attributes sat
             , pqh_txn_category_attributes tca
             , pqh_copy_entity_txns cet
     where   att.attribute_id              = tca.attribute_id
     and     att.master_table_route_id     = v_table_route_id
     and     tca.txn_category_attribute_id = sat.txn_category_attribute_id
     and     cet.transaction_category_id   = tca.transaction_category_id
     and     sat.attribute_type_cd         = v_attribute_type
     and     cet.copy_entity_txn_id        = v_copy_entity_txn_id
     and     sat.ddf_column_name          is not null
     and     att.enable_flag               = 'Y'
     and     tca.select_flag               = 'Y'
     and     sat.enable_flag               = 'Y'
     and     sat.context                   = pqh_generic.g_gbl_context; --application_id
Line: 141

     select  pqh_generic.get_alias(upper(att.column_name)) column_name
             , upper(att.column_type) column_type
             , upper(sat1.ddf_column_name) ddf_column_name
             , sat1.context context
             , sat.context context_s
     from    pqh_attributes att
             , pqh_special_attributes sat
             , pqh_special_attributes sat1
             , pqh_txn_category_attributes tca
             , pqh_copy_entity_txns cet
     where   att.attribute_id              = tca.attribute_id
     and     att.master_table_route_id     = v_table_route_id
     and     tca.txn_category_attribute_id = sat.txn_category_attribute_id
     and     cet.transaction_category_id   = tca.transaction_category_id
     and     sat.attribute_type_cd         = 'CHANGEABLE'
     and     sat1.attribute_type_cd       in ('DISPLAY','SEGMENT')
     and     sat.txn_category_attribute_id = sat1.txn_category_attribute_id
     and     att.enable_flag               = 'Y'
     and     tca.select_flag               = 'Y'
     and     sat.enable_flag               = 'Y'
     and     sat1.enable_flag              = 'Y'
     and     cet.copy_entity_txn_id        = v_copy_entity_txn_id
     and     sat.context                   = sat1.context -- application_id
     and     sat.context                   = pqh_generic.g_gbl_context
     and     sat1.ddf_column_name          is not null ;
Line: 168

    select status
    from pqh_copy_entity_results
    where result_type_cd     = 'TARGET'
    and   copy_entity_txn_id = p_copy_entity_txn_id
    and   status             = v_status
    and   number_of_copies   <> 0
    and   rownum             < 2 ;
Line: 177

    select table_route_id
    from   pqh_table_route
    where  table_alias like v_alias ;
Line: 182

    select ddf_column_name
    from    pqh_special_attributes s
	   ,pqh_txn_category_attributes c
	   ,pqh_attributes a
    where a.attribute_id = c.attribute_id
    and   c.txn_category_attribute_id = s.txn_category_attribute_id
    and   a.enable_flag = 'Y'
    and   c.select_flag = 'Y'
    and   s.enable_flag = 'Y'
    and   s.context     = pqh_generic.g_gbl_context
    and   s.attribute_type_cd in ('SELECT', 'PARAMETER','DISPLAY')
    and   a.column_name like 'DATETRACK%MODE%'
    and   s.ddf_column_name is not null
    and   rownum < 2;
Line: 207

     select cec.application_short_name, cec.legislation_code, cec.responsibility_key
     from pqh_copy_entity_contexts cec
     where cec.context                = p_context
     and   cec.transaction_short_name = p_transaction_short_name;
Line: 213

     select cec.context, cec.application_short_name, cec.legislation_code, cec.responsibility_key,
     cef.function_type_cd, cef.pre_copy_function_name, cef.copy_function_name, cef.post_copy_function_name
     from pqh_copy_entity_contexts cec, pqh_copy_entity_functions cef
     where cec.context                = cef.context
     and   cef.table_route_id         = p_table_route_id
     and   cec.transaction_short_name = p_transaction_short_name;
Line: 342

       execute immediate 'update pqh_copy_entity_results set '||i.ddf_column_name||' = '''||rec1.dt_mode
				   ||''' where copy_entity_txn_id = '||to_char(p_copy_entity_txn_id)
				   ||' and result_type_cd = ''TARGET'''
				   ||' and number_of_copies = 1 and status in (''TGT_P'',''TGT_ERR'')' ;
Line: 348

     update pqh_copy_entity_results
     set status = 'COMPLETED'
     where copy_entity_txn_id = rec1.copy_entity_txn_id
	and   result_type_cd     = 'SOURCE'
     and   number_of_copies     <> 0
	and   copy_entity_result_id not in (select src_copy_entity_result_id from pqh_copy_entity_results
								 where copy_entity_txn_id = rec1.copy_entity_txn_id
								 and   result_type_cd     = 'TARGET'
								 and   number_of_copies  <> 1 ) ;
Line: 358

     update pqh_copy_entity_results
     set status = 'TGT_P'
     where copy_entity_txn_id = rec1.copy_entity_txn_id
	and   result_type_cd     = 'TARGET'
     and   number_of_copies   = 0
	and   status             = 'TGT_ERR' ;
Line: 365

     update pqh_copy_entity_txns
     set status = nvl(l_status, 'COMPLETED')
     where copy_entity_txn_id = rec1.copy_entity_txn_id;
Line: 395

	update pqh_copy_entity_results
	set    status = 'COMPLETED'
	where  copy_entity_result_id = rec2.copy_entity_result_id ;
Line: 426

                                , p_reset_flag            => l_reset_flag  -- delete before populate flag
                                , p_source_flag           => 'Y'  ) ;      -- specify source/target PLtable
Line: 447

                                , p_reset_flag            => l_reset_flag  -- delete before populate flag
                                , p_source_flag           => 'N'  ) ;      -- specify source/target PLtable
Line: 467

                                , p_reset_flag            => 'N'       -- delete before populate flag
                                , p_source_flag           => 'N'  ) ;  -- specify source/target PLtable
Line: 495

         if (pqh_generic.g_gbl_context ='Global Position Update'
	      and l_dt_mode ='UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT') then
         upd_where :='Y';
Line: 532

              update pqh_copy_entity_results
              set  number_of_copies = '0'
              where copy_entity_result_id = rec2.copy_entity_result_id
              and   status               in ('COMPLETED','DPT_ERR') ;
Line: 779

   select pa.column_name
          , pa.column_type
          , pa.width
          , get_alias(pa.column_name) param
          , decode(upper(pa.column_type)
                   , 'D' ,'L_'||get_alias(pa.column_name)||' DATE'
                   , 'V' ,'L_'||get_alias(pa.column_name)||' VARCHAR2'||'('||pa.width||')'
                   , 'C' ,'L_'||get_alias(pa.column_name)||' CHAR'    ||'('||pa.width||')'
                   , 'N' ,'L_'||get_alias(pa.column_name)||' NUMBER'  ||decode(pa.width,'0','','('||pa.width||')')
                   , 'L' ,'L_'||get_alias(pa.column_name)||' LONG'
                   , 'B' ,'L_'||get_alias(pa.column_name)||' BOOLEAN'
                   , 'L_'||get_alias(pa.column_name)||' '||pa.column_type||'('||pa.width||')') var_def
   from     pqh_attributes pa
            , pqh_txn_category_attributes tca
            , pqh_copy_entity_txns cet
            , pqh_special_attributes sat
   where    pa.master_table_route_id      = p_table_route_id
   and      pa.attribute_id               = tca.attribute_id
   and      cet.copy_entity_txn_id        = p_copy_entity_txn_id
   and      cet.transaction_category_id   = tca.transaction_category_id
   and      sat.txn_category_attribute_id = tca.txn_category_attribute_id
   and      sat.attribute_type_cd         = v_attrib_type --SELECT/PARAMETER/PRIMARY_KEY
   and      pa.enable_flag                = 'Y'
   and      tca.select_flag               = 'Y'
   and      sat.enable_flag               = 'Y'
   and      sat.context                   = pqh_generic.g_gbl_context ;
Line: 811

  for e_rec in c_attrib('SELECT') loop
    if c_attrib%rowcount = 1 then
      l_column     := e_rec.column_name ;                          -- columns for the cursor
Line: 816

      l_string     :=  assign_part(e_rec.param, 'SELECT')       ;  -- assignment string
Line: 821

      l_string     := l_string   || assign_part(e_rec.param, 'SELECT')       ;  -- assignment string
Line: 864

  l_pk_val :=  'if pqh_generic.g_level = 1 then PQH_GENERIC.g_target_pk_table.delete;'
Line: 925

                 ||'cursor c1 is select effective_date from fnd_sessions where session_id = userenv(''sessionid''); '
Line: 931

                 ||'insert into fnd_sessions(session_id, effective_date)'
                 ||' values (userenv(''sessionid''), nvl(l_effective_date, trunc(sysdate)) ); '
Line: 934

                 ||'update fnd_sessions set effective_date=l_effective_date where session_id=userenv(''sessionid''); '
Line: 941

                 ||'cursor c1 is select effective_date from fnd_sessions where session_id = userenv(''sessionid''); '
Line: 947

                 ||'insert into fnd_sessions(session_id, effective_date)'
                 ||' values (userenv(''sessionid''),  nvl(l_effective_date, trunc(sysdate)) ); '
Line: 950

                 ||'update fnd_sessions set effective_date=l_effective_date where session_id=userenv(''sessionid''); '
Line: 966

         || ' cursor c_at is select '
         || nvl(l_column,'')
         || ' from  '
         || p_from_clause
         || ' where '
         || l_where
         || '; '
Line: 1025

                      || ' cursor c_at is select '
                      || nvl(l_column,'')
                      || ' from '
                      || p_from_clause
                      || ' where '
                      || l_where
                      || '; '
Line: 1072

Line: 1282

Line: 1314

Line: 1357

               || 'select cer.'||p_ddf_column_name ||' value '
               || 'from pqh_copy_entity_results cer '
               || 'where cer.copy_entity_result_id = '||p_copy_entity_result_id ||' '
               || 'and cer.copy_entity_txn_id = '||p_copy_entity_txn_id ||'; '
Line: 1452

   select copy_entity_txn_id,
   from pqh_copy_entity_results
   where copy_entity_result_id = l_copy_entity_result_id ;
Line: 1458

   select copy_entity_txn_id,
   from pqh_copy_entity_results
   where copy_entity_result_id = l_src_id
   and   status in ( 'COMPLETED', 'DPT_ERR')
   and   status <> l_status  ;
Line: 1485

   pqh_process_batch_log.insert_log ( p_message_type_cd => 'ERROR',
                                      p_message_text    => pqh_generic.v_err );
Line: 1489

   update pqh_copy_entity_results
   set status = 'DPT_ERR',
       number_of_copies = 0
   where copy_entity_result_id = l_copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 1501

   pqh_process_batch_log.insert_log ( p_message_type_cd => 'ERROR',
                                      p_message_text    => pqh_generic.v_err );
Line: 1505

   update pqh_copy_entity_results
   set status = 'TGT_ERR'
   where copy_entity_result_id = l_copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 1517

    update pqh_copy_entity_results
    set status = l_status
    where copy_entity_result_id = i.copy_entity_result_id;
Line: 1521

    update pqh_copy_entity_txns
    set status = l_status
    where copy_entity_txn_id = i.copy_entity_txn_id
    and status  <> 'TGT_ERR';